Comments 27

Re: Secret PS5 Update Makes It Possible to Check for Patches on Games in Your Library


For those asking questions about why don't all installed games auto-update and why can't this new feature scan all installed games, it's probably the same answer for both - the demand on Sony's servers. For any given game that people actively play, there will be many more that still have it installed but haven't played it in a while. A new 50gb patch comes out and Sony surely want to limit the numbers of people immediately downloading that patch to only the people who really need it, so that they don't get swamped. Similarly if you have many games installed and they made it really easy to check them all for patches, people would just keep downloading patches for games they no longer play just because they can and it's easy.

Re: Preview: Arizona Sunshine 2 Could Be the Next PSVR2 Must-Buy


"Ask anyone that has a PSVR2 and they’ll likely tell you that the tech is great, but the library is lacking. Outside of No Man's Sky or Resident Evil Village, there are very few games that truly revel in the format of VR"

PushSquare aren't doing PSVR2 any favours by spreading lies like that.