Comments 219

Re: Claims of Co-Op in Spider-Man 2 Shot Down by Insomniac


@Soulless666 I’m not lonely, but I am misanthropic and old, 😆

I quite enjoy playing with friends live, but online just isn’t fun for me, especially with random strangers. That being said, I wouldn’t have been bothered if the game had multiplayer, so long as I wasn’t forced to play it to enjoy the game.

I’ve been playing a lot of “After the Fall” lately, and I’m enjoying it, but I’m just playing with AI. Just give me the option to play solo and I’m cool, and let people who love multiplayer enjoy that, too.

Re: Impressive and Beautiful Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Made with 'No Compromises' for PS5


Spider-Man was one of the few games where I didn't mind the repetitive open world stuff because I've been a fan of the character since I was a kid. I used to fire that game up simply to swing around as a form of relaxation. Your mileage may vary, I suppose.

I don't see the game map changing much as Spidey is a New York based hero and always has been. I do hope we get more indoor environments though. I like that idea a lot.

Re: Preview: Street Fighter 6 PS5, PS4 Chucks the Kitchen Sink At Fans Who Complained About the Previous Game


I hadn't really played a SF game since 2 or maybe 3. I fired up SF5 some years back when it was free to play, played it for a couple of hours and then deleted it. I think maybe SF just doesn't do it for me anymore like it did when I was a kid. Capcom games in general just seem overly... maybe "hyper" is the word I'm looking for? 😆 That said, I'll likely give the demo a try, at least.

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PS5) - Fantastic Sequel Is Bigger and Better in Every Way


I enjoyed the first game for what it was (I wasn’t as blown away by it as many others seemed to be), but thought the combat was pretty lackluster. It sounds like they didn’t do a whole lot to improve that aspect of it, so I’m not really chomping at the bit to play this one. That being said, my backlog is so full, I won’t be playing it anytime soon, anyway. I’ll pick it up during a future sale, for sure, though,

Re: Poll: Are You Playing God of War Ragnarok's New Game Plus?


I never finished it as I got kind of bored around what I assume is maybe the mid way point (Asgard). I'm sure I'll finish it eventually. I did the same thing with the previous game. Great games, but I get bored part way through and put them away for months until I eventually get the itch to play again.

Re: Soapbox: PSVR2 Already Feels Like It's on Course for Failure


This strikes me as a “the sky is falling!” kind of article. I don’t get it.

Personally, I think it’s about managing expectations. The PS5 has only just now become readily available for a lot of folks. It’s a lot harder for them to pull the trigger on a PSVR2 than it is someone like me, who’s had the system since launch.

I think anyone who was expecting this to be some kind of crazy huge launch were deluded in thinking so.

Personally, I’ve played nothing but PSVR2 since it launched. It’s a blast. I have like a dozen games to play that I like and a lot of them weren’t even on this site’s “best of” list, so I have plenty to keep me busy.

I can’t think of a single positive thing that this article accomplishes. If you want this peripheral to succeed, helping convince folks on the fence about it that it’s some kind of disaster certainly isn’t to going to help.

Re: Best PSVR2 Games


I keep seeing people online (not just on Push Square) saying that Call of the Mountain's story is hard to follow and I simply don't get it. As a fan of the first two Horizon games and their lore, it's very easy for me to follow. In fact, it's quite a simple story in general. I will admit that the story almost requires knowledge of those games, but if you're familiar with the series, it's not rocket science. It's also one of my favorite of the 10 or so PSVR2 games I've played so far. Your mileage may vary.

Re: WWE 2K23 (PS5) - 2K Sports' Wrestling Series Continues Its Steady Rise


I've been playing these since the original Smackdown! on PS1, but this is the first year that I'll wait for a good sale. Last year's game was good but I didn't play it all that much. Frankly, I'm just not that familiar with most of the modern wrestlers and waiting for a sale will give the community more time to make me some nice legends to download 😎

Re: Resident Evil Village (PSVR2) - An Even More Intense Version of a PS5 Great


@NEStalgia I freaking love that Star Wars game. I ended up playing it more than Horizon, which is great, but I have yet to finish it. In contrast, I’ve already replayed some sections of Galaxy’s Edge. I think being a massive Star Wars fan helps (I’ve wanted to “inhabit” that universe for 40 years). My only nit is that it takes place in the Disney time period, which I don’t care for, but that’s a minor thing. I hope they do another set during the OT. I’d die 😂

To get on topic, I only just started RE for the first time (I only bought it when I found out they were doing a VR patch. The last RE game I played was Resident Evil… the first one 😂). So far it’s the only one to get me a tiny bit motion sick, so we’ll see how it goes. It looks amazing, though.

Re: Mini Review: Kayak VR: Mirage (PSVR2) - An Immersive Yet Thin Experience


@LeeHarveyOzgod I mostly chalk it up to being old and cranky, but while I love playing co-op with someone I’m physically with the way I did growing up, I never got into playing online with people. Even when I had a year or so run on Destiny when it was new, I would only play with others if they asked me to and I think I only helped beat one raid.

I have played online with local friends once or twice and it was fun but I don’t have a lot of time to play most days and I may have to stop at any moment just due to life stuff, so I’m not the best candidate for it anyway, to be fair.

Re: Mini Review: Kayak VR: Mirage (PSVR2) - An Immersive Yet Thin Experience


I got this game knowing what I was in for and it's great for just being a relaxing experience. The fact that it can also be at least a little bit of a workout is a nice bonus. I don't play it for long stretches (as I've been doing with Horizon and Star Wars), but paddling around for 20-30 minutes now and again just to chill out is pretty great, IMO. Your mileage may very. I also think the score is fair.

Re: Horizon Fans Can't Believe How Short Aloy Is in PSVR2


Since we're going that route now (haha), my wife is 5'4". She fits right under my chin during a hug like we're Legos 😆 I'm American if that makes any difference. I don't always feel tall because there's several customers that come into my store that a quite a bit taller than me. Must be something in the water 😆

But yeah, I never thought Aloy was taller than average. She was almost always shorter than the characters she would talk to in the games.

Re: Sony Adds Nine More PSVR2 Games to the Launch Window


@neonpizza I did in fact start with Horizon because I thought it’d be a good intro and it definitely was! After I played that for a bit though I fired up Kayak which I didn’t play for a long time but I can tell I’ll enjoy it when I want to relax a bit. Perhaps surprisingly, I’ve played Galaxy’s Edge the most so far. The haptics are great and as a Star Wars nut, “inhabiting” that world has been a lifelong dream of mine. So far, so good!

I will add that I played the PSVR2 for several hours with no signs of motion sickness, but it should be noted that I don’t really get motion sick anyway. I spent long hours of my childhood reading books in the backseat of the family car while on road trips with my parents, so it’s not something that I’ve ever really had an issue with. All that childhood training is finally paying off! 😆 I’ve been “rocked” once or twice (but slamming my Kayak into a wall, for example), but nothing crazy or worrying. In fact, I thought it was hilarious.

I hope everyone that ordered gets theirs soon and has a great time! I’m really excited about what the future holds.

Re: Sony Adds Nine More PSVR2 Games to the Launch Window


I wasn't sure mine would arrive tomorrow, but it's on its way and looks like it's really happening (for those curious: I pre-ordered very early on from an invite and I'm in the USA). I've got Horizon, Star Wars, and the Kayak game ready to go, plus RE: Village which I've held off playing so I could experience it in VR. (Edit: oh. And No Man's Sky!)

I'm looking forward to the experience.

Re: Preview: Forspoken PS5 Feels Like a More Magical inFAMOUS


I’ve obviously only played through the demo and not what you guys played, but I went from being pretty optimistic about this game to being much less interested.

The demo at least felt bland, repetitive and super easy. I never died and in fact rarely saw my health bar dip at all. The only time it did was when I fought the demo’s “boss” bonus and that was just because of sponginess. I’m not THAT good at games in general right out the gate, so the ease in which I zoomed through the demo with little to no difficulty (other than traversal annoyances) has me concerned. I was THIS close to pre-ordering this until more trailers came out that showcased the main character, who comes off as just kind of annoying to me. I had a wait and see attitude after that. Now I’m not sure I want it at all.

That being said, that is exactly what demos are for and I’m grateful that there is one. A lot of people that I’ve seen online seemed to enjoy it, so I hope the release goes well for them as I want more new IPs out there… I just don’t think this one is for me.

EDITED to add that I really expected more from this, visually. The initial reveal was stunning, but the demo, even in quality mode, looked quite a bit worse than crossgen games like Forbidden West and Ragnarok. It was hardly the PS5 showcase that I was expecting it to be.

Re: The Callisto Protocol (PS5) - Just Like Dead Space, for Better and Worse


@LiamCroft So, the obvious question: what if I've never played Dead Space (and have no intention of doing so)? Do you think I'd enjoy this game, considering that I won't be constantly comparing it to Dead Space during play? I'm not trying to be snarky. Honest question as I'm interested in this game but have no familiarity with Dead Space at all. (I know you have no idea what I like. Asking hypothetically 😆)

For those who may wonder why I don't want to play Dead Space: I just don't have much interest in playing games over a decade old on my current gen system, for better or worse.

Re: Reminder: PSVR2 Pre-Orders Begin on 15th November


I wasn't expecting to actually get an invite and therefore had decided to wait, but I actually got an invite in my email today so I suppose I'll give it a shot. I was lucky enough to pre-order my PlayStation 5 on the first day it was available. I doubt I'll get that lucky again. If I don't get it, oh well. Back to plan A.

Re: Bungie Is Concerned PS5 Players are Unwittingly Playing the PS4 Version of Destiny 2


I was really into Destiny for about a year and a half. Played the Alpha and the Beta before release. I was severely let down by the final product but pushed through because I'd paid for it. I only tried Destiny 2 when it became free and I only put a couple of hours into it, at that. It was just more of the same.

I don't think I've ever been as let down by my anticipation for a game and the false promises of a developer than I was with Destiny.

I honestly didn't think anyone was still playing it.