Comments 102

Re: Rumour: Sony Planning 'Counterpunch' to Xbox Game Pass


@Omniicron just because gamepass exist it doesn't mean you can't buy games you really like, and you do so with 10 to 20% off.

And to me, I've been playing 90% of the time on the Xbox nowadays just because it offers much more option for much less. Games tend to stay there for much more time than people seem to believe, most games stay there for almost a year, some stay for much more, most games you play, you play only once and never go back.

Re: The Elder Scrolls, Fallout Developer Bethesda Bought By Microsoft


It's funny to see people comparing a trillion dollar company to a billion dollar company.
Xbox is just a tiny division for Microsoft, console war is a joke, it's only for kids to feel that they matter.
Sony will be using Microsoft cloud service in the future, Sony and Microsoft are not really competing. It would be almost impossible for Sony to buy a studio as big as Bethesda, but for Microsoft this was pocket money, they could purchase Bethesda 10 times and not even feel, Sony would have to make a big time sacrifice to aquire a company as big as Bethesda. So chill out people, Sony and Microsoft are not enemies.

Re: Sony Wants to Conquer the Anime World Next


@nessisonett because this is only a issue when it's about Japanese games.
Sony sure didn't have any problems with a sex scene between two underaged characters in life is strange 2... So yeah, this selective censoring looks like something that aim to please a certain group, and not at all about censoring "underage sexual content".
besides, they censor a bunch of things in Japanese games that are not related to underage characters.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation's Most Ardent Fans Are Feeling Frustrated and Insecure


My only problem with Sony is the censorship policy, I dislike censorship and specifically a censorship so biased against Japanese media make me not want to stay on Playstation. I liked Sony because they were the best place to play western games and Japanese games, the perfect balance, and now, after 19 years I decided to go somewhere else, the next Playstation is clearly not for me, at least that's the message Sony is sending my way.
and please, don't even try to make stupid arguments like "they're censoring pedophilia" because everyone knows it's not the reality, they don't even have a clear policy, it's 100% arbitrary and only hurts Japanese devs.

Re: Kill la Kill - IF Release Date Confirmed, Blasts onto PS4 This Summer


@KingdomHeartsFan It was a sarcastic way to criticize Sony because it's the company that affects me the most, since all my consoles are from them and I don't even have a pc good enough to run from Sony's censorship.

I don't know what others have been doing because I only look for news of what interest me and what interest me in consoles is news about the consoles I have.

Now, I'm not a fanboy of any company, there's some companies who make games I like more than others but none of them will scape my criticism if they do something I don't like or don't agree with as long as it affects me and I'm aware of it, so no, I'm not going for a hunt of companies that censor things just to be "fair" with Sony. Like I said, I only care about what companies do if that affects me.

Re: Kill la Kill - IF Release Date Confirmed, Blasts onto PS4 This Summer


@KingdomHeartsFan There's no such a thing as "heavy censorship" censorship is censorship if a game is for mature people censorship has no place in that game whatsoever.
just some links from this own site but you can find way more censoring if you look on YouTube for example.

Sony censors everything coming from Japan because sensitive westerners dislike sexuality and they hate Japan because Japanese people like sexuality more than violence and they refuse to bend the knee to the west.

Re: We Can't Imagine Sony's Happy with This Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet Trailer


People discussing video-game characters age that can literally be as old as the creators want is the epitome of the collective hysteria thats widespread in the west. We live in a age were people can't understand the difference between real and fantasy, it's a little deplorable but it's also funny.

I like DOA and I never ever saw any problems with any kind of fanservice they provide and I'm yet to see an rational argument that can make me think different.

Re: Comicbook Legend and Co-Creator of Spider-Man Stan Lee Dies Age 95


First I lost Kirby, and even though I was very young, his loss was a heavy one to me. This year I lost the other two, Ditko and Lee... Now the reality of losing them is crushing me in a way I never believe it could, losing all three of them made me realize that it's over, it's officially over, now I feel empty and the ones that inspired me are no more.

Re: Dream Daddy Flirts with PS4 on 30th October


@dellyrascal "My point was that those arguing over the censorship of SK, are asking why DreamDaddy isnt being considered for censorship and it makes no sense in the current climate. Like i said this does not have sexualised content, so other than the homosexual angle"

It's a DATE SIMULATOR, the ultimate goal is to have sex...Even if the game don't directly show sex scenes, you're playing a game in which the goal is to have sex, it's a game made for the player to seek sex with the characters.

Senran Kagura is a fighting game with fanservice, it's very different.

If someone don't wanna play something they can just not play. Censorship is terrible and hurt the industry, but if you'll start to censor, being selective and having double standards is even worse.

Re: Insomniac on Spider-Man PS4 DLC: Are People Ever Satisfied with How Much You Give Them?


I never liked DLCs to begin with.
"Expansion" is one thing "DLC" is another, but I don't really care, I stopped buying games on release date because of this. Spiderman is a game I really want to play, not only he is my favorite hero but I also dream with a game like this since the first Batman Arkham, but I'll only buy this game, when the truly complete experience comes, they usually call it "GOTY version" or whatever, I estimate that will come next year, some months after the three DLCs.

Re: Soapbox: Publishers Want You to Pay to Play Early, And It's a Worry


In a few years this will be commom and everyone will be paying extra for the "privilege" of not having to wait a purposely delayed release. Gamers are their own worst enemies, just see how people pay for "DLC" that should be in the game already, this is how they do.

Luckily EA couldn't hold their greed and lootboxes are now hated enough to not be viable.

Re: Dead or Alive 6 Release Date Set, Grabs a New Story and Gameplay Trailer


@keihtg clothes are the least of the problems.
They changed girls proportions, they changed the game physics, they changed the gameplay to be more casual (as if the game weren't easy enough for everyone to learn) and it's not about being a pervert but like people already said many times, gore is a part of MK in a way that when you talk about MK, Gore is one of the first things that comes to mind and DoA is as much fanservice as MK is gore.
It's the DNA of the game and it's not wise to change that because a couple of journalists don't like sexy women.