Comments 82

Re: Rumour: PS Plus September 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Leaked Ahead of Official Reveal


@BRT15 I’ll get the usual fanboy flak for saying it, but the first year of owning a PS5 is looking to be a bit disappointing. I was very excited to have it. I’m still GLAD I have it, considering the mess this generation has been for finding consoles. However, between delays, hardware issues, price increases, and Sony’s general vibe right now, it’s been underwhelming to say the least. I do think 2022 will be much better, but right now it just doesn’t feel like you’re missing much if you don’t own a PS5. I’ve had several people ask if it’s worth the effort to get one right now, and to be honest I usually tell them they’re okay until 2022. It just hasn’t been anything more than an “okay” experience. I’m sure plenty of people feel differently, but I’m just kind of unimpressed.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of the New Saints Row?


@The-Sega-KiD this is true, gaming is currently in the throes of doing what Hollywood has done over the last several years - giving consumers what they think we want, or even more likely what they think we SHOULD be getting. Gaming is a diverse space, yes, but one thing I love about some franchises is the irreverence to convention and the anti-hero types. The hipster vibe and woke messaging in newer games is a turnoff for a lot of 30+ gamers, right or wrong. I’m not saying it’s bad to have more diverse characters and representations; that’s not an issue. But who wants to play a game in the Saints Row series as college hipsters? I am more and more drawn to retro gaming by the day as devs push symbolism over gameplay and story.

Re: Talking Point: How Would You Improve PS Plus?


GamePass triggers way too many of you. It’s undeniably gaining steam, because it’s a great value. Sony doesn’t have to do the exact same thing, but they could certainly improve their offerings. Heck, just give annual PS+ subscribers their choice of one or two new titles a year and/or combine it with PS Now. PS Now is a little better and has some fun games, but it could still be better. I’d just like to see at least one REALLY good game with PS + every month. Some months are good, some are really bad.

Re: Reaction: E3 Is a Relic Desperately Clinging to Relevancy


@Ambassador_Kong right? I don’t hate Nintendo at all but this narrative that they killed it baffles me. Metroid looked okay, but other than that it’s the same old thing they’ve thrown out for nearly the life of the Switch. Nothing exciting and groundbreaking. Safe and familiar like always with Nintendo.

Re: God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 PS4 Versions Confirmed


@Oz_Momotaro I have a PS5 myself (very lucky), but honestly there are no current system-sellers, mainly because a large chunk of customers can’t get systems anyway. Secondarily, there simply aren’t many true current gen games out there. As a fan of both consoles, both are lacking in superb quality titles that showcase the new hardware. I found it laughable that Jim Ryan said this was the best launch lineup in history. Sure, Miles Morales is nice but not a true killer app, and cross-gen. It sells great because it’s a Marvel IP and appeals to all ages . Souls looks great but not everyone’s type of game. Returnal is already a back burner and wasn’t even really a launch title. Ratchet and Clank will be the first title of any note since November.

Yes the pandemic affected things heavily but this has been a poor start other than raw console “sales” (a good bit of which aren’t even in player’s hands.)

Re: God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 PS4 Versions Confirmed


@NEStalgia I honestly think you may be on to something. Although it wasn’t the intent, this may be a short generation due to the disastrous launch and availability of both major consoles. I didn’t see it that way, but you have a solid point. It feels like very little for the current Gen (now technically no longer next gen) is coming soon and by the time we see big exclusives we’ll be halfway through a 6-7 year life cycle. It’s all kind of a mess really. This pandemic really turned a lot of things crazy.
At the same time, this scalping culture is here to stay and will only get worse in coming years. So I’m not sure anything is going to change unless Microsoft and Sony literally flood the market with product.

Re: All PlayStation Now Games


@Kienda same for me, I have solid internet but streaming is still glitchy most of the time. I dropped my membership from PSNow, but thinking about re-upping.

Re: Aloy Trends As Fans Discuss Horizon Forbidden West Hero


@LordSteev I agree. You can’t say anything these days without getting a nasty label put on you, but we’re still in a world where most people want to see women looking feminine and men looking masculine. There’s nothing wrong with that, just like there’s nothing wrong with people choosing their gender or sexual preference. The whole SJW thing has gone waaaaay to one side really hard and not everybody likes to see it in EVERYTHING. A female character doesn’t have to be a bombshell, but the majority of people want to see the character as what they are supposed to be. I still say the vast majority of people don’t want androgynous or obviously “woke sensitive” characters in every single game going forward. Kait Diaz in Gears and Elena Fisher in Uncharted 4 were awesome female characters who looked like average to slightly above average women, not supermodels. That shouldn’t be controversial. I’m not a “Hollywood good looks” person myself, but I don’t think every character has to be brown bag ugly like me.

I’m not trying to insult anyone, it’s just that not everything has to be a woke commentary. People need to toughen up a little. Just my opinion.

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