As expected but what a complete sh*tshow from management at CDPR. It was impossible to live up to the hype but the vanilla PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game should be a criminal offence
@naruball Was it though? I heard the game only had 2 marvel villain bosses (which is shockingly poor, given the pool of choices they could have picked from) and enemies were repetitive.
Lots of people I know can't even be bothered to redownload the game to try this out. Glad I didn't give in and buy, what a waste of a game and potential.
@Ogbert Continuation of new content doesn't equate to having a playerbase. It can also be used to tempt people back in, like the content updates for Avengers, which has had ridiculously low user counts these days.
Bored of this game now, after all they hype they initially drummed up. If this isn't a Silent Hill game, I really fear for the developers going onwards
It was a deliberate attempt to mislead consumers, at Xbox's expense. I remeber people ripping MS when Phil came out and told the truth about generations, now Sony are the same and fanboys have changed their stance on the matter.
1. Overwatch is dead anyway, has been for a few years now. 2. Some tanks would have to be reworked. Winston for example would need serious changes to be viable as a solo tank
POleayed the game and completed around release. Thought it was ok but should ahve been a million miles better than what it was. I've seen better npc mechanics from games thatr released 5-10 years ago. Obviously tyhe devs could have done better but they were not afforded the time they should have got. I honestly hope the game stays off the PS store until in much better shape and next gen patch available.
@R1spam I could see this. I'd like to know how many people got refunds on conoles. I'd never by this game back and GP is the only way I'd personally play it again
Good luck trying to sell those premium expansions. The story is going to have to be superb for anyone to put additional funds in the game. The base story in this game was ok but well below par for CDPR.
Too late, imo. Majority of people I know in person and online completed the game and got their refunds on console. Maybe PC players will enjoy this more
Comments 203
Re: Poll: 10 Years Later, What Are Your Thoughts on Skyrim?
Truly fantastic game, I loved Lydia as well. Perfect companion and wifey material (we did live together)
Re: Marvel's Avengers Trailer Shows Off Spider-Man In All His Glory
Why is he moving so slow? I won't be playing but he seemed to move at a snails pace at times in the trailer
Re: Rainbow Six Extraction Will Be a $40 Game, Out 20th January
That's a very easy pass from me
Re: Video: Which Call of Duty Game Is the Best?
MW1 or MW2. I voted MW2 because I felt the multiplayer was better, after the akimbo model shotguns were nerfed of course
Re: Tales of Arise Crossover DLC Lets You Fight Kirito and Asuna from Sword Art Online
Ok, that sounds cool
Re: Best PS4 Metroidvania Games
@Casco Yeah completely agree
Re: The Developer Behind God of War's Incredible Leviathan Axe Has Sadly Passed Away
Sad to hear, Rest In Peace
Re: Lost Judgment DLC Detailed, 2022 Expansion Lets You Play as Kaito
I'll still probably buy day one. 2022 will be a great excuse to come back to the game.
Re: Bare Bones eFootball Launch Content Detailed, Out 30th September
Arsenal are really easy pickings now huh
Re: Marvel's Midnight Suns Shares How It Plays in First Gameplay Footage
@Quintumply Agreed. I guess people were hoping for a third person action game.
Re: Marvel's Midnight Suns Shares How It Plays in First Gameplay Footage
Looks like Agatha Harkness in the background at 2:55 in the trailer. I can't wait for this game, day one
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Casts Doubt Over PS5 Version Launching This Year
As expected but what a complete sh*tshow from management at CDPR. It was impossible to live up to the hype but the vanilla PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game should be a criminal offence
Re: Lost Judgment's English Voice Cast Feature in New Trailer
I finished the first game just a few days ago and loved it. Looking forward to playing this day one
Re: Here's Your First Horrifying Look at Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City
This has budget written all over it, 85% chance to flop
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.3 Adds Free DLC, Very Long List of Updates, Fixes
They might as well shelve the multiplayer, this game will still be needing patches in 2022
Re: Marvel's Avengers' Free Black Panther Update Looks Impressive
@naruball Was it though? I heard the game only had 2 marvel villain bosses (which is shockingly poor, given the pool of choices they could have picked from) and enemies were repetitive.
Re: Marvel's Avengers' Free Black Panther Update Looks Impressive
Ded Gaem
Lots of people I know can't even be bothered to redownload the game to try this out. Glad I didn't give in and buy, what a waste of a game and potential.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.3 Adds Free DLC, Very Long List of Updates, Fixes
It's frankly astonishing the game released without some of these "improvements".
Re: Two New PS Store Sales Contain Over 1,500 PS5, PS4 Game Deals
@LiamCroft I loved the first one and completed but Dishonoured 2 didn't really cliuck with me. Dropped it after a few hours
Re: Tales of Arise Is About as Long as Tales of Berseria, Says Producer
Never played Bersia but ok, I just hope the game is good.
Re: Konami Admits PES Successor eFootball Will Effectively Be a Demo at Launch
RIP Pro Evo, this is sad to hear but they have to take a new direction. EA probably laughing at this news
Re: Fall Guys Season 5 Introduces Limited Time Events, New Rounds, and More on PS4
@Ogbert Continuation of new content doesn't equate to having a playerbase. It can also be used to tempt people back in, like the content updates for Avengers, which has had ridiculously low user counts these days.
Re: Fall Guys Season 5 Introduces Limited Time Events, New Rounds, and More on PS4
Do people still play this game? Genuinely curious
Re: Persona 25th Anniversary Teases Seven New Projects, First Announcement in September
P6 hype! I loved P5 so looking forward to whatever is next
Re: Abandoned Trailers App Can Be Pre-Loaded from 29th July on PS5, First Trailer Drops in August
Bored of this game now, after all they hype they initially drummed up. If this isn't a Silent Hill game, I really fear for the developers going onwards
Re: Talking Point: Was Sony's Latest State of Play Livestream Any Good?
If they would have brought this to E3, it would have been a travesty. Not surprised they skipped it, completely average show.
Re: Random: PlayStation Fans Start Petition to Cancel Hideo Kojima's Rumoured Xbox Game
Truly pathetic
Re: Final Fantasy IX Animated TV Show Announced
So random, let's see how it turns out
Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game of 2021 So Far?
Village, Returnal and P5 Strikers for me. Lol at Balan Wonderworld on the list
Re: Deal: Physical PS5 Games Get Significant Price Cuts
Godfall still way too high in price
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Is Back on the PS Store, Sony Says Fixes and Updates Will Release Throughout 2021
Purchase later down the year maybe but console version is still not the way to go right now
Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?
@Col_McCafferty Lol what’s with that response? I have both current gen consoles. Dial down the attitude my man
Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?
It was a deliberate attempt to mislead consumers, at Xbox's expense. I remeber people ripping MS when Phil came out and told the truth about generations, now Sony are the same and fanboys have changed their stance on the matter.
Re: King of Fighters XV Delayed to Early 2022
Why pump out the weekly trailers then? Looking forward to this either way so as long as the quality is top notch, I don't mind.
Re: Biomutant (PS4) - The Classic Case of What Could Have Been
4/10 yikes! Definitely a pass from me
Re: Overwatch 2 PvP Now 5 vs. 5, New Maps Revealed
1. Overwatch is dead anyway, has been for a few years now.
2. Some tanks would have to be reworked. Winston for example would need serious changes to be viable as a solo tank
Re: Marvel's Avengers' Red Room Takeover Prepares You for Black Widow
@TheFrenchiestFry I feel Task is being done dirty in the film. There is no scenario where Widow can beat him 1v1, he looks to have been nerfed.
Re: Poll: Did You Buy Resident Evil Village?
I pre-ordered after the reviews. Having a blast so far
Re: Scarlet Nexus Gets a Very Anime Opening Movie
@Athrum To be fair, JJK does set a high bar....
Re: Hands On: Why You Should Be Hyped for Returnal, the Next Great PS5 Exclusive
I'll see what the reviews are saying first. I'm more interested in RE8, which I'm buying day one for sure.
Re: Capcom Extends Availability of Convoluted Resident Evil Village Demo
Such a dumb idea for a demo, glad it's been extended but I feel like I've seen enough. Can't wait to play on day one
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Has Now Spent Over Four Months Missing from PS Store
POleayed the game and completed around release. Thought it was ok but should ahve been a million miles better than what it was. I've seen better npc mechanics from games thatr released 5-10 years ago. Obviously tyhe devs could have done better but they were not afforded the time they should have got. I honestly hope the game stays off the PS store until in much better shape and next gen patch available.
Re: 10 Digital-Only PS3 Games You Should Buy Before Sony Shuts the PS Store
Hard Corps was a fantastic game, loved the anime intro sequence as well
Re: Rumour: Cyberpunk 2077 Free DLCs Leaked, Suggest Multiple System Expansions and More
@R1spam I could see this. I'd like to know how many people got refunds on conoles. I'd never by this game back and GP is the only way I'd personally play it again
Re: Rumour: Cyberpunk 2077 Free DLCs Leaked, Suggest Multiple System Expansions and More
Good luck trying to sell those premium expansions. The story is going to have to be superb for anyone to put additional funds in the game. The base story in this game was ok but well below par for CDPR.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 Available to Download Now on PS5, PS4, and It's a 44GB Monster
Too late, imo. Majority of people I know in person and online completed the game and got their refunds on console. Maybe PC players will enjoy this more
Re: Life Is Strange: True Colors Confirmed for PS5 and PS4, Out This September
Looks a little like Fin from Miles Morales
Re: Famitsu, Dengeki, and Japanese Fans Give Ghost of Tsushima All Kinds of Awards
Well deserved, fantastic game from start to finish
Re: Marvel's Avengers Will Nerf Level Progression When PS5 Version Launches
@RBMango My thought exactly
Re: Kena: Bridge of Spirits Dated for August on PS5, PS4
Take your time devs, Kena is my most anticipated game of 2021