Comments 73

Re: Sony to Short-Change PS Stars Members with PS Plus Renewals Starting Next Year


@jrt87 no it is definitely not worse than Nintendo’s coin system. While you may get 1/5th of the coins for a physical purchase compared to digital purchases, you can only use the coins directly on games. Unlike stars you cannot use them to purchase store credit that doesn’t expire. At least with stars I was just able to redeem $20 for the ps store before the points expire that will remain in my store wallet until I need it. With Nintendo coins I only have a year to use them directly on purchases with no way to bank them for afterwards.

Re: Publishers Bail on Live-Service Flops Too Quickly, Says Warframe Boss


@get2sammyb the problem is that those 3 games were only critical flops at launch but still financially successful due to pre release hype. The developers gained the capital needed to keep working on those games because they sold so well when they launched. The games this article referenced did not have the same type of success at launch which makes it impossible to turn the tide and make these games successful. The publishers know this and see the money bleeding so they were right to cut support. I know as gamers most of us only consider the entertainment or art side of video games but at the end of the day it is a business and live service games need money to survive. If a live service game makes no money at the start no amount of QOL updates will save it. There needs to be a strong financial base for them to survive long term.

Re: Publishers Bail on Live-Service Flops Too Quickly, Says Warframe Boss


@StrickenBiged it wasn’t abandoned quickly though. EA gave BioWare over 2 years to revamp the game post release and BioWare delivered on nothing. They released one small update 6 months post launch and then nothing else for almost 2 years. EA was actually more than fair with Anthem. The ex BioWare devs claimed BioWare weren’t even close to any kind of update when support got pulled so this wasn’t like with Redfall where they were just a week away from a new update. I know people like to act like publishers are the cause for every game failure but that isn’t true. A lot of times devs put something out and have no idea what they are doing. Everything concerning Anthem’s downfall is solely BioWare’s fault.

Re: Publishers Bail on Live-Service Flops Too Quickly, Says Warframe Boss


@Ainu20 yeah this whole comment sounds like when someone in their 60s tells a person in their 20s to just buy a house cash since it wasn’t hard when they did it. Completely out of touch with the current gaming industry. Warframe was one of the first live service games ever. Of course they had time to cultivate their audience as they had no competition. What this guy doesn’t realize is that for new live service games to succeed they need to take away players from existing live service games, which includes his own game. There is only a finite amount of players and the time they have for games so most only invest into one live service game at a time so making a live service game successful means making another one fail.

@StrickenBiged exactly those games saw incredible launches due to overhype in the case of NMS and franchise recognition for FO76. Even a strong launch doesn’t guarantee success. Avengers sold 2 million copies in its first month, it just didn’t retain any of the player base over time. The devs didn’t give up on the game quickly either. It was supported for 2.5 years before being shutdown, and in the end it was reported to have made no money during that time but instead loss $60 million for the publisher. This is why publishers pull the plug on these games quickly because if they don’t they are just bleeding money in today’s market.

I do want to point out one thing though. Anthem was not EA’s fault, at least not in the way you think it is. Ex BioWare devs have come forward since Anthem’s failure and explained what happened. EA gave BioWare complete freedom while making Anthem. BioWare’s management just had no idea what they were doing and said yes to every idea a developer had since the game would come together with “BioWare magic”. These ex developers stated they had no idea what Anthem was going to be until the reveal trailer premiered at E3 2019 because management had no clear vision for the game. In fact the reveal trailer wasn’t even completed until 30 minutes before its premiere. The only thing EA made BioWare do was keep the flying mechanic as that was going to be removed and every person who played Anthem will agree the flying is the best part of the game.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing the Concord Open Beta?


@Dalamar I get this is a Sony focused site so there is some “fanboyism” to be had but can we stop pretending that people who don’t like the game are hating on it for no reason? I tried the beta. The game is a dud. It isn’t intuitive or even fun. Really just lacks a soul. This is a game that seems to be created purely from a checklist handed down to developers by executives, and if this really is a passion project by Firewalk then Sony needs to rethink their acquisitions. The only people that like this game are the diehard Sony fanboys that think every Sony first party game is a masterpiece. This game is simply not good and will fail hard.

Re: Some PSN Services Down and Offline, Sony Investigating


@LordServbot you joke about a cord being pulled but I know someone that did just that and a certain network, that I won’t identify for the sake of keeping my anonymity, got shutdown for 24 hours and made international news. It isn’t as simple as plugging the cable back in as these networks are only meant to go down after specific safeguards are taken and putting it back online means fixing a lot of things that are now out of whack.

Re: Round Up: Concord PS5 Previews Seem Torn on Sony's New Shooter


@ChrisDeku counter point: WB execs liked how Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League was turning out during its development that they were considering increasing Rocksteady’s staff as they thought it would become a billion dollar franchise. Just because some suits from the parent company think a game is going to be great does not mean the general gaming audience will enjoy it.

Re: Rumour: Kingdom Hearts 4 May Be Trapped in the Darkness Until 2026


@PhiZero games getting delayed unexpectedly happen all the time. Breath of the Wild was supposed to come out in 2014 exclusively for the Wii U but kept getting delayed by a year over and over. Cyberpunk kept getting delayed a few weeks before it was supposed to release. A game with no public release date getting delayed internally two months later is highly possible and probable. Nothing here suggests either of these sources are “talking out of their ass”

Re: Rumour: Full Astro Bot PS5 Game to Be Announced Very Soon


@TrickyDicky99 yeah it is unfortunate how delusional the psvr subreddit has become. Before psvr2 released people were saying foveated rendering would somehow increase pixel density so games like RE8 would look better in the headset than playing it normally on a 4k screen. Tried pointing out that all foveated rendering doesn’t increase resolution but merely lower resolution of what you aren’t looking at so not to be too taxing on the system, and it did not go over well there. There were even some people saying it had full finger tracking even after Sony said it didn’t. They were lying to get people to buy the headset. Still isn’t good there. Users blame Quest for games not looking good on psvr2 even though they admit the games look better on Quest. Can’t admit that psvr2 is just not as powerful as the quest 3. Like I have psvr2 but I can admit it is definitely not the best headset on the market.

Re: Suicide Squad Woes Continue As Hackers Make Free with Unreleased Character, Skins


@djlard the article and many others don’t mention that the content is mostly unfinished. The person “playing” as Deathstroke doesn’t even have a character model and is just invisible. Many live service games add new content to the games that are still under development so that the devs can see if anything being added causes unforeseen glitches before they get too far working on it. This isn’t a Tekken X Street Fighter situation where all the dlc characters were finished and on the disc at launch but simply locked to the players.

Re: Joker's Free Suicide Squad DLC Now Available on PS5


There isn’t even any story content in the update. No explanation of why the players are rescuing Joker, why Metropolis changed, how they even know this Joker exists, or any specific missions about rescuing Joker. Even Avengers had more substantial expansions than this in its dying days. Honestly a complete disgrace and anyone who worked on this game should be blackballed from the gaming industry for creating something so bad.

Re: Helldivers 2's Cutting Edge Premium Warbond Locked, Loaded for 14th March Deployment


@GZoo the Warbonds will be more than just 250sc. Those are just the individual armor sets at that price. The devs said the warbond prices will vary based on how much content is in each. Since the first one was 3 pages of content and cost 1000sc that should give us an idea of how things will be priced going forward. My guess this next one will also be 1000sc as it appears to have the same amount of armor and weapons the first premium warbond has.

Re: Rocksteady Co-Founders Form New Studio Called Hundred Star Games


@themightyant Baldurs Gate 3 is a licensed game based off of Dungeons and Dragons (Baldurs Gate is literally one of the most famous locations in all of D&D) that are owned by Wizards of the Coast who in turn are owned by Hasbro, one of the largest toy manufacturers in the world. Cyberpunk 2077 is also another licensed game based on the ttrpg Cyberpunk 2020 which is owned by R. Talsorian Games, one of the largest tabletop game manufacturers in the world. Gen shin Impact may look to be a indie game but it’s developer has solely published exclusively in China before hand due to the country’s weird laws on foreign games and the developer is worth $7billion. All three are owned by big companies.

Re: Rocksteady Co-Founders Form New Studio Called Hundred Star Games


@sanderson72 5) Creator either doesn’t make anything new for over a decade (Kevin Levine) or puts out a middling self indulgent game that is pretty boring and just an excuse to work with Hollywood actors (Hideo Kojima and Glen Schofield), making gamers realize that maybe corporate oversight isn’t such a bad thing.

Re: Mini Review: Vertigo 2 (PSVR2) - Phenomenal VR Shooter Shares a Lot of DNA with Half-Life


@thefourfoldroot1 No hybrid games only benefit people who already have PSVR2. They are essentially the same as multiplatform games since people don’t need the PSVR2 to play the games. What it really needs is true exclusives, not playable on any system other than with the headset. PSVR2 needs to be treated as a brand new console rather than just a peripheral for the PS5 and every new console is bought for its exclusives.

If the PSVR2 doesn’t have any must play games that can only be played in VR then the adoption rate is going to stagnate hard, which I think it already has. It has been almost 11 months since the headset released and Sony has yet to announce the PSVR2 has sold over a million units and Sony ALWAYS announces when one of their consoles/peripherals breaks a million mile stone. To put that in perspective the first PSVR sold over a million headsets in about 5 months and this was announced by Sony as soon as it happened. Even the announcement of the PSVR2 selling 150k more than the first headset in the first six week period included a graph showing most of those sales were in the first two weeks with the following four plateauing fast.

Look I am not trying to trash talk the PSVR2. I bought it day one and put over 200 hours into using it last year which was the most I played games. For it to survive and Sony to continue with VR development the headset needs a 100% exclusive game that can only be played using the PSVR2 in that makes people go “dude you have to play this game!” Every major Sony console has had at least one exclusive like that and the only one that didn’t was the Vita, and we don’t want the PSVR2 to have that type of life cycle.

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