I am old but not yet senile

Comments 433

Re: PS Plus Members Lose 19 Games in May as Sony Drops PS Plus Collection


Claimed all of the ones I wanted, so I'm ok with it. Always had a PSN account and subscription anyway, so they've always been 'free' to me.

Regarding physical vs digital, I used to be firmly in the physical camp but not so much now. I have a stack of DVD's & Blueray films I don't watch anymore, just collecting dust. For me it's easier just to stream, though I do have a decent broadband connection.

Same with games. Up until the PS5 everything I bought was physical and I was used to swapping disks to play games. Now it's just a PITA powering on the PS5, finding someone's swapped my GT7 disk out for a flippin Lego game and having to unpark my backside to go and swap disks. That's a couple of minutes of valuable play time! Plus it's rarely a case of sticking a new disk in and just playing, have to download a massive patch first.

If I got through several games a month I suppose second-hand physical purchases would make sense. As I only get through several a year I find digital just so much easier.

Re: Sony Denies Claims of PSVR2 Stock Cuts at Launch


@NEStalgia Like most I love a bargain but NMS is one of the few games I've paid full price for, twice in fact. Once on PC then on PS5. By my reckoning it's been the best bang for buck game I've ever bought and felt they deserve my hard-earned cash.

Re: Sony Denies Claims of PSVR2 Stock Cuts at Launch


@Th3solution Oh for flips sake, it didn't even occur to me I could tweak AI difficulty. I've not been able to get higher than 4th in some of the GT Cup races (Suzuka I hate you), it's been doing my head in. One mistake and it's all over. I'll checkout the setting when I get a chance.

Re: Sony Denies Claims of PSVR2 Stock Cuts at Launch


@Th3solution Sounds like you got plenty to occupy yourself with, makes sense to get through that lot first. Not much has taken my fancy for a while, so I've not really got any backlog. Bit stuck and frustrated with GT7 at the moment and don;t have hours to improve. Going back to some of the easier races in VR really appeals. I've been more taken with some of the up-coming VR games, so different proposition for me.

As long as everyone's happy it's all good

Re: Sony Denies Claims of PSVR2 Stock Cuts at Launch


@somnambulance Yeah, Meta. I'm not convinced that the Metaverse will be a thing for quite some time and the negative press isn't helping VR in general. It's one thing to game in VR, another to spend hours working and shopping in it. Not appealing to me, anyway.

As for the current state of the world, sure, I can see a lot of people turning away from investing in high-end tech. It's just not a priority. Though I wonder how many may go for 1 big ticket item rather than a few lower-end ones.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


@Th3solution Heh, not me for one. Knew I really wanted a VR1 but had to try it first. Was with the wife at the time, she saw my reaction and pretty much nagged into buying (lucky or what!).

Difficult times at the moment but I'm in a position where I can afford a VR2.At the end of the day it's a years worth of smokes or beer for some, neither of which I partake in. So what the hell.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


@EvenStephen7 Is it facing as big an uphill battle, though? Given the Move control system I think it was much harder to port to the VR1 than it is now for the VR2. Especially as the PS4 didn't quite have the grunt to run many of the full-blown PC titles. It just wasn't worth the effort.

Now we're in a position where the PS5+VR2 combination is capable of running pretty much anything the PC can, with decent tracking, hand controllers and a much more compatible API (I suspect).

Time will obviously tell but I'm far more optimistic for VR2 than I ever was for VR1.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


@Th3solution Fair enough points but until you've tried it you're not going to find a compelling reason to get one. It'll either be a 'meh', 'yuck' or 'omg this is awesome' moment. If it's an 'omg', well, who knows how long that'll last. Bit like many 'omg' moments, though!

Of course having the opportunity to try it for those on the fence would be nice, Sony need to get them into stores.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


@stvevan VR is partly niche because it's expensive, surely? So was gaming once, as you'd know if you were around in the 80's. It took off because it became more affordable.

And no, not everyone is into gta, code and FIFA. I have none of them.

VR is fantastic but has it's problems. Make it easier to use, less expensive and solve the motion issues and it'll be mainstream.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


@somnambulance You're right but it's all a matter of perspective I guess. I don't really get why people spend £1000+ on an iPhone but they have done for years and still do, granted, not as many in the current financial climate. People just value things differently I guess.

VR is not mainstream, true, but I think it could be as long as the likes of Sony et al take a risk and get new products out there, push the technology and address the issues with it. If it succeeds it will be because early adopters were willing to embrace and fund it.

I've just sold my VR1. Had it since launch but I admit I didn't really use it much. I love the immersion of VR, to me no other game experience can match it. But VR1 was cumbersome to setup and, more importantly, didn't have many games I really enjoyed playing. It was all a bit, well, primitive.

VR2 looks like it'll address a lot of the issues, though. To me it's worth a punt on.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


You only have to look at the number of PC ports ready around launch, or on the way to see VR2 is going to have a far bigger library than VR1. It's clearly a lot easier to port for than VR1. So games will come and I'm absolutely convinced it will sell better than VR1, even in the current financial climate.

I personally think it's a good thing Sony are sticking with VR, we need innovation and competition to drive the cost down and provide a better experience.

I'm also puzzled why so many people keep banging on about the cost of it. Objectively it's a good deal if you want a quality VR experience and can afford it. Yes, it's expensive, so are IPhones. Seems to be an attitude that if some can't afford it no-one should. If that were true Apple wouldn't exist!

Could Sony have done a better job of promoting it? Hell yes, it's been a sh1t show.

Re: Preview: Why Horizon Call of the Mountain Is a PSVR2 Showpiece


I never got into Horizon, played the original for a few hours and it just didn't click with me. For some reason seeing the world in VR really does appeal, though, so I'm going for it.

I loved half-life but have never played Alyx. I don't agree that it would be a system seller as such, those with a burning desire to play it probably already have. I reckon we need some new content, not more PC ports.

Saying that, I'm looking forward to UltraWings2!

Re: Site News: Would You Kindly Fill in Our Reader Survey?


Three complaints:
1) There were no Custard Creams awarded on completion
2) There were no biscuit related questions
3) The survey did not pop up a new tab and when completed did not return me to PushSquare

Fortunately I do have some Custard Creams in the biscuit barrel which I have just dunked in a cuppa and enjoyed very much.

Re: PSVR2 Game Pricing Revealed as Pre-Orders Go Live


Pre-ordered mine at about midday in the UK. Went for the headset only but probably should have gone for the bundle. Might be able to change it.

It's a lot of money, was really 50/50 about it but as no money is taken until 5 days before delivery there's plenty of time to save a bit and cancel if things get a bit tight.

Re: Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration (PS5) - A Warts and All Celebration of an Industry Icon


This has made me all nostalgic. I too started off playing my uncles' 2600 when I was a kid. By the time I started work and could afford anything of my own I bought a C64. Progressed on to Amigas after that. Have a heavy sixer in the loft with about 100+ carts, will have to drag it out and have a play.

Or just be lazy and buy this I suppose!

ord Still have a 2600, VIC20, C64 and Amigas in the loft

Re: PSVR2 Launches 22nd February 2023, Costs $550


Ouch. I guess I'm not that surprised at the price but it's enough to make me think hard about getting it day 1. I don't think it's outrageous for the spec, though.

On the face of it the Pico 4 looks a better deal if you've got a decent PC and have your PC in plenty of space. I'm not convinced it would give me a better experience on my lowly RTX 3060ti setup in my small office. I'm not fussed about being tethered.

I guess I'll see how skint I am next year!

Re: Sony Producing Two Million PSVR2 Headsets by March 2023


Not too long to wait then I'm keen to get one but any more than £499 will probably be really hard to justify given the way things are going.

I think most decent PS1 VR titles will get a port for little cost and be available around launch, so I don't think lack of BC will actually be too problematic.

I'm also expecting a lot of ports from PC VR games within 6 months and wouldn't be surprised if VR2 is usable on PC's within 12 months of release. Sony seem to embracing PC more and more as time goes on.

Re: Sony Sued £5 Billion for 'Ripping Off' PS5, PS4 Players


I just don't get how this could even get off the ground. People have a choice here, no-ones being forced into anything. We're not talking about essential goods or services. We're talking about games, which, in many cases, you can often buy cheaper elsewhere. Or on a different platform if you prefer.

If I think something's too expensive I'll drop it or go elsewhere, never once have I thought of suing someone!

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Stray?


Always had cats around when I was a kid but am now allergic to pretty much anything with hair that's not Human

Played for about 15 mins, so far looks good but not quite as good as I thought it would.

Re: First Photo of PSVR2 in the Flesh Emerges


Some claiming it's a fake and I must admit there's something off about the picture. Zooming in and looking at the gap at the top of the visor I reckon you can see the chair behind it!

Looking forward to getting one but I suspect we've got a long wait

Re: Sony Patches Band-Aid into PS Plus' PS1 Games, As Emulation Is Taken to Task


The emulation will improve over time. Very little these days is released running anywhere near perfectly. These days it's called being 'Agile'.

Running games I used to play at 50hz, at 50hz, really isn't an issue for me. I was never really fussed back in the day, often the better resolution outweighed the lower frame rate.

The only issue I have is that they just look so dated on a 65 inch TV, kind of spoils the memory in a way.

Re: Sony Experimenting with Ads in Free-to-Play PS5, PS4 Games


I've no problem with games that have product placement in them, free or otherwise, if they don't interrupt gameplay. Having to stop gameplay to watch an advert is different, though. If it's a free game and the ads are short and well-spaced, I don't see a problem. I'd give it a spin, devs have to make money somehow.

There's a limit, though. 10+ second ads every few minutes, which I see in a lot of mobile games, is just too frustrating. Games like that don't stay on my phone after a few plays. I'd not bother installing them at all on a console.

Re: Poll: What's Your PS5, PS4 Game of the Year So Far?


GT7 for me, though to be honest it's all I've played, not had much time on the PS5 this year.

I still can't decide if I want to try Eden Ring or not. I've never been into Souls type games and don't have a huge amount of game time. Is it something you can just pick up and play for 30 mins or an hour now and again?

Re: PS Plus, PS Now Merged Service Revealed, Goes Live in June


Hopefully the 2 downloadable games is an error. Not that I've generally been bothered to download 3 but I didn't expect to get less for my money.

Given the number of 'free' PS+ games I've actually played I'd be tempted to go for an 'online only with demos and discount' level sub if they did one for 19.99 a year.