Comments 38

Re: PS Plus Extra Loses 10 PS4 Games in January 2023


Not sure if this is important, a technicality or what, but the 'offer ends' date only appears when you highlight 'Stream' and not 'Download' on Store on PS5. Would this then mean that these games are only leaving streaming on the mentioned date and not to download?

Re: Returnal Patch 1.3.3 Pulled Offline Due to Game-Breaking PS5 Save Errors


@AdamNovice yep, heartbreaking for me tonight I finally get past the first boss, continue on for a while in second biome, then bam corrupted data and no progress saved from the last hour and a half. I don't require save points to be added mid-run and appreciate the genre I'm in here, but it's literally like I never played the game tonight so it's been a huge waste of time ultimately, and after such elation making great progress. Gutted.

Re: EA Causes Outrage by Advertising FIFA Microtransactions to Kids


@R1spam that's absolutely fair, the catalogue is what it is and all the videogame content is in one section, but in a cinema magazine all the differently rated films are together too, whether or not you can or should watch them depends on your age or who you are with. A lot of the time it just seems to me that folk are willing to blame anyone or anything else before taking responsibility for themselves. Parents are afraid to tell their child no, hence the insane amount of underagers on online games such as Fortnite which also has microstransactions. Perhaps including FIFA points in a toy catalogue is a poor move especially considering the current climate around such a practice, I absolutely agree with that, but the reason I felt I needed to speak up originally was due to the comment which insinuated that all we do in our store is actively sell copies of GTA to kids, when quite the opposite is actually the case. At the end of the day it is EA who are making money from the situation, and they should have this kind of practice regulated much, much more strictly.

Re: EA Causes Outrage by Advertising FIFA Microtransactions to Kids


@GamingVeteran not sure how I'm virtue signalling, I'm simply trying to get facts straight and possibly avoid the demonisation of the entire company that is Smyths. The advice we give to customers is for their benefit, and I have no need to apologize for trying to do my job correctly. I generally don't comment in sections online like this as, as just demonstrated, someone will always pipe up trying to drag someone down, or anonymously make you feel bad, but felt I needed to here as I'm direcly related to the subject in question.

Re: EA Causes Outrage by Advertising FIFA Microtransactions to Kids


@R1spam I work for Smyths and I try as much as humanly possible to advise parents on the content of games if it appears they may be buying for a minor. There is also classification information on the case itself. If a parent authorises their child to still play an 18 rated game after this that is called parental consent. I can't speak for everybody but I certainly do my best to give parents and guardians advice when it comes to children and videogames. I don't think that your comment is fair or constructive in blaming an entire chain of superstores for what is essentially and ultimately a decision made by whoever is in charge of caring for the child in question.

Additional: I find it interesting that the tweet and article are referring to it as a "kid's magazine". It is actually an item, i.e. digital codes, in a store catalogue which is free for anyone to peruse, not just children. Don't worry I'm not defending EA at all and I also do not defend the abhorrent practice of microstransactions, but I do find it interesting how wording can make something sound even more sinister than it actually is.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 147


Sammy I'm only just at the start of The Last Guardian, and I'm already in love with it in many ways, but am extremely irked by what seems to be a remarkable oversight: the basic hints that appear very large in size on screen seem to constantly repeat, even for things like jump or crouch when you've learned these things the first time of asking. It's breaking my immersion somewhat and there is no option to turn them off - have I missed something or is this something you think will get patched?

Re: Talking Point: What's Gone Wrong with PlayStation Plus?


Such a relative question/situation - as someone else has stated, its much better value if you own all 3 devices, so I wouldnt want that to stop as I have a wider margin of error for getting a title or titles that I am happy to add to my library. This subsequently means it is good value for me. It also provides my PS3 and Vita with longevity, in fact if there were no Plus titles added to the Vita every month I would have little reason to still own one considering they almost completely gave up on providing quality physical releases for it.

Re: Prototype 2 Is Probably Getting a Re-Release on PS4


@get2sammyb same. ive not had a problem with all the remasters and they generally are deserving and/or have a grand job done on them including new features or all dlc included, even glad of a few as its more trophies in the bag, but prototype 2? this is the first which made me want to say "ok thats silly now!" i did platinum it on ps3 though as was so easy so perhaps i can get 2 for 1!

Re: Talking Point: What Freebies Would You Like in June's PlayStation Plus Update?


@Johnnycide interesting idea but I highly doubt that to be possible as Sony's PS Plus service giving out a game away for free to its customers involves striking a deal, via lengthy discussions I presume, with the publisher in question and getting everything ready well ahead of the actual announcement. Further I'm usually happy with the selections even if there are things I wouldnt normally think to play - expands my gaming horizons