Comments 22

Re: We're Sure Everyone Will Be Calm About SEGA NFT Trademark


AAA gaming is such a ***** show these days. Games released half-broken without a whole lot of content (you have to buy the rest of the game in tiny chunks via MTX), and now this slap in the face. I know it's not every dev doing it but I don't know why anybody bothers with the exploitative trash of AAA anymore.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase 2021 Was Good, But Not Good Enough


Feel kinda the same. Lots of CGI trailers not showing the game, lots of remasters and remakes (KOTOR is great news but was literally just the announcement), God of War looks damn good but still feels last gen (actually there wasn't much at all in the way of showing off the PS5's power). GTAV is just shameful at this point. Project Eve looks like some silly B-movie kind of fun though.

Re: Far Cry 6 Sure Does Look Like Far Cry in Latest Previews


Ubisoft are literally incapable of not running any of their IPs into the ground through endless yearly iteration. I'm not saying their long running series haven't had some pretty great moments but it's drowned out in the endless noise of the same thing being repeated over and over for eternity. Skip this snoozefest.