@starman292 I liked the story just fine, except for one thing at the ending (you might be able to guess what if you've seen it). I also felt the Sinister Six were rushed through the latter part of the game. It was just bloated with pointless side stuff.
My top rated games of the past few years are very unsurprising, probably: God of War went way beyond my expectation (though I skipped the busywork of Niflheim and Muspelheim); I liked Horizon ZD a lot more than I thought I would; Doom 2016 is pretty much the perfect game; Ratchet and Clank was way better than it should have been; Yoku's Island was completed in about two sittings; Iconoclasts in three, despite the heavy handed story; Bloodstained Curse of the Moon tickled all kinds of nostalgia as did Axiom Verge. I also quite like the new Tomb Raiders, while I can't stand the scriptedness of Uncharted and The Last of Us.
Oh, and Witcher 3. That is one awesome game. Deserted island material.
Will it make MJ less of a spoiled, tantrum throwing brat? Will it give me more repetitive checklist chores? I am severely disappointed by the game, so I don't expect the DLC to change that. DLC that was announced before the game even released, by the way. What a horrible practice for a mediocre experience.
GTA San Andreas seems to be a recurring summer tradition over here.
This year I'll add Sonic Mania Plus to that, which nostalges me straight back to the summer of 1991, when my friend got to borrow his uncles MegaDrive over the vacation.
I had a glitch where a button prompt wouldn't change back from a padlock icon, so I was stuck on a stationary elevator. Had to close application and reload for it to work.
Comments 270
Re: Sony May Be Planning a PlayStation Controller with a Screen
@Turismo4GT The lightbar is a low energy led; the rumble motors are the ones that eat up most of the juice.
Re: Round Up: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Reviews Are Hot, Hot, Hot
Not all on disc = no deal. I'll happily play the originals on my pc.
Re: Poll: Do You Buy and Play Single Player Story DLC?
If I really like the game and the DLC gets good reviews, I still wait for a complete/goty-edition. I'm a sucker for nice collections.
Re: Sony's Stealth Released a New PS4 Pro Model, and It's Quieter
Now if they could release that 7200 in white...
Re: GRIP - An Inconsistent Reimagining of PSone Racer Rollcage
@LieutenantFatman I got it as well, couldn't leave it at €35. Liked what I played so far.
Re: GRIP - An Inconsistent Reimagining of PSone Racer Rollcage
I loved Rollcage, had higher hopes for this than a 6/10.
"There’s no shortage of things to do, but little of it remains entertaining for long."
Ah, look. My review of RDR2 is in here as well.
Re: Classic Adventure Game Grim Fandango Gets Physical Release on PS4
Yasss, physical release! Pre-order is in.
Re: Mini Documentary Talks Tetris Effect and the Phenomenon Behind Its Name
I have had the Tetris Effect before Tetris was even a thing. I call it the Lego Effect.
Re: Poll: One Week Later, Is Red Dead Redemption 2 the Best Game of 2018?
Burned out on it in four days. I was impressed at first, but soon realized that everything is just such a chore.
Also, passively staring at my tv, holding X to watch a horse run for five minutes is not my idea of fun, let alone goty-material.
Re: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Soundtrack Has Original Composer Stewart Copeland's Blessing
Please keep in mind they had to download parts of the blessing to get the full package.
Re: Review: Call of Cthulhu (PS4)
So not a good fix for lovers of Dark Corners Of The Earth...?
Re: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Still Requires Content Download for Second and Third Games
That's it. I'm out.
Re: Talking Point: What's the Background Behind Your PSN Username?
It's an anagram of my actual name, which coincidentally translated to a funny handle.
Re: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Heats Things Up with New Launch Trailer
Trilogy not integral on disc = no buy.
Re: Officially Licensed PlayStation Furniture Is a Thing Now
I'll stick to my PS1 Christmas jumper.
Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey Sets New Series Sales Record
Watched some footage and the cartoony accents alone make my skin crawl.
Re: Spider-Man PS4 DLC to Give Fans Something Fresh
@starman292 I liked the story just fine, except for one thing at the ending (you might be able to guess what if you've seen it). I also felt the Sinister Six were rushed through the latter part of the game. It was just bloated with pointless side stuff.
My top rated games of the past few years are very unsurprising, probably: God of War went way beyond my expectation (though I skipped the busywork of Niflheim and Muspelheim); I liked Horizon ZD a lot more than I thought I would; Doom 2016 is pretty much the perfect game; Ratchet and Clank was way better than it should have been; Yoku's Island was completed in about two sittings; Iconoclasts in three, despite the heavy handed story; Bloodstained Curse of the Moon tickled all kinds of nostalgia as did Axiom Verge. I also quite like the new Tomb Raiders, while I can't stand the scriptedness of Uncharted and The Last of Us.
Oh, and Witcher 3. That is one awesome game. Deserted island material.
Re: Spider-Man PS4 DLC to Give Fans Something Fresh
@adf86 Yeah, I had a moment of weakness. One of many, to be honest.
Re: Spider-Man PS4 DLC to Give Fans Something Fresh
Will it make MJ less of a spoiled, tantrum throwing brat? Will it give me more repetitive checklist chores? I am severely disappointed by the game, so I don't expect the DLC to change that. DLC that was announced before the game even released, by the way. What a horrible practice for a mediocre experience.
Re: Hands On: The Best Indie Games at EGX 2018
I'm still waiting for a PS4 announcement on Blazing Chrome, as well as release dates for Drift Stage and 90s Racer. Oh, and Flynn: Son of Crimson.
Re: Castlevania Requiem Exclusive to PS4 Due to 'High Quality Port' Partnership with Sony
I don't like the idea of giving money to Konami, but if they put this collection on a disc, I will.
Re: The Walking Dead's Clementine Voice Actor Signs Off with Heartfelt Message to the Fans
Re: Review: Timespinner (PS4)
I need it on a disc.
Re: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Continues to Look Great in 45 Minutes of PS4 Gameplay
All games on disc, or no deal.
Re: Tetris Effect Drops onto PS4 and PSVR in November
Physical release would be awesome. Tetris is my jam.
Re: 19 Years Later, the PS2 Is Officially Done, Dead, Finished as Sony Ends Customer Support
End of an era...
Re: Marvel's Spider-Man DLC The City That Never Sleeps Detailed Ahead of Release on PS4
Ugh, announcing DLC before the game is even out is a scummy practice. I will vote with my wallet on this.
Re: Shovel Knight Showdown Brings a Chaotic Conclusion to Treasure Trove
"wrapping up"? What about King Knight??
Re: Xbox Gamers Are More Hardcore Than PlayStation, Says Microsoft
This just in: brand defends product!
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 6.00 Not Needed for New PS Store Search
I never even use the store on the machine. I purchase on my phone through the website and then just add to download queue.
Re: State of Mind Brings the Concept of Transhumanism to PS4 Next Month
Daedalic, so it's going to be a point and click adventure?
Re: Danger Zone 2 Screenshots Are Looking Sharp Ahead of PS4 Launch Next Week
We are the lazy generation no more standing out in line
We are the lazy generation so good at wasting our time
Re: Poll: What Are Your Summer Gaming Habits?
GTA San Andreas seems to be a recurring summer tradition over here.
This year I'll add Sonic Mania Plus to that, which nostalges me straight back to the summer of 1991, when my friend got to borrow his uncles MegaDrive over the vacation.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Still in Pre-Alpha Stage
All this next-gen talk and here I am, giddy as a schoolgirl for Sonic Mania Plus to come out on physical disc.
Re: Sony Announces Low Cost Range of PS4 Games, PlayStation Hits
I will skip these, as I'm way too ocd about box/spine consistency.
Re: E3 2018: More PS4 Exclusives in Development, Says Shuhei Yoshida
I'm guessing Vib-Ribbon in 4K!
Re: E3 2018: New Crash Bandicoot Reveal Coming Very Soon
I hope it's a patch to fix the physics. Yes, I'm still on that.
Re: Fallout 76 Announced, Teaser Trailer Released
@RegularGameFan The severity of this insult depends entirely on the current condition of your sphincter. Care to elaborate?
Re: Team Sonic Racing Officially Announced, Drifts onto PS4 This Winter
@get2sammyb I'd rather see her replaced by Ricky Bobby.
Re: Shenmue III Looks Like It's Going to Need Every Minute of That Delay
"at what point do we begin to worry?"
If videogames are high on your worry list, I'd say you haven't much to worry about.
Re: European PlayStation Store Weekend Sale Offers Discounts on Select EA Games
Burnout Paradise for €30 instead of €40. "Sale"
EA never ceases to crack me up.
Re: Moss Is Getting a Physical Release, But Its Boxart Leaves a Lot to Be Desired
You could always Photoshop a clean one and get a good quality print of that. Beats having someone's full essay as a front cover.
Re: Review: Dragon's Crown Pro (PS4)
@ShogunRok Would you recommend this over Odin Sphere?
Re: Owlboy Gets a Swanky Limited Edition on PS4
Pins, notebook, stickers? Makes me wish I'm 10 again. But to be fair, most things make me do that.
Re: PS2 Classics Join PlayStation Now Subscription Service
Sony is on top of things this generation, but I'd still rather see them handle backwards compatibility the way Microsoft is doing it...
Re: Lumines Remastered Delayed, Will Drop onto PS4 in June
My first PSP game back when I imported that beast from Japan! Ahh, to be young again.
Will this one get a physical release?
Re: Guide: When Does the New Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer Release?
I feel like someone should make a trailer for this trailer.
Re: Detroit: Become Human's Box Art Is Just As Bad in Japan
Please explain how and why this is worse than a bearded dude and a ginger kid in a paddle boat? I honestly don't get it.
Re: God of War Patch 1.17 Continues String of Daily Updates
I had a glitch where a button prompt wouldn't change back from a padlock icon, so I was stuck on a stationary elevator. Had to close application and reload for it to work.
Re: NBA Playgrounds Sequel Slam Dunks PS4 This Year
Won't somebody remaster NBA Street Vol. 2 and 3, please...?