I don't mind this idea. I think it's a fair compromise between the developers making money and consumers reselling their games. If I buy new, I get to play online. I can still sell/buy a used game. When I sell, I'll make less, but when I buy, I'll pay less. I decide if the better deal for me is to buy new or used. (Might consider used, for example, when not interested in the online play.)
Anything that makes things quicker is a good idea, filters being one example. But if it becomes too graphic then selfishly I'm opposed as my internet is slow and then it would take longer to load each screen.
I quite like the U.S. store's organization. It's far better than Taiwan's.
I'm less bothered that Sony recently stated they were still on track for a 10 year lifespan with the PS3 — I really don't give much currency to what Sony or most corporations say — than I am with copying a Kinect-like device.
I have yet to see the Kinect really put to good use, gaming-wise. Unless Sony can do it much better, it comes across as just a "me-too" gimmick.
Good deal Jbamg55. Kudos. A bit inspiring. I only played betas for this and SOCOM 4. I didn't have the patience to hone my skills with the Move controller. THe DS3 is so familiar, I just felt more comfortable and at home. That's not a knock against the Move, as obviously by what we see here, it can be an incredible controller; it's just I guess I prefer the Move in other types of games and don't find it necessary for a FPS... yet.
First I've heard of this, and it looks to be a lot of fun. While my gaming budget is way down this year, this is just the sort of thing I'd be interested in if it has enough play to keep me coming back... the way Sports Champions does; I don't play it all the time, but it's the kind of game I can't imagine reselling as I will pick it up again and again.
A review is mentioned. I know you all do the best you can, and things might be a little crazy for a while now that PSN Store is finally back, but as this game is on sale for half off only until the June 14th for Plus members, it would greatly be appreciated if a review could be forthcoming before that end of sale deadline. Thanks for the consideration. 6/6/2011
Trying to emulate that number of sports for all 3 systems seems like a recipe for a very mediocre game. I'm hoping I'm wrong. I guess having just 4 or 5 solid representations (if one of those is curling!) could make this a purchase-worthy game if it's not a full $60 release.
I think it would be really cool to see a PDGA game, something like Tiger Woods PGA.
But that last remark: " If you like playing Disc Golf on Sports Champions I recommend grabbing a disc and heading out to a course near you." You mean actually go outside and play?
Harold Camping originally started that rumor, I think.
But I'm not holding my breath. At least their saying end of month (as they've always maintained.) No such promising news on PSN for Asia, however. Sadly, we've got nothing and no promised/estimated time-frame for anything. I might end up missing the Welcome Back package, depending on how long it lasts.
I think it's nice on a BR disc — it can be traded in later. And heck, it'll probably be available on disc well before we can get in on PSN, the way things are looking.
Maybe they're a lot more creative and clever than me, but I feel the Move really only lends itself well to a narrow range of sports.
Sports Champions did an excellent job trying to offer both diversity and sports that worked well with a motion controller. While I'm sure there are other sports to choose from, I'm drawing a blank on how :extreme sports" will fit in with the Move. Maybe the Adrenalin in the title is only referring to how exciting these games will be.
Finally, a PS3 dance game that uses the EyeToy — unlike my copy of Zumba. But Zumba was last week's top selling tile in the UK last week. What's up with that?
Rumors that I'm giving traction to suggest overall improvements to PSN as well, including fulfilling a long-standing desire of many users, cross-game chat.
While so far anecdotal, some of my online friends have reported strange CC charges, or that their email account tied to PSN was locked because someone had entered the wrong password too many times. And I've read reports of similar issues from others I don't know.
I just think it's far too early for anyone to say yet what has or will happen with the information taken. But unlike 1 month of PSN+ which I feel is more marketing to get people to join than something of value for our inconvenience, I do feel this ID protection service is valuable as I think there's far less risk from the stolen information after a year has passed than there is right now.
Don't get me wrong, I like the Move, but is it really a Techincal INNOVATION? It seems more like an improved Wiimote, whereas Kinect is something all together new. Does it have limitations? Sure. I still can't imagine great games without some button to push, but come on, look at all the things others outside have MS have gotten the Kinect to do. It's really technical innovation on a grand scale, even if they do come out with a Kinect 2 one day.
While so far I'm not really interested in the games for the Kinect, I got to believe that Kinect is the clear winner over Move if the category is Technical Innovation.
I have Family Game Night 3. It's not bad. But I'll be honest, in my experience people (non-video gamers) like the traditional games better... and I do too. My game gets played more solo than with others, and even then very limitedly. But, that said, the collection is excellent, and I do love Scrabble. I'd consider this game, though I'd actually prefer if we could download the individual games as DLC if each was reasonably priced. Then I'd probably just buy Scrabble, and possibly Monopoly.
It would be some money, but not quite $750 million.
First, you eliminate multiple accounts, so you only pay out on one account per PS3.
Then you have to assume Sony actually profits from each sale on PSN, so while you can look at revenue not coming in a loss, it's not like their account drops $350 M (or however many PS3s there are).
I said $10, because frankly so much on PSN store is so expensive. Heck, they don't have to give me anything, but offering me a PSOne classic or mini is just the same to me as offering nothing.
Even $5 would be a loss for them, but the other way to look at it is that people might actually try to spend that $5 by tossing in some of their own money to buy a $15 or $20 game.
I'm not knocking PS+, but what does one month mean? A couple of free downloads that last for 30 days (unless you renew your subscription.)
This just strikes me more as marketing rather than fan appreciation.... but considering that I didn't feel owed anything at all, I guess it's not too bad.
I'm assuming, though that the free PS+ (trial) won't kick in until after the PSN Store is back up, otherwise it really is kind of worthless.
Considering that the game developers were affected as well, I'd like to see Sony drop $10 in everyone's account and let us spend the money where we see fit... and the better games will profit and the developers reap the rewards, more than making up for what would have been their lost sales revenue.
Yes, Sony is a victim. They were seemingly attacked by an outside entity. And sure, no public network like this is 100% safe. However, from what I've been reading, it does seem that the PSN was left by Sony to be particularly vulnerable and to have had poor security.
I believe the length of time this has taken is a pretty good indication that Sony really doesn't know what was going on. I think it's fair to say a better network would have detected the intrusion sooner and had things compartmentalized enough that one wouldn't have to shut down every facet of the network for a week or more to deal with the intrusion. Moreover; our data, I feel, should have been encoded, but it seems like it was left as basic, plain text.
Consumers do have a right to expect that if a firm asks for our information and volunteers to keep it, it will keep it safe, at the minimum, encoding it so that even if it's retrieved, the thieves have no idea what they're looking at.
From reports I've read, this was part of the problem with the recent console PS3 hacks, the root key was there in plain sight, so to speak, not encoded.
I suspect some heads will roll. And frankly, sadly, they should. Only now is Sony perhaps building a stronger network. Let's just hope they finally get it right. Hack me once, shame on you; hack me twice, shame on me.
Wow, this game will even feature Move support. I'm interested.
One of my internet friends did a review for the 360 release, and his initial impressions were not favorable, but he did an update since the company did make improvements and it seems the game is now much better. So, I'll give it a try as I find the premise/setting interesting.
If only to quibble, I guess what I'm curious about is, has anyone actually seen the Red Boxes (as pictured in the PlayStation Blog) version of these games, yet? As of April 20, 2011?
I only get to shop, online, but no retailer I've seen has the Greatest Hits description or red box pictured
Not, for instance, the difference in the Red Box of GOW 3 from the Blog which clearly states "Game of the Year!" and the absence of that in what Walmart has in stock from the photo.
(Things that do bother me include, but aren't limited to: releasing games that must immediately be patched — letting consumers be de facto beta testers; releasing MP games with server issues, ie not stress-testing servers so they aren't prepared for the demand; and releasing DLC that would previously have been included in the game upon release, ie it's already on the game disc, but just unlocked with a paid-for access code. Not saying SOCOM 4 suffers from any of these.... justing ranting in general.)
Yeah, I'm waiting for your review. I played the demo some and thought the Move controls were alright — perhaps not as confident as they are in Killzone 3, but good. But looking at reviews from other sights, many remark that the Move controls are quite poorly implemented.
So, I'm wondering if that's just because it does, admittedly, take some adjustments to become good at the Move after years of being familiar with other controls. Perhaps other reviewers just don't have the degree of comfort with the Move that the crack staff at Movemodo do. So I'm hoping to get the final verdict here.
I'm pretty sure there aren't Greatest Hits releases for those games — the red box kind. There is a GOTY edition for Uncharted 2, but not Greatest Hits.
Personally, I thinks it's a reasonable compromise — though that's easy for me to say as I live in a market that doesn't support used games (they're all either pirated or new original games.)
Every used game sale is a loss to the publisher/developer. This is a way to regain more new sales. And as long as the consumer is aware of the deal, the consumer can decide how to spend their money.
I'd be more interested in the RE:VOLT Power Station. I have a powered USB 2.0 hub with 7 additional ports, but some things, like my PSEye, don't work through it. If everything works through the Re:Volt, I'd consider it if it's around $20.
I have to admit, my memory is poor, but as some puzzles were, I thought, timed, I would suspect you'd need multiple controllers.. so no definitive answer yet until someone tests it.
BUT the game uses regular DS3 controllers too... in fact, I played it with my dualshock before it was patched for the Move.
What I'm referring to in my way was instead of pushing my coffee table forward, under the TV, if you will, as I do for my other Move games, I have to move it into another room since the camera is so low. That is the problem I had with the space. And, yes, my set up is in a small room.
The one issue I had with EyePet was the need to relocate the PSEye near the floor, and the amount of open floor space needed to play. This won't have changed in the sequel, so I'll have to skip it unless I end up moving, I'll not be getting this game.
Actually, this is just the sort of thing I'd rather avoid. Just more junk/clutter in my opinion. Something like the Sharp Shooter is different to me because the feel is different, making your Move controller more like the actual instrument — gun. It changes the way you hold/use your Move in what be a more realistic way. But this doesn't really enhance your play in any way, and it's just something else to have. (A bit like that inflatable raft that came out for the Kinect.)
Without seeing any exact figures, it's hard for me to say Sony ought to just make more Move controllers. Given todays economy, perhaps they're wise not to expand too much or too soon. And now Japans earthquake has really shaken things up, so more Move controllers might not be in Sony's offerings any time soon.
It did take me a long time to manage to find a second Move controller. I attributed it to the Holiday season. But it persisted months after, and I just managed to get one imported to China from Japan the first week of this month. My mistake was in picking up a Nav controller then later deciding to get a 2nd Move controller. Had I thought to buy them together, the bundle pack of the two controllers has been an available option for as long as I looked, from early December through to the present.
I felt from the demo that the game would be a disappointment for those interested in using the Move.
I think the review is good, and it reflects what I thought was a problem with the NBA 2K11 review on this site. This site is devoted to the Move and games that utilize it. While NBA 2K11 is a solid game as can be seen from all other site's reviews, it's Move controls are awful, even worse than the Move controls for Top Spin, yet NBA 2K11 got like a 9/10 on this site. So, how does Top Spin rate if one doesn't consider the Move? Wouldn't it be a bit higher? Or shouldn't NBA 2K11 have really been scored as a Move game?
I have 4 or 5 PSN games that support the Move well, and Sports Champions and EyePet and RE5. It's fills a niche for me, but isn't part of my core gaming. Perhaps one day... But to be honest, I'm quite happy with normal handheld controllers like the DS3. I'll get KZ3 one day and I'm sure I'll use it the Move with it. But I'll probably also pick up Homefront one day and be just as happy with the DS3.
My interest for the Move is in a games like Sorcery, Tumble, and Sports Champions which cannot be played with another type of controller. The developers look at what the Move can do and design a great game to make use of it.
Just adding my two cents, which is nothing more than saying I'm agreeing, the Move controls (Move with Nav) were not very enjoyable at first try. And I'm just not that interested to give it more than a look, so I'm glad there was a demo as I can pass on the game with some confidence. But that's only disappointing.
My view is, it's just business. Gamers can decide if it's worth the price, but it's a non-essential function. This sort of thing isn't new with this game, but you probably recognize that with your comment about last generation games. Not sure that's entirely true, I thought the original Xbox had some pay-for DLC that basically unlocked things, but let's not quibble, I understand your point. And I've never bought into it before either. But that's my choice. And while I'd have to try it The Fights Lights Out first myself, if the impression I have is accurate, I probably would spring for this. I actually think having the choice is giving power to the gamers/buyers. (I'm less supportive in MP games... those I feel either give us everything, or makes us all work for the perks equally, don't just let someone buy it., so on that we concur.)
I don't find this DLC lame. I don't have the game, but one of the complaints I hear is that the fighters start so weak. Some people might consider it worth a couple of bucks to unlock stuff in a less tedious manner, if that means unlocking the real fun in the game.
And as for the exercise portion, again without firsthand knowledge, I can't really tell, but from what I've read, the game is a real workout, and probably better, and more fun than many of the exercise "games" coming online for $30-$60.
Comments 82
Re: Sony to Start PSN Pass Scheme with Resistance 3
I don't mind this idea. I think it's a fair compromise between the developers making money and consumers reselling their games. If I buy new, I get to play online. I can still sell/buy a used game. When I sell, I'll make less, but when I buy, I'll pay less. I decide if the better deal for me is to buy new or used. (Might consider used, for example, when not interested in the online play.)
Re: Rumour: Sony Redesigning PlayStation Store
Anything that makes things quicker is a good idea, filters being one example. But if it becomes too graphic then selfishly I'm opposed as my internet is slow and then it would take longer to load each screen.
I quite like the U.S. store's organization. It's far better than Taiwan's.
Re: Rumour: PlayStation 4 with Kinect-Style Controls Due in 2012
I'm less bothered that Sony recently stated they were still on track for a 10 year lifespan with the PS3 — I really don't give much currency to what Sony or most corporations say — than I am with copying a Kinect-like device.
I have yet to see the Kinect really put to good use, gaming-wise. Unless Sony can do it much better, it comes across as just a "me-too" gimmick.
Re: Dominating Online in Killzone 3 with PlayStation Move
Good deal Jbamg55. Kudos. A bit inspiring. I only played betas for this and SOCOM 4. I didn't have the patience to hone my skills with the Move controller. THe DS3 is so familiar, I just felt more comfortable and at home. That's not a knock against the Move, as obviously by what we see here, it can be an incredible controller; it's just I guess I prefer the Move in other types of games and don't find it necessary for a FPS... yet.
But to those that master it, more power to ya!
Re: Zindagi's New Game is Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest
First I've heard of this, and it looks to be a lot of fun. While my gaming budget is way down this year, this is just the sort of thing I'd be interested in if it has enough play to keep me coming back... the way Sports Champions does; I don't play it all the time, but it's the kind of game I can't imagine reselling as I will pick it up again and again.
Re: Out Now: Under Siege (Global)
A review is mentioned. I know you all do the best you can, and things might be a little crazy for a while now that PSN Store is finally back, but as this game is on sale for half off only until the June 14th for Plus members, it would greatly be appreciated if a review could be forthcoming before that end of sale deadline. Thanks for the consideration. 6/6/2011
Re: Winter Stars to Shine on Move Later this Year
Trying to emulate that number of sports for all 3 systems seems like a recipe for a very mediocre game. I'm hoping I'm wrong. I guess having just 4 or 5 solid representations (if one of those is curling!) could make this a purchase-worthy game if it's not a full $60 release.
Re: Memorex Shows Off New Move and Navigation Controllers
Doesn't Sony license the rights to manufacture these things? (And sometimes unlicensed controllers stop working after some firmware updates.)
If so, then there's no patent violation.
Re: Sony: Full PSN Service to Resume This Week
No longer holding my breath.
Re: Excellent, SEGA is Bringing House of the Dead: Overkill to Move
This does look like great fun! A must buy for me.
Re: Champion Jockey Turns Move into Reins and a Riding Crop
Umm, I dunno. This game's use of the Move seems like a good idea. But I have a hard time believing I'm going to feel like playing it.
Has anyone played this series (G1 Jockey) before? Is that game any good?
Re: Feature: Disc Golf World Champions Doss and Jenkins Play Sports Champions Disc Golf Too
Nice interview.
I think it would be really cool to see a PDGA game, something like Tiger Woods PGA.
But that last remark: " If you like playing Disc Golf on Sports Champions I recommend grabbing a disc and heading out to a course near you." You mean actually go outside and play?
Re: Rumour: PlayStation Store Back Within 24 Hours
Harold Camping originally started that rumor, I think.
But I'm not holding my breath. At least their saying end of month (as they've always maintained.) No such promising news on PSN for Asia, however. Sadly, we've got nothing and no promised/estimated time-frame for anything. I might end up missing the Welcome Back package, depending on how long it lasts.
Re: Sony America Welcomes You Back with These Games
These are some seriously good games. one and all. Brilliant stroke to give away inFamous right before the release of inFamous 2, I might add.
Re: UK Retailers Peg Ape Escape for Cheap Release in June
I think it's nice on a BR disc — it can be traded in later. And heck, it'll probably be available on disc well before we can get in on PSN, the way things are looking.
Re: Rumour: Motion Sports Adrenaline Flowing to Move
Maybe they're a lot more creative and clever than me, but I feel the Move really only lends itself well to a narrow range of sports.
Sports Champions did an excellent job trying to offer both diversity and sports that worked well with a motion controller. While I'm sure there are other sports to choose from, I'm drawing a blank on how :extreme sports" will fit in with the Move. Maybe the Adrenalin in the title is only referring to how exciting these games will be.
Re: Let's Dance with Mel B Screenshots Show a Lack of Mel B
Finally, a PS3 dance game that uses the EyeToy — unlike my copy of Zumba. But Zumba was last week's top selling tile in the UK last week. What's up with that?
Re: PlayStation Network Restoration Ongoing, No End in Sight
Rumors that I'm giving traction to suggest overall improvements to PSN as well, including fulfilling a long-standing desire of many users, cross-game chat.
So, just hang in there.
Re: Sony Offers US Members a Year of Identity Protection
@ JamesNewton
While so far anecdotal, some of my online friends have reported strange CC charges, or that their email account tied to PSN was locked because someone had entered the wrong password too many times. And I've read reports of similar issues from others I don't know.
I just think it's far too early for anyone to say yet what has or will happen with the information taken. But unlike 1 month of PSN+ which I feel is more marketing to get people to join than something of value for our inconvenience, I do feel this ID protection service is valuable as I think there's far less risk from the stolen information after a year has passed than there is right now.
Re: PlayStation Move Up for Big Technical Innovation Award
Don't get me wrong, I like the Move, but is it really a Techincal INNOVATION? It seems more like an improved Wiimote, whereas Kinect is something all together new. Does it have limitations? Sure. I still can't imagine great games without some button to push, but come on, look at all the things others outside have MS have gotten the Kinect to do. It's really technical innovation on a grand scale, even if they do come out with a Kinect 2 one day.
Re: PlayStation Move Up for Big Technical Innovation Award
While so far I'm not really interested in the games for the Kinect, I got to believe that Kinect is the clear winner over Move if the category is Technical Innovation.
Re: EA Invites You to Family Game Night 4 This Year
I have Family Game Night 3. It's not bad. But I'll be honest, in my experience people (non-video gamers) like the traditional games better... and I do too. My game gets played more solo than with others, and even then very limitedly. But, that said, the collection is excellent, and I do love Scrabble. I'd consider this game, though I'd actually prefer if we could download the individual games as DLC if each was reasonably priced. Then I'd probably just buy Scrabble, and possibly Monopoly.
Re: Some PlayStation Network Features to Return This Week
It would be some money, but not quite $750 million.
First, you eliminate multiple accounts, so you only pay out on one account per PS3.
Then you have to assume Sony actually profits from each sale on PSN, so while you can look at revenue not coming in a loss, it's not like their account drops $350 M (or however many PS3s there are).
I said $10, because frankly so much on PSN store is so expensive. Heck, they don't have to give me anything, but offering me a PSOne classic or mini is just the same to me as offering nothing.
Even $5 would be a loss for them, but the other way to look at it is that people might actually try to spend that $5 by tossing in some of their own money to buy a $15 or $20 game.
Re: Some PlayStation Network Features to Return This Week
I'm not knocking PS+, but what does one month mean? A couple of free downloads that last for 30 days (unless you renew your subscription.)
This just strikes me more as marketing rather than fan appreciation.... but considering that I didn't feel owed anything at all, I guess it's not too bad.
I'm assuming, though that the free PS+ (trial) won't kick in until after the PSN Store is back up, otherwise it really is kind of worthless.
Considering that the game developers were affected as well, I'd like to see Sony drop $10 in everyone's account and let us spend the money where we see fit... and the better games will profit and the developers reap the rewards, more than making up for what would have been their lost sales revenue.
Re: Talking Point: The Impact of the PlayStation Network Disaster
Good news, new info posted here: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/04/27/qa-1-for-playstation-network-and-qriocity-services/
Confirms that CC data was encrypted, but personal info was not.
This is a huge headache for both Sony and it's customers, though, and a major PR embarrassment.
Let's hope things work out for the better in the end.
Re: Talking Point: The Impact of the PlayStation Network Disaster
Here's where I disagree to an extent.
Yes, Sony is a victim. They were seemingly attacked by an outside entity. And sure, no public network like this is 100% safe. However, from what I've been reading, it does seem that the PSN was left by Sony to be particularly vulnerable and to have had poor security.
I believe the length of time this has taken is a pretty good indication that Sony really doesn't know what was going on. I think it's fair to say a better network would have detected the intrusion sooner and had things compartmentalized enough that one wouldn't have to shut down every facet of the network for a week or more to deal with the intrusion. Moreover; our data, I feel, should have been encoded, but it seems like it was left as basic, plain text.
Consumers do have a right to expect that if a firm asks for our information and volunteers to keep it, it will keep it safe, at the minimum, encoding it so that even if it's retrieved, the thieves have no idea what they're looking at.
From reports I've read, this was part of the problem with the recent console PS3 hacks, the root key was there in plain sight, so to speak, not encoded.
I suspect some heads will roll. And frankly, sadly, they should. Only now is Sony perhaps building a stronger network. Let's just hope they finally get it right. Hack me once, shame on you; hack me twice, shame on me.
Re: Hydrophobia Prophecy Wets PlayStation Network's Appetite
Wow, this game will even feature Move support. I'm interested.
One of my internet friends did a review for the 360 release, and his initial impressions were not favorable, but he did an update since the company did make improvements and it seems the game is now much better. So, I'll give it a try as I find the premise/setting interesting.
Re: Uncharted 2 and God of War III for PlayStation Move at Walmart
@ James Newton:
If only to quibble, I guess what I'm curious about is, has anyone actually seen the Red Boxes (as pictured in the PlayStation Blog) version of these games, yet? As of April 20, 2011?
I only get to shop, online, but no retailer I've seen has the Greatest Hits description or red box pictured
Not, for instance, the difference in the Red Box of GOW 3 from the Blog which clearly states "Game of the Year!" and the absence of that in what Walmart has in stock from the photo.
Re: SOCOM Pro Access is Free to Everyone in Europe
Just wondering if some EU laws don't permit it.
But it doesn't bother me either way.
(Things that do bother me include, but aren't limited to: releasing games that must immediately be patched — letting consumers be de facto beta testers; releasing MP games with server issues, ie not stress-testing servers so they aren't prepared for the demand; and releasing DLC that would previously have been included in the game upon release, ie it's already on the game disc, but just unlocked with a paid-for access code. Not saying SOCOM 4 suffers from any of these.... justing ranting in general.)
Re: Out Today: SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (North America)
Yeah, I'm waiting for your review. I played the demo some and thought the Move controls were alright — perhaps not as confident as they are in Killzone 3, but good. But looking at reviews from other sights, many remark that the Move controls are quite poorly implemented.
So, I'm wondering if that's just because it does, admittedly, take some adjustments to become good at the Move after years of being familiar with other controls. Perhaps other reviewers just don't have the degree of comfort with the Move that the crack staff at Movemodo do. So I'm hoping to get the final verdict here.
Re: Uncharted 2 and God of War III for PlayStation Move at Walmart
As the article mentions, M.A.G. now has a red box Greatest Hits release, but I haven't seen one for Heavy Rain yet, despite the price drop.
Re: Uncharted 2 and God of War III for PlayStation Move at Walmart
I'm pretty sure there aren't Greatest Hits releases for those games — the red box kind. There is a GOTY edition for Uncharted 2, but not Greatest Hits.
Re: SOCOM 4 "Pro" Access Code
Personally, I thinks it's a reasonable compromise — though that's easy for me to say as I live in a market that doesn't support used games (they're all either pirated or new original games.)
Every used game sale is a loss to the publisher/developer. This is a way to regain more new sales. And as long as the consumer is aware of the deal, the consumer can decide how to spend their money.
Re: Snakebyte Move Controllers to Take Centre Stage at E3
I'd be more interested in the RE:VOLT Power Station. I have a powered USB 2.0 hub with 7 additional ports, but some things, like my PSEye, don't work through it. If everything works through the Re:Volt, I'd consider it if it's around $20.
Re: Get the First Episode of Blue Toad Murder Files for Free
I have to admit, my memory is poor, but as some puzzles were, I thought, timed, I would suspect you'd need multiple controllers.. so no definitive answer yet until someone tests it.
BUT the game uses regular DS3 controllers too... in fact, I played it with my dualshock before it was patched for the Move.
Re: EyePet Returns to PlayStation Move With a Friend in Tow
@ Wastedyuthe
What I'm referring to in my way was instead of pushing my coffee table forward, under the TV, if you will, as I do for my other Move games, I have to move it into another room since the camera is so low. That is the problem I had with the space. And, yes, my set up is in a small room.
Re: Review: My Fitness Coach Club (PlayStation 3)
Hahaha! I noticed that too, but did manage to refrain from commenting.
Re: EyePet Returns to PlayStation Move With a Friend in Tow
The one issue I had with EyePet was the need to relocate the PSEye near the floor, and the amount of open floor space needed to play. This won't have changed in the sequel, so I'll have to skip it unless I end up moving, I'll not be getting this game.
Re: Interviews: Gameloft - Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
These articles are great, and I look forward to this game.
Re: Team Ninja Keeps Quiet about Move Support in Ninja Gaiden 3
Hmmm... I dunno.
As an option, why not? Unless implementation is difficult and it takes away resources that might be applied elsewhere to make the game even better.
Definitely not my 1st choice for a Move game.
Re: Sega Serves Up a Special Bundle for Virtua Tennis 4
Actually, this is just the sort of thing I'd rather avoid. Just more junk/clutter in my opinion. Something like the Sharp Shooter is different to me because the feel is different, making your Move controller more like the actual instrument — gun. It changes the way you hold/use your Move in what be a more realistic way. But this doesn't really enhance your play in any way, and it's just something else to have. (A bit like that inflatable raft that came out for the Kinect.)
Re: Review: Top Darts (PlayStation Network)
Game half price, $4.99, this week, 3/30, 2011.
Re: Review: Yoostar 2 (PlayStation 3)
Hardly sounds like a Move game at all, if the only thing it's used for is traversing menus. I'll pass.
Re: Still More Demand than Supply for Move Controllers at GameStop
Without seeing any exact figures, it's hard for me to say Sony ought to just make more Move controllers. Given todays economy, perhaps they're wise not to expand too much or too soon. And now Japans earthquake has really shaken things up, so more Move controllers might not be in Sony's offerings any time soon.
It did take me a long time to manage to find a second Move controller. I attributed it to the Holiday season. But it persisted months after, and I just managed to get one imported to China from Japan the first week of this month. My mistake was in picking up a Nav controller then later deciding to get a 2nd Move controller. Had I thought to buy them together, the bundle pack of the two controllers has been an available option for as long as I looked, from early December through to the present.
Re: Out Today: PlayStation Plus SOCOM 4 Beta (Global)
Just keep in mind, while initially the download is about 750 MB, if I recall, that is followed by a small patch, then another 1500+ MB download.
But I do think it's worth it. This is my kind of game, and it's always nice to try before you buy. In limited play, I didn't experience any problems.
Re: Review: Top Spin 4 (PlayStation 3)
I felt from the demo that the game would be a disappointment for those interested in using the Move.
I think the review is good, and it reflects what I thought was a problem with the NBA 2K11 review on this site. This site is devoted to the Move and games that utilize it. While NBA 2K11 is a solid game as can be seen from all other site's reviews, it's Move controls are awful, even worse than the Move controls for Top Spin, yet NBA 2K11 got like a 9/10 on this site. So, how does Top Spin rate if one doesn't consider the Move? Wouldn't it be a bit higher? Or shouldn't NBA 2K11 have really been scored as a Move game?
Re: Movin' Up the Sales Charts
I have 4 or 5 PSN games that support the Move well, and Sports Champions and EyePet and RE5. It's fills a niche for me, but isn't part of my core gaming. Perhaps one day... But to be honest, I'm quite happy with normal handheld controllers like the DS3. I'll get KZ3 one day and I'm sure I'll use it the Move with it. But I'll probably also pick up Homefront one day and be just as happy with the DS3.
My interest for the Move is in a games like Sorcery, Tumble, and Sports Champions which cannot be played with another type of controller. The developers look at what the Move can do and design a great game to make use of it.
Re: Swing Around with Move-Enabled Top Spin 4 Demo
Just adding my two cents, which is nothing more than saying I'm agreeing, the Move controls (Move with Nav) were not very enjoyable at first try. And I'm just not that interested to give it more than a look, so I'm glad there was a demo as I can pass on the game with some confidence. But that's only disappointing.
Re: Shape Up with DLC for The Fight: Lights Out
My view is, it's just business. Gamers can decide if it's worth the price, but it's a non-essential function. This sort of thing isn't new with this game, but you probably recognize that with your comment about last generation games. Not sure that's entirely true, I thought the original Xbox had some pay-for DLC that basically unlocked things, but let's not quibble, I understand your point. And I've never bought into it before either. But that's my choice. And while I'd have to try it The Fights Lights Out first myself, if the impression I have is accurate, I probably would spring for this. I actually think having the choice is giving power to the gamers/buyers. (I'm less supportive in MP games... those I feel either give us everything, or makes us all work for the perks equally, don't just let someone buy it., so on that we concur.)
Re: Shape Up with DLC for The Fight: Lights Out
I don't find this DLC lame. I don't have the game, but one of the complaints I hear is that the fighters start so weak. Some people might consider it worth a couple of bucks to unlock stuff in a less tedious manner, if that means unlocking the real fun in the game.
And as for the exercise portion, again without firsthand knowledge, I can't really tell, but from what I've read, the game is a real workout, and probably better, and more fun than many of the exercise "games" coming online for $30-$60.