Comments 979

Re: PS5 Redesigns Trophy Sharing with Video Playback


@KeldorTheCursed I know this isn't what you meant but it sounds like you're saying because you didn't find the joke funny he deserved to be fired lol. Funny is subjective. It was just a very innocuous and what most would see as inoffensive. I don't think he was trying to break jew ground with that joke. He didn't deserve the pile on he recieved for it.

You listen to his podcasts then? Better content than KF I think.

Re: PS5 Redesigns Trophy Sharing with Video Playback


@KeldorTheCursed he wrote a harmless joke on twitter, really innocuous and cancel culture came for him, but the problem was Greg and the others threw him under the bus and apologised on his behalf, which he wasn't happy about. You should never apologise for a joke, offense is taken, not given.

Anyway he left the company after that and started his own podcast called Sacred Symbols. I highly recommend it pal. Here's a link to his podcasts if you're interested

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Apparently Went Gold Last Month


@Revengercm a commonly held opinion still isn't fact, it's just a majority opinion. One I did agree with, doesn't mean I'm wrong, just means I have a different opinion 🀑

I don't care if you care or don't care about Xbox. I'll be getting both consoles, because I'm not a fanboy, you're coming across as a die hard fanboy though. You can't handle different opinions.

I'm done going on circles with you, it's boring and you're clearly a troll. You may have the final reply, I won't read it though. It's your own time to waste.

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Apparently Went Gold Last Month


@Revengercm not a fact lol.

Yeah, it's a good launch lineup, just not amazing to me personally. That's all... That's literally my entire comment πŸ˜‚

I have an Xbox One X pal, I got it 2 months ago, a mate wanted rid of it, so I took it off his hands. I missed out on Gears 4, 5 and Halo 5 so I've had fun catching up on them lol. Plus the backwards compatibility is a big factor for me, I'm currently replaying RDR as well, it's in native 4K, it looks amazing for an old game!

Nah, it's ok if game pass isn't for you, that's fair mate, you're entitled to your opinion, nothing wrong with that.

I don't think Guerilla went to a new IP because they wetrn happy with the last KZ game lol. I just think they wanted to make a new IP, which is normal.

How am I right about my opinion? Because I was more excited for the ps4 launch line up? πŸ˜‚ Wut? Is that wrong? How? Its all subjective. You're tight in your opinion, dude. I said the line up looks good, but the PS4 was more appealing to me, and that I'm genuinely happy you're excited for the PS5 launch line up, but you're not accepting that πŸ˜‚you're being tight with your opinion. Can't you just agree to disagree? No idea why you're trying to make me change my views to yours so hard. Give over.

Well yeah, my opinion and the things I like are relevant to me... So what? πŸ˜‚ I'm not going to play Life is Strange because someone else loves it. That's their opinion. Dude, you're kind of insane. Just accept I have my own interests that don't align with you. Let's agree to disagree. No reason to try and cause an argument. If you @ me again I'll assume you're just looking for a Internet argument.