Comments 706

Re: Soapbox: Why Do You Replay Games?


Thank you for the interesting topic. I am one of those folks that almost never replays a game. I usually spend a lot of time with one game at a time, wring every last drop out of it if I like it, and then never touch it again even if it is great. I can only think of twice in the last decade I have gone back to a game that I already played, and both times was to finish new content I did not get to the first time: I replayed Last of Us (because I had never gotten to the excellent Left Behind DLC) and Bioshock (Becuase I had never played Bioshock 2, and PS Plus offered the opportunity).

There are multiple reasons for this. The main one is: I play games very deliberately, I have limited time for gaming, and there is a lot I want to play. I also have a more quirky reason: I am usually drawn to open world games with some choice, and once I have made those choices I kind of feel like that individual story is complete and I don't want to mess it up by making different choices. I know that is odd, but I can't shake the feeling when it comes to games like Witcher 3, which is my favorite game of last generation, but that I probably won't touch ever again.

Re: God of War Ragnarok Will Release 'When It's Done' on PS5


@__marc I don’t know what your ridiculous condescending post was made for, but you should really get a grip.

If this is how you talk to people who politely express an opinion different than yours, than not many people are going to listen to you about anything. And rightfully so.

There is a lot to discuss about gaming companies pushing hype vs. consumers being unreasonable, a tension that existed well before this pandemic. But why would I bother with someone so rude?

Maybe just to say that most everyone thought Sony was pushing an unrealistic release date for GOW to push hardware the minute it was announced, so that unrealistic target never had a single thing to do with Covid. But whatever, clearly you have this tension that has existed since gaming started all figured out, being so smart and all.

Re: God of War Ragnarok Will Release 'When It's Done' on PS5


@GamingVeteran Sony has nothing to do with it? Sony told gamers to expect this game in 2021. That has everything to do with this.

I agree with you that gamers are not entitled to updates, and that gamers can sometimes be impatient. But when Sony hypes a release window to sell new hardware like it did here let’s hold them accountable for pushing the hype train forward and fueling that impatience.

Re: Feature: 12 PS5, PS4 Indie Games to Get Excited About


I am excited to play a number of these, but what I really want most from the world of indie gaming is for Supergiant to port Hades to PS4/5 ASAP.

Titles from SG are all great, so I will eventually play this on Switch if I absolutely have to. But I like playing games on my PS so much better. Besides, the kids never let me have the Switch!

Please Please Please Hades on the PS4/5 this year!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 360


@Daleaf I am also playing through the series for the first time-currently on Yakuza 3 after starting with zero.

I love these games, but I have found it best to put a few months in between each entry to avoid burnout. It will take me a long time to finish that way, and different things work for different people, but my personal experience is that a significant break between entries is the best way to enjoy this great series. Otherwise things get stale for me.

Re: Guess What? Cyberpunk 2077 Still Has Serious Crashing Issues on PS5, PS4 After Patch 1.10


I finished up Cyberpunk last night on PS5, and before I wrapped it up I downloaded the new patch. I did this because I heard a few people say the game crashed at key moments at the end, and I wanted to try to avoid that.

Although there was nothing game breaking, I do want to report that the game crashed twice for me during the last two hours of the story, including once when I had almost completed the final battle. Again, this was with the new update installed.

Not writing this to complain-I finished the game fine with minor inconvenience. Just FYI.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 360


I finally finished Cyberpunk last night-a good game that is not nearly as great a game as Witcher 3. It also crashed twice in my final 2 hours even with the new patch, but whatevs.

Whenever I finish a big RPG, I always like to follow it with something completely different. So, it is finally time to see what Kentucky Route Zero is all about.

Happy gaming all!

Re: Curse of the Dead Gods Brings Isometric Rogue-Lite Action to PS4 Next Month


@katamariUK Amen to this. Hades on PS4/5 is the gaming announcement I want most right now.

Every game from Supergiant is fantastic -Bastion, Transistor, Pyre, all great. I will eventually play Hades on my Switch if I absolutely have to.

But I like games on the PlayStation systems much more, and my kids never let me have the Switch anyway! I am hoping that if I am patient enough, I can play Hades on my preferred platform. Really looking forward to it.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 357


Cyberpunk. I had to really dig into the settings to make combat and exploration tolerable, and there are still crashing and other technical issues pretty regularly on PS5.

And yet.....this is a really good game. I am hooked by it. The characters and quests are great.

It is a real shame that it is so much work to get to the good stuff, because I know it will keep some people from playing. Cyberpunk really is a special game hiding under some pretty annoying issues.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 355


Playing Cyberpunk. I was really struggling with it, but after some research and helpful tips from other gamers I changed a lot of the settings and focused my build a lot more than I had been. Combat and exploration are so much better now, and last night was the first time after a few tries that I really had fun with the game.

15 hours in on the PS5 and I have been lucky not to experience a lot of the technical problems that Robert and others describe (fingers crossed) Lots of visual bugs (people floating, getting stuck in things etc.) but no crashes or quest breaking bugs. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

It shouldn't be this much work to enjoy the game, but it does seem like there is an adventure worth playing here. It is just a shame that it takes so much for it to shine through.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Really Enjoying Cyberpunk 2077


Thank you for this well written perspective. It is very interesting to me how differently a game can strike two different people. You describe Witcher 3 as a chore-Witcher 3 was my game of the PS4 generation, while 10 hours into Cyberpunk I am finding it to be an absolute slog.

I have actually been rather lucky on the technical side so far-many funny visual glitches, but no crashes or game breaking issues (knock on wood). Its just-I find the combat really boring and the driving mechanics absolutely awful. Every time I am in a vehicle, it feels like I am driving a log around!

I see potential in the story, and I am going to keep at it. I have not uncovered a lot of options for combat or driving yet, so maybe my thoughts will change. But where I gleefully played Witcher 3 for three months straight, sitting down with 2077 feels like work at this point.

I am glad others are enjoying the game. I hope to join those ranks as I progress.

Re: Soapbox: I've Missed the Feeling of Having a Backlog


I have the opposite problem: I always have a backlog, and I hate it. I have a family and a time consuming job, so my gaming time has been very limited for two decades or so now. I love this hobby, but I often find myself trading sleep for gaming if I want to make any progress on big titles.

Transitioning to a new generation is when having a backlog is particularly hard. I am again coming to grips with the fact that I have a lot of PS4 games still to play that I paid good money for, and the simple truth is not all of them are gonna get played. There simply is not enough time.

This is a very insignificant problem, and having a backlog never stops me from playing what I want when I want (because this hobby is supposed to be fun!). I also like reading about other perspectives on backlogs from Liam and others here.

The move to a new generation just reminds me that I wish I had more time for games, and that I probably won’t get that until I retire decades from now. Not a big problem in the grand scheme, but it makes me a little sad.

Re: Pro Days Gone Player Is Beating Entire Hordes Without Firing a Bullet


My two favorite ways to deal with Hordes in Days Gone was to put traps near explosives (like the video) and to lure hordes into enemy camps and let my two opponents attack each other. Great fun.

I wish the story and writing in Days Gone was a little better, because the gameplay loop was a good time (other than maintaining your bike, which I hated).

Re: All Free PS Plus Games in 2020


This was a particularly bad year for PS Plus free games for me. The only game that I played was Bioshock Collection because I had never gotten around to part 2 (It was great!). Every single other game I either already played or was not interested in.

This is not a complaint-I am well aware that Sony does not tailor the Plus offerings to my individual tastes. I have been a subscriber for a long time, and there have had plenty of years where I got plenty to play as a part of the service. This year just happened to be almost a complete miss for this gamer.

Re: PS Plus October 2020 PS4 Games Announced


Vampyr is the game of this gen. I have the most mixed feelings about. It has some fantastic ideas and atmosphere, but a lot of it is executed pretty poorly. It is well worth playing, but prepare for some frustration and uneven play.

I will say this: I played this as my Halloween game two years ago, and the atmosphere is perfect for that.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 343


Like Mr. Croft, I have been playing old games in between big releases lately. Just finished Bioshock again (Still great after all these years!) and last night began Bioshock 2, which I never got around to when it first released (really liking it so far). So-it is a Rapture weekend for me.

Now, Sony: Would you kindly allow me to pre-order a PS5 sometime before 2021?

Re: Popular Indie Game Hades May Come to PS5, PS4 'Down the Line'


Supergiant Games is one of my favorite developers. Every game they make is high quality-Story, music, gameplay all great, every time. For those who have not tried them, I cannot recommend Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre enough.

I really want Hades to come to PS4/PS5. I will buy it and play it on our Switch if I must (and if the kids allow it!)-I am not missing Hades. But I would greatly prefer to play it on PS4/PS5.

Re: Mini Review: Tamarin - Tonally Confused Monkey Business


When my oldest son was in third grade many years ago, every student was assigned to research an animal. My son got Golden Lion Tamarin, which was fine. But then the teacher made every student do some kind of project on that animal every week for the rest of the year. Essays on Tamarins. Art projects on Tamarins. Speeches on Tamarins. On and on and on-by the end, our family had never been so sick of anything as we were of that stupid monkey.

I bring this up because Tamarins, while cute, are obviously evil and corrupt everything they touch. This game is just the latest example.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 340


I just finished and got the platinum for Ghost of Tsushima a few hours ago. What a fantastic game and capstone to a great PS4 generation. That game really hooked me, and compelled me to explore every inch of its world. Well done Sucker Punch!

This weekend, I will try to finish Life Is Strange 2, which got put on the back burner when Ghost arrived!

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Marvel's Avengers?


@Kirbyboy92 Same for me. I am a huge Marvel/Avengers fan, so I am exactly the target audience for this game. But everything I have seen leaves me absolutely cold. I do not plan to buy the game.

I hope others enjoy it though!