

Every game is better in vr

Comments 368

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate the Latest State of Play Showcase?


Very good pacing, very polished. Maybe no super big surprises and maybe not the largest variety. But overall a very good show.

For me the only (likely) disappointing bit is that so many of the shown games look like they would be awesome in VR or even tailored for VR ... but then do not get a VR mode. I also really would like to explore the world of Stellar Blade in VR. The world looks really interesting ... but that would be a very different game in VR, I guess.

Re: Talking Point: What Can We Expect in the Next State of Play Show?


@MFTWrecks In the best case there will be one psvr2 game of a similar scope as resident evil village / 4 remake or gran turismo 7. It is still a very small psvr2 player base. Thus, huge investments in psvr2 content is unlikely. If there is nothing in the current catalogue you fancy, the state of play will most likely not turn You over.

If you go quest2 You save a lot money, if You go quest3 You miss the psvr2 exclusives and will often get new multiplatform vr titles earlier. Most titles look better (often significantly better) on psvr2 ... after some patches. If You are more thrilled by the few quest exclusive titles than the few psvr2 exclusives, then a quest3 is probably a good choice. It is amazing what the developers manage to do with a mobile processor, but it is still low poly graphic with little visual effects. On the psvr2 side, first the processing power is multiple times larger and on top a significant amount of computing resources can be saved by the eye tracking assisted foveated rendering, which allows for titles like gt7, re4, re8 to look very close to the flat screen version, in some cases eventually even better. PSVR2 has this enormous potential ... it just needs to be exploited by developers.

Re: Spanish Sales of PS Portal Are Gaining on PSVR2


Feels like some kind of sport to see everywhere a sign that vr in particular psvr2 is dead. Maybe the portal just sells faster because it is cheaper? Or maybe it is just easier to understand what a portal does and more difficult to understand whether one likes VR or not without trying ? Also the portal does not require special versions of games to profit from a portal, so game catalogues may matter as well? Anyway, I don;t think sales comparisons between two very different devices make any sense.

Re: Publishing Exec Claims 'There Are Too Many Games'


Too many games and at the same time not enough (given last year's narrative ps has no games).

But I can understand that it is difficult to come up with some very new take on something and to spotlight titles among all the new high profile titles and the excellent old titles, which still look and play great and sometimes even better.

Re: Cyperpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Boasts Impressive Attach Rate, Deemed Commercial Hit


"Did you pick up Phantom Liberty, and if so, what did you think?" I really liked the ps5 version of the base game which I got for cheap after the disastrous launch, and now I got the dlc, and I thought how great this would be on psvr2.

It is such a pity that not enough people at cdpr think alike. I don't think a vr version would be a major commercial success given the relatively small player base, but I could imagine that an adaptation similar to what was done for Re4 would not be that expensive and could pay the bills. Maybe for the next version cyberpunk 2088 ?

Re: Here's When to Watch Sony's First Press Conference of 2024


Nothing to expect. It is a product show not a place to promote games. If there will be a ps5pro by the end of this year, it is likely too early to present it already at the beginning of the year. I could imagine a short trailer containing the ps lineup (ps5 slim, portal, ear buds, and released games) to promote the brand, but nothing more.

Re: Success of Legendary Edition Convinced Mass Effect Lead Writer to Leave BioWare


I only played mass effect after the legendary edition was released, and I really liked it. Although in particular the first and second felt in terms of gameplay (excluding the branching dialog system) a bit dated. Anyway great that this edition was created, but a shame that they did not add a VR mode at the same time. Journey to Foundation showed that mass effect would work very well in VR, and a mass effect VR mode presumably would have been better than Journey to Foundation in every way. But somehow developers have not understood yet how great games can be in VR, and that the extra amount of work is not necessarily huge (e.g. Re4).

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@HonestHick But would it then not be better to also have the other stick closer to the triggers and move the buttons down ? Maybe there are games in which You have the left thumb on the stick and the other fingers on the buttons. But I typically have both thumbs on the sticks and only occasionally move them away. I do not see why an asymmetric placement would be more natural. I can understand that one can get used to one scheme and that then the other scheme feels off.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@Th3solution it is certainly possible to design games that really need the current gen hardware power (in particular memory and the ssd). Though we haven't seen many of such games. I really liked cp2077 but it also did not do anything new (or did it ?), so I suppose it was mostly badly optimized. And besides some graphical bling there are not really (m)any new gen only games which exceed last gen games. Having said all that most games offer an 60fps mode on new gen hardware which was not the case on last gen hardware. But, if developers start to focus more on mobile, and make games mobile compatible, there may not be much of an evolution (e.g. what can be seen in the VR space, where few games reach the heights of early PCVR and even early psvr1 games).

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@Jamesblob Makes sense. I wonder how many people consider the controller differences relevant for a decision.

Concerning pro-consumer moves: playstations subscription is considered a weaker proposition and also its backward compatibility (not sure whether this is actually true). So MS got a few things right, it seems. Also the possibility to buy games which are on their subscription service for a discounted price is always mentioned as a plus.

I have no idea of the xbox UI, I just hear that a lot of people complain about the ps5 ui in particular. Personally, I like the look of the PS5 UI. In the end all that matters for me is to get into the games without too much hassle.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@HonestHick Why is offset better for 3D gaming ? I would rather have guess the opposite since for 3D gaming You rather use the sticks with both hands rather than the digital cross. For me it makes more sense to have movement and camera control at the same reach. But I suppose in the end it is just a matter of getting used to one or the other scheme and once one got used to one scheme it is difficult to switch.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


It is good to see that playstation is doing great despite all the negativity accompanying the ps5 since its launch (too weak, no games, too expensive, too ugly, too big, too loud, ...).

But I do not understand why this is the case. Never was the difference to the competing platform smaller than this generation. Playstation has the advantage of better haptics etc. in the controller and the VR accessory (but do consumers care ?). On other hand the competition has this super duper subscription service everybody wants. In terms of games the "biggest hitters" this generation (up to now) have been multiplatform games, it seems, and according to the media the competition has more potential to deliver interesting exclusives.

So why does the general public chose playstation over the competition? Did the movie adaptions help to interest people in playstation ? Or are the recent playstation exclusives appreciated more than what the media tries to convey? Or do people actually care about ps5's exclusive features (haptics, VR) ? Or do people consider the ps5 plastic sculpture to be a beautiful piece of art ? Or did people realise that human hands are kind of symmetric and think that an asymmetric thumbstick placement is a too wild idea ?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 505


After finishing journey to foundation this week (not the best, not the worst game, still very good voice acting and a not too bad story) I picked up mass effect 3 (legendary edition which I got via ps+). I played 1 and 2 in quick succession and liked 1 much better than 2 (unlike most people, I think). But, I also really like 3 so far. Anyway the gameplay of journey to foundation is so similar, and I always was thinking how awesome mass effect would be in VR (e.g. with fracked's cover mechanic). I really hope that one day there is a VR port, remaster or remake of the mass effect trilogy.

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


I do not quite understand how people argue here. It does not seem to me that anybody here has much clue.

In my humble opinion, It will take a couple of years until one can see whether the Bungie acquisition was good or bad. And likely one will never know, since it is mostly the Bungie "expertise" SIE was after, and Bungie's impact may not be visible.

At the moment the only visible impact is that a GaaS running for 7 years(?) released an expansion which was not appreciated as much as the previous ones, and that Bungie influenced SIE's decision to delay, or put Naughty Dog's multiplayer on ice. Nobody knows whether that was/is a good or bad decision. People just assume that Naughty Dog's multiplayer would have been the best thing since sliced bred and Bungie just sabotaged that. Whether that is true or not nobody knows.

Then concerning Sony's missteps(?) in direction of GaaS: A very large fraction of players doesn't play anything other than COD, Fortnite, (ex-)FIFA, minecraft, roblox. I don't like any of these titles, and from my perspective any investment (marketing, financing development) is a waste of money. For Sony it is probably very beneficial. Am I interested in GaaS ? No. But, if this fills Sony's wallet to support more risky games, I am all in for that. So far, concerning Sony's recent GaaS attempts, GT7 seems quite successful (though, I don't really know, but I have my SP fun with it), and destruction all star presumably wasn't. Not sure whether there was any other attempt (?). Compared to those, I could imagine, that Bungie still does much better. I personally have no idea what makes up a successful GaaS game, and whether Bungie actually has some "unique" expertise in this field. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. But, I would be surprised if anybody in here would have any clue.

Personally, I think GaaS are double-edged swords. On one hand people seem to get enjoyment out of a long running franchise with continuous evolution. On the other hand they exploit people's weakness and create some kind of addiction, and do not necessarily bring real enjoyment to people. But, I have not engaged into any, so I just imagine what it could be like.

Concerning IP acquisition: I don't think playstation is where playstation is by buying IPs. They managed to get interesting titles to playstation, and acquired expertise to create amazing new IPs, or acquired studios which had been in the process of developing new IPs. In that regard I don't think MS strategy to buy up every IP they can get hold of is a good strategy. It gives the illusion of amazing content, but is not necessarily a good investment in the future. But, maybe it is and everything we will play in the future will be cod, minecraft, doom and candy crush and never anything else.

Concerning playstation in general, at the moment there are few positive life signs from playstation studio's, so it is hard to say whether there is an amazing future ahead for playstation studio's or whether everything goes downhill from here on. Maybe we get some in December or we have to wait for the next year .

Re: Talking Point: As PS5 Turns 3, How Are You Feeling About It?


  • [+] loading speed. The loading times on ps4 often annoyed me. Not anymore on ps5 (that alone made the purchase worthwhile for me)
  • [+] extra immersion: haptics, adaptive triggers in the controller, 3D audio
  • [+] VR support without external camera, without breakout box, VR controller with thumbsticks, and headset haptics (I suppose not really part of the ps5 discussion, but ps5 was designed with VR in mind)
  • [+] graphical fidelity: most games on ps5 run good enough, at good enough frame rate and resolution, the differences wrt. PC are typically not very significant. Though, already on ps4 many games already looked and played very good.
  • [+] disk expansion: initially criticized for not being as simple as an expansion card, but turned out to be quite good solution (cost-wise). Default disk size on the other hand is never large enough, but was the same on ps4 and is mitigated by the expansion slot. Having said that, I am still ok with the stock disk size.
  • [+] so far worked very reliable, very few crashes, no problem with updates. But, same was true for ps4.
  • [0] ui: default theme much more pleasing on the eyes, other than that a few things are better, a few things are more convoluted.
  • [-] design, size. very recognizable, but I cannot say I am a fan of a piece of plastic which tries to be a piece of art. But I guess the radiator for cooling has to go somewhere.

Re: PSVR2 Is 'Important' to Sony, But 'PS5 Is the Core'


@Smiffy01 given that some people suffer motion sickness, that it does not allow for couch co-op, and is slightly more difficult to pass a headset around when playing with a group of friends, and that is more hassle than just picking up a controller, it certainly will never reach the same market share as console flat-screen gaming. At the moment there is also the still too steep entrance fee. But, if standalone hardware becomes good enough, VR might appeal to a much bigger audience than it currently does. And for many people who tried VR, flat games lost all appeal. Anyway it is still possible that the games industry will abandon VR and maybe even stop producing home console games and fully focus on mobile games only.

Re: PSVR2 Is 'Important' to Sony, But 'PS5 Is the Core'


@Axelay71 This year GT7, call of the mountain. Also the VR modes of Re village and Re4 are likely fully paid by playstation. People always consider call of the mountain a glorified tech demo. But it is just a very accessible title and it is not horizon zero dawn, but a fun climbing game with arcade shooting. It is more tomb raider than horizon.

The market share of Vr does not allow for all of playstation's studios to develop vr games. Though, the amount of work to add a VR mode cannot be that much (e.g. hitman 3). Therefor I am still puzzled why there are not more examples like re village, hitman 3. In particular for old titles which have been remade it seems like a missed opportunity to not add a vr mode. The latter would make these old titles more interesting. I would say. But likely it all boils down, that at the moment it is difficult to make money with psvr2 titles, so they have to be developed on a very tight budget.

Re: PSVR2 Is 'Important' to Sony, But 'PS5 Is the Core'


weird what is currently going on with playstation. PS5 sells apparently really well and ps is very confident that it will continue to do so despite few first party titles having released or being announced. It is also not clear how psvr2 is doing, At least some developers seem to be pretty happy with the software sales. So, it is apparently doing okay. It seems psvr2 is chucking along slowly on mostly quest ports and a few psvr2 exclusives or hybrids sprinkled in.
Maybe people here are just too impatient where normal people are just happy to have spiderman 2, and gt7+re8 in vr. Who knows ?

Re: Assassin's Creed Nexus VR Looks Incredible, But It's Not Confirmed for PSVR2 Yet


@LifeGirl people seem to also pay for racing wheels and other expensive accessories, because it gives them extra value or the games would not be enjoyable for them without. I personally lost interest in playing pretty much every flat game, because they look flat. If I play a flat game I always think how amazing it would be in VR. So, a ps5 without psvr2 would be a pretty pointless investment for me, because it would just collect dust. Perspectives are different. If it does not add any value for You it is good that it is just that an accessory, but I agree an expensive one.

Re: Assassin's Creed Nexus VR Looks Incredible, But It's Not Confirmed for PSVR2 Yet


I don't really get all this negativity about psvr2 and all the hype about quest (Or in general all the negativity about playstation besides amazing games exclusive to the platform recently (e.g. ff16, soon sp2)).

Would it be great to have nexus on psvr2? yes, absolutely! Will nexus be a great game, a quest system seller? Maybe, maybe not. Will it be the open world game everybody is waiting for? More likely not, than yes (more likely it is something more similar in scope of Star wars: tales from ..., but who knows).

People seem to assume that a quest3 is more powerful than psvr2 + ps5, that MR experiences will put VR to shame, because it is more exciting to play some exciting wave shooters in your humble apartment rather than playing a game in some imagined VR world. And that all the quest2 games also playable on quest3 suddenly will look like AAA games thanks to the 2.6 times gpu power and the resolution increase of a quest3. On the other side people seem to completely push aside the games which are on psvr2 (GT7, re8, NMS, and soon Re4: yest but we already played this on the flat screen, however we are really excited to replay old quest games on quest3 and btw. Re4 on quest is amazing; Retribution, Synapse, paper beast, red matter 1+2, moss 1+2, hubris, star wars: tales from ..., cross fire, paradise hotel, switchback, soon journey to foundation, fog lands, vertigo 2 ...: yes, but mostly also playable on quest and who cares about the enhancements on psvr2 (haptics, better lighting, shadows, colors, sound; when you can have a clearer image only with less details and less haptics and worse sound)). People seem to completely ignore the games which are announced for psvr2, because there is the narrative psvr2 has no games.

Also people seem to completely overrate the possibilities of having a clearer image on quest3 thanks to the lenses and the possibilities of MR, over better haptics, colors and more detailed graphics due to the processing power of a ps5, and somehow assume that meta will bring all the AAA games to quest and those will look as good or better than on psvr2 thanks to a GPU which has slightly higher processing power than a ps4, where sony does nothing (ignoring re4, and all the other games which are already announced to come soon). Sony seems to invest according to the market share of psvr2 not much beyond that i.e. grows the market slowly, which is frustrating for the VR enthusiasts, but likely makes sense from the business perspective

Re: Preview: Arizona Sunshine 2 Could Be the Next PSVR2 Must-Buy


@thefourfoldroot1 Hmm, if I look at the very corners I can see what looks like artifacts from either the prescription or psvr2 lenses. But just in the very corners. Everything else looks very clear to me. Anyway nothing that bothers me during a game (maybe if I would look at a spread sheet full of numbers. But the risk of the latter is low ). Anyway perception and the situation may be different.

Re: Preview: Arizona Sunshine 2 Could Be the Next PSVR2 Must-Buy


@thefourfoldroot1 Maybe my vision is not good enough, but I do no experience any disturbing blurr at the edges with my prescription lenses. Though the sweetspot is small and I have to readjust the headset from time to time, because it is moving. Maybe those addons would solve that problem.

Re: Preview: Arizona Sunshine 2 Could Be the Next PSVR2 Must-Buy


@Jaz007 It seems that some people are immune to haptics, sound and visual fidelity and only care about resolution, but yes I would say that haptics are heavily overlooked. Sound and haptics add so much to the immersion. But it is not visible in the specs and transported via screenshots ...

Re: Preview: Arizona Sunshine 2 Could Be the Next PSVR2 Must-Buy


@Triumph741 concerning the oled enough people reiterate the point that oled colors, and blacks are quite nice. It is not as black and white as You depict the situation. Some people prefer higher resolution and clarity, some people better colors, better blacks.

For most games it does not matter whether there is a cable or not. For intensive motion gaming it does. But, then if You want to have the fidelity of a non mobile hardware, You get the extra latency and compression artifacts from streaming. There is no solution which is the absolute best in all situations. It is a personal preference.

Yes sure a PC is more versatile, it gets most of the software from both quest and psvr2 (not all though), but typically the software is not very much optimised for You particular hardware which means that You need a much higher spec PC and sometimes it just works reasonably well with one particular configuration. Anyway the PC hardware is hardly anytime fully exploited. Then there is also the ease of use, which is much better on a gaming focused device. But also here it mostly depends on how much You are willing to spend and how much time You want to invest.

Re: The Crew Motorfest Will Be Free to Try for 10 Days This Month


If there was a VR mode, I probably would.

It is always surprising to me why there seem to be so few VR enthusiasts among the developers, and not more developers try to add a VR mode. Commercially, it presumably would hardly be worthwhile, but I could imagine that there are enough psvr2 owners who would only jump in if there was a VR mode and might even be willing to spend a little extra for the additional level of immersion. It should be possible to get the investment back. Though, I have no idea how much a VR adaptation would cost. Maybe it is much more expensive than I think. But in particular for a car game that already has a cockpit view and runs at 60 fps it cannot be that hard, can it ?

Re: Preview: Arizona Sunshine 2 Could Be the Next PSVR2 Must-Buy


@Triumph741 It is good that there is choice,

  • q3+pc is still more expensive and does not have hdr, eye tracking and the haptics of psvr2.
  • PSVR2 has worse lenses and mura, but hdr and better colors
  • PSVR2 has a cable but no compression artifacts and lower latency.
  • PSVR2+PS5 can not keep up with a 4090 but compensates some of this by foveated rendering (if used) and likely better optimisations on a closed system with a single spec compared to generic pcvr, q3 standalone is still heavily power limited.
  • pcvr often requires some tinkering i.e. is not as simple to use as quest and psvr2
    But in the end it comes down to the software. The switch demonstrates that specs are not all that relevant. At the moment it is pretty open which catalogue will be better. It presumably also boils down to personal preferences (cinematic VR titles vs room scale motion gaming). There are good titles exclusive to pcvr and quest, but also very good exclusive titles for psvr2. The future of all the platforms is pretty uncertain, unfortunately. There are not that many exciting titles announced. Meta seems to focus heavily on AR, if that is Your thing. According to the leak from a psvr2 developer's meeting, PS tries to push developers in direction of titles which can also be played on the flat screen, which opens the doors for higher budget titles without necessarily sacrificing VR mechanics.