Comments 129

Re: Hands On: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Is a Clumsy, Complicated Sequel


I immediately cancelled my fully-paid reservation of the game after checking out the beta demo and being overwhelmed with all of the card collecting/loot box/progress mumbo jumbo. I just want a cool Star Wars game that I can pick up and play. I can already see myself getting annoyed at relying on RNG to get a vehicle/character card. The campaign looks interesting but I guess I'll just watch someone play it on Twitch/Youtube.

Re: Hands On: Destiny 2's Beta Is Familiar Fun on PS4


I tried the story --tons of detail and effects. What I noticed more often was the sound. With my regular, non-gaming headphones, I kept hearing the echo of my guns firing as if someone else was next to me which was pretty cool. The opening story takes place in the Tower so all the familiar areas, even destroyed, had more detail. It actually feels good to play with familiar gameplay and areas. I can't wait to try the new planet in the Beta strike mission.

Re: Everybody's Golf Ditches Hot Shots Moniker for Western Release


I really hope they keep the Japanese character models intact (which it looks like they did!). I recall one version had all of the players "Westernized" by a studio in Santa Barbara (I believe). I remember they even released a promo vid hyping up the changed characters. I loved the gameplay but hated the revised models.

Re: PS4 Pro Is a 'Half-Assed Upgrade' Compared to Scorpio, Says Xbox Dev


I really hope the Scorpio at least matches PS4 Pro specs. I HATE when developers are creating titles to work on multiple consoles and they keep the graphics at the minimum level of the lowest console it's made to work on. Drove me nuts when games made for the PS3 had lame graphics that were stuck at XBox 360 levels.

Re: Review: Nova-111 (PS4)


I just received an e-mail from Sony confirming the $25 credit I get in the PSN store via the ruling against Sony for their Vita ads. All of these quirky games like Nova-111 filling up the PS4 library is going to make it tough for me to choose how to spend it. Thanks for the review!

Re: Rumour: Is Final Fantasy XII Coming to the PS4 Next?


Fantastic game! I played it for years on my backwards comopatible PS3 until that croaked. I would love to play it again. The side missions were so much fun that it got to the point where I didn't bother with the story. It never got old for me. I'm beyond excited for any news of it coming to the PS4.

Re: Review: The Order: 1886 (PlayStation 4)


Seeing this game drives me bonkers because the characters and art direction are some of the most beautifully rendered creations I have ever layed my eyes on. I can probably satisfy my urge to experience it by watching some of the live streams that will pop up tonight. Great review, BTW.