Comments 485

Re: Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories - Incoherent Disaster Sim Fails on All Fronts


This one sounds like a 'so bad its good' game. Lets sum up some of the luls in this review

*A confusing, tonally inconsistent mess from start to finish, that letting you dress up like a saucy sailor to take the edge off.

*The survivors you meet are frequently of the vulnerable lady variety, and there's a option to chance your hand with them, regardless of how ludicrous the situation might be.

*One of the most important characters you'll meet on your journey is a woman in hot pants who, literally seconds after finding her, will be tied up and threatened. One of the dialogue options you have when confronted is, "Back off! She's mine!" just in case you want to make a move while fighting off a couple of belligerent, rapey drunks.

*If you don't want to be an after-Armageddon sexpest then you can be a paragon of virtue.

*You don the cashier outfit, pretend to work at the shop, sort the queue out, find some toilet paper, give it to the man on the pot, and this somehow causes the tectonic plates of our planet to girate and an earthquake follows.

*Speaking of superfluous systems, there's hunger, thirst, and toilet systems. These appear to have absolutely no effect on the game other than a little icon popping up in the top left of the screen telling you that you need to go for a poo.

Re: PS Plus Game DiRT Rally 2.0 to Display Coronavirus Safety Advice


thank god this was given away so i didnt have to buy it. all live service games should be given away, becouse when servers are gone they are not playable anymore. no one wants to spend 60 dollars or more (dlc) on a game you can risk not to be able to play the next year or a few years later.

Re: Xbox Boss on PS5: We Have a Plan That Can Win


"When we finally saw the public disclosure [of the PS5], I felt even better about the choices we made on our platform. I expected that I would."

xbox have already won, sony f**ked up big time when they didnt do full bc with ps2 and ps3 games. all they talk about is that ssd that will not be ready to buy before one year after release. its gonna cost a fortune at release and very few will buy it since its gonna cost half the price of the ps5. so people are gonna be stuck with the internal 700gb (after system updates takes what it need) ssd for games on the ps5. and we know that ps5 games will be over 100gb each, thats the norm. no one cares about loading games in seconds when its good enough to load a game in 1 or 2 minutes, people care about storage space, bc and noise. when it comes to noise sony praised mark cerny for the ps4 design, and what did we get? jet engine noise deluxe when games started to push the ps4 to the limit. the new xbox was designed around to avoid noise and being all about power, and they have shown the whole xbox in pieces for all to see. sony on the other hand have not shown a thing, and all talk is about this fast ssd, it says a lot about the ps5, its gonna be a rushed system with a lot of fails, if its gonna be released this year.

Re: PS5 Is Attracting an Obscene Amount of FUD Right Now


this fud are proably correct since they have not shown the consol. but it dont bother me, i will wait for the ps5pro anyway. by then i know they have fixed all the problems the ps5 had the 3 first years after release. the best thing of it all the ps5 will be cheaper and more powerful too. so i am not gonna lose sleep over this, there is plenty of good ps4 games i can play on my mint ps4pro.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Trophy List Could Be an Easy Platinum


i think its not the right thing to do, to release this game in episodic format. you pay full price for a game and you dont even get a complete game on the disc. and you dont know when the rest of the episodes will be released, or if they get released at all with this corona pandemic going on. they should hold back the game, and release it when they have fully complete it.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Trophy List Could Be an Easy Platinum


so is every single one of the game's 18 chapters on the disc?... i read way back that it was gonna be released in a episodic format. so how can this be an easy platinum then. you dont finish one chaper and get the platinum now do you??... you will finish one chapter and then have to wait for the next, for how long no one knows yet.

Re: Reminder: Superb PS4 Racer Driveclub Goes Offline Tomorrow


the best driving game sony could not give a damn about!... i sometime wish these companies could start looking more at games as art pieces. take the effort and release the games complete on disc(later on when its done) and include options for players to p2p and lan host themself when online servers goes offline. so the full game experience could be preserved and played years later.

Re: PS3 Messaging System to Be Stripped of PS4, PS Vita Support


@Heavyarms55 exactly i have wanted ps3 bc since the ps4 was released, and hoped we could get ps3 bc with ps5. so no ps3 on ps5 i dont see no need to rush out and buy a ps5 day one. the fast sdd sony talk about will not be out to buy in the first year, and when it arrive it will be insane expensive. so you are stuck with the 800gb that will most be like 700gb because the os etc takes it parts of it. and games will be at 150+ gbs to download and install. and i bet the first ps5 will be noisy and not silent. i dont trust mark cerny at all after the ps4... i will just wait for ps5pro in 3 year, it will be the improved, faster, silent ps5 and it will be cheaper too.

Re: PS3 Says Goodbye to Messages from Other PlayStation Consoles This June


@GetAlife i understand its gonna be expensive, as it is everytime when there is a tv upgrade every 10 year. but have you forgot that when the ps3 arrived hdmi tv was the new thing, and if you had an old crt tv you would not get the most out of your ps3 back then either. the ps4 did arrive in the middle of all the tv upgrades and you didnt need a new tv, you could do with your 1080p hdmi1.3 tv.

but the ps5 arrive at the beginning of the new standard, that is hdmi 2.1. its a good thing thou this will make console gaming much better, and finally we can get in line with the pc games when it comes to fps, hz and you can kiss bad inputlag goodbye for good. so what you do this year is sell your 2 year old tv. then use the money to get a new tv with the new standard hdmi2.1, and in 2021 you get the ps5. it gives you plenty of time to save up some cash before you buy.

Re: PS3 Says Goodbye to Messages from Other PlayStation Consoles This June


@LiamHatesPS3 last year they made the servers not accept new players for blkops2 and mw3. so the playerbase will shrink rapidly when new players cant join. so basically activision trying to kill off these old cod games quietly.

if you have a new account your blackops2 game will freeze when it start up, because it try to connect online at start and dont accept new players on the servers. so to play the single player you have to turn off your ps3 wifi or unplug the network cable.

when it comes to mw3 you can start up the game fine but when you try to find a online game you can not.

why havent there been anything about this in the gaming news?

Re: PS3 Says Goodbye to Messages from Other PlayStation Consoles This June


To be fair you could never see a ps4/psvita friend online on your ps3 anyway. also the ps4/psvita owner had to send you a message first if you was gonna be able to send a message to a ps4/psvita player. so that they now remove this half arsed connection between the ps3 and ps4/psvita i dont think will be missed much. you can still send messages to other ps3 owners and they get that message on their ps3. anyway most of us use the ps app now days.