Comments 17

Re: Would You Pay $100 for GTA 6?


For me, it depends on the title. A game like GTA6 (if GTAV is anything to go by) will have an enormous life. The single player game is huge, the production quality is generally incredible, the online content is constantly updated, and you can invest as much or as little as you want. So yeah, maybe taking into account how many hours can be put into a top tier AAA game like this - and that excitement is already higher for this than anything game in recent memory, $100 probably can be justified. BUT, it shouldn't be the outlier for every other studio to think that their games are in the same bracket. Should annual games like FIFA or COD charge the same, or games that have a short single player campaign, of course not. This IS GTA though

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn's PS5, PC Remaster Is Very Much the Real Deal


I think it's a bit cynical to have another 'remaster' this gen. That said, it could open the game up for newcomers to the series, and it's not much of a gamble from the dev team insomuch as it's cheaper to upscale a popular game rather than roll the dice on a completely new IP. Hopefully they've taken this chance to stop Aloy talking so much! The hand-holding in this - and it's sequel were beyond frustrating for me. So much so, I play with the dialogue turned off! Rant over!!

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Thoughts on Protagonists Discussing Puzzles?


Oh man... Aloy absolutely did my head in!! Walk into an area and immediately "That pipe looks like it could be useful" "I could climb up there" "That wall looks weak" etc... What's the point of these 'puzzles' if you're told the answer straight away. A delay of a few minutes - or the option to turn 'hints' off would've been welcome. That whole thing soured the game for me

BoTW was much more rewarding in that sense. When Link went into a shrine, you either solved it yourself, or had to actively look for hints online.

.... Rant over