Comments 152

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase 2021 Was Good, But Not Good Enough


Feels like a retread of last years showcase. GT 7 was the only thing that really looked great, but that was well edited.

GTA looked like a nice game on the PS4 Pro but the PC version with all the RT & real city/vehicle mods still Lois way better.

God of War looks like more of the same…on a PS4 Pro.

Is current gen suffering from these decisions to release on previous gen? I also wonder if this is another reason for all these delays

Re: Call of Duty: Vanguard Invades World War II on 5th November


Will we have to have Warzone installed to play it?
It pisses me off when I’m running out of space & the one mode that wasn’t part of Modern Warfare is now a compulsory install & can’t be uninstalled if you want to play normal multiplayer or singleplayer.
Hell, even the Icon has changed to Warzone!

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Peripherals Incoming for PS5, PS4


@Dislecksier except a real clutch isn’t, the clutches on the sim pedals aren’t & the point where the clutch is on is when the pedal is 100% down. You can’t have any pressure on the accelerator when the clutch is down otherwise it’ll miss the shift.
It makes quick gear changes unpredictable (& just plain crappy).

GT Sport probably has the worst implementation of a clutch in any game & they strive to be close to a realistic sim.

Re: Talking Point: Was Ubisoft Forward a Show to Remember?


Ubisoft are pretty good at giving us everything, except what we want.

Any chance of a real Splinter Cell & Rainbow Six (Vegas or pre Vegas) game that isn’t barstadised?

Also, why announce the Vr versions of Assassins Creed & Splinter Cell last year when you’re not going to give us anything at your official events in the future?

Re: Battlefield 2042 Doesn't Have a Single Player Campaign on PS5, PS4


@xRetrox yeah I’m not happy about paying $70 for a game, but would find it acceptable if it wasn’t a buggy mess in release & wasn’t designed around & had zero microtransactions.

What I would complain about is something like NBA 2k series or anything of EA’s that contains microtransactions, battle passes & asks for full price. They shouldn’t be asking for both

Re: Battlefield 2042 Doesn't Have a Single Player Campaign on PS5, PS4


@CelticSavagery hey I enjoyed Battlefield 4’s single player campaign.

Your argument that Battlefield started off as a multiplayer only game & so should be considered a multiplayer only game falls flat when you consider COD was primarily a singleplayer only game & has now evolved into a massive multiplayer game as well. Battlefield had evolved. It’s not the same game as it was when it first game out. It was also only on PC. Does that mean it shouldn’t come on consoles because the first one didn’t?

$70 is still $70. When you consider COD can do multiplayer & a singleplayer campaign as well as a free to play Battle Royal for the same price & the ***** show that was the last Battlefield. I’d say I have enough reason to want more for my money.

Besides some people play these games for the campaigns, whether you like it or not

Re: Battlefield 2042 Doesn't Have a Single Player Campaign on PS5, PS4


@CelticSavagery previous iterations didn’t have a multiplayer component (there wasn’t any) & the current game didn’t have microtransactions.
It also didn’t cost $70. So the answer to your question is ‘No’

You’re paying more for less (with the great opportunity to pay even more through battle passes)

Re: Splinter Cell, The Division, Ghost Recon Crossover Game Leaks Ahead of Ubisoft Forward


No interest in this, but to be honest, I wouldn’t trust Ubisoft to make a decent Splinter Cell game that wouldn’t be barstardised into an open world RPG full of microtransactions & no gameplay that relates to the former games.

Ubisoft, please at least show some respect to Tom Clancy & not exploit his name with your turd franchises.

Just give us Splinter Cell & Rainbow Six Vegas remakes & you can go turn all your other games into generic porridge

Re: God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 PS4 Versions Confirmed


I can see why they want to milk the PS4 base but at the same time there’s no real next designed gen games aside from Ratchet & Clank which still hasn’t come out yet.

The new system needs some system sellers. The fact that all these games are coming out on both consoles means the development & testing takes even longer.

They’ve already shown how level design is restricted by the hard drive speeds on older consoles, *****, GT Sport in PSVR on the PS4 Pro was held back because the OG PS4 couldn’t handle more than 2 cars on the screen. The entire VR version suffered.

Re: Ubisoft Dates E3 2021 Forward Event for 12th June


Looking forward to some generic turd sequel with the biggest open world ever, built around microtransactions, bugs & RPG elements & having nothing to do with its predecessors in any way.

As much as I really want a Splinter Cell or Rainbow Six Vegas 2 sequels, I don’t really want Ubisoft to be the ones who make them

Re: The PS3 Classic Rainbow Six: Vegas Games Head Offline This Year


@Otherbarry I was so looking forward to that R6 game before it got cancelled.

I enjoyed R6 Seige, but it didn’t have anything to do with R6. Ubisoft just started churning out generic, dumbed down open world games that don’t really have much to do with their predecessors.

I’m sure Tom Clancy would be rolling in his grave at what they’ve done to his name.

I’d love a new Rainbow Six or Splinter Cell game but don’t have any faith in Ubisoft making anything but a soul less open world turd with RPG elements designed around microtransactions & no relevance to the previous elements that made their predecessors great.

Re: PS5 Open World Watch Dogs Legion Will Run at 60 Frames-Per-Second in the Future


I really enjoyed Watchdogs 2 (although the driving mechanics were still way too arcadey). Watchdogs 3 is just more of the same except with characters you don’t care about, a story that’s meh & no character progression system because of the ability to choose anyone (a technical marvel but gameplay misstep in my opinion).

I just wish Ubisoft would give us what we’ve been asking for - a new Splinter Cell & proper Rainbow Six (Vegas) game. Although I’m afraid it would be a barstardised, soulless open world game built around microtransactions & broken AI that has nothing to do with Tom Clancy’s vision or the games that came before it.

Re: PS5, PS4 Fans Are Seriously Hyped for This Boxing Game


@figboot just you buddy. It’s a sport. Sports don’t have stories. As long as it captures the finesse, subtlety’s & offensive/defensive strategies of the sport, it will be a hit with boxing fans.
Pong doesn’t have a story or diverse player interaction & was a great game

Re: Soapbox: PSVR's Crap Load of Cables Has Put Me Off


@Wavey84 tether free on the quest 2 is a huge game changer, even with the limited FOV of the Q2, I much prefer that over the PSVR. Replaying a lot of games I already own on the PSVR & they’re way more fun on the Quest 2.

No weight from the cable & nothing getting in the way means you can really get into the room scale games. Not to mention the increased resolution of the Q2 screen makes everything sharper.

You can tell there is some compression with Virtual Desktop, but to play HL:Alex on a wireless headset beats every PSVR game I’ve played.

You’re looking into the numbers & dismissing it already. Wait until you experience it for yourself & you’ll see how important having no cables can be

Re: Soapbox: PSVR's Crap Load of Cables Has Put Me Off


Since I got a quest 2, I can’t be bothered firing up the PSVR. I’ve got a PS5 & a had a switch box to deal with the HDR issue but that doesn’t work with the new console.
I really want to try the games that had patches for PS5 resolution unlocks but I have a mental lazy barrier that compares the grab it & go ease of use with the quest & then I just can’t be bothered.
Really want to have a few races of GT Sport with the wheel, but then have to hook that up too. I hope Sony come out with a wireless option too. Virtual Desktop works well with the quest - no reason Sony can’t do something similar

Re: DIRT 5 Getting Free and Premium DLC Later This Month on PS5, PS4


All the game modes are too similar & the handling is too much on the arcade side for my liking. Was hoping for something a little more similar to DriveClubs slightly more realistic arcade sim handling.
Definitely needs a lot more tracks, which sounds like we’re not getting.
I’d say that playgrounds is probably the best thing about this game. Not much else. They don’t even have replays which has been a staple of the Dirt/Colin McCrae series.

Re: FIFA 21 - A Step Up from FIFA 20, But Must Do Better on PS5


What has EA been doing in the last year?
NFL was a buggy mess, EA UFC 4 is a buggy dumpster truck of recycled animations & even less gameplay than UFC 3 (which they had 2.5 years to develop),
FIFA on switch is just a player update charged at full price & now this!
These guys are just coasting while adding more micro transactions for useless content & slowly turning these games into ***** casual mobile ball snot.

Re: EA Disables UFC 4's In-Game Ads Following Player Outrage


@RudeAnimat0r the ads don't fit the presentation. They had full screen ads appearing at the end of the rounds & 3 times when you finished the fight & tried to skip the replays.

The game came out with a gamebreaking bug which was only just fixed in that ad patch & that's what we were rewarded with. It's still a buggy mess with less features than it's predecessor. Not even an annual release - this took 2 years.

If they want to put in ads that match the broadcast presentation style, then they need to put effort into the whole broadcast presentation (individual walkouts, commentator interviews, getting rid of the ***** pre fight emotes) & polish the damn game.

They're still reusing animations from UFC 1

Re: Madden NFL 21 Patch Outlined as Fans Urge NFL to Ditch EA Sports


UFC need to ditch EA as well.

After reviews have already gone out for UFC 4 (which is horribly buggy & is missing a lot of elements from UFC), they patched in-game ads into the 4 week old game last night.

I hope @get2sammyb picks this up. EA are nickle & dimming us for a full price game, that already has microtransactions as a focus

#UFCdropEA 🖕🏻

Re: EA Sports UFC 4 - A Strong Sequel That Knows What Players Want


They didn’t really give what mma & EA UFC fans wanted. They focused more on trying to bring casuals into the game.
Still using animations from UFC 1.
The new clinch & takedown system is awesome but the ground game is worse. EA focused on a simple control system at the expense of overhauling the ground game which now feels worse than UFC 3.
Submission system is now so simplified it’s not fun & ground attacks such as elbows & transitions off your back have been removed.
The character customisation has more pointless fortnite accessories & emotes & misses out apparel that was in the last game.
Overall, it’s slightly better than UFC 3, but worse in many ways.

Re: Neil Druckmann Explains The Last of Us 2 Deleted Scene at the Farm


@thefirst that's a great idea! I was trying not to kill you knowwho during the fight & died because of that.
Would also be interesting to match the results of those ending choices to peoples reviews (and maybe emotional intelligence).
I'd suspect the ones that chose to kill would be the one's slamming the game.
While I thought the very ending could have been more powerful - as a whole I loved the journey & the fact that a game could make me feel certain ways about the characters - whether good or bad.

Re: Neil Druckmann Explains The Last of Us 2 Deleted Scene at the Farm


@carlos82 I loved it too. Was so refreshing to play an adult game with great themes.
I thought it was going to end the 2nd time with Ellie rescuing Abby, then deciding to sacrifice her body to Abby & the fireflies for research.
There seem to be a lot of butt hurt, immature people who just can't handle character evolution & adult themes. I'm just happy we got something this amazing. I'm struggling to find any current movies of this sort of quality to watch