Comments 979

Re: UK Sales Charts: The Last of Us 2 Is Sony's Fastest Selling PS4 Game Ever in the UK


Great to hear its selling so well, given all the drama leading up to its release. I bought the digital, I have a feeling a large chunk is digital, so I wonder how much its actually sold.

Game is brilliant as well, gameplay is much better than the original. The story is a little pretentious, and dialogue feels weaker then Part 1, but I'll see how it all wraps up before I judge the story fully.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Port Possible After the RPG's PC Launch


@antdickens thanks you for the response. Main abusive comments are gone, but me and another lad were having a mostly friendly discussion about covid (apart from when he called me a boomer, but that's not malicious, I saw it as banter tbh), all my comments were deleted but his responses were left up, so it just comes across that my side of the discussion isn't allowed, even though when I explained my views he agreed with me in the end. I don't think I said anything that warranted comments being deleted, and if you were deleting all comments off topic I'd be absolutely fine with that, that's more than fair, but his replies to me are left up, and my counter points are gone, so it comes off as a little unfair.

Once again, thanks for not being dismissive. Hope you have a nice night.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Port Possible After the RPG's PC Launch


@LiamCroft you closed the comments on the other article, so you left me no choice.

Your refusal to answer my question as to your bias speaks volumes. I got the answer when you dodged my question. Its a shame this site is as bad as IGN now. Thanks for treating me like crap, and letting members of your site wish my daughter dead, for deleting one side of the debate that you lot personally don't agree with, no matter how amicable the discussion. You refused to allow me to explain my position when you deleted my comments, left the other person's comments up, then locked the comments section down.

There really isn't any site left for people who don't always follow the mainstream narrative, is there?

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Port Possible After the RPG's PC Launch


Push Square. Why did you delete all my comments on the article with 500+ comments? We were having a debate about corona, now if you were to delete all comments about that I'd understand, but you left all the comments responding to me that fit your agenda. I wasn't insulting, I was being friendly, and clarifying my opinion and got insulted for it, harassed on PSN by TrueAssassin86x, who wished my family would die from Covid as well. And is still constantly spamming my inbox now.

Why keep the comments that disagreed with me but deleted all mine? Totally unfair. I did nothing wrong. Either delete all comments on that topic or none at all. So incredibly biased. I left IGN because of how they treat their community, I thought this one would be better.

Re: Poll: Predict The Last of Us 2 Review Scores


@KahnArtizt07 you're probably right, I never said I want or don't want this, I'm saying what I think we happen, regardless of my wants. I'm also going by what Troy Baker said regarding Joel, that he finds things out about the characters past that even shocked him. So I'm assuming we play as him when he was in a gang. Jumping back in time as another character is very much like Godfather 2, which is the inspiration

Re: Poll: Predict The Last of Us 2 Review Scores


@WallyWest tbh all Jim Sterling does these days is push an agenda. Every video he cries about capitalism, which is fine, it's his opinion in the end... But every video? πŸ˜‚ He's definitely gone into his echo chamber these last few years unfortunately.

But I'll always appreciate him calling out microtransactions.

Re: Poll: Predict The Last of Us 2 Review Scores


@KahnArtizt07 I will take that bet. Druckmann has compared this to Godfather Part 2. I think there will be flashbacks as Joel in the 20 year period after he lost Sarah where you play as him doing questionable things.

Fancy the bet? Winner gets a digital high five

Re: The Hardest PS4 Platinum Trophies


@thefirst nice... on your legendary platinum number lol. Yeah that GOW3 one was solid! I think the hardest section for me was the fight with the Cerberus dog near the end.

Add me on psn if you want oldschool1987

Re: Resident Evil 4 Director Comments on Rumoured PS5 Remake


Nemisis should have been rebranded as a DLC expansion for the RE2 remake, dropping the 3 from the title all together. Just have it be a part of RE2, as DLC. It was incredibly short, they had to add a multiplayer game to justify the full price when it should have just been an expansion for RE2 called just "Nemisis".

The next remake should have been Code Veronica, but rebrand that as Resident Evil 3: Code Veronica, because it was the true 3rd game in the series anyway.

Then do RE4 remake, even though I don't think that's necessary.