The average joe who buys an Xbox One or PS4 for their kid probably won't know or care about the DRM until the recipient starts complaining. They can still sell some systems this way. But for us who know about it (and if it's legit on PS4), GRAB YA TORCHES AN' PITCH FORKS!!
@ObviouslyAdachi I believe it has something similar, I've seen videos where players run around after a kill to get a poker card, and you can get (I think?) money or rewards depending on the poker hands you get during a match.
Nearly everything except the maps are purchased through microtransactions on the PC version, but it's still an addictive multiplayer game. Even if they only give you one gun to use unless you buy others
I tried Planetside 2 for a bit on PC and... didn't enjoy it at all really. Not my kind of thing. But it's a great idea to bring more free to play/MMO games to PS4
@Snorky The word around the web sounds like no one is warming up to the system, particularly if they find out about all the confusion regarding constant internet connections and used game fees.
I still get ticked at the melee mechanics in Uncharted multiplayer. But I can't wait for this, it'll start off a flow of games for me to buy within the next few months.
I hope some existing f2p games show up on PS4, like Marvel Heroes, maybe Team Fortress 2 if they add steam support on PS4, and DC Universe Online again.
Comments 713
Re: Feature: Vote for Push Square's E3 2013 PlayStation Game of the Show
4% on Shadow Fall? What's wrong with you people D:
Re: The Last of Us' Autosave Glitch Has Been Squashed Like a Bug
@Slapshot True, and it has happened with Uncharted games before. Shame!
Re: The Last of Us' Autosave Glitch Has Been Squashed Like a Bug
Problem though, I just tried a multiplayer round and it froze my system about a minute into the match. Bummer
Re: E3 2013: Contrast Steps Out of the Shadows on the PlayStation 4
Looks interesting, might grab it on Vita if I can.
Re: E3 2013: This Secret Relic Resembles a Knack Trailer
I think it could turn out well as long as there's a variety of gameplay
Re: E3 2013: What's Tom Clancy's The Division All About?
Very impressive.
Re: E3 2013: See the PS4 Camera in Action in the Playroom
Robots, more like Sack-bots in disguise
Re: E3 2013: inFAMOUS: Second Son Gameplay Footage Flies Like a Bird
This looks much better than the other games to me. Hyped!
Re: Reaction: Sony Has Outwitted Microsoft at Every Opportunity with PS4
One or two more reveals would have been nice, and vita attention was a bit underwhelming. But the showstopper was PS4 and it did well.
Re: E3 2013: Bungie Give Us Our First Glimpse of Destiny on PS4
That gameplay segment sealed the deal for it to me. Must have!
Re: E3 2013: Killzone: Shadow Fall on PS4 Looks Lovely
Looks outstanding. Forest level!
Re: E3 2013: You'll Need a PS Plus Subscription to Play PS4 Online
Is there a site with a list of all current Instant Game Collection games?
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Think of the PS4's Hardware Design?
Looks nice, I like it
Re: E3 2013: You Should Probably Anticipate a LittleBigPlanet 3 Announcement
LBP3 for PS4 would be great. Another reason to buy it for me. And using share functions with it? Great usage I'd imagine.
Re: E3 2013: There Could Be a PS4 Inside One of These Boxes
Their shipment of Tretton has arrived!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seven
Some Killzone 3 multiplayer again and hopefully finish up Uncharted Golden Abyss's story.
Re: Another Analyst Reckons the PS4 Will Retail for Less Than $400
Under $400 would be a perfect price.
Re: Talking Point: Will You Still Buy the PS4 If It Treats Game Ownership Like the Xbox One?
The average joe who buys an Xbox One or PS4 for their kid probably won't know or care about the DRM until the recipient starts complaining. They can still sell some systems this way. But for us who know about it (and if it's legit on PS4), GRAB YA TORCHES AN' PITCH FORKS!!
Re: Killzone: Mercenary Plots Warzone's Welcome Return
@ObviouslyAdachi I believe it has something similar, I've seen videos where players run around after a kill to get a poker card, and you can get (I think?) money or rewards depending on the poker hands you get during a match.
Re: E3 2013: Blacklight: Retribution Reloads with PS4 Trailer
Nearly everything except the maps are purchased through microtransactions on the PC version, but it's still an addictive multiplayer game. Even if they only give you one gun to use unless you buy others
Re: E3 2013: PlayStation Home Offers Early Access to Killzone: Mercenary's Beta
I still have my avatar using the sly cane But this sounds much better than last year. Bring on the quests!
Re: First Impressions: Is The Last of Us' Multiplayer Mode Worth Surviving?
I'm hoping for some sort of online co-op, even if it's in multiplayer.
Re: First Impressions: Is The Last of Us' Multiplayer Mode Worth Surviving?
Re: Sony Online Entertainment: PS4 Will Be a Great System for MMOs
I tried Planetside 2 for a bit on PC and... didn't enjoy it at all really. Not my kind of thing. But it's a great idea to bring more free to play/MMO games to PS4
Re: Killzone: Shadow Fall's Story Aims to 'Positively Surprise You'
I thought both KZ2 and 3 had nice stories, they just weren't as fleshed out as they could have been.
Re: Flower Looks Like It's Blooming on PlayStation Vita
The question is will there be a Journey port? <3
Re: Rumour: Mirror's Edge 2 Retail Listings Sprint into Sight
It'd be nice to see a sequel on sony systems, but I wouldn't mourn it much if it was Xbox exclusive.
Re: PS4 Developers Required to Support Vita Remote Play
It's a fantastic idea, assuming that most of the PS4 features work well on it.
Re: The Last of Us' Season Pass Searches Out Single Player Content
Guess I'll grab this and the full game from PSN (to try out the play-while-half-downloaded feature) instead of the premium edition.
Re: E3 2013: You'll Be Able to Watch Sony's Press Conference on Your Vita
neat so long as it's not a laggy mess
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Six
Building up some headshots on Killzone 3 multiplayer, and trying to beat Ratchet and Clank 1 from the trilogy.
Re: Bungie Lays Down the Law in New Destiny Trailer, First PS4 Footage at E3
And gameplay premiere during the Sony conference? Sounds like they may have at least a little exclusivity with Sony
Re: Best of PlayStation Network, Vol. 1 Collates Four Classics Next Month
Journey was in a retail release already though.
Re: Feature: Three Lessons PS4 Can Learn from Xbox One's Unveiling
Games games and games. No mixed messages, straight to the point facts. And then go into detail on those. Success!
Re: Reaction: PS4 vs. Xbox One - Moving in Different Directions
@Snorky The word around the web sounds like no one is warming up to the system, particularly if they find out about all the confusion regarding constant internet connections and used game fees.
Re: Talking Point: How Has Xbox One's Reveal Affected Your Anticipation for PS4?
I dislike sports games, and CoD Ghosts will be on PS4, so no I don't want an Xbox One. Silly name as well
Re: Here's Your First, Blurry Look at the Actual PlayStation 4 Console
PS4 is the batmobile CONFIRMED
Re: We Certainly Wouldn't Object to PS4 Boxes Looking Like This
@ThreadShadow Not when it's the smaller size of a blu-ray case.
Re: Can the PlayStation 4 Handle SOE's PlanetSide 2?
I'm downloading it now on Steam But I agree they will probably port it to PS4 as well.
Re: PlayStation 4 Page Virtually Confirms Complete Vita Remote Play Compatibility
Well it better function well, I'd love to stream Killzone Shadow Fall on my vita into my room
Re: Killzone: Mercenary Steps Outside of Grand Theft Auto V's Shadow
Good idea sony
Re: Preview: Combating Death and Depression in The Last of Us' Bleak New World
I still get ticked at the melee mechanics in Uncharted multiplayer. But I can't wait for this, it'll start off a flow of games for me to buy within the next few months.
Re: Gran Turismo 6 Pulls onto PlayStation 3 This Holiday
I guess they wouldn't want to steal Drive Club's thunder?
Re: New Killzone: Mercenary Trailer Gets Down to Business
It's probably capped at 30fps, still looks good though.
Re: Talking Point: Sony Must Solve the PlayStation Vita's Memory Woes
8GB for me, only have about 2-3 gb left.
Re: Bleszinski: PS4 Will Win Next-Gen If It Nails Connectivity and Sharing
It'll be great for a PS4 Littlebigplanet
Re: Knack Will Be Hopping onto the PlayStation 4 in Time for Launch
Idk, I think knack might be good. Maybe they'll have some time to polish and style it more.
Re: Sony's Already Working on a Free-to-Play Title for the PlayStation 4
I hope some existing f2p games show up on PS4, like Marvel Heroes, maybe Team Fortress 2 if they add steam support on PS4, and DC Universe Online again.
Re: Sony: There's an Amazing Big Title Coming to the PlayStation Vita
I have no idea, probably from an existing franchise though. Infamous?
Re: Rip Off a Couple of Tearaway Pre-Order Bonuses
EU exclusives right?