Comments 560

Re: Widespread PS3, PS Vita Issues Preventing Fans from Downloading Games


All my digital games disappeared off my vita. My son turned it on yesterday afternoon and it said there was no memory card installed so I removed it and reinserted it and nearly all my digital games had been deleted. Tried downloading some games via the store and my download list but not many were working. I’ve been on ps plus nearly since the start so trying to scroll through the download list is a real pain

Re: All PSVR2 Launch Games


@NeonPizzas yeah moss 1&2 will have to be bought again. I didn’t buy book 2 so might get both again later this year. So much to play in 2023 that I’m prioritising certain games over others

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 456


@Cyrus29 are you playing on maximum security level? I really disliked the combat too and it honestly doesn’t get any better in that regards. The final boss battle is one of the worst for mechanics I’ve ever played. If they had made it a 3rd person survival shooter instead of a brawler I think I would have liked it more. It made me long for dead space even more but I’ve got the platinum and I doubt I’ll ever replay it