Comments 979

Re: Reaction: Spider-Man PS5 Debacle Shows Sony Is Out of Touch


@LiamCroft I'm not disagreeing with you, my point is the blame landed at Don's feet, to the point he had to step down and Spencer took over.

I don't think he's entirely to blame, same as Jim Ryan, but no matter what, the captain of the ship will be remembered and blamed for it all, as unfair as that is.

Re: Tweet Allegedly Sent from PS5 Goes Viral


Got rid of my Twitter and Facebook, and feel so much better for it. Too many people on social media are deranged and hysterical. I'm done with social media, I don't think it's done society and favours. I don't want it implemented into my console.

Re: Naughty Dog Rebrands Outbreak Day Amid Coronavirus Crisis


@PhantomMenace84 you're right. These lockdown measures are killing people, my cousin commited suicide recently because of it all. We should be cautious but I think we've overreacted. The long term costs are going to be brutal I fear.

Next they'll be telling all cars to go at 10mph because that way it's safer...

Re: Future Bethesda Games Could Still Come to PlayStation Despite Xbox Ownership


@Rob_230 I registered my interest with shopto back in February, you still have that registered interest. Log on now and confirm your interest, it'll go down as a pre order and backdate it to when you registered interest. So you might get the shopto one on day one still. Go to your pre orders page, it'll be there. I gave my pre order from them to my sister in-law when I got the Argos one.

I'll probably get Cyberpunk and AC Valhalla first, I still love Assassins Creed games. I'm hoping Sackboy will be good, I love LBP but I'll wait for reviews first. I think Sony are charging too much for their exclusives tbh.

It's exciting getting a day one console, isn't it? Been getting them since the PS2 era, but my parents got my the ps2 day one, I was still a kid then lol.

Re: Future Bethesda Games Could Still Come to PlayStation Despite Xbox Ownership


@Rob_230 seeing as you're being semantic, I'll clarify...

Microsoft are being more consumer friendly at the moment. I hope that was more to your liking.

I don't know where the console war comment came from? I'm a PlayStation gamer first and foremost, but I own all consoles. Competition is a good thing, nothing wrong with Microsoft making the competition sweat a little.

Re: Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Is Not Involved with Hogwarts Legacy


@Starkei women aren't allowed their own safe spaces now, and to suggest otherwise makes you transphobic apparently.

The far left really are as insufferable as the far right. There's no discourse at all, if you have an opinion that isn't strictly in line with theirs you'll get called a "phobe" or some sort. It's tiresome.

I don't like JK very much, she tries too hard to virtue signal but she did nothing wrong here. In fact she's factually and biologically accurate in her statements.