Comments 713

Re: The Mighty No. 9 Now Wants You to Crowdfund Some DLC


What's so wrong with this? The game itself is already kickbacked so the main game content itself will be made. And like their email said, this is content that would be made AFTER that base game is done and ready to be sent out (but not necessarily before the actual launch- which is a reason people think that launch day dlc for bigger disc-games sucks).

Re: Does LittleBigPlanet 3 Look Much Better on the PS4?


The added resolution and textures on the PS4 version do look a bit better (you can see the added hairs on swoop's legs for goodness sake) but I'm more concerned with the hopefully smoothed-out framerate. Ordered the plush PS4 edition so we'll see

Re: Bungie Rolls a Boulder in Front of Destiny's Loot Cave


This is both a good and bad sign of things to come.
Bad: Bungie horribly messed up the loot system from the start, hence why players (myself included) used the cave. Good: this shows that they're listening and watching. They promise improvements to the game overall and made some grindy missions easier. Just fix the loot system and the game will feel way better.

Re: Review: Destiny (PlayStation 4)


While the story isn't as hefty as I and other people hoped it would be, it's still interesting and well done. I tend to liken this game to something like Monster Hunter, as in the story doesn't matter as much as the main objective- to be as badass as you can be but this is an incredibly addicting game and has some of the best-feeling weapons in any shooter I've played.