Comments 270

Re: Review: Remember Me (PlayStation 3)


There really hasn't been enough hype and coverage for this game in comparison to titles like The Last of Us, which is pretty much swamping our news section!
Nice review though, shame it didn't deliver as much as we'd hoped for!

Re: Review: Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut (PlayStation 3)


I maaaay be a tad bias, but I truly believe Deadly Premonition is an excellent game if you give it a chance. Many of Mike's functionality comments are spot on, but it must be stressed that the story and the subtly witty script is awesome, despite the developer's tight budget. My friend and I were obsessed with DP for ages, and nearly cried by the end, haha! So many emotions!

Re: Talking Point: Should Beyond: Two Souls Be a PlayStation 4 Game?


I can see why having Beyond as a PS4 exclusive would be highly beneficial for Sony to boost next gen console sales, but from a totally selfish stand-point, I'd rather it be PS3 only or a dual release, to save myself from forking out extra money for a new console at launch again.
For consumers, it never seems to pay-off buying consoles at day 1 - especially with the recent Wii U price drop fiasco.

Re: Guide: How to Beat Moltaan, Al-Khemi, and Shadar in Ni No Kuni


@TOMBOY25 Argh that's a pain! Don't give up now though, you've come so far already!

@Scrible You wait until Cerboreas in the next part of the guide - I reckon he's one of the most difficult.
The genie is all about luck really, whether or not your Al-Khemi keeps drawing a parasol or a sword - I was quite unlucky most times..