Comments 86

Re: The Last of Us 2 Director Discusses Online Vitriol


I’ve completed the game on my second play through to get the platinum I think it’s a great game 10/10 on everything minus the story but the story isn’t bad it is simply ok I definitely prefer the first game story and the fact it feels larger because your travelling across America partly with different environments and areas but Seattle is a decent place with lots to explore and enjoy so definitely a great game but the first will always remain the best. The character that has been getting hate or rather the actor playing the character doesn’t deserve it the character is amazing I just wish we are given more time with the character before a certain scene to understand her because you do end up hating her till 7-10 hours later in the game when you think actually this is a decent character and that’s what I hate about the game the fact you hate an important and eventual likeable character for 7-10 hours should of given us more backstory and time with her as said before a certain scene.

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Think the PS5 Will Cost?


In £ for me being in the UK £450 but I’ll be ok with £500 anymore and I’ll still get but I would be worried for Sony again doing another ps3 thing.
As for the price difference between the two models I’m gonna say none both the same price because I would hope the digital version gets more memory storage because it needs it and the extra memory makes up for the fact there’s no disc drive at least in price so they will both be the same just my opinion.

Re: Talking Point: Will You Be Buying The Last of Us 2?


I’ve already paid for mind just need it to be delivered the story leaks to which I have seen don’t put me off even the slightest it can be done perfectly right and naughty dog are the ones that could do it but it can also be done wrong and I could end up hating parts of the story but that doesn’t take away anything from the amazing visuals and gameplay and parts of the storyline that I will definitely like which there will definitely be some just how much.

Re: Talking Point: What PS5 Games Do You Expect at Sony's Next-Gen Reveal Event?


@NYJetsfan123 it’s still a public website that anyone that’s interested in gaming can access and read I doubt it discriminates when a pc or Xbox gamer try’s to access the website and says “hey you your not a PlayStation gamer bugger off”, so yeah I expected all types of gamers to give there opinions. I have all three consoles so I gave my opinion as someone that plays them all even though I said I’m mainly a PlayStation gamer I plan to get both ps5 and Xbox SX.

Re: Gears of War 3's PS3 Build Confirmed Real by Epic Games


@PCPS4XB I can only tell you my opinion from playing it directly from my Xbox one x on my tv using my controller and gears 5 definitely feels a lot better than the rest, watching this YouTube video shows me only that the animations look the same to a bit off on gears 5 , but it still feels better in the hand compared to the rest more responsive and can feel the bullets of each weapon definitely a lot better this video overall does not do anything to me except some of the more smaller details that I don’t personally look at in a game.

Re: Weirdness: Watch a Full Gears of War 3 Playthrough Apparently Running on PS3


@keihtg I feel almost the same except for 5, I have played them all and they feel pretty much all the same from 1-4 just better graphics every time but 5 although still feels big and bulky to move your character still, the weapons finally have a sense of weight and impact while shooting them hard to fully describe but the action in 5 is just a lot better and finally up to modern day standards and fun only played 3-4 hours so don’t know if it lasts though.

Re: Poll: How Will You Play Ghost of Tsushima?


Japanese voices would be more immersive and make more sense but I will still use English because at the end of the day I don’t want to spend my time in cutscenes and conversations reading the subtitles I want to be able to understand everything and enjoy the whole scene visually not just some words on the bottom of the screen which is why my vote went to English. I like the Yakuza games and do watch a few movies and tv in its native language but as for Yakuza if it had English I would use it and as for English and tv when they do have English the voice never matches the actor and just looks hilarious so the native language is usually better.

Re: Poll: Are You Noticing PS4 Loading Times More Since PS5's Reveal?


I’ve always noticed loading screens but thought of them as a necessary evil but since hearing the new consoles will lessen and even remove loading screens I’ve noticed them a lot more and they have suddenly become annoying assassins creed odyssey is a game I’m playing on YouTube and I’ve noticed that a lot more then I did on release the Witcher 3 aswell they have all started to drag and I cannot wait for next gen to remove them.

Re: Sony Breaks Silence with PlayStation Studios Reveal


They broke even more silence with a ghost of Tsushima 18min gameplay announcement which is coming Thursday, sod next gen gameplay footage which Xbox SX failed to show I’m looking forward to this more than anything and unlike some haters I’m also looking forward to the last of us part 2.

Re: Third-Party PS5 Games to Debut Gameplay at Xbox Series X Event Next Week


Excited to see what games look like on next gen in comparisons to current gen not just on its own and to those wondering why Sony haven’t shown ps5 off maybe it’s because they actually have exclusives games to sell first for PS4 unlike Microsoft that are using halo infinite a Xbox one and Xbox SX game to advertise Xbox SX which I am excited for but I’m happy playing it on my Xbox one x, Sony will no doubt show off ps5 with actual ps5 games not just current gen games enhanced for ps5 but they may need another month to show off the last of us part 2 and ghost of Tsushima I mean I want to see some actual gameplay not a vertical slice of the game I mean actual this is what your getting gameplay.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Trophy List Could Be an Easy Platinum


I actually like it when games give a hard difficulty trophy not an extremely hard one like dead space 2 but a hard one. The only trophies I hate are lengthy multiplayer ones like the last of us had got every trophy for that game except the multiplayer ones so I’m glad final fantasy 7 hasn’t got multiplayer. Collectable trophies come next in terms of which I hate weather it’s a 100feathers, a couple of hundred flags and in the game I’m going for the Platinum in now death stranding 50 memory chips.

Re: Ex-Guerrilla Producer Rips Butthurt PlayStation Fans Over Horizon PC Port


It’s not like Microsoft where you can play all there games on pc and for a cheap monthly subscription (game pass), Sony is probably just gonna do it for old exclusives and only one here and there so far it’s just horizon zero dawn, death stranding doesn’t count because it was always advertised as a pc and PS4 game before the name of the game was announced by the way.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for February 2020?


Bio shock is a series I’ve never fully played, I’ve played an hour of the third which I believe is a prequel of 1 and 2 but that’s it so it’s a decent collection to have in my library if the time comes to want to experience it. Got sims 4 already my sister loves and I’m beginning to hate it because of that, and the multiplayer VR game I have PSVR but have absolute painful anxiety when it comes to playing games with people to the point of turning of the PS4 and deleting the game later so I’m not looking forward to that one.

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