Comments 219

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


@Col_McCafferty PS3 was the only PS gen I skipped (went 360 then came back for PS4), so I played it on PS4 also. That probably affected my opinion on TLoU some as it had aged a bit by then. I probably wait for a PS5 version as you suggest, but you never know. The mood may strike me before then ☺

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


I thought that the first game was pretty good but I just wasn't as invested in it as some folks, I guess. I often found the gameplay to be frustratingly clunky. Also, full disclosure, I generally find zombie stuff to be very boring (not my cup of tea, I guess), so there's that. I didn't even know it had zombies when I bought it, LOL. I'd just heard good things and gave it a shot. That being said, I'm glad I did because I did think that the human element of the story was well done and I don't regret playing it at all. I enjoyed it.

I haven't felt the need to play the sequel yet but I'm sure I will eventually. None of the things that have some people all bothered are an issue to me at all and I'm sure I'll enjoy the story when I get around to it one day. I know not everyone did, but I'm glad that so many fans of the first game really liked it.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Really Enjoying Cyberpunk 2077


I still plan on picking this up, but not for about a year, or even later if the PS5 version hasn't released by then.

I won't be getting the PS4 version at all, BC or no BC. I just don't see the point. I want to play this game in its best state and the PS4 version is most definitely not that, even on PS5. I can be patient until the PS5 native version releases. I have enough other games to work on in the meantime. My backlog is ridiculous at the moment.

Re: DualSense Sensation WRC 9 Adds Free Content in December Update


@elvisfan1 the funny thing is, I do ok on the snow, LOL. However, you may have helped me out because I keep trying the asphalt thinking it would be easier. I should try the gravel more. I've never been a huge racing game fan and when I did play them more often (I'm talking like Sega Saturn days 😆 ), the games I played were more arcade-like. I think I'm just having a time adjusting to the sim style this game employs. It can be punishing. I was always bad at the GT series, too. Still, the DS is so good here that I'm less inclined to give up and more likely to keep trying. I have several games I'm playing at the moment but I like getting a race in now and then to relax.

Re: Demon's Souls (PS5) - Cult Classic Becomes PlayStation's Best Ever Launch Game


OK, so I bit the bullet and bought it last night. I really suck, LOL. I tried a couple of different classes but finally did settle on Royalty today and I at least feel a little more confident now. When I get the hang of it, maybe for a second play through, I'll try my other characters again. I was disappointed at first (this isn't really my style of game) but I can see myself getting into it. Being a little more successful with my new character type makes me want to try harder. I think when that happens, I'll really get into it.

Re: PS5's First Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now


I feel like I should add though, I've actually only had two very minor issues. Once I lost the internet for a brief moment and the entire system slowed down to a crawl. Turning it off and then back on again fixed that very quickly. The only other issue I had was one crash during Miles Morales that took me back to the home screen. That didn't actually matter as the game picked up right where I left off when I fired it up again.

Re: Demon's Souls (PS5) - PlayStation's Best Ever Launch Game


@Ear_wiG thanks for your advice. I'm playing Miles Morales right now, but this is on my radar despite never playing a Souls game. I don't find uber difficult games very tempting (as I only have so much time to play and I don't want to punished for it, lol) but knowing there are ways to make it easier on myself pretty much guarantees I'll be asking for this for the holidays.

Re: DualSense Controller Dock Looks Like a Tiny PS5


"What is this? A console for ants?!"

Seriously though, I got mine in the mail a few days back and that was the first thing I noticed when I looked at it (I hadn't paid much attention to it prior to that, I suppose because I already knew I wanted it). I thought it was pretty funny/cute/awesome.

Edit: FWIW, this was the one item I ordered from PlayStation Direct.