The way I see it is: Better graphics, faster loading and more storage are just the natural advances we always see with computer technology. It's expected. PS1 was truly viable and affordable CD gaming. PS2 added DVD support and online play. PS3 went to blue ray and added an internal hard drive rather than memory cards. PS4 added VR. What is PS5 bringing to the table?
I don't care about specs and numbered generations. Two things matter: 1. The games themselves. This is always most important. I don't care if the games are technically impressive. Are they fun? Are they interesting? Do I see them and want to play them? Do the stories draw me in? 2. What new features does the system have? The inside of the console can be made of fruit cake for all I care. What does it do?
@Zeke68 Numbers aren't remotely interesting to me. It's gonna be graphically more powerful. It's gonna have faster load times. It's gonna have more built in storage. That's all a given with a new device.
If that's all that's different then my opinion holds - that's not much of an upgrade. Better graphics, faster loading and more storage are just the natural advances we always see with computer technology. It's expected. PS1 was truly viable and affordable CD gaming. PS2 added DVD support and online play. PS3 went to blue ray and added an internal hard drive rather than memory cards. PS4 added VR. What is PS5 bringing to the table?
@Neolit In Sony's defense, at that time SD cards weren't as cheap as they are now. I'm not saying I like what they did, but it wasn't the standard the way it is these days. As for the clickable sticks VS back touch, that's less than ideal for sure, but I really don't think it was a deal breaker either.
Had the Vita had more software and marketing support, those shortcomings totally could have been overcome.
The question is: Will my PS4 crash mid update, again? Since I've owned it, it fails updates about 1 out of every 3 and forces me to restart and redo the update.
How does this kind of thing happen? No but seriously, how does this happen? Don't they test anything before releasing? How do they miss something so major?
It still baffles me what happened with the Vita. By all means it should have been an awesome little device but Sony dropped the ball so hard. At least they did internationally. It remained relevant in Japan for a lot longer.
@Zeke68 I mean yeah, they'd be crazy to ignore the current install base. But I do think it's also a bad idea to be quiet about PS5 support for the games as well.
Right now I'm just extremely unimpressed with both next gen machines. Yes they're gonna be fast and have improved graphics but... next gen machines are always better with improved graphics and everything I've seen so far is just... meh. It just doesn't really strike me as that much of an upgrade.
I think this is literally the lowest rated remaster of a game I have seen. Ouch! How do you remaster a game so poorly? They already had all the basics done!
#1 most important thing is, and always will be: THE GAMES. Software sells hardware, not the other way around. This is not going to change.
#2 are the features the PS5 has. Backward compatibility? VR? Blue Ray movie support? How much of each and what else?
Specs aren't remotely as important as sites like this, and IGN and other game outlets lead you to believe. No one buys a console just to brag "Yeah, my game console has 2 teraflops and a 2TB SSD! Look how cool I am!"
The physical design of the console is a detail we all want to know, but I don't imagine how the console looks would ever be a deciding factor.
@Zeke68 I suppose that makes some sense. But does that mean those games will only be PS4 titles? I thought most games for Playstation being made now, were planned to have PS5 versions/updates?
@toby2020 As for difficulty, I am 110% in the camp of difficulty options. Let people have their easy, normal, hard and crazy modes if they want. But as for single player, I totally agree. Multi-player is great but there needs to be a balance. There's still a big market for major single player adventures but not a lot of games being made or marketed in that vein anymore. Some, but not nearly as many as there could be.
And although I like DLC a lot of the time, I usually pass on online only DLC, unless I'm really really into a game. But the DLC for games like Breath of the Wild, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Pokemon SW/SH, Xenoblade 2, all big single player expansions? I eat that up!
I'm rather curious why they are waiting. If the thing is supposed to launch this year, I feel like it's really time to at least show us the darn thing.
@Flaming_Kaiser Quite the opposite I assure you. I was just talking from their point of view. You don't have to agree with someone to understand their position and from their position allowing the Chinese public to taste any foreign media and luxuries was a mistake. That's not a door you can close.
China should never have opened the door to foreign influence. Now that more and more of their people have had even a taste of freedom of expression, that desire is never going away. Eventually they will have to loosen their laws, or the repression is going to turn violent.
Unless it's a massive price difference, I doubt that is gonna be a big deal. If PS5 is 500 dollars and XboxX is 450 I don't think that 50 dollars is gonna be a deciding factor for most gamers. Not really. Sure some people will be turned off but not that big of a group. But if it's a sizable price difference, 100 dollars of more, there's gonna be issues. Like, if one console is 350 and the other is 500+? That's gonna hurt.
On the other hand if PS5 or XboxX has some killer new feature that the other one does not, that's more likely to be a deciding factor.
Personally, if it is true that XboxX supports every Xbox title from the OG system to the new system, and PS5 only plays PS4 and PS5, that's gonna pull me in MS's direction.
You can keep your loot boxes and micro-transactions. I despise that crap.
But major content paid DLC add ons, bug fixes, free updates and giveaways? Yeah, that's a nice thing I would have liked. The way Nintendo released all those Splatoon 1 and 2 maps for free is way better than old school COD and Halo map packs. DLC expansions like we get in some games, adding hours of story and even entirely new game modes for a fraction of the cost of a new game would have been great.
But the thing is - I'd have killed for the Switch as a kid. And my parents would have liked it too. I always wanted to have both a portable and a console and divided my limited gaming between them. For a birthday present or a reward for a good report card, I'd have to choose a game for one or the other. But the Switch is both!
And other quality of life improvements - rechargeable batteries, wireless controllers, online multiplayer, internal memory, standardized cables... all these things are much much much better today than in the past. I do not miss short controller cables, composite AV, big bulky CRT TVs, memory cards, AA batteries, and every device ever having its own proprietary charging/power cable.
I still have a small crate full of random power cables in storage somewhere....
I expected this to be a let down no matter what. The level of reverence the original gets is beyond anything normal. It's almost cult worship in my opinion. Rose tinted goggles and fond childhood memories are a dangerous thing to play with.
I'm glad it sounds like it's not a train wreck, but I imagine people will be unhappy no matter what.
Personally, I'll pick it up used/on sale at some point in the distant future. Or wait for a combo pack once the whole remake is done.
@rjejr Yeah but that was because the color difference was tied to the storage issue. Had they just sold a black and white version of the same product, I imagine the numbers would have been much more even.
And yeah, I'm sure it does cost a bit more to have a couple color options. But I really find it hard to believe it would be a major cost. In the end it's the same shell, but you have one machine making one color and another machine making the other color, instead of two machines making only one color.
@rjejr It's not that there are 0 options. Clearly there are some. But far and few between. Xbox had a few translucent color consoles back in the day. I've seen green, orange and purple. And I always associate green as the Xbox color personally. I think a black console with some green detailing would look cool.
And a Playstation Blue or even just black and blue (or grey and blue) would be real nice.
@LaJettatura Perhaps "cheating" is the wrong word, but poor sportsmanship then. That's what I would consider experienced players intentionally targeting new players for easy wins.
Of course it could be innocent too, people who had the game on PC wanting to play with new friends who bought it on consoles.
@rjejr Yeah, that's a nice one and a special edition. And I like special editions. But they sell out about an hour before they release. I'm talking base models. Remember the Gamecube? They released that in Purple, black, orange, and silver at least. The original Xbox had a few different colors too.
These days consoles get special editions, but by default generally only come as simple black rectangles. Not just consoles either, most phones are just black rectangles with a logo too.
Why not at least have a couple color options? How about white, blue, grey, or even red or green? That would be simple for them to do.
But going further, how about some design to it? Look at the new Xbox, it's just a box with a tiny logo and a disk drive. It's like they went to their design department as said "Make me the most bland, most simple most boring design you can possible think of."
I'm really hoping Sony delivers something that looks interesting.
I'm glad the Switch has so many joycon colors. I have 4 sets and swap them around regularly. But the console and dock are still back rectangles....
Even though I cynically see things like this as little more than a marketing/publicity stunt, I applaud them for putting their marketing toward a good cause.
I want to know how the console itself looks. I'm really sick of every single electronic device over the last like, 15+ years, being a black rectangular box.
Why is having other colors or any sort of design so unpopular anymore?
The messaging system was never something I used heavily personally.
I just wish Sony would give us backward compatibility for PS3 games on PS5, that way when PS5 came out I could box up my PS3 and PS4 and just use PS5 as my one dedicated Sony machine.
Should they? As in they are under some expected obligation to do so? No. Would it be a kind and generous gesture? Yes, yes it very much would be. But I don't think they should feel like they have to.
Honestly it would be better off if Sony, and many other wealthy companies and elite, donated money to help pay for testing and medical supplies. Providing free games is nice and all, but really does little to actually help anyone.
I like the prequels. The Star Wars I don't like is everything they have done since Disney bought the franchise. I don't like any of the new movies of the new canon at all.
I'll take Jar Jar over "I am one with the force the force is one with me" blind monks and bastardized Rogue Squadron stories any day!
And "Sand is rough and coarse and gets everywhere" is way better than "I'm Rey, Rey Skywalker!" lol
Feel free to grab your pitchforks, I really don't care.
Fairy Tail features gender equality - most of the men are scantily clad as well. Grey habitually strips.
I rather liked Fairy Tail. It's my favorite of the "mega long anime", easily beating out Naruto, Dragon Ball, Bleach and the others. I will absolutely be getting this game.
@theMEGAniggle That does sound nice from a programming side of things. But none of these things are issues I've really had.
I keep hearing that the lack of duplicate assets will reduce game sizes but at the same time, higher resolutions and more complex textures and such seem like they would easily offset that and we'll still end up with larger games.
@Darthrau You can hand pick an example here and there. But I have no problem with loading overall. It's true I haven't played that specific game, but I've played a lot of open world titles and never had much issue with loading. Not on any platform for a long time. Early CD rom systems like PS1 and Sega CD had nasty loading times. But in recent years? Especially PS360Wii Wii U era onward? Naw, no issue at all.
Specs are a total non-issue for me. What I care about are the games and the features. So far, from the look of it, PS5 and XboxX alike have no new features at all.
PS2 added DVD playback PS3 added a built in hard drive and Blue Ray playback PS4 has VR
Xbox 360 was the first true mass market HD console and revolutionized online play
Game Boy Color added color GBA SP had a lit screen and rechargeable battery 3DS has 3D effects and streetpass Wii had motion controls Wii U had the Gamepad Switch is a hybrid machine (and my favorite innovation in 20+ years of gaming!)
PS5 has......??? XboxX has.......???
Better graphics are a given each generation of new device from each company.
Are they also giving people a discount for the reduced speeds? I'm talking about the ISPs. If I were paying or paying extra for a high speed connection and they can't deliver, for whatever reason, I think that companies owes me a discount.
Rest assured that if you, the consumer, couldn't pay, they'd stop giving you the product, regardless of the reason!
Look, I'm not a programmer, I don't know how these things work. I need some examples because from what I am reading everywhere - the only changes we can expect are better graphics and perhaps faster load times. And frankly I haven't had an issue with load times since the days of the PS1 and graphics are of only very minor importance to me.
@ChipBoundary So do my PS3 and PS4 and Switch. So do my 3DS, Wii U, Gamecube, PS2, SNES, Game Boy Color, Wii, GBA SP, etc etc. If the only thing it has on offer are better graphics, then I'm just not impressed. All the systems I mentioned play games and play games well. They also had new features over their predecessors that I liked.
PS3 played Blueray movies and had an internal hard drive. PS4 supports VR. Switch is a hybrid console. 3DS has 3D gaming and streetpass wireless features. SNES had a controller with more buttons. PS2 played DVDs, Gamecube had a vastly better controller and supported memory cards and the Game boy player. Game Boy Color added color. GBA SP had a rechargable battery and support for wireless multiplayer with the correct adapter. Wii had motion controls, Wii U had the game pad and full backwards compatibility with Wii.
In case it's not clear, I don't care about graphics. I want good games and new features from a new console.
@FullMetalWesker "I mean, is it any worse than spreading a story out over a trilogy? Or a TV show spreading its story out over multiple seasons?"
If that's what it was, then no, it would be no worse. But they're calling this a FF7 remake, not a reimagining or retelling or something else.
And I don't think it's remotely fair to not consider the price aspect. Even if this game ends up as only two parts and I've heard a lot of people expect 3 or perhaps four parts, then that means to get this full remake of FF7 it could end up being as much as 240 dollars. That's really asking a lot for one JRPG. How much content are we talking here, really? I'm just not convinced that this isn't more of a money grab than a necessity.
I stand ready to be proved wrong, but I seriously doubt that this remake is going to live up to these expectations. I'd much rather wait for the entire thing to be released in some package deal in maybe 5-6 years. Maybe around a 100 dollar price tag.
And you comment about needing "multiple games worth of media" is a silly point for price. The actual price of the disks themselves is only a tiny fraction of the cost of a game. Here's an example, I bought the entire Battlestar Galactica series, with the spinoff Caprica and the webseries Blood and Chrome on Blueray, for 100 dollars. It's like 20 disks.
"We know PS4 doesn't have Animal Crossing so... here ya go!"
Just kidding, honestly I love Monopoly. It's just that no one is ever willing to play it with me till the end. They always rage quit after one bad turn.
@FullMetalWesker Yes, it is that hard to believe. From what I have read, a PS4 blue ray can hold 50GB. By what they are saying then, this game might be a large as 200-300GB? If it's spread across 2 full disks for 2 or 3 parts. Even if that's actually needed - I just don't accept that that justifies 120 or 180 dollars.
The original game was massive for it's era too, but you know what they did? They still shipped it as one big game! And it was still only 49.99 at the time. From what I can find, adjusted for inflation - that'd be about 80 dollars today.
Comments 352
Re: Talking Point: Do You Agree with PS5's Approach to Generations?
The way I see it is: Better graphics, faster loading and more storage are just the natural advances we always see with computer technology. It's expected. PS1 was truly viable and affordable CD gaming. PS2 added DVD support and online play. PS3 went to blue ray and added an internal hard drive rather than memory cards. PS4 added VR. What is PS5 bringing to the table?
I don't care about specs and numbered generations. Two things matter:
1. The games themselves. This is always most important. I don't care if the games are technically impressive. Are they fun? Are they interesting? Do I see them and want to play them? Do the stories draw me in?
2. What new features does the system have? The inside of the console can be made of fruit cake for all I care. What does it do?
Re: PS5 Reveal Event a Moving Target, Will Be Significant
@Zeke68 Numbers aren't remotely interesting to me. It's gonna be graphically more powerful. It's gonna have faster load times. It's gonna have more built in storage. That's all a given with a new device.
If that's all that's different then my opinion holds - that's not much of an upgrade. Better graphics, faster loading and more storage are just the natural advances we always see with computer technology. It's expected. PS1 was truly viable and affordable CD gaming. PS2 added DVD support and online play. PS3 went to blue ray and added an internal hard drive rather than memory cards. PS4 added VR. What is PS5 bringing to the table?
Re: The Last of Us 2 Has Everyone Talking About PS Vita
@Neolit In Sony's defense, at that time SD cards weren't as cheap as they are now. I'm not saying I like what they did, but it wasn't the standard the way it is these days. As for the clickable sticks VS back touch, that's less than ideal for sure, but I really don't think it was a deal breaker either.
Had the Vita had more software and marketing support, those shortcomings totally could have been overcome.
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 7.51 Is Available to Download Right Now
The question is: Will my PS4 crash mid update, again? Since I've owned it, it fails updates about 1 out of every 3 and forces me to restart and redo the update.
Re: Mafia 3's Definitive Edition Patch Somehow Removes PS4 Pro Support
How does this kind of thing happen? No but seriously, how does this happen? Don't they test anything before releasing? How do they miss something so major?
Re: The Last of Us 2 Has Everyone Talking About PS Vita
It still baffles me what happened with the Vita. By all means it should have been an awesome little device but Sony dropped the ball so hard. At least they did internationally. It remained relevant in Japan for a lot longer.
Re: PS5 Reveal Event a Moving Target, Will Be Significant
@Zeke68 I mean yeah, they'd be crazy to ignore the current install base. But I do think it's also a bad idea to be quiet about PS5 support for the games as well.
Right now I'm just extremely unimpressed with both next gen machines. Yes they're gonna be fast and have improved graphics but... next gen machines are always better with improved graphics and everything I've seen so far is just... meh. It just doesn't really strike me as that much of an upgrade.
Re: Mafia II: Definitive Edition - There's Nothing Definitive About This Awful Remaster
I think this is literally the lowest rated remaster of a game I have seen. Ouch! How do you remaster a game so poorly? They already had all the basics done!
Re: Poll: Are You Happy with the Way Sony Is Handling the PS5 Reveal?
#1 most important thing is, and always will be: THE GAMES. Software sells hardware, not the other way around. This is not going to change.
#2 are the features the PS5 has. Backward compatibility? VR? Blue Ray movie support? How much of each and what else?
Specs aren't remotely as important as sites like this, and IGN and other game outlets lead you to believe. No one buys a console just to brag "Yeah, my game console has 2 teraflops and a 2TB SSD! Look how cool I am!"
The physical design of the console is a detail we all want to know, but I don't imagine how the console looks would ever be a deciding factor.
Re: PS5 Reveal Event a Moving Target, Will Be Significant
@Zeke68 I suppose that makes some sense. But does that mean those games will only be PS4 titles? I thought most games for Playstation being made now, were planned to have PS5 versions/updates?
Re: PS5 Launch Games - Every PlayStation 5 Title Predicted to Release Alongside Next-Gen Console
@toby2020 As for difficulty, I am 110% in the camp of difficulty options. Let people have their easy, normal, hard and crazy modes if they want. But as for single player, I totally agree. Multi-player is great but there needs to be a balance. There's still a big market for major single player adventures but not a lot of games being made or marketed in that vein anymore. Some, but not nearly as many as there could be.
And although I like DLC a lot of the time, I usually pass on online only DLC, unless I'm really really into a game. But the DLC for games like Breath of the Wild, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Pokemon SW/SH, Xenoblade 2, all big single player expansions? I eat that up!
But map packs for multi-player? Meh. Maybe.
Re: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Won't Include Microtransactions at Launch
The fact that they are wording it this way means they are already planning it. They just want to lure people into thinking it wont be there.
Re: PS5 Reveal Event a Moving Target, Will Be Significant
I'm rather curious why they are waiting. If the thing is supposed to launch this year, I feel like it's really time to at least show us the darn thing.
Re: PS Store Suspended Indefinitely in China for Supposed Security Upgrades
@Flaming_Kaiser Quite the opposite I assure you. I was just talking from their point of view. You don't have to agree with someone to understand their position and from their position allowing the Chinese public to taste any foreign media and luxuries was a mistake. That's not a door you can close.
Re: PlayStation Store Suspended Indefinitely in China
China should never have opened the door to foreign influence. Now that more and more of their people have had even a taste of freedom of expression, that desire is never going away. Eventually they will have to loosen their laws, or the repression is going to turn violent.
Re: PS5's Price Could Be Undercut by Xbox Series X, Analysts Suggest
Unless it's a massive price difference, I doubt that is gonna be a big deal. If PS5 is 500 dollars and XboxX is 450 I don't think that 50 dollars is gonna be a deciding factor for most gamers. Not really. Sure some people will be turned off but not that big of a group. But if it's a sizable price difference, 100 dollars of more, there's gonna be issues. Like, if one console is 350 and the other is 500+? That's gonna hurt.
On the other hand if PS5 or XboxX has some killer new feature that the other one does not, that's more likely to be a deciding factor.
Personally, if it is true that XboxX supports every Xbox title from the OG system to the new system, and PS5 only plays PS4 and PS5, that's gonna pull me in MS's direction.
Re: Poll: How Much Do 'True' Gameplay Trailers Matter to You?
@Enuo This. This exactly.
Cinematic trailers have their place but if that's what it is, don't call a potato and apple and expect people to just believe you.
Re: PS Vita Support Shows No Signs of Slowing in 2020
Vita was a great little machine. It's a shame that in the west it received marketing that was about as effective as the marketing for Nintendo Wii U.
Re: Random: Kratos Becomes the Ultimate Duck Dad in God of War Tubbz Range
"Cute" I don't think we share the same definition of that word...
Re: Random: PS5's DualSense Has Already Been Reimagined As a Sexy Anime Girl
I am absolutely in favor of this kind of thing. Everything and everyone should be a cute anime girl.
Yes, you too.
Re: Gallery: PS5 Fans Are Getting Creative with DualSense Colour Combos
I think every one of these mock ups looks better than the default color.
Re: PS5 Controller Revealed, Named DualSense with Create Button and Built-in Microphone
The tech sounds interesting and thank God they are using USB-C cables.
But I'm really not big on the color. I'd prefer all white or all black. Hopefully they'll have other options.
Re: Soapbox: I Wish I Was Growing Up with Games Now
You can keep your loot boxes and micro-transactions. I despise that crap.
But major content paid DLC add ons, bug fixes, free updates and giveaways? Yeah, that's a nice thing I would have liked. The way Nintendo released all those Splatoon 1 and 2 maps for free is way better than old school COD and Halo map packs. DLC expansions like we get in some games, adding hours of story and even entirely new game modes for a fraction of the cost of a new game would have been great.
But the thing is - I'd have killed for the Switch as a kid. And my parents would have liked it too. I always wanted to have both a portable and a console and divided my limited gaming between them. For a birthday present or a reward for a good report card, I'd have to choose a game for one or the other. But the Switch is both!
And other quality of life improvements - rechargeable batteries, wireless controllers, online multiplayer, internal memory, standardized cables... all these things are much much much better today than in the past. I do not miss short controller cables, composite AV, big bulky CRT TVs, memory cards, AA batteries, and every device ever having its own proprietary charging/power cable.
I still have a small crate full of random power cables in storage somewhere....
Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake - The Long Awaited Reunion
I expected this to be a let down no matter what. The level of reverence the original gets is beyond anything normal. It's almost cult worship in my opinion. Rose tinted goggles and fond childhood memories are a dangerous thing to play with.
I'm glad it sounds like it's not a train wreck, but I imagine people will be unhappy no matter what.
Personally, I'll pick it up used/on sale at some point in the distant future. Or wait for a combo pack once the whole remake is done.
Re: This Is What the PS5 Could Look Like in Stores
@rjejr Yeah but that was because the color difference was tied to the storage issue. Had they just sold a black and white version of the same product, I imagine the numbers would have been much more even.
And yeah, I'm sure it does cost a bit more to have a couple color options. But I really find it hard to believe it would be a major cost. In the end it's the same shell, but you have one machine making one color and another machine making the other color, instead of two machines making only one color.
Re: This Is What the PS5 Could Look Like in Stores
@rjejr I could see that. Like a dark metallic grey?
In the end though - I just want there to be a couple options to choose from. How hard could it be to have 3 or 4 different colors?
Re: This Is What the PS5 Could Look Like in Stores
@rjejr It's not that there are 0 options. Clearly there are some. But far and few between. Xbox had a few translucent color consoles back in the day. I've seen green, orange and purple. And I always associate green as the Xbox color personally. I think a black console with some green detailing would look cool.
And a Playstation Blue or even just black and blue (or grey and blue) would be real nice.
Re: Mini Review: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - A Wonderful Treasure from Star Wars' Glory Days
@LaJettatura Perhaps "cheating" is the wrong word, but poor sportsmanship then. That's what I would consider experienced players intentionally targeting new players for easy wins.
Of course it could be innocent too, people who had the game on PC wanting to play with new friends who bought it on consoles.
Re: This Is What the PS5 Could Look Like in Stores
@rjejr Yeah, that's a nice one and a special edition. And I like special editions. But they sell out about an hour before they release. I'm talking base models. Remember the Gamecube? They released that in Purple, black, orange, and silver at least. The original Xbox had a few different colors too.
These days consoles get special editions, but by default generally only come as simple black rectangles. Not just consoles either, most phones are just black rectangles with a logo too.
Why not at least have a couple color options? How about white, blue, grey, or even red or green? That would be simple for them to do.
But going further, how about some design to it? Look at the new Xbox, it's just a box with a tiny logo and a disk drive. It's like they went to their design department as said "Make me the most bland, most simple most boring design you can possible think of."
I'm really hoping Sony delivers something that looks interesting.
I'm glad the Switch has so many joycon colors. I have 4 sets and swap them around regularly. But the console and dock are still back rectangles....
Re: Sony Establishes $100 Million Fund for Global Coronavirus Relief Efforts
Even though I cynically see things like this as little more than a marketing/publicity stunt, I applaud them for putting their marketing toward a good cause.
Re: This Is What the PS5 Could Look Like in Stores
I want to know how the console itself looks. I'm really sick of every single electronic device over the last like, 15+ years, being a black rectangular box.
Why is having other colors or any sort of design so unpopular anymore?
Re: Poll: Did You Buy Persona 5 Royal?
I'm honestly still holding out for the tiny tiny chance of a Switch Port. If it doesn't come, then I can always play it on PS4.
Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered Available Now on PS4
So it's only the campaign? Why stop there?
Re: PS5 Cosmic Horror Quantum Error Targeting 4K, 60FPS with 'Beautiful' Raytracing
Beautiful ray tracing? As opposed to? Ugly ray tracing? Is that a thing?
Re: Mini Review: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - A Wonderful Treasure from Star Wars' Glory Days
On the Switch version PC players can join even cheat in multiplayer, is that problem present in the PS4 version as well?
It doesn't affect me because I only bought it for single player, but I am curious.
Re: PS3 Messaging System to Be Stripped of PS4, PS Vita Support
The messaging system was never something I used heavily personally.
I just wish Sony would give us backward compatibility for PS3 games on PS5, that way when PS5 came out I could box up my PS3 and PS4 and just use PS5 as my one dedicated Sony machine.
Re: Poll: Should Free PS4 Games Be Given Away to Those in Isolation?
Should they? As in they are under some expected obligation to do so? No. Would it be a kind and generous gesture? Yes, yes it very much would be. But I don't think they should feel like they have to.
Honestly it would be better off if Sony, and many other wealthy companies and elite, donated money to help pay for testing and medical supplies. Providing free games is nice and all, but really does little to actually help anyone.
Re: Nintendo 64's Star Wars Episode I: Racer Being Revamped for PS4
Very cool! I will like this!
I like the prequels. The Star Wars I don't like is everything they have done since Disney bought the franchise. I don't like any of the new movies of the new canon at all.
I'll take Jar Jar over "I am one with the force the force is one with me" blind monks and bastardized Rogue Squadron stories any day!
And "Sand is rough and coarse and gets everywhere" is way better than "I'm Rey, Rey Skywalker!" lol
Feel free to grab your pitchforks, I really don't care.
Re: Fairy Tail RPG's Inside Box Art Will Be Chosen By Fans, and You Can Vote Now
Fairy Tail features gender equality - most of the men are scantily clad as well. Grey habitually strips.
I rather liked Fairy Tail. It's my favorite of the "mega long anime", easily beating out Naruto, Dragon Ball, Bleach and the others. I will absolutely be getting this game.
But probably on Switch.
Re: PS5's SSD Has Developer Dreaming Big and Thinking of New Frontiers
@theMEGAniggle That does sound nice from a programming side of things. But none of these things are issues I've really had.
I keep hearing that the lack of duplicate assets will reduce game sizes but at the same time, higher resolutions and more complex textures and such seem like they would easily offset that and we'll still end up with larger games.
Re: PS5's SSD Has Developer Dreaming Big and Thinking of New Frontiers
@Darthrau You can hand pick an example here and there. But I have no problem with loading overall. It's true I haven't played that specific game, but I've played a lot of open world titles and never had much issue with loading. Not on any platform for a long time. Early CD rom systems like PS1 and Sega CD had nasty loading times. But in recent years? Especially PS360Wii Wii U era onward? Naw, no issue at all.
Re: Poll: Does PS5's Teraflop Disadvantage Matter to You?
Specs are a total non-issue for me. What I care about are the games and the features. So far, from the look of it, PS5 and XboxX alike have no new features at all.
PS2 added DVD playback
PS3 added a built in hard drive and Blue Ray playback
PS4 has VR
Xbox 360 was the first true mass market HD console and revolutionized online play
Game Boy Color added color
GBA SP had a lit screen and rechargeable battery
3DS has 3D effects and streetpass
Wii had motion controls
Wii U had the Gamepad
Switch is a hybrid machine (and my favorite innovation in 20+ years of gaming!)
PS5 has......???
XboxX has.......???
Better graphics are a given each generation of new device from each company.
Re: PSN Download Speeds Restricted as Sony Works with Internet Providers in Europe
Are they also giving people a discount for the reduced speeds? I'm talking about the ISPs. If I were paying or paying extra for a high speed connection and they can't deliver, for whatever reason, I think that companies owes me a discount.
Rest assured that if you, the consumer, couldn't pay, they'd stop giving you the product, regardless of the reason!
Re: PS5's SSD Has Developer Dreaming Big and Thinking of New Frontiers
Look, I'm not a programmer, I don't know how these things work. I need some examples because from what I am reading everywhere - the only changes we can expect are better graphics and perhaps faster load times. And frankly I haven't had an issue with load times since the days of the PS1 and graphics are of only very minor importance to me.
Re: Square Enix Explains Decision to Split Final Fantasy VII Remake Into Multiple Games
@Octane Thank you.
Re: More Developers Sing PS5's Praises After Tech Specs Reveal
@ChipBoundary So do my PS3 and PS4 and Switch. So do my 3DS, Wii U, Gamecube, PS2, SNES, Game Boy Color, Wii, GBA SP, etc etc. If the only thing it has on offer are better graphics, then I'm just not impressed. All the systems I mentioned play games and play games well. They also had new features over their predecessors that I liked.
PS3 played Blueray movies and had an internal hard drive. PS4 supports VR. Switch is a hybrid console. 3DS has 3D gaming and streetpass wireless features. SNES had a controller with more buttons. PS2 played DVDs, Gamecube had a vastly better controller and supported memory cards and the Game boy player. Game Boy Color added color. GBA SP had a rechargable battery and support for wireless multiplayer with the correct adapter. Wii had motion controls, Wii U had the game pad and full backwards compatibility with Wii.
In case it's not clear, I don't care about graphics. I want good games and new features from a new console.
Re: Will PSN Be Restricted to Save on Internet Bandwidth?
Yet another reason why streaming will never truly take over for having the gaming machine in your hands or in the room.
Re: Square Enix Explains Decision to Split Final Fantasy VII Remake Into Multiple Games
@FullMetalWesker "I mean, is it any worse than spreading a story out over a trilogy? Or a TV show spreading its story out over multiple seasons?"
If that's what it was, then no, it would be no worse. But they're calling this a FF7 remake, not a reimagining or retelling or something else.
And I don't think it's remotely fair to not consider the price aspect. Even if this game ends up as only two parts and I've heard a lot of people expect 3 or perhaps four parts, then that means to get this full remake of FF7 it could end up being as much as 240 dollars. That's really asking a lot for one JRPG. How much content are we talking here, really? I'm just not convinced that this isn't more of a money grab than a necessity.
I stand ready to be proved wrong, but I seriously doubt that this remake is going to live up to these expectations. I'd much rather wait for the entire thing to be released in some package deal in maybe 5-6 years. Maybe around a 100 dollar price tag.
And you comment about needing "multiple games worth of media" is a silly point for price. The actual price of the disks themselves is only a tiny fraction of the cost of a game. Here's an example, I bought the entire Battlestar Galactica series, with the spinoff Caprica and the webseries Blood and Chrome on Blueray, for 100 dollars. It's like 20 disks.
Re: Guide: Best PS4 Games for Families to Play at Home Together
"We know PS4 doesn't have Animal Crossing so... here ya go!"
Just kidding, honestly I love Monopoly. It's just that no one is ever willing to play it with me till the end. They always rage quit after one bad turn.
Re: Square Enix Explains Decision to Split Final Fantasy VII Remake Into Multiple Games
@FullMetalWesker Yes, it is that hard to believe. From what I have read, a PS4 blue ray can hold 50GB. By what they are saying then, this game might be a large as 200-300GB? If it's spread across 2 full disks for 2 or 3 parts. Even if that's actually needed - I just don't accept that that justifies 120 or 180 dollars.
The original game was massive for it's era too, but you know what they did? They still shipped it as one big game! And it was still only 49.99 at the time. From what I can find, adjusted for inflation - that'd be about 80 dollars today.