Comments 219

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want to Know About PS5?


I'm also curious about the quality of 4K movies. I have a 4K player already, but I opted for the PS5 with the disk drive because $100 US dollars for a 4K Blu-ray player is a really good price. I figure if my standard player ever craps out on me the PS5 will make for a good backup... or will it?

I'd also like to know more about the UI. How fast is it to go from one game to another on average and what is the media tab like?


Re: Soapbox: I Don't Like Playing Scary Games, But I Do Like Watching Them


I've loved horror since I was a kid, but I'm a bit weird, so it doesn't scare me (the only movie to really give me the creeps was the original "The Shining"). That being said, while I really enjoy horror and its themes, I've never really been into horror games (outside of the occasional "Days Gone" like game that just "kind of" has horror elements). I don't know why, but I've just never been that interested in them. That being said, while I don't really like watching other people play games, I think it's a perfectly acceptable form of entertainment. If that's how you enjoy those kinds of games, I say go for it 😁

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Gets Amazing Into the Spider-Verse Suit


That's amazing. It really makes me want a 90's animated series suit in the remastered Spider-Man (Ben Reilly's Sensational Spider-Man suit is still my #1 want from the new suits, though).

I also wonder if they'll do an update on the Spiderverse costume in the original/remastered to remove the occasional animation frame to mimic the movie like this one? Probably not, but if they did, I suspect I'd use it more (yes, I'm still playing it, lol. Got the Platinum and still going strong).

Re: PS5 Redesigns Trophy Sharing with Video Playback


@oldschool1987 I'm a pretty liberal guy, but I love a good offensive joke from time to time (my favorite comedian of all time is George Carlin, if that tells you anything).

My takeaway from what I read about this was, if you're going to get (essentially) fired for a joke, at least make it a funny one. That joke was weak, LOL.

I always liked Colin's reviews on IGN because they were thorough and informative. I don't really care about his politics either way when it comes to his content.