Comments 706

Re: Days Gone Director Blames Woke Reviewers, Programmers for Critical Reception


What a dumb tantrum. I liked Days Gone and finished it. But I agree fully with the Push Square review: it is a solid 7/10 game. It has good, fun elements. The hordes were fantastic-everything else has been done better in other games. And a lot of people thought that, and that is why they are getting no sequel. They simply did not move enough people with their game-period.

They have every right to be proud of their game. I know they are disappointed. But this is the second or third Twitter tantrum the developers have thrown, and it is embarrassing for them. It is making me regret buying the game.

Re: Turnip Boy Will Commit Tax Evasion on PS4 from 20th December


I played this with my youngest son on Switch. It really is very short, but every minute is delightful. We laughed throughout.

You will never have more fun tearing up documents than you will in this game!

There is a new game in the series coming out in January-Turnip Boy Robs a Bank. We are def. getting it-I do not know what platforms it is on other than Switch.............

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 455


@Lup There are not enough truly funny games out there. SP:FBW had me laughing all the way through. One of the few games where I actively decided to get the platinum to uncover everything the game had to offer. It was super fun (except for the last few toilet mini-games-those were actually pretty tough).

I wish the gaming industry would produce more truly funny games……..

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 455


I am playing Gotham Knights. I snagged it on sale, and I am having more fun with it than I expected given the reviews. The combat is solid enough, and the story and moving around the city options are actually pretty great.

I want to play GOWR, but I know my sweet and wonderful wife purchased it for me for Christmas. Which is so awesome of her-but it means I have to wait! 😀

Re: Rumour: PS Plus Essential PS5, PS4 Games for December 2022 Leaked Early


I look at my boxes of Mass Effect Trilogy and BioMutant sitting on my shelf and shed a single tear for December PS Plus. But for those who do not have those games, it is a pretty great month.

1.The Mass Effect games are my favorite gaming experience of the PS3 era. For those yet to play it: I envy you. For those deciding whether to play it: Do yourself a favor. One of the best gaming experiences you can have is sitting there for no additional charge.

2.I found BioMutant somewhat charming, but ultimately pretty boring. There is a point in the game where you are given the option to take a short cut and do away with a pretty significant game system or keep playing all the way through. The fact that I jumped at the chance to significantly shorten the game says a lot. Still-it is worth checking out for no additional charge. Especially if you enjoy running in circles and shooting!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 453


I have a long term project to play all the mainline Yakuza games from Zero to Like a Dragon. I play about one a year to keep them fresh. It is that time again, and Yakuza 4 is up.

Honestly: I am about ten hours in, and it is the weakest in the series for me so far. I know we play as different characters in this one, so maybe it will pick up. But no matter what, rain or shine, I am getting through this. I started this project, and I am not going to quit now.


Re: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord (PS5) - Long Live the King


This is a great review-I had not heard of the title before, but the game sounds amazing!

A question for anyone who has played: How friendly do you think it is for the people who did not play the original Mount and Blade or the DLC? I really want to try this, but I did not know the first game existed. Thanks!

Re: Yes, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Is a Paid Expansion, Makes Headlines for Some Reason


@Gunnerzaurus This is a good comment, but I respectfully disagree with your point. The reason CDPR might consider making the DLC free is to get to what you are asking for in the second paragraph-showing an unhappy fan base that might be ready to "boycott anything CDPR puts out" that they have indeed changed their ways for the better.

The question CDPR needs to ask is, is it better to take the short term hit on funds recovered and earn some good will by making this free? Or do we think our base is solid and we can just get the money?

I honestly don't know the answer to that (and CD has clearly answered it for themselves by charging for the DLC). . But I don't think the question is absurd given the anger people were feeling around this launch. Free DLC would be one way to try to get around the possible boycott you yourself suggested, and draw players back into the fold. Whether that is worth more than the money they would make selling DLC is an open question, but it is obvious why some people thought it would be a good business move for CDPR to make DLC free.

Re: Yes, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Is a Paid Expansion, Makes Headlines for Some Reason


"But maybe you thought Cyberpunk was getting more free content to make up for its decidedly dodgy launch — or something along those lines."

This is a well written piece as always, but the question is answered right here. The launch of this game was so catastrophic that there was speculation that CD might just give away content as a peace offering. I think that would have been a nice gesture on their part, and I also think it is fine to charge money for the added content the developers worked hard on.

But to me, the story here is not outsized gamer expectations. It continues to be that the launch of Cyberpunk was so bad that the idea of free content to placate the fan base is not a completely outlandish idea. CD completely brought this kind of talk on themselves for allowing the game to get into the wild that way.

I have no real dog in this fight-I thought Cyberpunk was a very mediocre game, but it ran tolerably on my PS5. And Witcher 3 was my favorite game of the last generation, so I am a fan of the studio. But the only reason that this continues to be a story is not because of gamers. It is because CD messed up to a degree rarely seen.

Re: Sony Seemingly Scraps PS Plus Game Expiry Dates


My only real complaint about Game Pass is that, while it indeed lets you know what is leaving a few weeks in advance, does not tell you when a game is expected to leave when it is placed on the service. Most are there for roughly ay year, and that is what I always assume when planning what to play when. But there have been some that leave earlier, and some that leave a lot later. I always thought it was much better to let players know when a game is expected to depart from the beginning. If there is a nice surprise and a game is extended past the original time, great.

Now it appears PlayStation is going the same route (unless this is a bug), which is not a huge deal but still a shame. Letting everyone know when games are expected to leave up front is more consumer friendly.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 449


@AdamNovice The only thing that should be “popular” around here is people enjoying whatever game they are spending time with! The rest doesn’t really matter.

I don’t usually play mobile games-I am old, and the fact I am even writing this on a phone instead of using a carrier pigeon is a miracle. But I have a couple of good friends who are really into Marvel Snap. Sounds cool.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Gotham Knights?


@Anke I hear you-I stayed with mostly physical games for a long time just because of the price. As I get older and grumpier, I am opting more for the convenience and the certainty. Hopefully you will be gliding around Gotham tomorrow, and the game will be a good time.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Gotham Knights?


I will buy it as soon as there is a sale. I am still highly interested, but there is so much to play right now I see no reason to rush.

I have only pre-ordered and handful of games in my life. One of those was Arkham City. My anticipation for that game was through the roof, and it lived up to the hype! Knights probably won't get there, but I still think it will be a solid time.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Gotham Knights?


@Anke It was God Of War 2018 that got me to change my habits and not order physical games online anymore. I preordered and was so excited to play, but there was some kind of delay on Amazon's end and I did not get it until four days after launch. Not the biggest deal in the world, but I was really itching to play.

Now I either buy from a store and walk out with the game or buy it digital. I want to spare myself the disappointment.

I hope you get your game soon!

Re: God of War: Full Story Recap


I just want to say thanks for this great recap. The articles here summarizing big games are really helpful before a sequel. I don't generally replay games even if I really like them (too much great new stuff to play!), so I really rely on things like this to get me back up to speed. Both this one and the one for Horizon Zero Dawn are so helpful and well done-much appreciated!

Re: CD Projekt Red Is Establishing a North American Studio to Develop Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel


1.I am glad a 2077 sequel is happening. Best wishes to them with the new studio. But I won’t be waiting on the edge of my seat like I was for the original. For me, the end product ended up as a pretty mediocre game. I will wait for reviews before taking another plunge into that world.

2.I am much more interested in the continuation of Witcher, and I hope CD’s main focus is on that for a while.

Re: Mini-Review: Circus Electrique (PS5) - Not Quite The Greatest Show On Earth


@Flaming_Kaiser It always interests me why certain games will appeal to a certain person at a certain time. I also like hard games, but I always bounce off Fromsoft games. The loop annoys me, especially the possibility of losing all my hard earned stuff.

Darkest Dungeon is also brutal, but something about its loop really got its hooks in me. The art style, cool turn based combat based on positioning and stun-something about it kept me coming back for more punishment when Fromsoft has lost me (although I do hope to try Elden Ring someday). Why, I do not know.

The developers of Circus Electrique specifically cited Darkest Dungeon as one of the big inspirations for their game, which is why I am buying it. It may not be for you, but I think it is great that games like Dark Souls have drawn you in. I wish I felt the same!

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Codenamed Project Orion Announced


@Shepherd_Tallon This is exactly how I feel. I am glad I played it, but it is a 7/10 even without taking bugs and such into account. Mediocre world and stories, especially when compared to the outstanding Witcher 3.

I could be tempted to pick up a Cyberpunk sequel, but the reviews and word of mouth would have to be pretty good.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 446


Congratulations to you and your wife on all the upcoming milestones. Very cool. I am sure you will find her something she likes just as much as you like the gift of TLOU!

My wife’s birthday, our anniversary, and Mother’s Day are all within the same three week span. By the time we reach her birthday, I am out of ideas. I have often wished she was a gamer just to make shopping easier!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 446


@The_Pixel_King That is so awesome. My wife of 23 years bought me both the original TLOU and Part II as gifts. My wife is not a gamer, but we support each other’s hobbies. Hearing about other couples where that is also true is excellent. So glad you got the game!

I am so excited about the upcoming TLOU show, because my wife will finally get to see the story!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 446


I just finished Red Dead 2-it is every bit the masterpiece I have always heard. What a game. Arthur Morgan is such a fantastic protagonist.

Now I am playing Trek to Yomi. It is…….fine. The audio and visuals are fantastic. The story is interesting. But the combat is pretty bad. It is both too simple and repetitive, and also certain commands don’t work every time. Will finish, but it is a new combat system away from being great………

Re: Once Considered a PlayStation Competitor, Google Stadia Is Shutting Down


@Piyo “This had a chance because Google was behind it” is a perfectly valid opinion. But the problems with Stadia-specifically, who is this actually for, and who wants to pay full price for games in the cloud-seemed pretty obvious from the jump. This is not hindsight either-lots of folks were saying it at launch (right here on Pushsquare in fact), and it folded two years later for exactly those reasons.

It is cool that Google learns from their missteps, as we all should aspire to do. Hopefully it leads to some cool advances is gaming. Then again: if a stove is boiling hot, I don’t need to touch it to know what is going to happen. Stadia seemed like an obviously bad bet, and it was.

Re: Once Considered a PlayStation Competitor, Google Stadia Is Shutting Down


1.This never had a chance in the current industry, and I am still amazed it was released at all.

2.Didn't a few developers sign on with Google/Stadia exclusively-like the team behind Journey to the Savage Planet? If so, I hope this isn't too big a set back for those developers, and that we someday get access to what they were working on on other consoles.

Re: Feature: How Accessibility Options Help Disabled Gamers Beat The Last of Us: Part I


I just wanted to say thank you for posting this outstanding piece. I am an individual with a significant physical disability. I am also a lawyer for an organization that provides no cost legal services for individuals with disabilities.

My disability does not really impact my gaming. However, I am so glad that these options are becoming more and more common, and more and more people with disabilities are able to access this fantastic hobby. Further: It is important that we keep working toward inclusion for all when it comes to community activities, and developers implementing these features and authors shining a spotlight on the topic are doing a great job moving the ball forward. The world is better when as many people as possible have access to the diversions that many take for granted, but are so important for a balanced life full of fun options.

Well done Naughty Dog. Well done Push Square.

Re: Video: Here's Why The Last of Us: Part 2 Is Better Than Part 1, But It's Nothing Without It


@TheArt This is a valid opinion. The issue with the poster you are replying to is that he is acting like his way is the only possible way to feel about the story. And he is being extremely condescending while doing it-what Naughty Dog is trying to say is important, but not especially complicated or hard to see. It seems important to him that these issues are hard to unpack so he can be the one to point them out to everyone. They are not difficult to unpack.

What I don’t understand is why the argument persists. TLOU and TLOU 2 are both great games. No one should care who likes one better than the other, or why. I think the story in TLOU is better. 2 is also good. So what? This only keeps going because some guy continues to insist that no one other than him could possibly understand the nuance of Naughty Dog’s intent. Which is ridiculous.

Re: Video: Here's Why The Last of Us: Part 2 Is Better Than Part 1, But It's Nothing Without It


@kcarnes9051 Yes, people who go to a a sequel to something want to see the characters from the first one. You got me. That had never happened before in human history and it clearly means that I don’t understand tribalism, and that I am incapable of grasping the concept of empathy. What a sick burn.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to watch the new Star Wars. It is about people working in a bank!

Re: Video: Here's Why The Last of Us: Part 2 Is Better Than Part 1, But It's Nothing Without It



Did I say tribalism had nothing to do with the themes of the game? No, I did not. I said that tribalism on my part has nothing to do with my reaction to the game. Since I don’t have a strong enough preference for Ellie for that to be the case. Because that would be silly.

Of course tribalism is a theme in the game. Duh.

Your reading comprehension needs a great deal of work if you intend to keep telling everyone else they don’t understand things.

Re: Video: Here's Why The Last of Us: Part 2 Is Better Than Part 1, But It's Nothing Without It


I know I said I was done, but your last paragraph is ridiculous. This isn’t a team Ellie vs. team Abby thing. It is a narrative thing. And even if it was, tribalism is the wrong word to describe it. I’m not sitting here surrounded by TLOU merch while throwing at a dart board with a picture of Abby’s face on it. I truly don’t care that much.

If I have a slight preference for Ellie, it is probably because I want to see characters from TLOU in a sequel to TLOU. Which, I mean, duh. But if Abby’s story were first, would I have been happy replaying the same time period and encountering the same characters as Ellie over and over because Naughty Dog wasn’t sure that I realized that the characters on the other side were also people with their own perspective and worthy of empathy? No.

The reasons this landed for you are not complicated. The reasons it didn’t quite land the same for me: also not complicated. Tribalism, as you describe it, has zero to do with anything.

Re: Video: Here's Why The Last of Us: Part 2 Is Better Than Part 1, But It's Nothing Without It



1.The first two paragraphs of this post are strange in the context of the rest of your argument. You argue that every second with Abby is vital. But then you argue that the rest of the stuff the developers put into the game is “minutiae” that can or should be skipped. Just because the parts with Abby are important to you and some of the rest of the exploration isn’t doesn’t mean it is irrelevant to players.

You said the game is relatively short. If people fully explore what Naughty Dog put there, that is not correct.

2. Your responses to my post skip right past what I am actually saying to what fits your view of the game. You say things like I want to make Abby’s story a “pittance”, which is not what I wrote. I think the game would have been just as powerful without going through all of the same scenes again from another perspective. You think they needed every one of those moments. I don’t. That is fine.

3. I can’t believe I am arguing this much over a game I really like, and I am going to stop doing it. You clearly feel strongly that this was the only way Naughty Dog could have told this story, and that all of the people who don’t feel that way are wrong. Which: More power to you. I am glad the story spoke to you. It is a really good game.

Re: Video: Here's Why The Last of Us: Part 2 Is Better Than Part 1, But It's Nothing Without It



Sure, if you blaze through the main story. If you do side quests and exploration the game is closer to 40 hours than 25.

But more importantly: your novels about this all make the assumption that we can’t understand what the game was trying to do. We do. The intent and themes of this game were not hard to figure out. A lot of people, me included, don’t think it was executed as well as it could be. The fact that a lot of people feel that was doesn’t make us right, but you shouldn’t assume that it means we don’t get it.

What you call exhausting, I call redundant and repetitive when the themes were already hammered in. If you feel differently, great. Glad you enjoyed it. But what this game was trying to say was not a mysterious puzzle, and the fact that I didn’t need to hear it for the 4th or 5th time by the time they finally slogged through the final confrontation doesn’t mean I didn’t understand it. Quite the opposite, actually.

Re: Video: Here's Why The Last of Us: Part 2 Is Better Than Part 1, But It's Nothing Without It


@kcarnes9051 Your position is very well articulated, and I agree that is exactly what TLOU 2 was doing. I will even agree that the idea itself is kind of genius for a game story and theme.

My problem is not TLOU 2’s theme or structure, but that it went on too long. What Naughty Dog was saying about the cycle of violence and the corrosive nature of revenge was obvious well before the game was over. They could have done half of the Abby section and still made their point. But they did not trust the player to get it, and as a result the game dragged as they pushed the same theme over and over.

Again, this is mainly nitpicking; TLOU 2 is a really good game. But it needed an editor in a way the first game did not. YMMV of course.

Re: Video: Here's Why The Last of Us: Part 2 Is Better Than Part 1, But It's Nothing Without It


The Last of Us is perhaps my favorite video game story of all time. Every minute was riveting from the wrenching start to the perfect ending.

Part 2 has so many good things about it-but it also has a very real pacing problem. The game dragged way too long, and the message about the cycle of violence and the cost of revenge was not delivered with much nuance or subtlety.

Part II is a very good game. I am glad I played it. Part I is an all time great game (especially when paired with the fantastic Left Behind DLC).

Your Mileage may vary of course, but to me Part I is much better and it isn’t particularly close.