Comments 71

Re: Review: Hyper Void (PlayStation 3)


@ultraviolet It's supposed to be coming to Europe, but they aren't entirely sure about the date. Registration with Sony Europe and such. Just one of those wait it out things, unfortunately.

But I did talk to one of the developers and he said his guess is about 4-6 weeks.

Re: Review: Apotheon (PlayStation 4)


Adoring it so far.

It's just such a refreshing game, even for a typical Metroidvania platformer. The bosses, the aesthetic, the music...ooooh it's all just so good. Highly recommend this to anyone. It is free, after all.

Re: Soapbox: Why We Need More Grounded Games


Never thought of this until now, but you're definitely on to something.

I think a big part of the issue is just how hard it is to combine everyday life with genuinely FUN gameplay mechanics, especially in an industry filled with high-budget, action film type games.

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