Comments 89

Re: PS5 Price Increase Confirmed for UK, Europe, Japan, Canada, and More


@Shepherd_Tallon I don't think Sony is preoccupied in looking "better" at this point. The only way for them to look good is ultimately through their games. And as long as they release good games, paired with good hardware, they will be ok even with a €50 increase. Consoles are a luxury item, and whoever wants them, they will pay.

Re: Immediate Backlash as Sony Asks Players About Purchasing NFTs


Really. The gaming community needs to chill, starting with Push Square. QAnon but the gamers version.

This is a survey! Pure & simple. It doesn't mean they are adding NFTs to PS Stars, and the headline & image are such a clickbait. Oh well...i will be busy happily playing this weekend

Re: Soapbox: I'm Sorry, But Your Cute Cat Game Isn't That Great


"would any of this be anywhere near as engaging if you were playing as a human?". This is so reductive.

By that rhetoric, we could apply this to all games:
-Would TLOU be so good without Joel?
-Would Spiderman game gather millions of sales without Spiderman?
-Would Horizon be as attractive as it is right now without robots?

You are basically questioning the core aspect of a game. It is just nonsensical

My take:
-Love the art direction
-Graphics are fantastic
-Soundtrack, although not used a lot, HITS at crucial moments
-Love the story

9/10 for me

Re: Reaction: WTF Is Going on with The Last of Us PS5?


@Titntin completely agree!

But we also know Sammy tends to be extremely critical - borderline "entitlement behavior"- towards many of PS initiatives, projects, games, etc. He made such a huge deal of the new PS+ system and turns out to be quite good. Or about Sony increasing live services investment by 50%, almost proclaiming it was meant to be the end of solo / offline games. And like those examples, many more in the recent past.

Not saying not to be critical, but to frame those critics around certainties and solid facts.

Re: Poll: Will You Buy The Last of Us: Part I?


One of my favorite games ever. However, i will not be paying $69 just to play it again with better graphics. Remastered looks great on its own. Having said that, i would be willing to pay $20 for it, or just wait until it is included on PS Extra or Premium

Re: Reaction: Why You Shouldn't Worry About Sony's New Strategy


Too late Sam,

After your initial article, which the site benefited from a big list of comments, now it seems you are back tracking or adding other aspects to the overall Sony strategy you didn't include on your first round. You just generated this whole anxiety across some people here that now you are trying to control.

Re: More Than Half of PlayStation's Investment Could Be in Live Service Games by 2025


@art_of_the_kill You are making innumerable wrong, misleading, or simply untruthful comments here. You might or might not resonate with what the company is doing, but: no, despite you say the contrary, PS interest on PC and mobile is not sudden. It has been in the making for several years already - and press has reported about it hundreds of times over time. Leave the PS brand? How and why would they do such a thing when it is top 10 on the most beloved brands, and when it is making record profits? It is basically not true and it would be absurd. In fact PlayStation has been Sony helping hand for a long long time. You are afraid of change, and i get it, but trust. A world where live games & single player games can coexist is absolutely possible. A world where games turn into shows, movies, mobile experiences while having the console version is absolutely doable and realistic.

Re: More Than Half of PlayStation's Investment Could Be in Live Service Games by 2025


@IOI your assertion of "live services eating up resources for single party games" is not necessarily correct. PlayStation has already allocated money to single party games, even unannounced ones since they take years to make. What they are doing is invest MORE money on other adventures, since they are also making MORE money nowadays than before. But again, spending more money in new portfolios doesn't have to have to be in detriment of first party /single player games.

Re: More Than Half of PlayStation's Investment Could Be in Live Service Games by 2025


@Juanalf It doesn't have to be read that way. The PDF the article shares shows that PlayStation indeed by 2025 will allocate half of its investment to live services, but it doesn't say it will cut half the expense of first party titles. What if live services is a new expense they didn't have before? Also, you don't keep in consideration how much more money PS is now making and how much more liquidity they have right now. You guys are freaking out for nothing. Be excited for the times ahead!

Re: More Than Half of PlayStation's Investment Could Be in Live Service Games by 2025


People really don't read, or don't think too much. This doesn't mean they are leaving single players world. Do you really think Sony would do such a thing? Their franchises remain the most successful to date. They are saying they are increasing their investment towards live service, but it doesn't mean they will not keep producing first party / single player games. Portfolio diversification. READ!

Re: PS Plus Extra, Premium Release Dates Shared By Sony


Omg. Really. People complaining about the "late" European release. We should all understand that PlayStation has limited resources and if they are opting for a staggered release, there is a logic behind. I rather have them releasing the platform gradually, than everywhere at once and then the platform collapses. For god sake people, let's all be patient here. Will the gaming community be ever happy?

Re: Best 4K TVs for PS5 in 2022


You guys totally forgot to add on top tier "Bravia XR OLED series", which includes XR 80J and XR 90J
I have 65" 80j and it is amazing! Also Sony is using the copy"PS5 tv ready" on all the product comms and marketing

Re: Reaction: Sony's Biggest Problem Is Consumer Relations


Jesus. Will the gaming community ever be happy?
PS can indeed improve their comms, and i am the first pushing for this, but come on give them a break. This is a great first approach to their version of Xbox Game Pass. And the platform and offering will continue evolving.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Kena: Bridge of Spirits?


Pre -ordered since day 1 because I wanted to support new IPs and projects. Despite the game has its flaws, it is fantastic! Keeping in mind this is the devs first game they should be really proud!

I am hopeful they will keep this IP alive and expand it in the future.

Re: Report: How PlayStation Is Failing Indie Developers


If true this has an easy fix: aknowledge the situation and make a statement about your support in improving this reality.

Supporting indie studios is not only important for devs and players, but indie studios have a history or being the ones bringing to the front characters from under presented communities (black, Latinos, gay characters...)

Re: Soapbox: I Don't Think Sony's Obsession with PS5 Blockbusters Aligns with Reality


Thank you! I made sure to not only highlight the challenges they are facing but most importantly, i made sure I shared some of the potential solutions on the same email I sent them. I really feel passion is underrated - wish they could give me an opportunity. For sure they do know about me cause they have checked out my Linkedin profile... but no luck yet. We shall see! Thank you for your wishes

Re: Soapbox: I Don't Think Sony's Obsession with PS5 Blockbusters Aligns with Reality


THIS! And guess what - I have been telling some PS Communications Managers to hire me - even mentioning (respectfully) the challenges they have been facing. You would be surprised to see how small their comms team is. I have 10 years of experience as a publicist / communications expert, and fully bilingual, which it would be an asset for them. But hey.. they keep ignoring me

Maybe one day, but I genuinely believe they need more PR help, no doubt about it

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