Comments 559

Re: Poll: What Are Your Summer Gaming Habits?


I'm on a hiatus right now, but not so much because of the summer. More that I recently ground to a halt with GOW, which puts on protective head gear I just found so dull...

It's left me in a weird position because I'm generally a game-at-a-time person, so having not finished that I can't seem to start anything else.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 274


Not long started God of War so putting some time into that after a bit of a hiatus following rdr2. It's good to see there's still a healthy amount of GOW dna in there despite the changes, which are also great. I've always loved Kratos' bluntness so enjoying being back with that. Brok is brilliantly written and performed, too. I can see why it's rated so highly even at the relatively early stage I'm at. Big thumbs up.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?


@Mikethemosher What? It's got nothing to do with polls. How is changing £ to $ any more/less inconvenient? There'll always be someone who needs to convert to their native currency. This is a UK-based site so obviously it'll be shown in pounds.

Also, just call me baby man. We're not in the early 2000s anymore.

Re: Talking Point: Should All Games Have an Easy Mode?


Not quite sure why one poll option is 'as long as it's optional I don't see why not'. Surely the fact we're talking about an easy mode means it's implicitly optional. Otherwise it's just easy, right? I mean, question isn't should all games be easy.

As for my own view, I'd appreciate the option, yeah. My experiences with FS games have always been that I love the worlds and how they're put together, but I just don't have the time to grind. Too much else going on in my life. Everyone says they're great because gamers have been hand-held for years, which I agree with, but the gap between the skill requirements of 'normal' games and FS games is a bloody chasm. Which is cool. It's just I'd love to be able to actually see one of them through.

As a final point, I don't see why it has to be easy necessarily. Can we not go with intermediate? Why suggest one extreme instead of another?

Re: Soapbox: I'm Spending More Time Grooming Red Dead Redemption 2's Arthur Than Myself


I've been growing my hair and beard since starting on release date, with occasional trips to the Barber to try some stuff to see how I was getting on. I hit level 10 last night and it was at that point that I upgraded Arthur's tent specifically To fast travel to the barbers without further delay. Happy to report I'm delighted with my 'English' with level 10 mutton chops.

I then spent the next hour putting together a brand new outfit to compliment my sculpted fuzz.

I have no idea what's going on in the story 😐