Comments 219

Re: Returnal Celebrates a Year Since PS5 Release


@IAM1982 the only reason I did as well in this game as I did is because I DID think it was fun. I've played other hard games that just felt punishing to me, but Returnal had me feeling like, "OK, I was so close. I'll give it one more try!" Then, it's suddenly 3AM.

Re: Returnal Celebrates a Year Since PS5 Release


I will say that, for the most part, getting the Platinum was fun for me because I was playing the game like crazy and only decided to go for the Plat when I realized I was only three trophies away. If I’d had a bunch to get, I probably wouldn’t have tried. I’m not usually a trophy guy. The only other game I have a Platinum on is Spider-Man.

Re: Returnal's Free Ascension Update Out on PS5 Now


@amersga I rarely (if ever) play multiplayer, but as someone who nabbed the Platinum, I’m actually looking forward to helping people out, much like you suggest for @The_Pixel_King . Hopefully it doesn’t balance so much that it makes helping someone a moot point lol

Re: Poll: What's the Best Uncharted Game?


I bought the "Nathan Drake Collection" years ago and got 4 with Plus (IIRC). Stopped playing the series partway through 3 because it was boring me.


Should I just read a recap of 3 and skip to 4? It seems like 3 isn't super popular.

Re: Not Everyone Had the Fortitude to Finish Returnal on PS5


I beat it pre-patch. I recently started playing again because I'm SO close to getting the Platinum (I don't usually worry about trophies, but I'm so close on this one I figured I'd try). Abyssal Scar survey 98% complete and I just have to get my weapon proficiency to 30. Very doable and the game is fun, so I don't mind.

Re: Elden Ring Looks Awesome in 20 Minutes of Gameplay Action


Looks good, but why is the dialogue so awful? I get Demon’s Souls being that way because it’s old (a remake), but I see no reason why a modern game’s characters should sound so stilted and horrible. Still, I’m intrigued. I’m not sure I’ll like it though because DS got boring/annoying real fast for me.

Re: Returnal Update 1.4.1 Available on PS5 Today, Here Are the Patch Notes


I have limited play time (1 or 2 hours a day) and I'm not particularly good at this type of game (I bailed on Demon's Souls as it just irritated me), but even I've beaten Returnal a few times now. I still play it regularly. It's fun. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but you're missing out if the idea of the difficulty is putting you off playing it. It just takes practice. I regularly play for hours at a time now before a death (often putting the system in rest mode during my runs).

I had one instance of a lost save due to a power outage while collecting the sunface fragments, but it was my fault. I have a battery backup for my entertainment center and I should have just shut the game and system down properly so that it would save, but I forgot to. Battery ran out, and there went the day's progress.

No biggie though as I was able to collect them again the following day.

Re: Returnal Update 1.3.7 Arrives on PS5 Today, Here Are the Patch Notes


I bailed on Demon's Souls. I found it to be very frustrating. Returnal is much more fun to play, so even though I'm having a difficult time with it, I keep pressing on. I've made it as far as the sixth biome, but I haven't been able to get to the final boss yet. Considering how difficult it was when I started, I'm pretty proud of myself for making it this far, especially as I don't have the time to put into it as many other gamers seem to. Regardless of how difficult I find it, I don't get too frustrated because it's still a blast and controls beautifully. Usually if I die, I know it was my fault 😆

Re: Returnal's Save System Still Being Investigated, New Content in the Works


I finally made it to the fifth biome after an incredible run (for me) where I beat the third and fourth bosses in the same run (i.e. both on the first try). I also stayed up until 4AM to do so. I'm not always on vacation, so either a "Save and Quit" or "Bookmark" option would be welcomed by me. I'll keep playing without it (the game is great!) but it'd definitely improve things, IMO.

Re: Returnal (PS5) - Housemarque's Deep, Dark Shooter Is a PS5 Must Have


After putting several hours into Returnal since launch (I don't get a lot of time to play), I will say this: this is the most fun "Rogue-like" game I've played so far. I really stank at Demon Souls to the point that I bailed out of frustration. I'm honestly not THAT good at Returnal, either. I've yet to get to the second section (I got killed by the first boss after getting VERY close to beating him), but I'm having FUN, and that's all I really care about. At least so far, I don't feel like I'm being punished, I feel like I'm learning from my mistakes. This feels more Doom-like than Demon Souls-like, IMO, and that's more up my alley, I suppose. I might get frustrated from time to time, but dying (something like a dozen times now, hahaha) doesn't make me mad because the gameplay is so good. We'll see how I feel when I have to make much longer runs in the future, but for now I'm having a good time, even when I have a misstep and end up getting stomped.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Returnal?


I honestly don't care about the price too much. I've spent more than that on games in the past. I care more about the fact that I'm not sure if I'll like it or just feel pummeled by it, LOL, so I'm waiting on reviews.

Re: Returnal Runs at 60 FPS in Dynamic 4K with Raytraced Lighting on PS5


I'm very interested in this, but this type of game is very frustrating for me. I paid full price for Demon Souls when it came out. I enjoyed it for a while, but eventually bailed on it because I found it too frustrating. I don't get a lot of time to play games and being frustrated isn't how I want to spend that time. So many people loved that game, but ultimately it just p***** me off 😆 Just not my style, I guess.

Still, I'm keeping a close eye on this one for reviews.

Re: Reaction: Days Gone Was PS4's Black Sheep, But a Darn Good Open World Game


Days Gone, to me, was like The Last of Us, but actually fun to play. TLoU was a pretty good story, but I never felt like playing it again and haven't bothered with the sequel. It was like a great movie, but only an ok videogame. Gameplay is important when, you know, it's a game... DG may not have won any writing awards, but it was fun as hell. I also give it huge props for being one of the rare zombie stories that actually delved into the origins of what happened instead of just lazily glossing over it. I'd play DG2 over a TLoU remake/sequel in a heartbeat. It's a perfect example of different people liking different things. I think not greenlighting a sequel is a missed opportunity for sure.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West on PS5, PS4 Is 'More of the Things People Loved About Zero Dawn'


HZD was one of my favorite games of the past decade, I think because I really connected with the story. As a natural skeptic, I really liked her and her reactions to figuring out what her people's beliefs were really based on, rather than taking everything at face value. She was an explorer in more than one sense and I liked that. The gameplay was secondary to me (though I thought it was good).