Are there time limits on these PS4 > 5 upgrades? I probably won't get a 5 for at least another year but would definitely jump back into this once I do.
Groovy. Having always been a blue-blooded PlayStation boy this was one of the few Xbox games I was always bummed about missing, so will pick it up for sure.
I'd like to see some stuff that finally makes me want a PS5. No idea what that is really, but it's definitely more than remasters and games I can still get on my PS4.
And to those who say it - it isn’t entitlement if you’re paying for it. I barely play any online so my sub is almost exclusively for the monthly games. They. Are. Not. Free.
Questions knocking around my head: Will this just be a thing while the majority transition to the new generation, or will native PS5 titles also end up with DC releases? If the latter, are we going to end up getting directors cuts of Goty editions? Or will DC effectively be the new name for goty editions? And why should I buy a game day one when I know there’ll be a suped up version a year down the line?
Also, why didn’t they call it something that better reflects what it is, instead directors cut, which it clearly isn’t.
They’re going to have him talk, aren’t they? The voice work in 2 was alright I guess, but I much preferred 1 limiting it to visceral grunts and death wails. Full dialogue just sapped the tension for me.
@AFCC You don't think it's more interesting that with the Abby element you start by hating her and end wanting her to live? That was my experience anyhow. The first time it switched to her perspective I was, not miffed, but conflicted - fighting to keep a character you despise alive is a head trip for sure - but as the story progressed and I learnt more of her history and motivations the harder it became when playing as Ellie to want to achieve the goal of revenge. That for me is the game's masterstroke. I get fans of Joel being angry he was killed off (see my initial feelings re Abby), but I've never played a game that flipped my expectations and made me question my own motives as well as TLOU2 did. I'm sure this sounds harsh, and I genuinely don't mean to insult anyone, but I can't help feel those who hate on the game as much as they do possess a lower level of emotional intelligence.
I enjoy RDR online as a way of staying in touch with a friend who moved to the states, but I do wish there was a great variety of group missions. The lack of bank jobs and train heists etc leaves such a gaping hole in the experience. I really don’t get why they’ve not been included.
Is it possible to upgrade to the DS Directors Cut if you have the base PS4 version digitally rather than on disc? Everything I’ve read seems to suggest not. I don’t have a PS5 as yet and would love to give this a go when I do, but I don’t think I’d buy it full price again.
@ILikeStake One character, one show true enough. But the show’s a great one and his character in it much closer to the everyday one of Joel than the cartoonish ones of GoT and WW.
Pretty hopeful for this myself. A talented cast is waaaaay more important than them looking like the source characters, and this cast is pretty strong. Combine that with Chernobyl being excellent, the game's writer being heavily involved in the script, and HBO bankrolling it, and the chances of this being a Prince of Persia or Assassins Creed situation are slim to non-existent.
@ILikeStake WW84 was indeed atrocious, and the other examples you give have fair points too, but I'm guessing by its exclusion that you haven't watched Narcos, so if you want a better reference for Pascal you should definitely check it out.
No PS5 yet but I've been meaning to pick up Plague Tale so will grab that for the future. No interest whatsoever in the other two, though. Wasn't that WWE game an atrociously broken mess that got completely dumped on as well?
To people asking what was infringed, the James Bond IP is enough. Doesn’t matter if we’re talking film, tv, books, games, music, whatever. Level design, assets, how old goldeneye is etc are very much secondary matters.
Arguably, in the UK at least, you could defend this in court under the creative reuse copyright exception. But the money and time required to actually do so against a wealthy corporation will almost never be worth winning. It would almost immediately bankrupt the guy who made this if he tried, and Ubisoft would be tied up in court for years - would you put yourself through that for something you didn’t even make yourself and aren’t making money off? I know I wouldn’t.
It’s so clearly nonsense that a company with this pedigree would involve themselves in promoting an indie from an unknown studio that you can’t help feel the strategy has morphed from marketing to trolling. Who knows what this will end up being, but it’s certainly been more entertaining than E3!
If I were the head of a studio forced to put out a video to head off a backlash from frequently unreasonable gamers that could tank potential sales, etc.... Well I'm pretty sure I'd be considerably more emotive than this guy.
Annapurna are one of those rare companies who consistently put out interesting and unique titles, as is the case with their film output. They don’t always hit the mark, but taking that approach always gets me curious when I see their name attached, so Ill definitely be tuning into this.
I always enjoyed the massive information blowout E3 provided, but with those days long gone and everything just spread throughout the year now these things being little interest personally.
On a general stuff I’d like to see note, more info/a gameplay trailer for The Callisto Protocol would be awesome. Dead Space remains a favourite of mine and I’m itching for more of it’s Sci-fi horror goodness. Something on TLOU multiplayer would be welcome too.
@Octane Sure. Like I say, questioning things is great. My point here is more what’s behind the questioning. If people were saying “I distrust the validity of this data because I think there hasn’t been enough done to include women and they’re covering it up” it would obviously be different. But that’s clearly not the sentiment from the comments I’ve read. And the motive of supposedly scrutinising a corporation’s data simply because it should be doesn’t hold water because, frankly, whether it’s accurate or not a) has no legal implications for these guys at all, and b) makes literally no difference to their lives whatsoever. The only reason it would make a difference is if maintaining an artificial gender divide is important to them, which is certainly what it looks like to me.
This article and thread shows both how far gaming has come in terms of inclusivity and how far it still has to go. The fact that some even feel the stats need to be questioned to start with illustrates there’s still a broad section of the community who feel somehow threatened by an increase in female players, whether they realise/admit it to themselves or not. Supposed arguments about critical thought, methodology etc are a smokescreen. For the sake of debate, let’s say Sony DID pull these numbers out of thin air. What would their agenda be exactly? I can’t see any other reasons than to encourage more women to play with the message that it’s not just a boys club, or at worst increase sales by using that same message cynically (giant corporation in cynical money-making move shocker), both of which arrive at the same destination: more women joining the community. Critical thought’s an excellent personal attribute, and perhaps more valuable now than ever, but where you choose to apply it says more about your own worldview than the arguments you make in its application.
@Total_Weirdo Wahlberg’s 49. Holland’s 24. So not really young and young. That said, as a greying 41-year old I’ll grab the opinion that 49 is still young with both hands, hold it close and slip into warm, comforting bliss 😂
@Porkman85 There you are! IGN have been worried sick! You better get over there and let them know you're okay!
Jeez...Have an opinion, fine. But if you lack the strength of character to share it without being offensive there are plenty other forums you'll be more at home.
Just started Fallen Order, which I’m really digging so far.
I’ve never played a Mass Effect game. Are they as terrifying as that screenshot suggests? I was going to play RE7 next for a horror fix, but maybe I’m backing the wrong horse 🤔
Hi! My name’s Gamer and I’m a misery guts. I provide a vital service by reminding you anything nice you try and do will never be good enough. Without this service you risk exposing yourself to improved self-worth, potentially infecting others with feelings of pleasure and joy. Find me in all good (and bad) video game forums, or call 0800-KILL-JOY for more information
@Daveuppercut Totally agree. It was also far too serious for its own good. Lost Legacy had the same lightness of touch that made the first three what they were. Not my words, Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.
@kyleforrester87 Just wanted to say well played, man. My mum has early-onset dementia and it’s been an absolute shotgun blast to our family, so huge thanks for giving your time to a criminally underfunded cause. Good luck to you in September 👌🏻
I abandoned FF7R this week and started Zombi instead. It was gathering dust in the gargantuan pile of PS+ games I forget I even have. And I have to say... It's pretty bloody good! It's got a great atmosphere and I'm enjoying the Bioshock-esque guiding voice aspect. I barely even notice the shonky graphics. A lovely surprise after FF7R's disappointment.
@themcnoisy Alas, I sold my copy recently. And the truth is I spend most of my time developing skills in desktop animation software anyhow, so it doesn't make a lot of sense for me to essentially repeat that process in my downtime.
But the fact you say you have no artistic skill but made that game just goes to show what a great creative outlet Dreams provides. I can help think Sony should consider giving it away free as part of a system update, with a portal to its creations part of the UI. They clearly believe in it despite it not selling huge numbers so something like that would be an excellent USP for playstation sales.
I've got so much respect for the people creating some of the amazing stuff I've seen in Dreams. I gave it a shot for a while with a view to making some short films (I'm a filmmaker/animator by trade) but just found the control scheme too cumbersome for a controller and lacked the will to get better. For those people it clearly clicked with, though, I hope Sony find a better way to promote their creations. A lot of it really deserves to be seen more widely than just in-game or the niche YouTube community.
Comments 559
Re: Death Stranding Director's Cut (PS5) - Kojima's Walking Simulator Is Best on PS5
Are there time limits on these PS4 > 5 upgrades? I probably won't get a 5 for at least another year but would definitely jump back into this once I do.
Re: The Worst Thing About PS5 Firmware 21-02.04
@DarthAmmii Hey, what do you expect? It’s a British site. Moaning’s our national pastime 😂
Re: PS5 Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Available in Midnight Black Starting Next Month
@hypnotoad Mr. Blobby special edition.
Re: Forspoken's Latest PS5 Trailer Is Witty and Weird
Good lord that voiceover is infuriating. Put me right off a game that otherwise would have been right up my street. Oh well ¯(ツ)/¯
Re: Alan Wake Remastered Confirmed for PS5 and PS4, Coming This Fall
Groovy. Having always been a blue-blooded PlayStation boy this was one of the few Xbox games I was always bummed about missing, so will pick it up for sure.
Re: Feature: Our PS5, PS4 Predictions for PlayStation Showcase 2021
I'd like to see some stuff that finally makes me want a PS5. No idea what that is really, but it's definitely more than remasters and games I can still get on my PS4.
Re: Well? We're Waiting! Fans Dig Up Sony's God of War, PSVR Summer Promise
@ApostateMage @nessisonett is right - that's most definitely a still from Caddyshack. 100%
Re: Hellraiser's Pinhead Will Make You Suffer Beautifully in Dead by Daylight
@AdamNovice Oh yeah, I forgot there's a remake in-bound. Dues seem like an obvious marketing tie-in.
Re: Hellraiser's Pinhead Will Make You Suffer Beautifully in Dead by Daylight
Have they had Leatherface and Candyman? Seems like they’d be obvious inclusions.
Re: Idris Elba Plays Knuckles in the Sonic Movie Sequel, Everyone
@nessisonett Hmm, is that it? Can you think of someting more to say? 😂
Re: PS Plus Games for August 2021 Available to Download on PS5, PS4 Now
@Jacko11 Not on your nelly.
Re: PS5 Hits 10 Million Sales, Is the Fastest-Selling PlayStation Console Ever
Excellent stuff. I’ll add to that number when the game selection makes it more than a PS4 Pro2 😉
Re: PS Plus August 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Leaked by Sony
Eesh. Zero interest in any of these.
And to those who say it - it isn’t entitlement if you’re paying for it. I barely play any online so my sub is almost exclusively for the monthly games. They. Are. Not. Free.
Re: Poll: Should Sony Do More PS5 Director's Cuts?
Questions knocking around my head: Will this just be a thing while the majority transition to the new generation, or will native PS5 titles also end up with DC releases? If the latter, are we going to end up getting directors cuts of Goty editions? Or will DC effectively be the new name for goty editions? And why should I buy a game day one when I know there’ll be a suped up version a year down the line?
Also, why didn’t they call it something that better reflects what it is, instead directors cut, which it clearly isn’t.
Re: Dead Space PS5 Remake Won't Have Microtransactions
They’re going to have him talk, aren’t they? The voice work in 2 was alright I guess, but I much preferred 1 limiting it to visceral grunts and death wails. Full dialogue just sapped the tension for me.
Re: Looks Like The Last of Us 2 Has Been Permanently Discounted on PS Store
@AFCC You don't think it's more interesting that with the Abby element you start by hating her and end wanting her to live? That was my experience anyhow. The first time it switched to her perspective I was, not miffed, but conflicted - fighting to keep a character you despise alive is a head trip for sure - but as the story progressed and I learnt more of her history and motivations the harder it became when playing as Ellie to want to achieve the goal of revenge. That for me is the game's masterstroke. I get fans of Joel being angry he was killed off (see my initial feelings re Abby), but I've never played a game that flipped my expectations and made me question my own motives as well as TLOU2 did. I'm sure this sounds harsh, and I genuinely don't mean to insult anyone, but I can't help feel those who hate on the game as much as they do possess a lower level of emotional intelligence.
Re: Red Dead Online Temporarily Removes PS Plus Paywall
I enjoy RDR online as a way of staying in touch with a friend who moved to the states, but I do wish there was a great variety of group missions. The lack of bank jobs and train heists etc leaves such a gaping hole in the experience. I really don’t get why they’ve not been included.
Re: Random: Sony Plasters PS5 All Over American Game Show Jeopardy
Any other UK cats finding it hard not to hear “Here’s J D Weatherspoons!”?? 😂
Re: The Winners from Sony's Latest State of Play
Is it possible to upgrade to the DS Directors Cut if you have the base PS4 version digitally rather than on disc? Everything I’ve read seems to suggest not. I don’t have a PS5 as yet and would love to give this a go when I do, but I don’t think I’d buy it full price again.
Re: Ubisoft Planning for Assassin's Creed Infinity, Online Platform in 2024
Something tells me the bigwigs have spent too much time hanging around the Mythic Quest set 🤔😂
Re: Filming Begins on HBO's Anticipated The Last of Us TV Show
@ILikeStake One character, one show true enough. But the show’s a great one and his character in it much closer to the everyday one of Joel than the cartoonish ones of GoT and WW.
Re: Filming Begins on HBO's Anticipated The Last of Us TV Show
Pretty hopeful for this myself. A talented cast is waaaaay more important than them looking like the source characters, and this cast is pretty strong. Combine that with Chernobyl being excellent, the game's writer being heavily involved in the script, and HBO bankrolling it, and the chances of this being a Prince of Persia or Assassins Creed situation are slim to non-existent.
@ILikeStake WW84 was indeed atrocious, and the other examples you give have fair points too, but I'm guessing by its exclusion that you haven't watched Narcos, so if you want a better reference for Pascal you should definitely check it out.
Re: PS Plus July 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced
No PS5 yet but I've been meaning to pick up Plague Tale so will grab that for the future. No interest whatsoever in the other two, though. Wasn't that WWE game an atrociously broken mess that got completely dumped on as well?
Re: Absurd Adventure Game The Procession to Calvary Finally Arrives on PS4 Next Week
That looks excellent. Consider me sold.
Side note: as a filmmaker/animator, oh boy do I pity the poor soul having to rotoscope all those paintings! 😂
Re: Konami Confirms Partnership with Bloober Team, Fuelling Silent Hill Rumours
@Vacuumator “Time for coffee”
I think you might have had enough already 😂
Re: Ubisoft Forced to Remove Incredible GoldenEye 007 Maps in Far Cry 5
To people asking what was infringed, the James Bond IP is enough. Doesn’t matter if we’re talking film, tv, books, games, music, whatever. Level design, assets, how old goldeneye is etc are very much secondary matters.
Arguably, in the UK at least, you could defend this in court under the creative reuse copyright exception. But the money and time required to actually do so against a wealthy corporation will almost never be worth winning. It would almost immediately bankrupt the guy who made this if he tried, and Ubisoft would be tied up in court for years - would you put yourself through that for something you didn’t even make yourself and aren’t making money off? I know I wouldn’t.
Re: PS5 Game Abandoned Now Proving Its Outsourcing Studios Exist
@Gilvin It’s Schrödinger's studio 😂
Re: PS5 Game Abandoned Now Proving Its Outsourcing Studios Exist
It’s so clearly nonsense that a company with this pedigree would involve themselves in promoting an indie from an unknown studio that you can’t help feel the strategy has morphed from marketing to trolling. Who knows what this will end up being, but it’s certainly been more entertaining than E3!
Re: Abandoned Dev Appears on Camera to Denounce Silent Hill, Hideo Kojima Speculation
If I were the head of a studio forced to put out a video to head off a backlash from frequently unreasonable gamers that could tank potential sales, etc.... Well I'm pretty sure I'd be considerably more emotive than this guy.
Re: Annapurna Interactive Gets Its Own Showcase Event in July
Annapurna are one of those rare companies who consistently put out interesting and unique titles, as is the case with their film output. They don’t always hit the mark, but taking that approach always gets me curious when I see their name attached, so Ill definitely be tuning into this.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Expect from E3 2021 Next Week?
I always enjoyed the massive information blowout E3 provided, but with those days long gone and everything just spread throughout the year now these things being little interest personally.
On a general stuff I’d like to see note, more info/a gameplay trailer for The Callisto Protocol would be awesome. Dead Space remains a favourite of mine and I’m itching for more of it’s Sci-fi horror goodness. Something on TLOU multiplayer would be welcome too.
Re: Almost Half of PlayStation Gamers Are Women
@Octane Sure. Like I say, questioning things is great. My point here is more what’s behind the questioning. If people were saying “I distrust the validity of this data because I think there hasn’t been enough done to include women and they’re covering it up” it would obviously be different. But that’s clearly not the sentiment from the comments I’ve read. And the motive of supposedly scrutinising a corporation’s data simply because it should be doesn’t hold water because, frankly, whether it’s accurate or not a) has no legal implications for these guys at all, and b) makes literally no difference to their lives whatsoever. The only reason it would make a difference is if maintaining an artificial gender divide is important to them, which is certainly what it looks like to me.
Re: Almost Half of PlayStation Gamers Are Women
This article and thread shows both how far gaming has come in terms of inclusivity and how far it still has to go. The fact that some even feel the stats need to be questioned to start with illustrates there’s still a broad section of the community who feel somehow threatened by an increase in female players, whether they realise/admit it to themselves or not. Supposed arguments about critical thought, methodology etc are a smokescreen. For the sake of debate, let’s say Sony DID pull these numbers out of thin air. What would their agenda be exactly? I can’t see any other reasons than to encourage more women to play with the message that it’s not just a boys club, or at worst increase sales by using that same message cynically (giant corporation in cynical money-making move shocker), both of which arrive at the same destination: more women joining the community. Critical thought’s an excellent personal attribute, and perhaps more valuable now than ever, but where you choose to apply it says more about your own worldview than the arguments you make in its application.
Re: After Over a Decade, Here Are Two Seconds of the Uncharted Movie
@Total_Weirdo Wahlberg’s 49. Holland’s 24. So not really young and young. That said, as a greying 41-year old I’ll grab the opinion that 49 is still young with both hands, hold it close and slip into warm, comforting bliss 😂
Re: PS Store Days of Play Sale Discounts 60 PS5 Games, 500 PS4 Games
@Porkman85 There you are! IGN have been worried sick! You better get over there and let them know you're okay!
Jeez...Have an opinion, fine. But if you lack the strength of character to share it without being offensive there are plenty other forums you'll be more at home.
Re: Random: You Wooden Believe This Custom Build Is a PS5 Console
Phwooooar. That is bloody gorgeous 😍
Re: PlayStation Fans Aren't Happy with This New Uncharted Movie Picture
@Amnesiac Not at 24fps they won’t 😂
Re: New PS Store Sale Discounts 250 PS5, PS4 Retro Games and Remasters
Quite tempted by Catherine: Full Body (nudge nudge, wink wink).
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 376
Just started Fallen Order, which I’m really digging so far.
I’ve never played a Mass Effect game. Are they as terrifying as that screenshot suggests? I was going to play RE7 next for a horror fix, but maybe I’m backing the wrong horse 🤔
Re: PS Store Extended Play Sale Shares More PS5, PS4 Game Deals
Just scanned your review of The Quiet Man @LiamCroft and am now VERY tempted for £2.99 😂🤣😂
Re: Days of Play Event Returns with New Challenges and Rewards
Hi! My name’s Gamer and I’m a misery guts. I provide a vital service by reminding you anything nice you try and do will never be good enough. Without this service you risk exposing yourself to improved self-worth, potentially infecting others with feelings of pleasure and joy. Find me in all good (and bad) video game forums, or call 0800-KILL-JOY for more information
Re: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Has Been Played By Over 37 Million People
@Daveuppercut Totally agree. It was also far too serious for its own good. Lost Legacy had the same lightness of touch that made the first three what they were. Not my words, Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 375
@kyleforrester87 Just wanted to say well played, man. My mum has early-onset dementia and it’s been an absolute shotgun blast to our family, so huge thanks for giving your time to a criminally underfunded cause. Good luck to you in September 👌🏻
Re: Get a Good Look at Biomutant's Crazy Character Creation
@kingtoten Just messing 😉 I’m as English as they come and if I haven’t misspelt something by the time I go to bed each day it’s pretty myrakal.
Re: Get a Good Look at Biomutant's Crazy Character Creation
@kingtoten It really is a packed lunch. Which reminds me I need to pick up some Wagonwheels and Quavers.
Re: Random: As Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Hype Increases, Watch Ted Price and Mark Cerny Promote the Original
The video's holding image is so pixelated it makes Mark Cerny look like Charlie Sheen. I'm not sure who's done best out of that.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 371
I abandoned FF7R this week and started Zombi instead. It was gathering dust in the gargantuan pile of PS+ games I forget I even have. And I have to say... It's pretty bloody good! It's got a great atmosphere and I'm enjoying the Bioshock-esque guiding voice aspect. I barely even notice the shonky graphics. A lovely surprise after FF7R's disappointment.
Re: Kojima Reportedly in Talks with Xbox as PS5's Abandoned Prompts Conspiracy Theories
@nessisonett You gotta be kidding me, I've got BOXES full of Kojima!
Re: Dreams PS4 Update 2.22 Introduces Audio Import Feature and More
@themcnoisy Alas, I sold my copy recently. And the truth is I spend most of my time developing skills in desktop animation software anyhow, so it doesn't make a lot of sense for me to essentially repeat that process in my downtime.
But the fact you say you have no artistic skill but made that game just goes to show what a great creative outlet Dreams provides. I can help think Sony should consider giving it away free as part of a system update, with a portal to its creations part of the UI. They clearly believe in it despite it not selling huge numbers so something like that would be an excellent USP for playstation sales.
Re: Dreams PS4 Update 2.22 Introduces Audio Import Feature and More
I've got so much respect for the people creating some of the amazing stuff I've seen in Dreams. I gave it a shot for a while with a view to making some short films (I'm a filmmaker/animator by trade) but just found the control scheme too cumbersome for a controller and lacked the will to get better. For those people it clearly clicked with, though, I hope Sony find a better way to promote their creations. A lot of it really deserves to be seen more widely than just in-game or the niche YouTube community.