Comments 979

Re: Round Up: Cyberpunk 2077 Reviews Mark Another Epic RPG


@MemSec he tried calling me racist a while ago, I can't remember why, I'm sure we weren't even talking about race 😂I just remember being so surprised at how out of left field it was. He's notorious for being a far leftist that looks for offense in everything so he can act morally superior. May as well leave him to it, pal.

Most people here you can have a really good discussion with, but others it's like navigating a land mine.

Edit: his comment before mine is futher proof of this lol. Looking for offense where none was intended. Everyone has to conform to his regressive world view, otherwise you're accused of wrong think and labelled a racist, or transphobe. It's borderline satire at times how these people predictably react.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for December 2020?


@Sh0gun lol I'm happy with the games, well with Worms. I love Worms games. I'm not complaining about the games. But people are entitled to criticise a service they pay for and that troll was calling everyone who criticised "entitled b*****ds" which isn't fair.

I don't like it when people get insulted for airing their criticisms.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for December 2020?


@OmegaStriver wait, now you're playing the victim? Lol. Grade A trolling. I'll leave you to it. I can tell you're just one of those trolls that just wants a reaction and will keep going until you get the final response. It's very transparent.

Go ahead and have the final reply that you're so desperate for, I won't read it though. I should have realised you were trolling earlier. That's on me.