

Every game is better in vr

Comments 368

Re: Gran Turismo 7 on PSVR2 Is the Full Game, Except for Split-Screen Play


@Titntin in case You try again, in my understanding, You should not force it, but stop immediately once You feel a tiny trace of nausea. If this works well i.e. the nausea disappears quickly, try again after a long enough pause (day), and again and again. Some people manged to condition their brain in this way from surviving a couple of minutes to enjoying full length gaming sessions. But, it does not seem to work for everybody. And of course choose the games wisely. Best are presumably higher budget, simple games in which You walk around physically and move (games like beat saber). I only got a bit of nausea while playing xing. So, I am presumably not the best source for recommending good games to get started.

Re: Atomic Heart Sure Looks Sick on a Superpowered PC


@themightyant "Partially true, but it's not linear so a 1/3 power GPU will do FAR better than 1/3 detail, resolution, frame rate etc." That might be true. Though by raw numbers a 4090 is nearly 10 times more powerful, seems to have a better ray tracing support, and games meant to show off PCs are typically not very much optimised for consoles. In the end it presumably depends much more on the developer's effort to optimise for a certain platform than anything else.

Re: Atomic Heart Sure Looks Sick on a Superpowered PC


@themightyant that is true. I just wanted to say, that the image is already upscaled when using a top of the line NV GPU. So, with a PS5 which has less than (?) 1/3 of the power, there cannot be more than 1/3 of the detail and resolution i.e. before upscaling the resolution is likely much lower than 1080p or less frames per second.

Re: 60 Most Anticipated PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


I'am mostly excited about psvr2. Though, at the moment I am only really interested in call of the mountain and resident evil village. The cinematic trailer of Behemoth looks enticing, but the actual game could be far from that. I am still hoping that there are a few more exciting announcements concerning psvr2 titles in the pipeline. But who knows, maybe I am buying this peripheral for two games ?

Other than that Pragmata peaked my interest, but the trailer has not told me anything about the gameplay. I never played FF7 before the remake, which I liked a lot. I might pull the trigger on FF7 Rebirth.

But, whenever I play a flat game, I always think how much better it would be in VR. With PSVR2 it seems possible to match the visuals of the flat version. Therefore I am really hoping that PSVR2 will take off and there will be many flat games also fully playable in PSVR2, even if the adaptation is relatively simple like resident evil 7 or hitman 3. If that is going to happen, those are likely the titles I would be interested in.

Re: Days Gone Director Blames Woke Reviewers, Programmers for Critical Reception


I played it on PS5 and performance was good. So, no complaints in this regard from my end.
I really liked the atmosphere and sound design. That is what kept me playing, I think. Presumably also the overall world design.
Many of the more unique game mechanics did not work that well for me e.g. trying to escape a horde while making use of the various obstacles in the sawmill, or trying to lure hordes into bandit camps. So, in that sense besides the atmosphere, I did not find anything special. But which game in the past few years really surprised by introducing interesting, new game mechanics ?
Also, in my opinion, the story and characters were not really the strongest point here. I was interested in the mystery around NERO, but I was a bit disappointed how it all panned out (did they have to short cut to an end ? )
Overall I really liked the atmosphere. They nailed that, in my opinion. For me it was a good game, but t I did not play the initial version. Anyway I think nowadays many , maybe even most, reviewers do not try to make an objective review, they just seem to seek attention and focus on a few negative points which are blown out of proportion. There is always something negative to find, which does not make everything else bad as well. Often I have the opinion that reviewers get paid for one or the other opinion> Could also be the search algorithms which lead to a certain behaviour of reviewers. This site typically gives games a fair chance, I would say. Obviously, everybody has an opinion which cannot be suppressed completely.

Re: Microsoft Invites Sony to Sign Its Own 10-Year Call of Duty Deal


@Fiendish-Beaver what You are forgetting is that although Sony has a very strong position, they do not own half of the publishers. xbox already had strong studies before they started there buying spree, but with the acquisition of bethesda and soon activision blizzard king, they remove quite a big chunk from the free market. Athough they claim that they increase competition by bolstering their position, they reduce the number of competing partners. So competition is reduced not increased. Moreover as You can see that they managed to get already deals signed with Valve and nintendo, they already have quite some leverage on the market, which will increase even more once the acquisition goes through. It is hard to believe that that is very beneficial if the market is dominated by so few players.

In my opinion, for the market it would be much better if xbox would take their billions, take a risk and develop something new, rather than removing companies from the free market. Or event if they would just snatch up smaller companies and grow them. But that is not what they are doing, they just take power over a chunk of the existing marked by using their pretty much unmatched financial power.

Re: Report: FTC Could File an Antitrust Lawsuit to Block Xbox's Activision Buyout


Lets hope the regulators do a proper job and don't just see that as an opportunity to make some extra cash. Anyway, I would guess that the deal will go through.

But, I do not understand why people think that all this consolidation is a good thing (whether it is MS, Sony, tencent, embracer, ....). It just means less choice and less innovations. In particular in case of MS, I don't see how anybody can think that it is beneficial for the consumer if a company which basically has the monopoly over desktops, owns probably more than 1/3 of the world cloud infrastructure, will soon own half of the game publishers. On a short term it will mean to get COD for 1$ per months, but surely not on the long run.

Re: How Does the $1,500 Meta Quest Pro Compare to PSVR2?


@Old-Red "They will release psvr2 versions of all these games and they will charge full price again. I'm happy to wait for the headsets to drop in price and the games to be given away on plus again."
This certainly is a possibility. On the other hand there will be hopefully more exciting games for psvr2, so psvr1 games ported to psvr2 will likely be a tough sell at full price. So, games either need to be significantly improved, which is work, costs money and cannot be expected for free, or the price needs to be reduced e.g. frequent sales.

Re: How Does the $1,500 Meta Quest Pro Compare to PSVR2?


@Old-Red How should backwards compatibility work ?

Would You expect that old games designed for PSVR1 and the moves will automagically come up with a nice scheme how to use the sense controllers and generate tutorials which show the new scheme ?

Also, playstation seems to have only very thin abstraction layers, so PSVR games are likely rendering at a fixed resolution (HD) and eventually already apply the distortions for the PSVR1 lenses. A new headset will not automagically change the game code. Some developer has to step in and do a few adjustments.

It is still to be seen what developers will do. There are rumours that sony rallied for developers to port their games. I would guess that some developers will just provide a free upgrade to a PS5 versions, some games won't see any update and will not be available on PSVR2, some developers will charge for the port, some developers will remaster and charge full price. One has to keep in mind that the market share of PSVR1 is small, and many developers hardly made their money back. Therefore, I would not necessarily expect free upgrades.

Re: How Does the $1,500 Meta Quest Pro Compare to PSVR2?


This comparison with quest pro does not make much sense.

The quest pro is not targeted at gamers but at business. It is "competing" with the MS holo lense which is way more expensive than the quest pro. It is presumably higher quality, the sales are expected to be lower and maybe there will be better service. So, higher prices. It is like comparing consumer graphics cards (3080) with GPU compute cards for data centers (A100).

PSVR2 if at all is competing with the quest 2 or pico 4 which are in the 400-500EUR range. When comparing PSVR2 with PSVR1 then the VR2 has more advanced screens (higher resolution, HDR), better controllers( 2 times half a dual sense instead of moves), the eye tracking system, but no breakout box.

A complete PSVR1 set including moves and camera was 500EUR at launch. I don't think that the display of the PSVR2 now is much more expensive than the display for the PSVR1 back than at launch. The moves are likely cheaper than the two sense controllers, but a dual sense has a retail price of 70EUR. Two pack in half-dual sense controller can be much cheaper than that. There are more cameras on the headset but no external camera and no breakout box. Then there is the eye tracking system, which requires some processing unit, and likely some licencing cost for the algorithm. The processing will likely be done by a single chip in the headset. So, the PSVR2 "system" does not have the extra processing units of the breakout box, the external camera, but there are 4 extra cameras, and the licencing costs. Then there are the lenses: clear lens vs. fresnel lens with special coating in the PSVR2. Fresnel lenses should be cheaper than clear lenses, but with the extra coating in the PSVR2 lenses might be more expensive. But, in total I don't see this to be much more expensive than the PSVR1. I would see it in a 400-500EUR price range. It won't be quest 2 cheap (before the price hike). Also to consider: Sony expects to sell at least 2M units in a short window, so the price must be attractive enough.

Re: Talking Point: We Need to Discuss This Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 Remaster


I really do not get the outrage about remasters. People behave like a remaster would consume the same resources as a new game. It does not. In this particular case (and TLOU), it is presumably even less work, since the old assets "only" have to be ported to the new engine. It is certainly some work, otherwise it would just work automatically, but it is not 5 years of work of 100 people.

We know there are other things in development than marvel games and remasters at Sony studios. There is a e.g. new game being developed at Santa Monica and Bend studios, a new game is rumoured to be developed by Naughty Dog. Not much is known about the other studios. So, if somebody already played the to-be-remastered games and is not interested in replaying them at slightly higher fidelity. Then, these games are just not for that particular person, as are the other 3500 games this person did not buy. So what. there are other games.

I personally enjoyed the PS5 remaster of FFVII, and the Death Stranding director's cut. Also, if these games are on a more modern platform chances are high that they will also be available on the next system, assuming there will be one.

Concerning HZD: I personally liked it, and if I play it again, I would rather play a more shiny version. If they added VR support, than it would be (obviously) a completely different story, and it would be an immediate pre-order (unless TLOU also would have VR support, then it would be a tough decision which one to get first). But I fear neither one nor the other

Re: PSVR2 Is Truly Next-Gen, And Indies Will Lead the Software Charge


@BritneyfR_ee What exactly do You mean by "failed to adequately support the first PSVR" ?
Excluding the last few months there was a constant flux of new games. There have not been many big games, but still many good games. Given the relatively small PSVR user base it is not surprising that big studios avoided the risk and that there have not been that many 1st party contributions. Then there were also the technical limitations: limited power of the PS4, the controller, limited tracking volume.

Concerning the future it still has to be seen how much of the PSVR1 catalogue will be ported over to PSVR2. When believing rumours playstation tried to push developers to port their titles to PSVR2. So, we still have to wait, before we can say how much playstation cares for their PSVR1 titles.

Re: Rumour: Tons of PSVR2 Devs Porting PSVR Games to New Headset


First people complain about the lack of psvr1 games (there is nothing but re7, only tech demos etc.), now backwards compatibility is the most important feature.

I think, most of the good games will be ported (not all, and not all for free). Anyway, i am excited for the new games which actually exploit the hardware.

Re: Video: In Defence of The Last of Us' PS5 Remake


@WallyWest Indeed. I played TLOU on PS4 (my first playstation). I don't think the higher resolution and the other improvements would interest me enough to get the PS5 version at 70$. This is mostly for people who never played TLOU (e.g. people attracted by the HBO adaptation). However, if the PS5 version is also playable in VR, I would even preorder (and then wait impatiently ...)

Re: Reaction: Meta Quest 2's Price Hike Will Have PSVR2 Relieved or Rubbing Its Hands


PSVR1 was an experiment for SONY. They recycled PS3 era technology (moves, camera, the light based move tracking also being used for the headset). The tracking solution was already "out-dated" when PSVR1 was released (though besides the small tracking volume it still gets the job done). It was said that PSVR1 was not sold at a loss. The full package costed 500$ (headset, camera, moves).

PSVR2 won't be an experiment. At least it seems to be state-of-the-art technology wise. In comparison to PSVR1, there is no break-out box, since all of that (e.g. 3D audio) is already included in the PS5. The camera will be in the headset (more cameras: 6 instead of 2, but monochromatic not colour), the controller set will be more expensive than the moves, but not vastly more expensive. The screen will be 4k instead of HD, but many cell phone screens are already 4k. Then there is Tobii's eye tracking technology, which needs to be licenced. All-in-all, there is nothing really exotic about the headset, so I would say a price point 400-500$ does not seem unrealistic. SONY might sell the headset at a loss i.e. selling at ~400$ to increase the install base. I doubt they will go cheaper, and I doubt they will go much above 500$. Only very few people would buy an accessory for a price exceeding the console price, in my opinion.

In the end It is always the games which sell hardware. The technology is only for the few enthusiasts. I think PSVR1 was sold mostly because of the novelty (at the time cheapest VR solution), not necessarily because of the irresistible games (I am not saying that there are no good games for PSVR1, there are plenty, but there are also many which would not have any chance on PSVR2). For PSVR2 it will be different, I think. There will still be some indies which succeed and attract people by their "innovative" ideas like super hot, or the likes of beat saber, pistol whip. Otherwise, titles have to match the quality and scale of flat games to appeal to the expected larger player base. I don't expect call of the mountain to match forbidden west in scale, but if it is just a 2h tech demo, it will not sell many headsets. So, I think we will see many more games like resident evil 7 and hitman 3 on PSVR2. The power of the PS5, foveated rendering and the gained experience with VR in general, will reduce the development time to adapt a flat game for VR. At least for the near future, I would not expect big budget games to be made exclusively for VR (like call of the mountain, half life alyx), but rather flat games to be also playable in VR. Hopefully, the new sense controllers and the experience with what works and what does not work in VR allows for more immersive adaptations than what was done for resident evil 7 and hitman 3 on PSVR1. Anyway, without games which match flat games in quality and scale, people will quickly loose interest in VR.

Re: Video: In Defence of The Last of Us' PS5 Remake


It is a great game and it deserves to be brought to a modern platform. Anyway without a ps4 or ps5 port people would moan that ps3 streaming sucks and why there is no option to play it on a ps4 or ps5 natively.

I would preorder it instantly if there was psvr2 support. But that seems unlikely ...

Re: Video: Please, Sony - We Need These PSVR2 Games


To have all of these games in VR would be awesome!

Cyberpunk., yes. Since Ace Combat 8 is way out maybe a full VR mode for Ace Combat 7?

I also would toss in some Ubisoft games, since I really would like to revisit some of their worlds in VR: Origins, Unity (maybe Ubisoft should start with Syndicate, then there would be at least a decent version on PS5). I cannot say that I care about an Avatar game, but the announced Avatar game would be a whole lot more interesting in VR.

There are just too many games I would like to see in VR (Shadow of the Colossus, the Last Guardian, The Witness, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Batman Arkham Knight, Jedi Fallen Order, Returnal)

P.S.: I disagree with the statement that Hitman 3 was "a let down". Despite all its shortcomings it was still one of the best PSVR games for me.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS5) - Dark Future RPG Is Finally Ready to Rock


I only "played" the trial version. The world seems interesting. But I cannot say whether I like the game or not. So far I have the impression that I watched a movie rather than playing a game. Graphics wise it is a mixed bag for me, some areas look fantastic some areas look out-dated. Might just be the lighting during day time, or because of the low resolution I played in (big PSVR cinematic screen). In PSVR cinematic mode, the raytracing mode does not feel good when turning, so I played in performance mode. Sound seems very buggy. When starting the game there is absolutely no sound in PSVR cinematic mode. After loading a game multiple times or fiddling with some settings the sound eventually appears, but has some strange reverb and voices, music and effects do not seem to be well balanced. Anyway to play in this mode a further patch is needed.
Concerning the camera, the game feels like it was designed for VR, albeit CDPR's negative statements concerning VR. Maybe they have not yet(?) managed to translate all gameplay elements correctly to VR?

Re: Here's Your First Look at PS5's PSVR2 Headset, Which Is Lighter and Slimmer Than the Original


Given the smaller community VR games are typically smaller and do not have the same production quality. There is no COD, FIFA, AC, GTA. There are few known IPs. But there are still quite a few excellent games. A random selection:

  • saints & sinners
  • astro bot
  • blood and truth
  • farpoint
  • firewall zero hour
  • wanderer
  • red matter
  • the assembly
  • moss
  • ghost giant
  • fracked
  • super hot
  • pistol whip
  • here they lie
  • rush of blood
  • until you fall
  • sprint vector
  • beat saber
    Flat adaptations which are fantastic/better in VR:
  • hitman 3
  • resident evil 7
  • wipeout
  • starwars squadrons
  • no man's sky
  • dreams
  • ace combat
  • L.A. Noir: the vr case files

Re: Here's Your First Look at PS5's PSVR2 Headset, Which Is Lighter and Slimmer Than the Original


This reveal was quite unexpected.
I was hoping for a revolution, but in the end it is "just" an evolution. So, from the comfort point of view it is a refined version of PSVR1, it fixes all of the short comings of its predecessor (tracking, resolution, setup), and adds HDR and eye-tracking. Hopefully the lenses are of similar quality as those of PSVR1. It ticks all boxes. But for me the controller are presumably the most exciting part. Anyway I am just waiting for the pre-order button to stealth drop.

Re: In the UK, 70% of Boxed Horizon Forbidden West Buyers Paid More Than They Needed To


Certainly PS games are typically not cheap. But the question is whether Horizon Forbidden West is not worth 70 EUR / .... or whether the PS4 version is a "bargain".

Compared to other games which were sold for 10 EUR / ... less, the consumer seems to get here quite a high production value and a lot of game. Also, the PS5 disc provides the PS5 version without a network connection, I believe, where the PS4 disc version just contains the key, and only provides the PS4 version without network. So, the consumer gets more value. Sure the digital PS5 version does not provide any extra value. It is more like a digital delux edition (as already mentioned) ... .

Re: PSVR2 Eye-Tracking Tech Still in the Negotiation Phase


According to this article it is about the software not the hardware. I doubt that sony would be so bold to go to CES without having a finished product. Also, there was the statement that production will start soon. Maybe, it is about licensing because Sony took a lot of "inspiration" from Tobii, or there are some kind of patent "problems".

Re: Sony Is Spending Over $1 Billion to Ensure Bungie Employees Don't Leave


I do not understand why people currently always bash on playstation leadership. PS5 seems to be doing fine with its "meager" 10TF, the first year of PS5 wasn't too bad (also with new IPs e.g. Returnal, Kena), This year doesn't look bad either, without even knowing the majority of titles originally planned for this year (assuming that GT7, HFW were meant to release last year but got delayed due to COVID). Also PSVR2 looks very promising. There are the supply chain issues which seem to plague the entire world.. Other than that I do not see errors made so far. Therefore, I would assume that the latest acquisitions are reasoned rather than panic reactions.

Re: PS Plus Reaches Record Number of Subscribers on PS5, PS4


I don't understand what some people expect from ps+, Often the exclusive deals already outweigh the subscription cost. Then, I am pretty sure during a year there is at least one game for pretty much everybody, which also would outweigh the subscription fee. In the end it is a fee for the cloud storage and the online infrastructure. Everything on top is a bonus, I would say.

Re: PlayStation Creator Ken Kutaragi Not a Fan of VR Headsets or Metaverse


I would agree that:

  • wearing a headset is less comfortable than not wearing a headset
  • meeting people in reality is better than meeting people in a metaverse
    But, I would disagree
  • that playing games in VR is more isolating than playing games on a flat screen. Typically the attention of people playing games is fully focused on the game whether they are wearing a headset or not. In my opinion the only exception are couch co-op games, and some party games, but those are just a fraction of all games.
  • Also if You cannot see people in reality (e.g. there could be some pandemic going on) virtual meetings in VR might be a better alternative to just video meetings, provided enough of the gestures are captured. But I never tried that, and can only say that I am not a big fan of video meetings. If there was something that would come closer to an in-person experience that would be an advantage.

Re: Sony Stock Value Loses $20 Billion, But Will Likely Recover


@Sakisa at the moment gamepass is great value because: it has plenty of old games which already sold enough via the traditional model; people not subscribed to the service pay the bigger chunk of the bill for the "few" subscribers; the service in the current phase may operate at a loss. The total amount of money available for game development is not magically increased by a service like gamepass. At some point You will get what You pay.