Comments 82

Re: The Last of Us 2 Sweeps The Game Awards, Wins Game of the Year


These awards are always meaningless, it wouldn't matter which game won. It won't change anyone's opinion. I personally didn't enjoy tlou2 but it was a technical masterpiece, there wasn't enough emphasis on infected for me and the characters were all dreadful. A main character being killed off is standard shock tactic from lazy writers these days. I would've liked to explore more of what the disease did to the world around them, not tackle the issues in today's society. Racism and LGBT rights are an issue for the news, not fantasy storytelling. It is such a shame that the game turned out like this, it's even spoiled the first game a bit! I am glad some people enjoyed it but they can't be that convinced if they're having to defend it on every article comment section. The trailers were very misleading, whether you liked the game or not.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Ghost of Tsushima Retains First Place in Slow PS4 Week


I loved the last of us, but part 2 was a let down for me. It was pretentious and unbelievable. Character motives were laughable. The level of polish was out of this world and other games don't even come close to the technical achievement the game is. I don't think it's ok to bash people who didn't enjoy it, in the same way it's not ok to bash people that did. I just feel it could've been so much better. I'm glad GoT is doing well, it deserves to be up there with the best games of this generation.

Re: Rocket League: A Celebration to Five Years


Phenomenal game. I was lucky enough to come across SARPBC on PS3, meaning I got access to the beta on PS4. I would've paid full price but as it came out on PS plus I never had to. I bought dlc just to show support to psyonix for creating such a great game. It's only got better over time and can only presume it'll be on PS5 as soon as possible. Not sure if the best move would be to release a sequel, it would be a bit of a gamble in my opinion.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Outsells the Entire UK Top 10 Combined in June


I think it improved on the first game in every area besides the story. It is a bit of a let down, however you spin it. Nobody had to defend the first game as much as this... there's no smoke without fire, people held the first game in such high regard I suppose it would've been impossible to live up to it.

Re: Report: PS5's Price Could Be $50 Cheaper if You Go for the Digital Edition


No disc drive is anti consumer, Microsoft proved that. Nobody wants it, so why are Sony even doing it? I buy alot of digital games so I can share them and my ps plus sub with my son. But I still appreciate the option of a disc drive for blu rays and pre-owned games. I don't care what the price difference is. People happily spend £600-£1000 on a smartphone so £500-£600 for a ps5 is fair enough

Re: PS4 Game Upgrades on PS5 Will Be Up to Publishers, But Sony Will Offer Flexible Support


If the PS4 version of GTA5 works on ps5 then what is the point of the remaster? I certainly won't be buying it, why they can't shift focus onto GTA6 is beyond me. I really hope the digital versions of games are backwards compatible. I lost licenses to PS2 classics in transition between PS3 and PS4 so didn't buy any PS2 classics this gen. Surely load times will be improved automatically though, Regardless of developer support?

Re: Feature: Sony's Most Memorable E3 Moments


It's got to be the used games DRM moment for me is the most memorable. They pretty much relegated Xbox to lag behind for 3 generations after that. PS4 outsold the one with ease and I dare say ps5 will outsell the series X with similar numbers. It was a key moment in the history of gaming with the dark digital age on the horizon. Just wait for the slogan 'Make gaming great again!' when ps6 comes along!

Re: Reaction: PS5 Reveal Event Plays to Sony's Strengths


The opening game was GTA5. Which is a PS3 game... which won't be available at launch. Nothing was mind blowing, which lets face it: that's why we sit and watch these presentations. The console itself stole the show and I must say it was superbly introduced, I don't want the digital edition but it looks infinitely better than the stupid "oh, we forgot about the disc drive!" design of the main version. Why couldn't the disc drive have been integrated into the black bar? Totally ruins it... I currently don't plan on buying it at launch, which I have done for every PlayStation before it. I just can't justify spending the money for what it offers at the moment.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Agree with PS5's Approach to Generations?


I upgraded my PS4 to a PS4 pro and have regretted it ever since. It's nice to have better graphics but nowhere near worth the money I spent doing it. If I owned an Xbox one s there's no way I'd upgrade. Totally pointless, we all know launch versions of consoles have technical problems/cooling issues. Without exclusive amazing experiences, why would you bother?

Re: Rumour: Could Max Payne Dive onto PS4?


I hope it's not a ps2 game, I refuse to accept buying them 3 times! I think those who bought the ps2 classics on ps3 should get them free on ps4. It's bullish#t... I would love a new max payne game, set in somewhere less colourful than Brazil though please rockstar

Re: PS4 Owners Are Clearly Gagging for Gran Turismo


The ps4 has a comparable title? Incorrect... Project cars is excellent, the console has severely lacked a decent racing game, something Xbox one never has to worry about because they seem far more competent at releasing a forza game than Sony do with gt. F1 is out next month too so thank God for multiplats!

Re: Interview: Topping the PS4 Rocket League with Developer Psyonix


Played the beta quite a bit, loved it. Cannot wait for release! listening to the community is a masterstroke from these guys, customization and single player league are exactly what was missing from sarpbc. There are some fantastic games on ps4 but I bet this is the only one I'll still be playing in 3 years.

Re: DriveClub's Getting a Free Tour as Part of a New PS4 Update


Truth is driveclub isn't very good, the handling isn't great, the soundtrack is forgettable and the whole game seems generic and uninspired. it doesn't seem to know whether it wanted to be a track game like project cars or open world like the crew. Evolution are obviously poorly managed, the lack of a significant competitor on ps4 has been the only reason it has sold. I refuse to congratulate a developer for not switching it's resources to more important matters. The plus version was promised before the ps4 launched, this is unacceptable. If they do close the developer than I feel it will be for the best, the talented individuals working there will find work. Criterion supported burnout paradise fantastically well, but they didn't have anything more important to be getting on with.

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