

I'm just a guy who's a hero for fun

Comments 259

Re: God of War Ragnarok Dev Sony Santa Monica Demands Respect After Unsavoury Week


@Northern_munkey It's pretty simple. They set up too much stuff in the last game to see through in this one. Had they turned the Norse saga into a trilogy, rather than a bilogy or whatever you call something with only two entries, we could've had the second game in the saga released already and they could've been working on a satisfying ending to an incredible story.

You do know that the Norse saga is over after Ragnarok, right? This is it. How are they going to cover more of the Norse lore when it's over after this? You really should get that smooth brain of yours checked out by a doctor.

Re: God of War Ragnarok 2023 Delay Seemingly Debunked


I don't care anymore when or if this comes out. They ruined it by making it only two games. It's going to feel rushed and unsatisfying because there is literally no chance they'll be able to properly flesh out everything they set up in the first game.