Comments 979

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Apparently Went Gold Last Month


@Revengercm opinions can't be objective.

In the 80s isn't a good score? That's a great score. Should try it for yourself. COD gets in the 90s often, they haven't been goty material for a while imo.

Gears cost me Β£11 to play and finish to completion, alongside Halo 1 - 5, Gears 1 - 5, Doom Eternal, just started Outer Worlds, and I might try Nier Automita, however it's spelt. What value. Definitely Β£100s worth of games there.

As for launch, I'm not on about exclusives only, I'm also on about multiplats. You seem to be annoyed that I don't agree with you? Why? And Killzone Shadowfall was amazing, as was Battlefield 4 and Black Flag. Resogun was also very, very fun.

Demon Souls is 10 years old, Spiderman on PS4 was... Fine. So I'm not hyped about the expansion. Sackboy genuinely looks amazing though, I've pre ordered, along side Cyberpunk and Valhalla.

I'm not sure if you're just looking for an argument or not? Can't we just agree to disagree instead of trying to suggest my opinions are wrong?

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Apparently Went Gold Last Month


@Revengercm now you're arguing something subjective again... Why? I said it's the best laucnh for you. But I was more excited by the ps4 launch. Its my personal opinion, that's all lol. Like I said, I'm happy that you're excited.

Demon Souls does look pretty good, but I've already completed the original, I'm in no rush to play it again. Maybe one day. I think Ratchet is the most impressive next gen title, but that's not for launch unfortunately.

Disagree about your opinion on Gears 5, massively. I think it's incredible, and the fact it's included in Game Pass makes it better. Also easily the most impressive looking game this generation, on the One X at least.

You seem to be focused on arguing my personal opinion for some reason, I don't know why lol. It's not going to achieve anything. You like what you like, and I like what I like. No point trying to convince me I'm wrong...

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Apparently Went Gold Last Month


@Revengercm if you say so. I disagree it's the best launch ever, but that's fine.

And if you think it's ok to go from charging Β£50 a game to suddenly Β£70 a game, if you think that large jump in price is acceptable then more power to you, I guess πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I see the prices of Cyberpunk, Valhalla and all Microsoft games on game pass and think Sony is being arrogant and greedy again. From $60 to $70 seems like a fair price increment. But Β£50 to Β£70 in the UK is us being shafted, that's $90.

That being said I'm happy you think it's the greatest launch line up of all time, that's nice to hear but I was on about my opinion, not yours.

And Gears 5 was free on Games Pass. How isn't that goty quality?

Re: PS5 Controller Unboxing Reveals Premium Product, Doesn't Work with PS4 Yet


@graysoncharles serious? πŸ˜‚ This is genuinely the first time I've came across this try hard.

Edit Just saw your other comments in response to other people, why are you salty that people don't like this try hard? You like him? That's great! Good for you, you do you, my dude. You're entitled to your own opinions. I just think he's obnoxious πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@God_of_Nowt you've had it rough, man. But your mum sounded lovely. Sorry about your mum and dad. RIP.

And nah, it's not corny at all, it's really kind, I personally just feel awkward because I don't think I deserve to be thanked lol. But it's definitely appreciated. I'll never dismiss the thanks, because it's someone going out their way to be kind. But I'm not special for it, know what I mean? And you'd probably have surprised yourself, I thought I couldn't do it before I signed up lol.

I've enjoyed chatting with you, you seem like a really decent person πŸ‘

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@TrolleyProblems I'm definitely guilty of saying stuff I regret during debates, but that happens. I should work on that more lol. Its never meant maliciously, I type things out the way I'd say it in person and without my delivery it can come across as insulting or rude, which isn't my intent.

Appreciate the comment

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@God_of_Nowt lmao that's a pretty good retort to those guys who say that. And I'm genuinely sorry about your mother. From what little you told me about her humour even at the end, she sounds like she was brave.

I suppose worry is an overstatement, mostly concern, but I could be wrong and I hope I am. I'd love to be proven wrong πŸ˜‚

And the same sentiment, I actually like everyone here, even @nessisonett often seems like a cool dude, I think I disagree with him politically and with regards to what people can or can not say, but I hold no ill will towards him at all, I just didn't like it when he told someone he can't voice his concerns. But we're all gamers in the end, he's a fellow gamer, and I'd never let anyone try and stop him airing his views, even if I'm not a fan of them.

I always get a little awkward when people thank me for my service lol. It's genuinely kind of you to say that, it's appreciated, but you don't need to thank me! But thank you anyway ☺

Add me on psn if you want pal, be good to game with you one day, its oldschool1987

And you @nessisonett add me as well, pal. No need to fall out over disagreements πŸ‘

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@God_of_Nowt I was more using the example of friend of a friend. I often join voice chats with close friends who have some guy in there I don't know, but a friend will. Its just the private chat aspect of it I don't like.

It's just a concern of mine, it's not the end of the world, I just don't want it undermined, I think it needs scrutiny, especially when people have invested so much money into their accounts. And you have people like nessisonett saying he's happy to see people lose all their items over stuff he finds hateful, and as you can see what he finds hateful is pretty vast. What if its someone like him in charge? It's just a concern that should be talked about. I just didn't like it when he told that guy he has no right to complain. It rubbed me wrong.

Anyway thanks for the discussion!

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@nessisonett except it does, because its called "political correctness".

Why do I think someone losing their profile is funny? It isn't, you're the one making light of it. I genuinely think you're hateful, you even told someone they're not allowed to criticise Sony πŸ˜‚ hate speech is defined by the ones in charge, one day that will be used against you. I mean you go around calling people racist who aren't racist, what if it's someone like you in charge of this system? That would be worrying.

My father was murdered a few years ago, it broke me, but one of my coping mechanisms is dark humour, I even joke about his death, even though its easily the worst thing to happen to me, he was my best friend and my biggest inspiration. But I make effed up jokes. That someone like you, who hates people with different views, would find hateful. I don't understand how you can't see our worry?

"don't say the words". OK, Mao.

Beat my wife? That's a strange example to use. Any reason for it?

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@nessisonett get better friends? By that you obviously mean...

"get politically correct friends because your sense of humour is wrong and there's nothing subjective about humour. My politics are correct, yours are wrong and people who don't bend the knee to political correctness deserve a digital death sentence"?

Got it.

Still yet to see hateful speech get defined. Because it sounds incredibly subjective. You telling me to get better friends because you don't agree with them is pretty hateful. Please stop your hate speech.

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@God_of_Nowt and who decides the context of what was said? Was it malicious? Was it a joke? Was it quoting someone? How do they know the context of a small clip from a chat that went on for hours?

Yes I do, but I'm not on those things because I don't agree with silicon Valley censorship. I left those platforms a few years ago. They're banning people for not being left wing. I'm not even right wing either, I'm libertarian left leaning. But to people in California that's pretty much Hitler.

What about WhatsApp? That's a more accurate comparison to private chats.

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@nessisonett I deserve to be banned for jokes? Who decides the context? Me and my mate (black) often make racial jokes at each others expense, but he's my brother, we served together. Our jokes are edgy and messed up... Like most soldiers sense of humour. And if someone joins us, a friend of a friend, I deserve to be banned and have all my content stolen because I said something you personally do not like?

Honestly I find the stuff you say utterly comtemptable and hateful, you literally call everyone a racist and sexist often, I see you do it, and with no reason to do so. You throw around these "ism" words like they're nothing. You often support authoritarianism as well. I disagree with nearly everything you say, but I would absolutely defend your right to spread your dumb views if you so wish, and I definitely wouldn't want your stuff stolen from you because you, even though I find you incredibly offensive. Especially when you go out your way to virtue signal and morally grandstand above everyone else, calling them a racist, or something.

Even though I think you're sometimes a d*ck I would never want you banned. Banned is so final. Its a digital death sentence in many ways.

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@nessisonett literally did read the article and you backed up my point, the last 5 minutes are recorded. And someone in that private group can report you. Maybe a friend does it for a laugh, maybe a friend invites his friend in that you don't know and he gets offended and reports you. Fact is private chats are also involved in this.

Next minute you're banned and you've lost thousands of pounds worth of purchases and trophies. All because someone's feelings were hurt.

Re: Sony Explains PS5's New Voice Chat Reporting Feature


@nessisonett why can't he complain? He's a consumer, he pays for their product, so he is absolutely entitled to criticise this move.

And most people are actually in favour of free speech, of saying whatever they want in private settings. Why are you trying to mock freedom of speech? That used to be such a left wing talking point, and rightly so. It's a good position to have, something to value.

I'd agree with Sony doing this in public chats, but private chats with friends? No. He's right, and he's allowed to criticise. Disagree with him, that's fair, but telling him he's not allowed to? Nah.

Re: Sony: 'We Do Not Record' PS4 Party Chats


@Kidfunkadelic83 school them then πŸ˜‚that'll wind them up more lol.

Kids being trolled is never OK. That should be reported, but I just mute people. I know some people have a large digital library, I don't want them to lose access to that, even if they talked to me like ***** πŸ˜‚ too much money is tied to people's accounts now and I'd feel bad if they lost all that over them acting like a troll.

Re: Sony: 'We Do Not Record' PS4 Party Chats


@LiamCroft it actually is OK to say whatever you want to your friends if they're in on it as well. You are not in control of how people interact, except on this site, which is fair. But to tell them they're not allowed to say stuff to their friends is you overstepping. You don't control what people say in private

Re: Sony: 'We Do Not Record' PS4 Party Chats


@jbreez00 maybe, pal. But my worry is what people in California find offensive, isn't seen that way by the majority of people. Apparently the word "preference" is now offensive, and that is a recent thing. As long as they only go after genuinely malicious comments then fine, but I'm not that confident in them not to enforce a politically correct type of dialogue.

Re: Sony: 'We Do Not Record' PS4 Party Chats


@AhmadSumadi I've been called all sorts of awful stuff before, doesn't mean I advocate for Sony to listen to our chats. And you're using the most extreme example to justify this. You know for an absolute fact that this will be used to force political correctness. I never said it only boils down to different opinions being suppressed, I'm saying that different opinions could be suppressed, I wasn't talking about the extremes. I'm all for the people calling someone a n*gger being reported. I wasn't on about extreme examples.

I didn't minimise, I have a 7 year old daughter that plays games... I'm all for those people being banned, don't strawman me, please. I'm on about the other side of the argument, that Sony have been acting a little authoritarian since moving to California, with their censorship, and political correctness. Most people don't agree with that. We don't and we shouldn't live in a world where a certain type of politics is considered "correct".

I stated my concerns, it wasn't on about the extremes because most people agree the ones creeping on children and calling people n*igger should absolutely be banned, that type of behaviour isn't acceptable.

I just don't want to justify Sony recording entire voice chats.