Comments 270

Re: Spider-Man PS4 DLC to Give Fans Something Fresh


@starman292 I liked the story just fine, except for one thing at the ending (you might be able to guess what if you've seen it). I also felt the Sinister Six were rushed through the latter part of the game. It was just bloated with pointless side stuff.

My top rated games of the past few years are very unsurprising, probably: God of War went way beyond my expectation (though I skipped the busywork of Niflheim and Muspelheim); I liked Horizon ZD a lot more than I thought I would; Doom 2016 is pretty much the perfect game; Ratchet and Clank was way better than it should have been; Yoku's Island was completed in about two sittings; Iconoclasts in three, despite the heavy handed story; Bloodstained Curse of the Moon tickled all kinds of nostalgia as did Axiom Verge. I also quite like the new Tomb Raiders, while I can't stand the scriptedness of Uncharted and The Last of Us.

Oh, and Witcher 3. That is one awesome game. Deserted island material.

Re: Spider-Man PS4 DLC to Give Fans Something Fresh


Will it make MJ less of a spoiled, tantrum throwing brat? Will it give me more repetitive checklist chores? I am severely disappointed by the game, so I don't expect the DLC to change that. DLC that was announced before the game even released, by the way. What a horrible practice for a mediocre experience.