I'm on a hiatus right now, but not so much because of the summer. More that I recently ground to a halt with GOW, which puts on protective head gear I just found so dull...
It's left me in a weird position because I'm generally a game-at-a-time person, so having not finished that I can't seem to start anything else.
Might be coz it's Wednesday, but my brain's having real trouble with the sentence "Angry Birds Movie 2 Game" . I'm going for a walk to clear my head...
@tomassi I know what you mean, but judging by the screenshots I'm not sure it'll be complete 3D either. Maybe 2.5? I know they say there'll be more exploration, but that could be in a metroidvania kind of way, back and forth instead of open-worldy.
I most certainly am. I'm a big fan fo Limbo and Inside and this looks just as atmospheric. Will be fascinating to see how their game style transitions to an alternative perspective.
@shuvamg009 Absolutely. Fall Guys looks like it'll provide way more fun than most of the other titles on this list. Can't believe it hasn't even scraped 1% yet!
I'll buy this simply for the pleasure of walking through central without being ambushed by Chuggers every few steps. I might actually make it to work on time!
PS. What is it with the games industry and its obsession with skinhead Brits?
Looks cool. Can't say I'm sold on the voice casting, though. None of them seem to have much gravitas to them. I mean I can't believe I'm saying this, but it has to be the first time I don't think Nolan North fits the role. He almost sounds pubescent.
Not long started God of War so putting some time into that after a bit of a hiatus following rdr2. It's good to see there's still a healthy amount of GOW dna in there despite the changes, which are also great. I've always loved Kratos' bluntness so enjoying being back with that. Brok is brilliantly written and performed, too. I can see why it's rated so highly even at the relatively early stage I'm at. Big thumbs up.
Really looking forward to playing this again, especially with the new additions.
For anyone who hasn't played it, it's really more smutty/risque than outright NSFW. I don't remember there being any actual nudity, for instance, just lots of innuendo, etc. (unless my poor little mind suppressed it all of course).
@playstation1995 I know 7’s not a bad score son. My response is based on the apparently unanimous agreement between reviewers that the gameplay, beyond the horde encounters, and the story are bland and generic. That’s disappointing to me so I’ll probably pick it up down the line. Peaceout
@JJ2 Read as if Sammy was jaded on the gameplay to me, which speaks volumes.
Disappointed myself. The early previews grabbed me, but like others I found everything since underwhelming. Was hoping the final product would pull something out of the bag, but it doesn't seem to have managed it. Bigly shame.
@Medic_alert It's a good point, but I reckon the rumoured Uncharted follow-up could be their first-rate PS5 launch title. TLoU is well known, yes, but Uncharted and its characters are pretty much PS's mascots by now.
@Mikethemosher What? It's got nothing to do with polls. How is changing £ to $ any more/less inconvenient? There'll always be someone who needs to convert to their native currency. This is a UK-based site so obviously it'll be shown in pounds.
Also, just call me baby man. We're not in the early 2000s anymore.
I don't think people should be able to change their IDs. It'll ruin the experience for those of us who got it right the first time and compromise Sony's vision.
Not quite sure why one poll option is 'as long as it's optional I don't see why not'. Surely the fact we're talking about an easy mode means it's implicitly optional. Otherwise it's just easy, right? I mean, question isn't should all games be easy.
As for my own view, I'd appreciate the option, yeah. My experiences with FS games have always been that I love the worlds and how they're put together, but I just don't have the time to grind. Too much else going on in my life. Everyone says they're great because gamers have been hand-held for years, which I agree with, but the gap between the skill requirements of 'normal' games and FS games is a bloody chasm. Which is cool. It's just I'd love to be able to actually see one of them through.
As a final point, I don't see why it has to be easy necessarily. Can we not go with intermediate? Why suggest one extreme instead of another?
"...we've always figured that ageing consoles like the PS4 may end up struggling with it."
I dunno. TLOU proved you can still squeeze an all but next-gen title from a console at the end of its life. And that was the PS3, routinely cited as a nightmare to code for. Though admittedly that was a first-party dev and not open world. But still...
Yeah, I really don't think it's all that bad. I mean given it's going to be live action what else could be expected of them? I think they've handled the conjoined eyeball thing quite well personally. And really can't say I find it creepy at all.
This is all aside from the fact that a live-action Sonic's a bad idea, of course.
It would be amazing if they incorporated a GTAV-style switch characters with the push of a button mechanic. Imagine a scenario like the NYC attack at the end of the first Avengers film where you can just hop around whenever to take on different tasks. So choice.
Always been a Marble Madness/Monkey Ball fan, so I'm interested in this. But...Marble it Up? Come on, dudes, it's hard to think of a less inspired title.
It's almost like Milla Jovovich and Paul Anderson were both abused by video games early in life, found each other through a temporal connection based on this shared trauma and made it their life's work to revisit that abuse ten-fold on the world of video games.
@andreoni79 Ha. I never noticed it before. Somehow the graphic makes it more pronounced, though I'm sure that's an optical illusion more than anything.
Personally I'd go for High Plains Drifter Clint. Or maybe Every Which Way But Loose...🤔
I've been growing my hair and beard since starting on release date, with occasional trips to the Barber to try some stuff to see how I was getting on. I hit level 10 last night and it was at that point that I upgraded Arthur's tent specifically To fast travel to the barbers without further delay. Happy to report I'm delighted with my 'English' with level 10 mutton chops.
I then spent the next hour putting together a brand new outfit to compliment my sculpted fuzz.
@Giygas_95 Yes! Stuff like that's happened to me so many times. In a sense I'm okay with it as I decided from the outset I was going to Blackhat this playthrough, so heavy wanted levels was always a certainty. But if you're trying to go the other direction it essentially means the honour system's broken.
Comments 559
Re: Ghostbusters: The Video Game Slimes PS4 from 4th October
@JoeBlogs Your username's enough to do that to me, man! Had myself many a pair of Jo blogs jeans in the day 😂
Re: Poll: What Are Your Summer Gaming Habits?
I'm on a hiatus right now, but not so much because of the summer. More that I recently ground to a halt with GOW, which puts on protective head gear I just found so dull...
It's left me in a weird position because I'm generally a game-at-a-time person, so having not finished that I can't seem to start anything else.
Re: The Angry Birds Movie 2 Game Drops Asymmetrical Multiplayer on PSVR
Might be coz it's Wednesday, but my brain's having real trouble with the sentence "Angry Birds Movie 2 Game" . I'm going for a walk to clear my head...
Re: Guide: How to Watch Virtual Reality Porn on PSVR
Okay, debate time: So I can come here to learn how to download porn but woe betide me if I swear in a comment?
The floor's open...
Re: Hands On: Until Dawn Dev Evolves Interactive Drama with Man of Medan Multiplayer
@clarksmc 30th August I believe.
Re: Weirdness: Russia Has a Tank Controlled with a DualShock
So any military assault will last 2-3 hours, then. I hope they've got a spare for when the first one's recharging.
LED would be cool in a firefight, I guess, though.
Re: Inside Developer Playdead's Next Game Gets New Artwork
@tomassi I know what you mean, but judging by the screenshots I'm not sure it'll be complete 3D either. Maybe 2.5? I know they say there'll be more exploration, but that could be in a metroidvania kind of way, back and forth instead of open-worldy.
Re: Inside Developer Playdead's Next Game Gets New Artwork
I most certainly am. I'm a big fan fo Limbo and Inside and this looks just as atmospheric. Will be fascinating to see how their game style transitions to an alternative perspective.
Re: Sony Has Expressed Interest in an R-Rated God of War Movie
I'd be down with that (but then I usually am with game adaptations until I actually watch them and remember why it's a bad idea).
Ricky Whittle would be my call for Kratos, I reckon.
Re: PS Plus July 2019 PS4 Games Announced
@ApostateMage Jurassic Park.
Sorry, I have Partridgequoteresponsesyndrome. The doctors tell me there's nothing they can do.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 'Mercenary of the Dark Future' PS4 Theme Hits PlayStation Store for Free
I still wish we could mix theme icons with our own wallpapers like the good ol' PS3 days
Re: Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry - Disco Suits, Toilet Humour, and Questionable Dating Tactics
"Hey everyone! This guy wants a giant ribbed pina colada-flavor leopard skin condom!"
Re: Poll: What Was the Best PS4 Game of E3 2019?
@shuvamg009 Absolutely. Fall Guys looks like it'll provide way more fun than most of the other titles on this list. Can't believe it hasn't even scraped 1% yet!
Re: E3 2019: Watch Dogs Legion Lets You Play as Anyone, Hacks PS4 in March
I'll buy this simply for the pleasure of walking through central without being ambushed by Chuggers every few steps. I might actually make it to work on time!
PS. What is it with the games industry and its obsession with skinhead Brits?
Re: E3 2019: Incredible Final Fantasy VII Remake Gameplay Saves E3
Can't believe they got Nic Cage for the presser. Screw you MS!
Re: E3 2019: Marvel's Avengers Finally Unveiled with Flashy CG Trailer, Releases May 2020
Looks cool. Can't say I'm sold on the voice casting, though. None of them seem to have much gravitas to them. I mean I can't believe I'm saying this, but it has to be the first time I don't think Nolan North fits the role. He almost sounds pubescent.
Re: SpongeBob Remaster Will Include Cut Content from the Original Battle for Bikini Bottom
Missed this one at the time, but SpongeBoB's a 20th Century god so I'll definitely give it a whirl.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 274
Not long started God of War so putting some time into that after a bit of a hiatus following rdr2. It's good to see there's still a healthy amount of GOW dna in there despite the changes, which are also great. I've always loved Kratos' bluntness so enjoying being back with that. Brok is brilliantly written and performed, too. I can see why it's rated so highly even at the relatively early stage I'm at. Big thumbs up.
Re: Death Stranding Release Date Confirmed for November 2019
Had to stop watching halfway through. Got hit by the hype train. Off to A&E.
Re: Catherine: Full Body Is Packing Much More Than Any of Us Bargained On
Really looking forward to playing this again, especially with the new additions.
For anyone who hasn't played it, it's really more smutty/risque than outright NSFW. I don't remember there being any actual nudity, for instance, just lots of innuendo, etc. (unless my poor little mind suppressed it all of course).
Re: Random: Spider-Man Replaces Mary Jane in This Spectacular PS4 Glitch
It's like the 60s cartoon all over again!
Re: Catherine: Full Body's English Marketing Kicks Into Gear with a Nightmarish Trailer
Love, love, love this game. Will definitely be repurchasing 👌🏻
Re: Darkwood Brings Top-Down Terror to PS4 on 14th May
@Nyne11Tyme God, I totally forgot about Loaded. Sunk so many hours into that one.*
*Alas decent GCSE scores, I knew ye not.
Re: Feature: We're Making a Game with Dreams on PS4 - Issue 1
Can I also suggest a crushing mode where you're forced to play standing with someone's armpit in your face?
Re: Feature: We're Making a Game with Dreams on PS4 - Issue 1
Will this game have a Season Ticket with bonus legroom?
Re: Days Gone - Open World Comfort Food with a Survival Horror Spin
@playstation1995 I know 7’s not a bad score son. My response is based on the apparently unanimous agreement between reviewers that the gameplay, beyond the horde encounters, and the story are bland and generic. That’s disappointing to me so I’ll probably pick it up down the line. Peaceout
Re: Days Gone - Open World Comfort Food with a Survival Horror Spin
@JJ2 Read as if Sammy was jaded on the gameplay to me, which speaks volumes.
Disappointed myself. The early previews grabbed me, but like others I found everything since underwhelming. Was hoping the final product would pull something out of the bag, but it doesn't seem to have managed it. Bigly shame.
Re: UK Sales Charts: World War Z Fends Off Zombies from the Top Spot
@RogerRoger Would you give it a rest with the snooker puns? That's your only warning. No extension.
Re: Shooting for The Last of Us: Part 2 Is All Wrapped Up
@Medic_alert It's a good point, but I reckon the rumoured Uncharted follow-up could be their first-rate PS5 launch title. TLoU is well known, yes, but Uncharted and its characters are pretty much PS's mascots by now.
Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?
@Tasuki Noted. And kudos for the creative word replacement. I feel like I've got a Barry White vibe going on now ✌🏻
Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?
@Mikethemosher You've conflated argument with disagreement, my friend. You have a lovely day also x
Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?
@Mikethemosher What? It's got nothing to do with polls. How is changing £ to $ any more/less inconvenient? There'll always be someone who needs to convert to their native currency. This is a UK-based site so obviously it'll be shown in pounds.
Also, just call me baby man. We're not in the early 2000s anymore.
Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?
@Mikethemosher Or you could convert it yourself? Crazy, I know.
Re: Sony Has Just Revealed the PS5, Not Launching This Year
Bloody hell. You turn off your internet for 5 minutes...
Re: PSN Name Change Functionality Finally Launches Today and Tomorrow
I don't think people should be able to change their IDs. It'll ruin the experience for those of us who got it right the first time and compromise Sony's vision.
Re: Talking Point: Should All Games Have an Easy Mode?
Not quite sure why one poll option is 'as long as it's optional I don't see why not'. Surely the fact we're talking about an easy mode means it's implicitly optional. Otherwise it's just easy, right? I mean, question isn't should all games be easy.
As for my own view, I'd appreciate the option, yeah. My experiences with FS games have always been that I love the worlds and how they're put together, but I just don't have the time to grind. Too much else going on in my life. Everyone says they're great because gamers have been hand-held for years, which I agree with, but the gap between the skill requirements of 'normal' games and FS games is a bloody chasm. Which is cool. It's just I'd love to be able to actually see one of them through.
As a final point, I don't see why it has to be easy necessarily. Can we not go with intermediate? Why suggest one extreme instead of another?
Re: It Sounds Like Cyberpunk 2077 Is Probably Coming to PS5 as Cross-Gen Speculation Continues
"...we've always figured that ageing consoles like the PS4 may end up struggling with it."
I dunno. TLOU proved you can still squeeze an all but next-gen title from a console at the end of its life. And that was the PS3, routinely cited as a nightmare to code for. Though admittedly that was a first-party dev and not open world. But still...
Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy a Disc-Less PS4 Console?
Yeah, not until they sort out the pricing on digital releases.
Re: Yes, This Is Apparently Sonic in the Sonic the Hedgehog Live Action Movie
Yeah, I really don't think it's all that bad. I mean given it's going to be live action what else could be expected of them? I think they've handled the conjoined eyeball thing quite well personally. And really can't say I find it creepy at all.
This is all aside from the fact that a live-action Sonic's a bad idea, of course.
Re: Japanese Dead or Alive 6 Stream Axed After Things Got a Bit Too Sexually Suggestive
I don't play fighting games and have no idea who that character is. But I'll be stealing that move for sure, yessir.
Re: Like, Shaggy Isn't Going to Be in Mortal Kombat 11, So Cool It With the Memes, Scoob
@JoeBlogs True. If anyone it should have been Scrappy.
(God, I hated Scrappy...)
Re: Hands On: Dreams Is Arguably PS4's Most Impressive Exclusive Yet
I'm eating a five guys with cajun fries as I read this. PushSquare really does offer a whole new level of immersion!
Re: EA: 'We're Fully Committed to Making More Star Wars Games'
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi "We're very clear about our clear belief in Star Wars' clear importance to our clear business model."
Re: Russo Brothers to Present at The Game Awards, Fuelling Speculation of an Avengers Appearance
It would be amazing if they incorporated a GTAV-style switch characters with the push of a button mechanic. Imagine a scenario like the NYC attack at the end of the first Avengers film where you can just hop around whenever to take on different tasks. So choice.
Re: Marble It Up! Looks Like a Space Age Super Monkey Ball Without the Monkeys
Always been a Marble Madness/Monkey Ball fan, so I'm interested in this. But...Marble it Up? Come on, dudes, it's hard to think of a less inspired title.
Re: The Monster Hunter Movie Looks Exactly Like the Monster Hunter You Know and Love
It's almost like Milla Jovovich and Paul Anderson were both abused by video games early in life, found each other through a temporal connection based on this shared trauma and made it their life's work to revisit that abuse ten-fold on the world of video games.
Re: Soapbox: I'm Spending More Time Grooming Red Dead Redemption 2's Arthur Than Myself
@andreoni79 Ha. I never noticed it before. Somehow the graphic makes it more pronounced, though I'm sure that's an optical illusion more than anything.
Personally I'd go for High Plains Drifter Clint. Or maybe Every Which Way But Loose...🤔
Re: Soapbox: I'm Spending More Time Grooming Red Dead Redemption 2's Arthur Than Myself
@andreoni79 Hahaha. Clint's really working that poncho! He's got the Victoria Secret lingerie hip-thrust down pat!
Re: Soapbox: I'm Spending More Time Grooming Red Dead Redemption 2's Arthur Than Myself
I've been growing my hair and beard since starting on release date, with occasional trips to the Barber to try some stuff to see how I was getting on. I hit level 10 last night and it was at that point that I upgraded Arthur's tent specifically To fast travel to the barbers without further delay. Happy to report I'm delighted with my 'English' with level 10 mutton chops.
I then spent the next hour putting together a brand new outfit to compliment my sculpted fuzz.
I have no idea what's going on in the story 😐
Re: Poll: One Week Later, Is Red Dead Redemption 2 the Best Game of 2018?
@Giygas_95 Yes! Stuff like that's happened to me so many times. In a sense I'm okay with it as I decided from the outset I was going to Blackhat this playthrough, so heavy wanted levels was always a certainty. But if you're trying to go the other direction it essentially means the honour system's broken.