Comments 466

Re: Xbox Fans Petitioning for Helldivers 2 to Launch on Xbox


First time I've heard about this. Being as its sonys money and they never even wanted cross play I doubt it will happen πŸ˜…

Also 23k is a tiny amount tbf but 🀷 fair play

I also love how this comment section is basically just pure Console war fany boy and burn the competition at the stake as if it was Nintendo and saga days πŸ˜‚funny stuff as end of the day it's a tiny tiny amount of people that care about this stuff on either side

Re: Without a Physical PS5 Release, Alan Wake 2 Is Still Remedy's Fastest Selling Game


I've been part of the all digital future since like a year after the start of the xbox one and ps4 and even had a wedge of 360 and PS3
I'm more then Happy with all digital.

Also I enjoy alan wake 2 but definitely prefer playing as saga and her story then Mr wakes so far.

Some of it also feels that it's being weird just because remedy are being look at us, look how weird and quirky we are, arnt we different πŸ˜…

Re: Xbox's Multiplatform Plans to Be Revealed on Thursday


@NinjaNicky because gamepass and except for a small handful it has all the same games as the ps5 along with millions of people invested in the eco system and that's where they're friends play.
Dolby Atmos, Dolby Vision and a 4k disc player that works alot better than the ps5 is also a bonus 🀷

Just because you don't like a console dosnt mean it's the same for anyone else

Re: Microsoft Has Apparently Been Stocking Up on PS5 Devkits as Xbox Pivots


@Kraven I'll still keep the Xbox as my main console and am happy to buy and future ones because gamepass alone for me make it worth it along ekth everyone I know plays on Xbox and that's where all my games and main profile stuff is. I doubt it would massively effect sales or everyone will move to PlayStation but will just bring more money in for Xbox so why not be a publisher that also makes consoles I suppose 🀷