Comments 32

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


Pricing has done me a favour as I won’t be tempted to get this at launch. Does seem a weird sell too - ton of cash to make existing games run (a little?) better. If they’d have shown off some new / unannounced 1st / 2nd party stuff to show a more compelling case I might have caved.

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate the Latest State of Play Showcase?


A few games for me, so that was good. And DS2 will be a day one - and 2025 gives me time to get around the finishing the first one. Still concerned that no real sniffs of what any of the 1st party studios have in the horizon - does this mean 2025 at the earliest for any of them? Will be a lean year for me if that’s the case.

Re: It's Utter Domination for PS5 in Europe as Xbox Continues to Lose Significant Ground


Love my PS5 - it gets used daily, whereas the Series X (only got for Starfield) is barely on. That said, I am a little concerned about the next 12-18 months from a 1st party point of view. Not a lot of clarity on when each studio will be dropping something new, and while will get the upgrade for Last of Us part 2 remastered, would like even just a peak at what’s coming next.

Re: Gallery: Spot the Difference in The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Screenshots


@Dezzy70 Maybe it's a product of the increasing amounts of money and time it takes to make a new AAA title? Guess it's far easier to have a smaller team working on this while the majority work on newer stuff that might not see the light of day for another few years. Would be interesting to see how many AAA titles a studio can put out during this console generation

Re: Gallery: Spot the Difference in The Last of Us: Part I PS5 Screenshots


Do feel that £70 is a bit much for this, seeing as I'll be buying this for a third time. That said, looks awesome so probably will get it. And the inevitable PS5 version of Part II that will launch around the time of the TV show.

I do think this sort of thing shows that the massive commitments of time and money to develop AAA titles for each new generation mean that many studios aren't able to pump out title after title during the console lifespan (what's the average development time for a AAA title these days? 3 years? 4?) So I do expect to see these kind of upgrades being offered more and more. Not entirely sure how I feel about that.

Re: Naughty Dog Will Reveal The Last of Us Multiplayer 'When It's Ready'


Have no real interest in the multiplayer aspect of this, but if it turns out that they’re adding a considerable story-telling element then I might check it out. Would really just prefer single player content to be honest, so was hoping for news of an add-on. Guess might be some years before we see the next part of the story.

Re: Returnal Update 1.4.1 Available on PS5 Today, Here Are the Patch Notes


Love and hate this game in (pretty) equal measure. Still can’t get past the 1st boss. I’m awful with these kind of games, but at least with the likes of Demon’s Souls you can grind to upgrade stats. With Returnal, the random nature means that I struggle to make it through to the boss with anything like a decent setup, so getting past his 3rd wave is too fiddly for my old hands. Shame really as the graphics, sound and atmosphere are awesome. Have bought and loved pretty much all of Housemarque’s games, but this could probably be the last (at least at full price).

Re: Returnal's Save System Still Being Investigated, New Content in the Works


I would love a ‘Slightly easier’ mode. I really struggle with games like this but I’m really enjoying playing it. However, it gets frustrating when you get a half-decent weapon / buff and then get wiped out even before you get to the first boss. Even with The Demons Soul remake you could learn enemy placement and grind to level up armour and whatnot. Would like to be get off the first biome before I’m 60.