Comments 560

Re: New The Last of Us 2 Video Is All About the Story


@Gamakazil I’ve seen the leaks and i still repreordered digitally if that’s ok with you? It’s fine to voice an opinion but don’t go around telling people what to think or what to do. The only thing you said I agree with is wait for reviews from people who have PLAYED the full game

Re: The Last of Us 2 Available for Pre-Order on PlayStation Store Again


@Gladiator995 you didn’t answer my earlier question..... do you work for naughty dog or know someone who works or worked for naughty dog because if you don’t you are just putting other people’s opinions up as your own, which is quite sad. You must have no real world experience because people don’t get paid and get fired in any job in the world.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Available for Pre-Order on PlayStation Store Again


@makina you hope a Sony first party studio fails because you don’t like something they are doing? Isn’t this a PlayStation centric website for PlayStation fans? I personally have no interest in the likes of MLB the show or the GT Sport but would love to see them do well. If you have no interest in this game and don’t intent to buy it or wish it well then why are even bothering to post about it?

Re: The Last of Us 2 Release Date Set for This Summer on PS4


I’m going to say it now 2020 sucks. I’ve had a couple of story beats spoiled for me but that hasn’t dissuaded me from buying TLOU2. I’m going to play the game and learn the story on my own and if I don’t like it or disagree with ND’s decisions then that’s an opinion I’ve come to on my own. I don’t want some mean spirited troll who’s watched all the cutscenes with no context to tell me what to think or that it’s woke. To the person or persons who have leaked this I hope that you never work in this industry again and have to try manual labour doing 60hrs a week to get a fraction of what you earn playtesting games for a living.

Re: Huge The Last of Us 2 Spoiler Videos Leak Online


@get2sammyb there is alway going to be a massive (see you next Tuesday) lying in wait on any forum now who will make it his life’s work to spoil this game. With no release date in sight unless you go internet blind (pretty hard when on lockdown) there’s no way this won’t be spoiled for a lot of people