Comments 559

Re: Soak Up the Snowy Scenery in Horizon: Zero Dawn's Frozen Wilds


@kyleforrester87 Agreed. The combat was great, cant argue there. The first time you fight the T-rex-esque machine (can't remember its name) was properly exhilarating, but I think it was about 30 hours in I bailed as well. Just too many cut and paste side quests and not particularly interesting characters or plot-points wore me down in the end. By contrast (and apologies for using the N-word here) Nintendo just barn-stormed with Zelda, which I'm currently 95+ hours into and shows no sign of flagging in any regard.

Re: Until Dawn Dev's Detective Game Hidden Agenda Launching 24th October


Played That's You a few weeks back with mates while waiting for the Mayweather/McGregor farce, I mean fight, to start. Despite the annoying 'presenter' and his seemingly bottomless pit of terrible jokes I was actually pretty impressed. That you can create your own questions through the app is a huge plus as well. So definitely up for more of these types of titles.

Re: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy's Lead Characters Will Have a Tumultuous Relationship


@THRILLHOU I really don't see why this has you worried for TLOU2. What's your thinking there? I mean, it's different dev teams and writers for a start. Only one chapter's adopted an open world-ish take, so it's not like the whole game's like that. Plus, the series' linearity has been a problem for a lot of people lately - I don't include myself in that - so it sort of makes sense they'd throw those guys a bone here. Having a mix of linear and open world type levels is actually a pretty good idea, I think. With you on the Ubisoft tower mechanic introduced for that one level, that said, so hopefully that's just a fleeting moment of madness.

As far as Chloe and Nadine are concerned, they're definitely not my favourite characters from the franchise, but that's mainly down to a lack of connection fostered by neither possessing any proper backstory, something I'm sure will be addressed here. I know Sully's, Elena's and even Sam's, so it makes sense to me that they'd explore these two female leads.

PS - anyone claiming use of these characters is part of some farcical, imagined attack on men needs to grow the hell up.

Re: Soapbox: Hellblade's Permadeath Threat Is What Makes Games Special


Completely agree with you here, Sammy. New ways of subverting systems always appeal to me, not just in games but also writing, film, art etc. Without those attempts, even if they fail, these mediums will just stagnate.

Another great example of this was Eternal Darkness' sanity system. Worked to superb effect within the context of the game.

Re: Review: ChromaGun (PS4)


This sounds a lot more Portal-like than the opening paragraph lets on, and with the mention of muddy textures and frequent loading times sounds more specifically like the PS3 Orange Box version.

Still, Portal 1 and 2 have to be two of my favourites, and since there seems scant chance Valve will ever go back to that world I may well take this clone for a ride.

Re: Gaming Greats Pay Respects to George A. Romero


A true great of independent cinema. Few American filmmakers have achieved what he did outside the studio system. A massive influence on modern pop culture, and one of a small group who understood that unfettered gore is nothing without substance behind it. The Dead series in particular is only as great as it is because of its social commentary. I'm sure that's not saying anything knew to many folks here, but with the slew of generic zombie knock-offs being pumped out in recent years that fail to understand this it never really hurts to point it out again. Rest in feast, George, rest in feast.

Re: Tons of PS4 Games Under £4 on EU PlayStation Store This Weekend


@Splat I bought it on sale earlier in the year but just couldn't get into it, despite being mad for Max. I know it's the nature of the franchise's setting, but the world was just too bland (i.e dusty, rocky etc) for me to enjoy spending extended time in. I thought maybe I was just sick of the samey-ness open world games are suffering from these days, but I'm playing Horizon at the moment and though it's still got a lot of those issues for me, the world is varied enough to have me invested in exploration.

Re: Guide: PS4 Games Release Dates 2017


Interesting you guys have RDR2 as a tentative 2017 release but Spider-Man firmly in 2018. What's the reasoning behind that out of interest? If I'm remembering correctly Spider-Man was announced quite a while before RDR2, and we've seen actual gameplay of it, too. Or was there some release announcement I missed?

Re: Rumour: New Red Dead Redemption 2 Screenshot Leaks


Can't wait. My favourite from last gen. The RDR vibe I get playing Horizon is probably the main reason it's one of the few games I've stuck with in recent months.

Also, looking very much like this is pre-RDR era, so maybe we will be getting the youthful tales of John Marsden...

Re: Poll: Should Sony Allow Early Access Games on PS4?


Perhaps if Sony developed some kind of refund policy, i.e, if the dev's promises of certain specified updates aren't met by a certain date then the buyer's eligible for a refund, or partial refund.

But then they'd have to develop a digital refund for everything else too, I guess, which they clearly aren't keen on doing.

But yeah, generally I'm in agreement this route should be avoided. The culture of releasing unfinished games is bad enough already without further legitimising it with projects like this.

Re: Video: What Remains of Edith Finch Makes a Strong First Impression


Nope, not for me. Been burned before and I'm all out of aftersun. I'm a narrative man, but without gameplay to go with it I just find it dull. Plus I find that how good a game's story is is hugely oversold. We tend to laud games with stories that have had even a smidgen of effort put into them, but there's a world of difference between good story in a game and good story in a film/TV show/book. It's only the interactivity of games that can elevate them to the level of more traditional formats. TLoU and Uncharted are great examples of this. I love both and enjoy the characters, but take away the gameplay and there's really nothing special about them. That's why neither will work if they ever do become films - at best they'll be mediocre adventure flicks.

Re: SEGA CD Classic Night Trap Is Partying to PS4


Not to be a pedant @get2sammyb but shouldn't it be courted controversy rather than coveted? (sorry, I've spent the morning proof reading work and find myself in the zone)

OT - not sure I can resist this. I can stick it on after watching Hell Comes to Frog Town and be in my element.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Shows Darth Maul Do Battle with Yoda


Aside from the obvious gripes about content amounts, I think one of my biggest bugbears with the first was how much time I just spent running from place to place. I never played the original series so have no idea if they're comparable in that way, but with this one the maps were so big (Hoth in particular) that having the jetpack was an absolute requirement - not great when you needed to level up to 13, I think it was, before you could add one to your loadout. Totally ruined the pacing for me, especially those times when I spent what felt like an age getting back into the heat of things after respawning only to get taken out by a sniper or something and had to do it all over again.

Anyway, I hope they don't repeat that. /moan

Re: Review: PaRappa the Rapper Remastered (PS4)


@johncalmc Yeah, I think there's just always been something up with that level, outside of lag. I remember having the same frustrations the first time around. Sometimes you can hear that you're nailing each hit but still get downgraded, then others you can blatantly balls it up but somehow get knocked back up to good. That's where the frustration comes in - the sheer randomness of it!

Re: Review: PaRappa the Rapper Remastered (PS4)


Not that this will make a difference to anyone - and it's obviously down to the lag associated with HDTVs - but I played through it via my projector last night instead of the TV and there was no lag to speak of. Murdered every stage...until the cooking show. Lag or no lag, that stage is just horrible and always was. Fortunately my girlfriend's away at the moment, though, so no humiliating laughter for me!