Comments 89

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


To me 60fps should be the standard. Having said that, I don't blame entirely on Sony.
HFW, GoW, GOT...all the main first party titles are smooth and look quite amazing even in performance.

I wonder how much pressure can Sony inject into the 3rd party developers though to hit optimal 60 fps without graphical detriment, and perhaps that's why the inconsistency across the board. Not excusing Sony, yet I am trying to understand the reasoning behind why some games run butter smooth, while others literally show extreme limitations.

Re: Helldivers 2 Named February's Best-Selling Game in Europe


@Konks I am referring to the "under performance" highlighted by PushSquare in several articles about the game since Rebirth launched. I completely agree with you March will be a great month to see how the game truly performs, but PSquare shouldn't jump to conclusions either.

Re: Helldivers 2 Named February's Best-Selling Game in Europe


Pushsquare -

Perhaps now you should write an article about how Rebirth managed to be the 3rd most sold game in Europe even though it was released in the last day of February?

All you guys have written about the game thus far has been doom&gloom.
Those my two cents!

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tops, But Doesn't Even Come Close to Remake


Absolutely, the numbers don't lie. Still, there are many variables here.
PS4 base, digital copies on the rise, pandemic...although the numbers don't lie, I am not as pessimistic as PS. The game JUST launched amid critical acclaim (both from players and media alike), and the road is still ahead. I am definitely more interested in how the game performs both in Europe and the US than just Japan.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tops, But Doesn't Even Come Close to Remake


Interesting how either Gematsu nor Famitsu mention that sales "preoccupation", on their articles. It is just Push Square. Having said that, I am not concerned. Let's circle back in 3 months (they can even pull a HellDivers 2?)

Also, it is time for sales trackers to include digital sales. It is absurd that at this time, in this digital era, we are still counting physical copies completely alienated from their digital counterparts.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores Update 1.23 Live Now, Here Are the Patch Notes


@Neonix No.
You can mask it whatever you want, but if she was a straight woman making out with a man, we would not be having this discussion.

As a gay man, i would never say such a thing about games with straight people. Why should you?

There are no politics involved at all. Just a representation of this diverse society. If you don't like it, move to an isolated island.

And the franchise isn't dead. Sorry to disappoint.
Yours truly,
The Awokest of the awoken

Re: Hateful Comments Prompt Resident Evil 4 Remake's Ada Wong to Nuke Instagram Account


And another example of why the gaming community is still considered "the typical white straight dude". We need more diversity within the industry, and companies should be more communicative about it. Sadly, this is a reminder we have tons of work ahead Good will prevail though, or that's what I choose to believe, and i truly feel sad for the actress. It is sickening

Re: How Does the $1,500 Meta Quest Pro Compare to PSVR2?


I work for Meta and let me tell you: similar product aimed at different targets (through different prices), with similar specs. PSVR2 is the device you want for gaming, while Quest Pro is just for specific people - that is until the day they reduce the price.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Price Hike a Sobering Sign of the Times


The thing is: do they really really have to explain the price increase?

We take so many things for granted nowadays. This is a private company: you either buy their products or services, or you don't. But we cannot demand an explanation for every single decision they make.

Re: PS5 Price Increase Confirmed for UK, Europe, Japan, Canada, and More


@Bleachedsmiles It is a matter of optics and pockets. And most importantly, how much of a disruption this really is.

Unfortunate they had to increase the price, but one can save one more month to be able to afford that light increase. Whoever wants a PS5, they will get one even with a price increase.

Lastly: come on, let's be honest. The gaming community barely focuses on positives. Instead they love complaining a lot. No matter what a gaming company does, people will always complain.


Re: PS5 Price Increase Confirmed for UK, Europe, Japan, Canada, and More


Under your excellent verbiage, there are a couple of quite misconceptions that leave your entire post quite meaningless.

The more "valued" American market. Wrong for so many reasons. The European market has always been PlayStation stronghold for generations.

Precisely because of that, and because they have a stronger position in Europe, they feel they can increase the price without not much of an impact.

If they aren't increasing the price in the "valued" American market is because here the competition is fiercer. Period.

And about "Xbox". I even barely name them, that's how unappealing the brand is to me. I wish them the best though! Their Game Pass gave us the new rebranded PS+, so i am here waiting for what's next

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