Comments 979

Re: UK Schools Suggesting PS4 for Home Learning During Lockdown


They should just open the schools. An entire generation of kids missing out on proper education, and an environment to socialise with other kids their age. My 6 year old daughter is missing out massively. Me and my wife do what we can but it's nowhere near the same. I'm entirely against schools closing and I don't care who gets upset with me saying that.

I shocks me how ok people are will leaving behind a generation of kids, all for a virus with a survivability rate of 99.8%

I've lost 6 army mates to suicide during lockdown and my little cousin who killed herself near the start of it. Lockdown kills, and we don't know the full damage lockdown will cause longterm. The government are refusing to release their report on that, only one impact assessment has been released by a professor at Bristol University, and he's projecting 500,000 deaths from lockdown. But as long as we saved the NHS I guess...

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


@Col_McCafferty shouldn't have used the word crying, I meant complaining.

But I saw what was in the comments here and I saw no one hating on the game, I think you're seeing what you want to see. And same old arguments? Do you want them to make up new arguments regarding their complaints about the game? How do you suggest they find new complaints for a game that's completed? That's like me complaining to you about your same old blind praise.

And if people hated the game, so what? Let them. It doesn't bother me, I loved the game, I'm glad it's been so well recieved, I don't care that someone hated it, and understandably so. The game was intentionally divisive, it took risks, which I liked. Let people criticise if they want, it doesn't affect you.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


@Col_McCafferty had a feeling your comment would end with you pre-emptively complaining about people who had issues with the game and smear them as "haters".

Funny enough I saw no one in the comments hating before your comment. Only you hating people who don't blindly praise a game you understandably loved.

Re: Sony Commits to Safer Gaming Environments Alongside Xbox and Nintendo


@Abeedo wrong. You either support free speech, or do not and dismiss speech you do not like as "hate speech" and want the law to punish people for it.

The Hitler comparison? 😂 OK. "if we don't ban speech we don't like we'll get a new Hitler!"... Sure.

"Not everyone has thick skin". Then mute and block. Simple. Better than trying to destroy someone's life legally because your feelings are hurt.

"Also your argument on cracking down on hate speech meaning there won't be racist jokes anymore seems a bit faulty." Erm, I never said that, at all 😂 got another strawman you wanna build?

Who said those kids shouldn't be in trouble? They should be disciplined with detention, or extra homework, suspension, etc. But you're saying they should be arrested. Unfortunately you can't mute and block in person so the school has rules in place for bullying. I'm sure you knew this already. I'm sorry, I'm just not a fascist and don't think people should be arrested for words said, unless you're calling for action.

I mean I'm getting the impression you're saying jokes can be ways to hide malicious insults, so legally ban jokes 😂absolutely insane.

End of story? Not even close. You're just wrong. Demonstrably so. But your mind is made up, you want gulags for people with jokes you personally find offensive. We're not going to agree on anything at all. You should move to China though, they have the society you're advocating for.

No point going round in circles on this, some people, like you, who's views are so extreme and anti Liberal that it's borderline satire. So I'll let you have the final reply, I won't read it though, I've wasted enough time on this. I just hope the world you're advocating for isn't suddenly turned against you. The pendulum always swings the other way eventually.

Re: Sony Commits to Safer Gaming Environments Alongside Xbox and Nintendo


@Jaz007 you're not wrong. I just think the easiest and best option is the block and mute option. We shouldn't have Sony decide what they deem to be offensive, they've shown a poor track record trying to judge that. Context and intent is never taken injury consideration when snippets of audio is sent for review.

It'll be easier for people to just mute and block. This is all performative, it's just Sony trying to look good, nothing more.

Re: Sony Commits to Safer Gaming Environments Alongside Xbox and Nintendo


@LiamCroft yes, I think people shouldn't be jailed for words said, absolutely. I've been the victim of racism myself. My father was murdered due to racism, but those were actions taken.

You're advocating for people being jailed for words said... Wow, that's authoritarian as hell. What if someone is offended by a sexist joke? There's countless sexist memes out there... Do you want those people jailed? One person's joke is taken as offense by someone else. I'm sorry you can't understand the problem. Ricky Gervais and David Chapelle should be scared if this is the future you want.

You're advocating for the end of free speech. The only speech that requires defending is speech you do not like.

"I might hate what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".

The Soviet Union did what you're advocating for, all in the goal of being "politically correct". A term they coined. History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes and you're on the wrong side of it.

Re: Sony Commits to Safer Gaming Environments Alongside Xbox and Nintendo


@deathaxe doesn't define it well at all, it doesn't take into account context or intent. In fact it's "perceived" offense. In other words, it's only if you personally "perceive" it to be hate speech, which is open to abuse, and has been abused in the past. What you perceive is also subjective. It's an awful law that many want repealed.

Oh because I have a different world view to you, one built on allowing free speech, you make the assumption I go around and insult people? Grow up. Try and debate the points instead of making stupid accusations. You should read 1984, you'll see a lot of similarities to yourself.

Re: Sony Commits to Safer Gaming Environments Alongside Xbox and Nintendo


@LiamCroft then they can block them... Simple.

You have someone banned then there's always another player out there who will offend you, that you'll have to try and get banned, when you can simply mute. You'll never make a utopian gaming platform.

Consequences in real life? Sounds like you want people jailed for words they say. That's all I needed to hear tbh. I know where you stand. I think what you're suggesting is highly offensive, as a libertarian it's chilling hearing your views, but you're entitled to your world view and I'd still defend it.

Re: Sony Commits to Safer Gaming Environments Alongside Xbox and Nintendo


I just don't understand why the block or mute function isn't enough for people. What you find offensive is subjective, it should be down to your own responsibility to block and mute someone you don't like. It shouldn't be down to Sony to decide what's offensive for everyone. We've seen how they handle censoring certain games against the artists intent because they deemed it offensive.

Block and mute, that's enough. There's a lot of mini tyrants on here that seem to think their speech is the only correct speech.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered Adds 60FPS, Ray Tracing Option on PS5


@DonJorginho pipe down? 😂 Cry more, blind fanboy.

You're the one labelling people 🤡 and no, I don't care if people love their game, I hope they enjoy it. But you're the one telling people they shouldn't criticise, so thanks for proving my point CDPR rep.

Every single comment? You're going to have to back that up. I see many people saying they're still happy with the game. Imagine thinking people can't criticise a messy launch. Unreal.