Comments 559

Re: Poll: One Week Later, Is Red Dead Redemption 2 the Best Game of 2018?


I've put in about 20 hours so far and I'm absolutely loving it. But it's definitely not without its problems. Aside from the control scheme, which got on my nerves at first but I have at least got used to, there are other systems at play that could really do with patching. The wanted system is way too aggressive, for instance. You can end up with a bounty on your head and being exiled from an area for things that are seemingly innocuous or else completely out of your control (like NPCs suddenly running out in front of your horse, for example). Things like this and some others would have made me hand it a 9 if I were a reviewer. But it is incredible, and once you get passed the opening hours and get used to the pace I do agree it comes into its own and becomes something remarkable. Though I feel bad for the people who find it too slow and can't get to the point me and others of the same view have. They're not wrong in sense, but if only they could hold out a little longer...

Re: Round Up: Shadow of the Tomb Raider PS4 Reviews Can't Make Up Their Mind


I enjoyed the freshness gameplay-wise of the reboot, but both it and Rise just had the most horrible writing and infuriating 2D, cut and paste characters. Wasn't really a fan of the added open-world elements of Rise either, and everything I've seen of this one points to that being even more the case, with loads of needless bloat. I really hope this trend of making every game open world gets lost in a tomb in the very near future.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Gets a Full 48 Minute Gameplay Demo


@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Agreed. There is something deeply wrong with the idea that words and nudity are more offensive than murder and gratuitous violence. If you don't care for strong language, fine. If you're too prudish to deal with a human being's natural state, fine (weird, but fine). But if those two things get you more upset than charging around killing with abandon, however, then that is some serious cognitive dissonance.

Re: Ellie Won't Have to Fight Alone in The Last of Us: Part II


Something tells me she won't be joined by Joel. He'll obviously feature, since he was in the reveal trailer. But the E3 video seemed to suggest Joel was the head honcho around whatever community that was, so I suspect he'll stay there to continue that work while Ellie heads off on her revenge mission. Chronologically I'd say the reveal trailer - where Joel asks Ellie if she's sure she's going to go through with 'it' - occurs after what we saw at E3.

Re: PS5 Is a Long Way Away, Or So Sources Say


@get2sammyb The next iteration should be a slimmed down pro in my opinion. By that point the necessary components should have reduced enough in cost to make releasing a revised vanilla SKU redundant. Having this choice halfway through the life cycle makes sense, but when you're reaching the end you might as well just amalgamate.

Re: PSVR's Best Game SUPERHOT VR Receives a Retail Release


I bloody love Super Hot. If you have PSVR and haven't tried this you should definitely correct that toot sweet!

The only time I seem to run into tracking issues is when I crouch behind something. There doesn't seem to be a camera placement in my lounge that will capture everything. But I think that might be more a failing of the PS camera than the game.

Re: Duke Nukem Movie in the Works, Possibly Starring John Cena


Just air-dropping in to @Quintumply 's defence here! He's completely correct about this usage of "cum" (Ooh er). It's also used when two formerly separate places, usually hamlets or villages, become one. For instance, there's a town in Cambridgeshire called Stow cum Quy, the result of two places, Stow and Quy, merging. It's pretty archaic, that said, and I've never seen it anywhere but the UK, so if you guys aren't UK-based it's not a surprise you aren't familiar with it.

Naturally I still snicker like a nine-year-old when I drive past the Stow cum Quy sign, though. I am but a man, after all!

Re: Spider-Man PS4 Playthroughs Taking Multiple Days


Notwithstanding RDR2, this is probably the game I'm looking forward to most this year. Last Spider-Man game I enjoyed (despite its flaws) was Ultimate on the Gamecube. Looks like they've nailed it from what I've seen. Hopefully it's not ruined by the same rinse and repeat structure that destroys my interest in most recent open world games.

Re: Round Up: Push Square's Favourite PS4 Games of 2017


@KingSandyRavage The MackyD analogy above is spot on. There's a distinction between 'successful' and 'quality' which applies to almost everything in this world. Not just games, but films, books, music, theatre, clothes, etc etc etc. Generally speaking, the things we can unequivocally agree are successful (i.e. the money they earn is there for all to see in sales charts, company profit returns, etc) rarely overlap with those the 'critical community' consider representative of a high standard. Put together a top ten of the 2017 games that sold most and I'm sure CoD would be on there (not my kind of game so wouldn't have a clue), but this site produces critical responses to games so has a different criteria when putting together these lists. One of those things will be originality, which, however solid a game it might be, CoD quite obviously lacks. Getting prettier and prettier with each release doesn't count.

Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Open World Games


@kyleforrester87 Then I reckon BOTW is the one for you, man. I've been having huge issues getting into open world games these last couple of years. Horizon kept me going longer than most but I still tuned out before the end of the main story. Conversely, I'm currently 95+ hours deep in BOTW and keep putting off finishing the main quest because I don't want it to end. There's pretty much nothing about it they haven't got right.

Re: Have a Gander at L.A. Noire Running in 4K on PS4 Pro


Won't be returning to this. Drove me absolutely nuts the first time around. The amount of times your chosen response/enquiry failed to be reflected by what actually occurred afterwards ruined the idea I had any agency over how things progressed. I'd pick an option thinking it seemed easy-going or gently does it etc, only for Phelps to start barking at the POI and completely ruin my plan. Jeez, Cole, I thought we were partners!

Re: Poll: Do You Think Single Player Games Are Really In Danger of Dying Out?


@get2sammyb "I think single player games will continue to exist, but it's clearly becoming incredibly difficult for publishers to justify funding them. Games like Uncharted, God of War, The Witcher, Horizon, et al are not cheap AT ALL to make. And while we've certainly seen some lower budget single player games have success this year (NieR, Nioh, etc) I do think we're going to get less and less of them moving forwards."

Is not a significant part of the reason these games are so expensive to develop these days is because so much time and energy is funnelled into the aesthetics? I'd say the majority of the time this is used to cover up unoriginal gameplay and narratives. Don't get me wrong, I like pretty things as much as the next guy, but it doesn't matter how good the paint is if the box has caught rot. They're only that expensive because they've made them that expensive (if that makes sense). It reminds me of something you said recently in relation to Battlefront 2's shortcomings, that we're kind of to blame for it, too. I think that's the case here as well. We've spent so many years banging on about graphics and photorealism that we're partly responsible for the industry adopting it as a major priority. We've shot ourselves in the foot here and can't really complain (although I will, of course, because I bloody love complaining!)

Re: God of War Director Speaks Out in Defence of Single Player Games


There's an argument to say it doesn't matter if a bunch of us prefer single-player, story-driven games. If the publishers (which it seems to be more so than developers) see more money in service-based all they have to do is take away the option of single-player, as they seem to be doing. Then from our perspective it's either re-adjust and learn to get on with MP/service games, or give up on gaming. The severe lack of them in recent years has definitely seen a decline in the amount of time I play games. And it's probably also had a lot to do with the indies returning to old skool bullet-hell / dungeon crawler games etc and that being successful (that and the rampant addiction to nostalgia swaddling western societies right now) .

Re: Wait, Open World, Sci-Fi Action RPG ELEX Is Out on PS4 Tomorrow?


@JoeBlogs Well though my problem's writing related, it's really more a personality thing. "Wait, Open World, Sci-Fi Action RPG ELEX Is Out on PS4 Tomorrow?" isn't a terribly constructed sentence, I know. It's more that it's an example of how more and more of what we're fed online is crouched in an extreme of one kind or another. Everything is 'breathtaking' or 'stunning', or else 'horrific' or 'vile' etc. There's very little middle ground, a dwindling presence of nuance. And as I see it there's a direct correlation between this development and the similar extremes we're seeing in politics and peoples' attitudes to one another. Extremes are governing all right now. So to put this in the context of 'Wait...', it's used to inject nonexistent drama into a heading that doesn't need it. Now I get that it's a tough old game out there for sites like PS. Lots of competition to bat away and whatever method works, etc. But one of the things I appreciate about PS is how adult and balanced it is. Comment discussions are generally polite and respectful of others' opinions, even when they differ, and the staff even acknowledge when they're churning out filler articles, click-bait etc. But for me that's damaged when internet writing trends like this are adopted, because it makes everything read as if produced by someone in the early throes of puberty, a bunch of school kids gossiping in the playground. Most likely that makes me sound like some kind of snob, but, well, so what? I'd rather that than have every site I visit look like IGN, Cinemablend or somewhere, where most if not all headings begin in the vein of 'Wait...!', or 'Why you need to know so and so...' or 'The real reason, etc etc.'
I'm just saying this site's better than that, that's all, as are plenty of others who follow the same trends. Just my two pence.