Comments 979

Re: The Last of Us 2 Sweeps The Golden Joysticks with Five Awards


@SaikoWaifu2003 just proved yourself wrong there, haven't you, troll? I don't like Trump, I think he's a giant buffoon. I also think Abby is an amazing character, the best thing about TLOU2. But her arms were over the top, and so was Chris Redfield arms in RE5, I criticised that as well. But at least Resi isn't trying to be grounded and serious, it's a campy horror series, or it was until 7.

Wanna try again? Or has your TDS broken your thinking capacity?

Re: The Last of Us 2 Dominates Game Awards 2020 Nominations


@NDL08 except it is a fraction. The game sold incredibly. Twitter isn't real life. Vast majority of people don't care. And if they do cry about an agenda, ignore them. Don't lump criticisms in with their complaints and don't deny that doesn't happen either, it does. Ive seen many criticise the narrative direction and get called haters for it. Too often.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Dominates Game Awards 2020 Nominations


@NDL08 that's a small fraction of people. I've seen people get called haters and trolls because they weren't happy Joel died. People who criticise the story at all are attacked for it. I'm not on about the tiny fraction who complain about any agenda.

One criticism I agree with is the size of Abbys arms though. They were ridiculous on Chris Redfield, they're ridiculous on her, because the game is much more grounded. But it doesn't detract from the game, I like that character quite a bit.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Dominates Game Awards 2020 Nominations


All I see is people getting pre-emptively upset at people who might spew "hate". Or what I like to call it: criticisms. Can't criticise without getting called a troll or hater these days.

Going back to the awards, it's well deserved, I hope it wins GOTY, that or FFVIIR, which I personally enjoyed slightly more. TLOU2 was a solid 9/10. But if people didn't like it, that's fine, I can see and understand why, I'm not bigoted enough to dismiss their complaints as "hate".

Re: Sony Believes PS5 Game Pricing Is Fair, Denies It Considered Charging More


@God_of_Nowt don't know if I agree, pal. Sackboy is in the high 70s, which is a pretty good score, especially for a mid tier game. I'm enjoying it myself tbh, playing it on the PS4 with my daughter. I think every review dropped a few points because of the lack of multiplayer on launch, so it probably would have scored higher if that was there.

Like I said, I'm OK with a price increase, but to pay much more than the US market and have it jump by £20, which is like $24 top of my head, is a big ask.

And yeah man, shopto is great 😂 best thing about going fully digital with games is those PSN wallet codes!

Re: Sony Believes PS5 Game Pricing Is Fair, Denies It Considered Charging More


@God_of_Nowt I can't even pretend to have a right answer, pal. I'm just comparing our prices here in the UK to the US market. We're paying more here than in the US, which seems unfair. I'm OK with Game prices going up, it happens every generation here, but a £20 jump is a little bit too much in one go. I think £60 or £65 would have been a better middle ground.

Re: Sony Considered Raising PS5 Game Prices Beyond $70, Says New Report


@LiterallyDoNotCare why are you so upset? 😂 I'm go where I choose to, you can get over that as well.

No, I don't care if people want to spend £70 on a game, I literally just said you buy that if you want, and that I hope you love the game🤡can't you read? You spend your money however you want, I don't care. You however seems incredibly upset that I won't spend my money how you demand lol. Why do you care so much? You do you.

Just calm down, kid. You're getting so incredibly upset and abusive for no good reason, and telling me to F off is just childish. How old are you?

"Keyboard warriors are a waste of my time"

You're the only keyboard warrior here, my dude. You're abusing everyone from the safety of your keyboard.

Re: Sony Considered Raising PS5 Game Prices Beyond $70, Says New Report


@LiterallyDoNotCare yep, it is. In one month I played Gears 1 - 5, Halo 1 - 5, some of the Outer Worlds, Fallout 76 off and on, Hellblade and some others, what a bargain. When there's nothing I want to play, I'll cancel the subscription. Better than paying £70 for a remake I've already completed on PS3.

I already said I'll wait for a sale.... Why are you so upset that I don't think a £20 price jump is justified? It's my opinion, no need to take it so personally, do you work for Sony?

"tHeN sWitHc, nO oNE WiLl mIsS you"

OK, calm down. I don't owe any corporation my loyalty, I'm sorry you think I should.

I think you should self reflect on why it upsets you so much that I have a different opinion to you. You want to pay for Demons Souls? That's great, I really hope you love it. I don't want to, and you're going to have to get over it, I guess.

For someone who claims to literally not care, you seem awfully invested in what I choose to spend my money on. Why not try to talk to me like a grown up, instead of that childishly, passive aggressive comment of yours?

And I don't force my opinions onto anyone 😂🤡 I state my opinions only, I can only speak for myself, and that upsets you for some reason. There's a lot of projection going on with you.

Re: Sony Considered Raising PS5 Game Prices Beyond $70, Says New Report


@TG16_IS_BAE OK, kid.

Imagine thinking above £70 is cheap 🤡 especially in a world with Game pass. Where did I claim I want games to be free or cheaper? I suppose when you lose the argument you resort to strawman arguments instead.

And I just have a different opinion, as do most here, but you're a Sony shill. I love how you think I should explain myself to you 😂🤡 go away, kid. You lost.

Re: Sony Considered Raising PS5 Game Prices Beyond $70, Says New Report


@TG16_IS_BAE give me another chance? 😂 I like how you feel I owe you an explanation for my views... I don't. You disagree with me, that's fine, I don't care. I stand by my statement that Sony are arrogant, especially when Game Pass is a thing. But I expect microtransactions to be done away with if they're not needed anymore to pay for inflated costs lol.

And Old School is my military nickname, its not meant to be taken literally, no idea why you did.