

Every game is better in vr

Comments 368

Re: Quake 2 Remaster Out Now on PS5, PS4, Complete with New Levels, Motion Aiming, and More


I would agree that read dead redemption seems overpriced.

But just by play time the price can be justified. According to howlongtobeat:
| | Quake2| Read Dead Redemption |
| | (h) | (h) |
| Main Story | 8 | 18 |
| Main + Extras | 10.5 | 26.5 |
| Completionist | 9.5 | 46.5 |
| All Styles | 9 | .5 |
(apparently a completionist playing quake 2 is more skilled than the average quake 2 player ... ). So, a completionist has 4.9 times longer fun with RDR than with Quake 2 , ignoring the infinite fun people may have with the multiplayer ...

Moreover quake runs on everything including your pocket calculator where RDR was only released on "exotic" hardware x360 and ps3. So, I am pretty sure that the port was much more work than the port of quake2.

Re: Mid-Generation Upgrades Like PS5 Pro 'Aren't All That Meaningful', Says Take-Two CEO


It is interesting to see how narratives are always moved around. During the last gen cycle people were ogling DF frame rate graphs, picking the version of a game on the platform with highest resolution, have not missed a chance to point out how much less tera flops ps4 pro had and how much less blades of grass the ps4 pro rendered wrt. the competition, and people were boosting about how much better games look on PC due to more tera flops. Now apparently power i.e. higher resolution and frame rate does not matter anymore. One somehow has the impression that this has something to do with which platform is going to have the "power lead". Or maybe it is just that people think that they cannot afford yet another expensive toy and are jealous of the people who can.

I understand that business people are not thrilled about more platforms to support, since it requires more work, and people would have bought the game anyways on one of the target platforms. So, a midgen refresh likely does not generate extra revenue for the publisher. But from the enthusiasts point of view, I would say, more power is always better, even if it is just used to even-out frame rate dips. In the past Sony's argument for the ps4 pro was that too many people would leave PS for PC. I suppose this has not changed.

Whether it is worth the price is for everybody to decide, and it certainly is good for people who upgrade to the current generation after the midgen refresh. I personally do not care enough about a little bit of higher resolution (maybe about more stable frame rates in VR, though), and in my point of view gaming hardware is supposed to be reasonably "cheap", which contradicts a midgen refresh (which kind of doubles the price).

Re: Mini Review: VR Skater (PSVR2) - Practice Makes Perfect in Challenging Skateboard Sim


@thefourfoldroot1 @Sequel
"Loads of games" is a bit of a stretch, I would say, but there is good mix of psvr1, quest ports and new releases. Personally I really enjoyed Synapse (awesome game, nearly as good as returnal), I also really liked the c-smash demo (but the full game feels a bit pricy), I am currently re-enjoying the room vr and moss (and beat saber). I also really liked Hubris and red matter 2. Then in the next weeks green hell, crossfire sierra squad, and firewall ultra will be released. So, there is constant influx of good games. But, I would not mind if there were a few more AAA games with VR mode like resident evil village or gt7 and the only announced game on the horizon is resident evil 4.

Re: Interview: How French Dev Ikimasho Is Adapting Korea's Signature Sights and Sounds for PSVR2's Tiger Blade


@Discol76 for me just the ability to look around and being surrounded by the artificial world elevates a game in VR over the flat screen version. Also the 3D sound is better synchronised with the visuals in VR.
I like VR AF games i.e. motion controls with lots of interactive elements, and prefer motion control aiming over thumbstick aiming, but for example hitman 3 on psvr was perfectly fine for me. Playing e.g. hitman 3 with a gamepad is different from playing such a game with motion controls, but it is still much better playing it in VR, and playing with a gamepad is more relaxed.
I would say options are king.

Re: Mini Review: Synapse (PSVR2) – Some Incredible Gameplay But Not Enough Content


Shame that synapse only has a barely longer play time than fracked despite being roguelite, and so little enemy and environmental variety. Though, not that surprising. In the end I rather play a good short game than a long game with too much filler content or which is less polished.

Hopefully enough people will buy the game despite its high VR tax. Then, ndreams might have enough budget for a future game which is closer to a flat title in scope. They do not seem to lack talent.

Re: Mini Review: Synapse (PSVR2) – Some Incredible Gameplay But Not Enough Content


@Spanky84 1) the final real world performance of the quest3 is to be seen, but compared to psvr1 it will need some of the performance to drive a higher resolution and eventually also some performance for the hand-tracking assisted controller tracking (as far as I understand how the controller tracking works). So, I would be surprised if the visual fidelity would exceed that of psvr1 games. Higher resolution, yes, but not better lighting, higher resolution textures, more effects etc. . Also not clear whether the memory bandwidth will achieve psvr1 levels.

2) PSVR2 is still the only < kEUR headset with eye tracking which enables foveated rendering and gives the PS5 + PSVR2 an additional boost over the nominal performance.

3) The quest3 will likely not have anything comparable to the haptics of PSVR2.

The quest3 will have some advantages over PSVR2. But it won't be a clear cut. PSVR2 still will have unique features which will be unmatched. In most cases it will be a matter of personal preferences i.e. room scale vs console level fidelity, image clearity vs HDR oled colors, mixed reality vs VR only, controller rumble vs sense and headset haptics.

Personally for me the biggest shortcoming of PSVR2 is that there is so little AAA content. I'd rather have a last of us VR than pan cake lenses, for example, and I presumably also prefer the oled colors over a no-mura display. It is not clear what kind of visual fidelity developers will extract out of the PS5+PSVR2, but at the moment it still seems that a bit more raw power would still do wonders. So, I would say that a quest3 is still too far away from what would be more important to me. Also, I would not be thrilled to give meta/facebook my data (Of course also Sony collects all kinds of data, but it is not their main source of revenue).

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@HonestHick Concerning exclusivity deals. I have no idea how the exclusivity deals come about, but I am pretty sure that it is not Sony looking at about-to-be released content and pressures publishers in releasing exclusively on their platform. I think in most case the publishers want to share the risk and ask for money upfront. They will pitch games to the platform holders. which decides which games to "fund" for the benefit of some kind of exclusivity. Nothing stops MS from doing the same. It is only more expensive for MS since they have to compensate for a larger number of sales the publisher will miss if the content is exclusive to one platform. Anyway MS also had timed and permanent exclusive content. Not sure why MS seemingly had worse such deals. Is it just that their market position is too bad and publishers are just not interested or maybe MS does not offer as good payment as Sony ? Who knows. Anyway MS apparently can buy the biggest publishers so they could also pay more than Sony if they wanted to. For me this argument "Sony gets all the exclusive content and we poor MS don't have a chance to get similar deals. The only chance for us is to buy the entire publisher" does not sound convincing. But what do I know of the cut throat negotiations behind closed doors. Typically it is about money and MS has more. So MS should be able to get good deals.

I am personally mostly interested in VR and I see VR as one big area of innovation. It is a shame that MS removed one of the biggest VR content produces, Bethesda, from the free market One extra reason not to like MS for me. Also in my view VR is an innovation in the gaming space which is rather sabotaged by MS than boosted. But one can of course also see cloud streaming as a big innovation, which is likely faster driven forward by MS. Though, with cloud streaming one still plays exactly the same games just with compression artifacts and with input latency or fake inputs. Which does not sound like innovation to me.

Anyway, I enjoyed the conversation.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@HonestHick At first glance gaming everywhere (TV, PC, pad, cell-phone) sounds great. For some games this may work out well. But, do I really want to continue elden ring on a phone while waiting for the bus, rather than enjoying a cinematic view on a big screen surrounded by audio from a nice set of speakers ? Or do I want to play candy crush on a 4k TV with THX sound ? Anyway the play anywhere strategy means that content has to scale from big screen, good controller down to small screen with flimsy controls. So, games will be graphically less detailed, since the detail would likely not look good on small screens or cannot be deciphered and the control scheme has to be simplified.

Concerning cloud gaming, I am quite skeptical. For movie streaming at least latency is not a problem so content can also be streamed from data centers further away. For game streaming content cannot be distributed so much since it has to be close to the player. Also compression is likely less efficient since frames have to be sent as quickly as possible and cannot be compressed in bunches. More computing power is needed than for movie streaming. But who knows maybe it will work greate in the future.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@HonestHick I agree it makes sense for ms to also succeed in the console space. But MS claims the console space is not their real interest they are after mobile, but their actions show the opposite they are very much after improving their position in the console space. MS has not shown very big moves in the mobile space besides cloud streaming.

It is hard to say whether sony is far behind in game streaming or whether they just did not update their ps3 streaming infrastructure in the last 10years (or how old it is). Anyway the biggest challenge is latency which can only be overcome by having data centers close to the player (unless one uses predictive input technology and convincingly fools the player that she/he is actually controlling the game). So, I think many data centers are needed all over the world. Given that the gaming hardware is very special it is presumably difficult to find a good use case for the kit outside of the typical gaming hours, so I suppose it will be units dedicated to gaming. MS already has data centers all over the world, they still have to equip those with the dedicated gaming units. Sony is not in the cloud service business so they rely on partners for the basic infrastructure. Given that there are only AWS, MS and to lesser extent google which have data centers all over the world (maybe also cloudfront / cloudflare?) there is not much choice for Sony to partner up. Likely it will be more expensive for Sony.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@HonestHick I agree that MS clearly has an interest in getting their feet into the mobile market. Otherwise they won't get "the billion" subscribers for GP MS was talking about. But, if they truly would only see cloud providers (amazon, google) and mobile stores (apple, google) as the competition MS would not ride so heavily on the console war train as they do (they rally with console warriors rather than distancing them from such crowds for example, and besides fan boys it is only MS who talks about a console war). They also do not seem to develop mobile versions of forza, gears and other inhouse titles etc or do they ? Also, why not continue to publish bethesda games on PS and rake in some extra cash if PS is not the real competitor and wll be left in distance soon ? Anyway I agree MS thinks big and they want to dominate the mobile market, but first they want to extinguish the competition in the home console sector.

It is possible that the general public loses interest in immersive games (cinematic games on big screens and VR) and if that becomes the only place to make money. I personally would not be very interested in games dumped down to be playable on tiny screens with touch controls. So, I would not really care if Sony misses to steer heavily in that direction and drowns. I would not play those games anyways.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@HonestHick Bethesda games had a huge history on playstation. Nevertheless MS seems not to care about Bethesda fans on ps and the possible money they could have made to recoup the cost for the acquisition. So, no matter what MS claims now, there is absolutely no reason for MS not doing exactly the same thing after the ABK deal goes through.
It is presumably correct that MS also wants to get access to the mobile market. They also may see the 150-950 million GP subscriptions they are missing But, the actions do not show that that is the only goal. If that was the case the just would clearly say all future titles will of course come to ps, because we do not want to alienate the fans of ABK titles.

Exclusive deals and acquiring studios are not automatically harming competition, but if one company buys one publisher after the other (including publishers which have the size of its competitors) and this company has an order of magnitude more money than any competitor than this shifts the market in a way which isl likely not good for consumers. Apple would have the money for such a deal but not Sony or Nintendo. In that sense it is an anti competitive move because non of the competitors would have the possibility to pull of something similar. If this goes through what will MS acquire next? EA? ubisoft ? Will companies like SE, Sega, FromSoftware be more open for being acquired by MS because they see themselves cornered by a giant? This will likely only stop until there is only MS and tencent left. But, I guess that is capitalism ...

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@HonestHick concerning non COD games, there is no reason to believe that any of the games not explicitly mentioned in contracts with the few individual companies will not be MS platform exclusives. So, unless MS is forced to earn some money with their xbox division before they out-bought every competitor from the market, they will make every future game a platform exclusive. There is no reason for them to do otherwise, unless they are really forced to earn money with the xbox division soon.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@HonestHick I think I already mentioned it, but if MS was saying the truth and really would be just after K and take A and B as a bonus to bolster their game pass portfolio. They could just leave AB (similar to Bungie on the PS side) as a kind of independent multi platform developer which only has to provide the games day one to GP if MS desires that. But they did not do that. Instead MS tries to please regulators by doing these deals with some companies (nobody knows what is actually written in the contracts). They also could have proclaim that everybody who wants a deal to get AB games on their platform will get it, but instead they just offer such deals to a limited number of companies in a now-or-never fashion. In my opinion they clearly know about the huge leverage they get with AB on the console market and they also show that they will use it by offering some (not all) companies deals.

Re: New Korean Rating for Red Dead Redemption Has Fans Hoping for a Remaster


... a VR mode would also be cool.

With all these remasters/remakes it would also be the perfect time to add VR modes. Since it would just be an add-on it could also be something very minimal (third person, pad controls, limited to people with good VR legs). But I guess developers are too afraid of negative feedback from VR purists or people who would feel excluded. And likely >650k people are just not enough to care about.

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@HonestHick If MS would really just be interested in King, they could have upfront proposed the run Activision and Blizzard like Sony runs Bungi i.e. as more or less separate companies which do what they want. But MS did not. Instead they just proposed some petty deals with small streaming companies to please the regulators. It is not clear what kind of deal MS proposed to Sony but it likely wasn't a particularly attractive deal or a deal with possible loop holes. Anyway, clearly MS is interested in using Activision and Blizzard for the xbox brand against the competition. In particular since Activision makes most of its money on PS it clearly is a move against PS.

Concerning MS investments in their studios and whether ABK needs such investments: it seems that MS invested in ninja theory indeed. On the other hand MS did not grow their other studios into something truly amazing e.g. rare, or their AAAA studio that mostly moved the perfect dark project to crystal dynamics it seems. So, it is absolutely not clear which way the remnants of ABK will go: downhill or uphill? I would guess rather downhill. At least in the past 20 years MS has not demonstrated that they grow their acquired studios. I also don't think that lack of resources has been the main problem at ABK. Isn't the main problem the workplace atmosphere? Does an improvement here really requires MS? Wouldn't it not be better to get some help from some outsiders i.e. consultants ? Another problem could be the lack of innovations. But will MS inject new ideas ??

Re: Xbox Insinuates It Bought Bethesda to Block Starfield PS5 Console Exclusivity


@JAMes-BroWWWn buying a company and paying for "exclusivity" are very different things.

If You bought a company the company will not deliver the games for free, the game development costs still need to be payed (salaries, outsourcing of work, resources needed for the development e.g. office space, marketing), You get the IPs, company secrets, unfinished products. But also the obligation to fulfill existing contracts, eventual debts and the risk concerning the success of future products.

Exclusivity deals on the other hand may have very different reasons. First of all it likely means that a developer gets money before the product is released. So, that reduces the risk of the developer or gives the developer the money to actually make the game (this is presumably mostly true for independent developers, [maybe stray or kena]). It may also give the developer access to some of the resources of the platform holder (e.g. Sony) like motion capture facilities, contacts to help attracting actors, musicians, or writers, knowledge to help with the optimisation of the game engine, or maybe just the marketing power. The interest for the platform holder could be that they want to see a game being realised (I guess mostly in the case of indies), but in most cases it is just about having enough incoming content to stir interest of consumers for their eco system without the risk obligations that comes with owning that studio (e.g. if the Sony does not like the next proposal they simply do not have to sign a similar contract again, if Sony would own the studio thei either have to close the studio or make sure that the next game is also successful)..

Re: "We've Lost the Console Wars," Says Trillion Dollar Underdog Xbox


@Green-Bandit there is a difference in using your money to fund or create something new, or to use it to take away from the competition. With the abk deal money only flows to investors not necessarily to abk. So, the funding situation for the abk studios does not automatically improve. But the abk portfolio is locked behind the xbox brand. Of course, the initial benefit for the xbox gamers would be the day one inclusion into gp of abk titles. But it is not clear whether the future titles will receive the same amount of funding. So, it could well be that the game quality goes down. If the money would be used instead to invest into e.g. perfect dark or fable, there would be a benefit for the consumer. Or even if the money would be used to fund titles of external studios e.g. the next cod title. But, in a buyout only investors benefit eventually, not consumers. None of the 69 billion dollars will be used to create games, unless the investors take the money and invest it in other gaming companies. To see the 69 billion dollar buyout as something positive for the xbox brand is short sighted. It will only harm the competition but not necessarily improve anything on the xbox side of things.

Re: PSVR2's Arashi: Castles of Sin Is the Virtual Reality Ghost of Tsushima You've Been Dreaming Of


The trailer looks amazing, I hope they improved on the mayor issues people had with the psvr version.

I never played the psvr version, I just heard that the combat was not a very strong point of the game. And in particular the boss fights felt repetitive and unsatisfactory. I hope in particular that the sword combat is improved in the psvr2 version.

"fair approximation" is a bit of a stretch, I would dare to say. Arashi is composed of small gated areas, if I am not mistaken But I guess it may give a glimpse towards what ghost of tsushima could look like in VR.

Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer


@BAMozzy I understand that it is a full fledged computer but like most other apple products people will use them in tandem. In that sense it is likely more an add-on then something which replaces any of the current devices (iphone, watch, ipad, macbook). For example it is possible to replace a macbook by an ipad. People tried that. But most people I know reverted back to a proper macbook.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced at Summer Game Fest 2023?


@SuntannedDuck2 "I find it funny gaming is 'bigger' yet I'm more underwhelmed every year so where is this creativity"
Good question. There are presumably many reasons, I can see the following:

Concerning wow factor due to graphical fidelity:

  • the gap between successive generations gets less noticeable each generation. Yes, PS5 is more powerful, but often the step up in graphical fidelity or game complexity. in particular wrt. ps4 pro is less obvious.
  • the game engines presumably already got so complex that it is more and more work to streamline them for new hardware, or develop a new engine optimised for a new generation which just reaches the quality of an existing engine.
    [Maybe the unreal engine5 games will wow us, once they come. But I have my doubts. ]

Concerning creativity:

  • to develop games which compete with the top games, enormous teams are needed, which are more and more difficult to manage and maybe even to find good people for.
  • the cost of single games is so high, development times get longer and longer, studios seem to try to minimise the risk by banking on established IPs and concepts.
  • there are so many games, a lot of things have been tried already, it is just more difficult to improve upon the existing catalogue of games and come up with something new than it was back then when there was only pong. I think it is also easy to miss a very unquie, new idea since there are just so many new games.
  • people are not really interested in new ideas. The top-sellers are fifa, cod, gta, mario cart every year (for VR, beat saber and job simulator). There are certainly better,, more unique games than those (I have to say I personally think that beat saber is/was a really good idea albeit being a kind of obvious one, and I enjoyed the story of gta and it is presumably a fun sandbox)

Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer


@BAMozzy Provided it is used as a computer replacement. But wasn't one use case that a laptop is opened and it immediately functions more or less just as a set of screens?
Yes, of course You can presumably do all Your computing on such a device, you also can do that on an ipad or eventually even iphone. But in reality people often have a macbook, an ipad and an iphone and use all devices in parallel. In that sense it is likely like psvr2 only an addon and not a replacement.

Anyway this apple device is exciting because it excels in many areas whereat psvr2 (ignoring the different focus) only does with caveats (hdr but mura, 2kx2k per eye but pentille, and the outstanding items which are absolutely unique at the psvr2 price point, the eye tracking and haptics are ignored.). Interesting to see what FOV the apple device will have.

Re: Random: Thought PSVR2 Was Expensive? Apple's Vision Pro Is Here to Hold Your Beer


Anyway, I would be really curious to try it. I have my doubts about the usefulness. In particular at this price. I can see it being used to show architecture before it is being built, it might be useful to look at 3D data (like the air flow simulation they showed). But I have a hard time to believe that somebody wants to go through emails or look at giant excel sheets in a headset. On the other hand I spend quite a bit of time in dreams manipulating 3D objects etc. So maybe a headset with 16 times !! the number of pixels of psvr1 is actual useful when working with 3D objects, or even to work with large excel, music sheets or enormous UML diagrams . Anyway I am very curious.
It may also help to make stupid looking headsets with cables cool, and maybe the VR haters will reconsider their attitude. But presumably people will still bash psvr2 because sony cheaped out and did not gift every ps5 owner a 4000EUR headset, but just offers an overpriced piece of outdated tech (although it is not).

Re: Feature: PSVR2 Three Months Later - The Good, The Bad, and The Worrying


@NeonPizza In the end content is king and no matter the specs the platform with the most compelling software lineup will lead (e.g. switch). And sony still has to build up confidence that content is actually coming. So far it looks like the PSVR1 era a handful of big hitters as the icing on the cake, but the meat is provided by a few small studios.

Concerning alyx, I am wondering how disappointed people actually would get if they get hands on alyx on psvr2 (if it comes to psvr2), I have the impression that it is completely over-hyped.

Re: Microsoft Bigwig Hoping to Voice Frustration to UK Politicians Over $69 Billion Buyout Block


MS demonstrates over and over that it will abuse its market dominance. Just now there are the complaints of cloud provider that they cannot compete with MS azure because they cannot offer MS services at the same prize due to MS licensing costs. Then MS kind of threatened the UK government in the hope to get the deal pushed through. I am pretty sure a company which would not have a good leverage on the market would even try to do something like that.
How is it possible that countries think it is a good idea to allow MS to do the biggest merger in history and allow MS to grab a huge chunk of the gaming market in one bite? How is that driving innovation If there is one huge player and then a couple of smaller ones? That is really beyond me. But in the end everything is possible with enough money and only a few giga companies will survive.

Re: Feature: PSVR2 Three Months Later - The Good, The Bad, and The Worrying


@NeonPizza I think psvr2 provides a solid base which can easily improved upon in the future:

  • decent resolution
  • hdr
  • eyetracking
  • haptics in the headset and the controller
    A future revision once e.g. pancake lenses are cheap enough and oled displays are bright enough would improve the visual fidelity of the games without any significant change to the game code

q3 costs about the same and has nothing of the above. It will have a clearer picture but not the blacks and no hdr. If in the future they release a headset with eye tracking, hdr and advanced haptics the software is not ready for any of those features.

In that sense I think sonys option is more future proof than a q3 which only improves the clarity of the picture (and the gpu/cpu bump)

Re: Feature: PSVR2 Three Months Later - The Good, The Bad, and The Worrying


@Art_Vandelay Yes, I also can only think of the fear to try something new, the fear to not be good enough (e.g. in physical games like beat saber) and the fear to miss out on something. There is of course also the reduced accessibility: the problem of nausea; you have to be more agile in most games; the eventual discomfort wearing that thing.

On the conspiracy side, there could also be negativity spread (or bought) by the competition or major players who are currently not represented in this domain or are unwilling to invest. Just recently there was this negative comment by Tim Sweeny concerning fortnite being too fast paced for VR (ignoring that there are games like hellsweeper, sairento, windlands, population one, etc.). Also CDPR comes into mind. And then there is MS completely abandoning the market after advertising the xbox one x as the best place to play VR games. Clearly they have no interest in VR being successful, since it is not part of their business plan.

Re: Mini Review: Red Matter 2 (PSVR2) - Soviet Sci-Fi Sequel Makes for an Exquisite Follow-Up


I cannot say that I had problems manipulating items, or that I was overwhelmed by the number of items to scan. Though, I have to admit that in two puzzles I only found part of the clues and solved the missing bits by trial and error. In one case I solved the puzzle without any problems the first time, but somehow did not remember and find all the clues the second time.

Great game or in my book great "point and click" adventure (besides the small sections with "action" elements). But, somehow I did not care much about the story. Anyway I would highly recommend it to people who like this genre.

Re: Feature: PSVR2 Three Months Later - The Good, The Bad, and The Worrying


village, gt7, call of the mountain, red matter2 are all awesome in my book, and e.g. resi4, synapse, journey to foundation, behemoth look quite promising. I am also looking forward to hubris besides the moderate reviews. Then there are saints' and sinners, firewall, crossfire, bullet storm, ghost of tabor, song in the smoke, green hell, moss, before your eyes. beat saber.I would say there is quite a variety of good games already released and announced.

psvr2 is selling ok up to now. The beloved jim ryan reiterated that there is a long plan for psvr2 (what ever that means), so at the current point in time I would call psvr2 anything but dead in the water ( btw. why are all the gaming media so negative in regards of vr and playstation's vr in particular? One gets the impression the gaming media would prefer if vr was failing).

But, yes it is surprising that EA is not even thinking about a psvr2 port of F1 and that there is no last of us vr, far cry vr or something alike on the horizon. I still hope that the small number of high profile titles is partially caused by delays due to covid on the sides of the developers and the delays of the dev kit distribution (and maybe also because there is this highly praised trillion dollar underdog which removed many developers from the free market which might have produced some vr modes for their games).

Re: Meta Quest 3 Revealed as Cheaper, All-In Rival to PS5's PSVR2


Who would have thought that psvr2 will fail because of the high profile title power wash simulator likely not coming to the platform.

I am pretty sure quest3 with limited memory and storage and the performance at the level of on xbox one (or OG ps4) will stomp psvr2 into the ground because it will have a higher resolution and we know resolution is the most important aspect of every game.

Re: Reaction: Sony's PS5, PC Live Service Strategy Won't Work If It's All Samey Shooters


@Grumblevolcano personally I am not very interested in multiplayer, live service games. I just find it weird that games are already considered to be bland and boring just because they are live service games, without knowing anything about them. There are few examples in which the live service model worked out. In that sense it is more probable that a new live service game will fail then the opposite. But, still to judge a project one should at least wait until there is some information about it.

Not sure whether a single player game with a tacked on multiplayer has a better chance to create a long-term engagement than a game build up from the ground for this model. Also whether a game is based of a known IP or not is no guarantee for success, I would say.

Re: Days Gone 2 Could Have Released 'a Month Ago', Says Game Director


I really enjoyed days gone, Not because of the story or the characters, but because of the atmosphere. I cannot say I would be interested in a sequel, since I do not see any interesting development this story could have. But, who knows maybe there was a really interesting idea.

Anyway just because there was a plan to release the sequel by now does not mean that the plan would have worked out (in particular given that it took quite a few iterations until days gone was enjoyable, if I understood that correctly, I only played the ps5 version). So, this is just a stupid comment of somebody, who failed to convince the higher ups about the greatness of "his" idea or who failed to follow directions and does not understand that this was not appreciated.

Re: Reaction: Sony's PS5, PC Live Service Strategy Won't Work If It's All Samey Shooters


I presumably missed that sony revealed everything about these live service games that is there to be revealed. I rather had the impression that nothing has been revealed at all, other than that shooting will be involved. I don't think it is clear what game mechanics will be there, how the game-loop will play out.

So, while I agree nothing about these games look inspiring, I also do not see anything to criticize since nothing of substance was revealed. We only know that guns are likely to be used in both games. But does this make these games automatically bad and bland ?

All I read here is: "live service games are generally bad, nobody wants them, they all fail and are all the same". Despite that in the end all that people play are gta online, warzone and wow. Are those games the unreachable pinnacle of gaming? Is there no point in trying to compete because everything else will be just bland and boring?

So, what about waiting until more is revealed about these games before arguing them into the ground ? Maybe there will be indeed interesting, fresh ideas, maybe not and they all will be just bad copies of existing games. I don't think that anybody here knows.

Re: PSVR2 Sales at 600,000 Six Weeks After Launch, Sony Confirms


600k in 6 weeks does not sound bad a all. However, the graph does not look very promising since the sale-rate is below psvr1 at the 6 week point. On the other hand it is maybe not so surprising, since no "big" games have been released since the launch (the last major release is presumably S&S retribution)

Anyway let's see what Sony will announce in their Showcase. if only a few quest ports will be shown, it won't take off. But maybe there are a few very desirable titles? Who knows.

Re: PSVR2 Sales at 600,000 Six Weeks After Launch, Sony Confirms


@PsBoxSwitchOwner Did the 40M ps5 owners jump on the street to buy a ps5 day one ? No, they waited until they had the cash, or there were actually the games they wanted. This number slowly build up over 24-30 months. Now there is the new unfortunately expensive headset released 2-3 month ago with roughly 3 high profile games and then a lot of good indie to AA games. Clearly not every owner of a PS5 would immediately jump out to buy a new expensive accessory but only those who either are already triggered enough by the game selection or those who have faith in the future releases.

Re: Sorry, But the Drama Over Xbox's Activision Buyout Ain't Over Yet


If the EU green-lights the deal, MS could make their threat true and go ahead with the acquisition, move out of the UK market. The revenue loss is presumably insignificant wrt. the merger not going through. As a consequence the UK economy would collapse because everything depends on azure and windows. So, better ignore that a monopoly gets even bigger and allow this humble trillion dollar underdog to buy up the industry. It could save the UK economy rather than shatter it.

Re: Former PlayStation Boss Saddened by PixelOpus Studio Closure


the comments concerning "no love for small games" reminded me of a comment by one of the housemarque employees. I forget the exact wording, but it was about that it is difficult to stand out from the crowd with small games like what they were doing before returnal. Fortunately they managed with returnal to transfer their ideas to something more visible.