Comments 152

Re: Preview: Why Horizon Call of the Mountain Is a PSVR2 Showpiece


@neonpizza don’t forget about the great games available on Quest 2 already. It has a much better library than the release lineup & combined with a PC - which you can still play wirelessly, you have access to the great titles like HL: Alyx & Contracts, Automobilista 2, Onward, Resident Evil 2 (modded) etc.

I’m saying that, I’ll be getting the PSVR2 & Quest 3

I just hope Sony bring out a single player & co-op SOCOM game

Re: Preview: Why Horizon Call of the Mountain Is a PSVR2 Showpiece


@ROTTIEMAN16 thanks, I was going to ask about this. We’ve waited so many years for Sony to give us thumbsticks & I’d be annoyed if they only gave us the gimmicky wave arms solution.

I guess with the sideways circular combat game we’re not going to get the next Half Life Alyx or Contractors experience, but I’ll reserve my judgment until I get my hands on it.

Was so excited for this but am now tempering my expectations.

Looking forward to GT7 & Firewall though.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's Next Free PS5, PS4 Update Rolls Out on 15th December


@KundaliniRising333 I think we have all recognised it but these media outlets aren’t holding them accountable.

I stopped playing after buying a Fanatec GT DD Pro & realising the FFB is crap & there’s been no appetite to fix it (among the rigged lottery & terrible economy system).

Switched to AMS2 (on PC) & haven’t looked back.

Re: Poll: Will You Pay the PSVR2 Launch Price?


@Bizzy you’re not taking into account inflation & chip shortages. We don’t know how many Sony are producing or can produce by Feb 23, so there might not be many units on sale, which can also justify the price. Not to mention the head tracking tech, lenses, cameras & screens in that set of hardware.
*****, the Quest 2, a 2 year old system went up $100 in price.

Re: Poll: Will You Pay the PSVR2 Launch Price?


@dds292 how is Sony pushing it down our throats & why do you think VR is a gimmick?

The Quest 2 headset had sold 14.8million units up to May alone. That’s just one headset.

It’s also the most immersive way to play driving & flying games - not to mention shooters like Contractors & Onward.

Sounds like you’ve never tried a proper VR setup.

Re: The Last of Us Was 'Ahead of Its Time', Sony Wanted 'Definitive Version'


SOCOM & Syphon Filter could do with some Naughty Dog like remakes or even new games.
Non Sony games I'd love a similar quality remake of:

  • GTA Vice City (not the ***** mobile Rockstar up res versions we got)
  • Rainbow Six Vegas
  • Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
  • Splinter Cell Conviction
  • Fight Night Champions
  • EA Skate 2 (not the new free to play one coming out)

Re: Gran Turismo 7's Spectacular Support Continues with Three New Cars Next Week


I stopped playing months ago & am still waiting for them to fix the FFB.

While the driving is fun to play, it feels like a F2P game with a $70 price tag.

I can’t imagine much of the player base having an appetite for Vision cars & there’s still a huge gap of cars missing from post GT Sport years.
They need more tracks, non vision cars, more races for normal cars & make the economy fairer to everyone who paid full price for this game.

Can’t believe the ability to sell cars is still not in this game with the price of the legend cars as they are.

With the Hagerty’s ‘real life’ pricing valuation, the ‘97 911 GT1 car has almost tripled in price to $9Mil. This game has really become the Real Poverty Simulator.

It’s a shame these review sites aren’t holding PD accountable for this *****.

Re: Talking Point: Is Assassin's Creed Moving in the Right Direction?


I have hopes for a proper Assassins Creed game which goes back to focusing on stealth, parkour, a proper combat system & of course assassinations.

I feel like the Japan scenario is going to be wasted on the RPG, looting, hack n slash gameplay where that would be the prime location for parkour & stealth gameplay (that we wanted since completing the 1st game).

In saying that, I still think Ubisoft have no idea what everyone wants (maybe they’re learning?), when they’re offering us mobile games & forgetting about their other franchises.

Is Tennent behind the push for mobile maybe?

Where’s the next Rainbow Six game? (That’s not mobile or a hero shooter like the current state of their aging game)

Re: PlayStation Bites Back At 'Inadequate' Call of Duty Offer from Microsoft


Why don’t Sony invest in their own military shooters.

Buy out the 6 Days in Fallujah team, bring back SOCOM (especially for VR) or create some completely new IP, instead of crying about it.

They pay other teams to delay releases to Xbox or have exclusive content so can’t really moan about the other side doing the same.

I’d love to see what they could do with the Rainbow Six franchise if they ever got it.

(I’m still bitter about them disbanding the Driveclub team when it could’ve become one of their best racing franchises)

Re: Firewall Dev Delays Announcement, Might Suggest PSVR2 News Incoming


I hope they’re not stuck waiting in one of their lobbies! 😜
Subtle digs aside, Firewall was not only one of the best multiplayer PSVR experiences but also shooters that still holds up along with PC VR greats like Contractors, Pavlov & Onward.
I hope the next iteration they improve the AI & have a proper singleplayer campaign.

I only stopped playing because the lobby to playing ratio was too painful & the solo offering was just too basic.

Looking forward to what they come up with

Re: Ubisoft's Free-to-Play Roller Champions Could Already Be on the Chopping Block


Ahh the beauty of love service games. They’re always temporary. This game isn’t my cup of tea (most of Ubisoft’s current barstardisation of all their Tom Clancy IP isn’t either).

They need to roll the incompetent suits at the top, even if they were there from the beginning. They need to start focusing on making great games first, instead of building ***** games around monetisation.

Re: Next Gran Turismo 7 PS5, PS4 Update Teased for Next Week


@IronMike agreed.
I stopped playing because the FFB was so crap, even after the last update - and that’s on the Fanatec DD pro as well. I don’t know how they made it worse than GT Sport.
I’ve gone back to Automobilista 2 until they sort that out.
They need to fix their last overcompensation fix for RWD cars too. That, add some modern current cars (non of the VGT crap), add sell cars, fix the economy, let us buy engine swaps instead of loot boxing, fix the online penalty system, add the rest of the unfinished cafe stuff, and give us more tracks.

Re: Skate's Anticipated PS5, PS4 Reboot Will Be Free-to-Play


How are these execs still remaining in their jobs? Surely they’d be better off working in casinos or building ATM machines because all they know how to do is extract money from people in the least exciting way.

Live service is just a buzz word for (release unfinished).

EA are egregious with microtransactions in their full priced games. Imagine how ***** their free to play ones will be.

Re: F1 22 (PS5) - Another Solid Sim Racer, But Room for Improvement


@Peach64 considering GT does simulate car physics, weather, tyre modelling & lighting & even paint (the latter two it does better than all the current hardcore sims), I’m pretty sure it can be regarded as a sim of some sorts.
It may not be on the level of iRacing, AMS2 or ACC when it comes to car handling, FFB or AI, but it does do some things better than those games. It even does a better job of simulating how I can’t afford the same Supercars in real life!

Re: Rumour: A New Ghost Recon Game That Isn't Frontline Is in Development


Ubisoft’s games are all designed by marketing these days.
No innovation, just followers of trends & slapping on a Tom Clancy franchise, no matter how irrelevant it is.

They need to look at what made the original franchises fun & distinguished from the others & build on from that.

These days they begin with microtransactions & try to build around those, recycling the same old generic ***** they’ve been churning out for years

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Gran Turismo 7?


  • Short cafe campaign - should be much longer.
  • FFB with wheel is extremely basic, even compared to GT Sport
  • Microtransactions should not be that high in a full priced game. One all missions, cafe tasks, tracks mastered etc are complete, there is a massive grind to get a single car, let alone attempt to get them all. There may be more stuff coming, but we’ve already paid full price.
  • lack of single player offline modes. Even if you’ve spent hundreds of dollars on MTX, you can’t access things you’ve bought if the servers are down. WTF.
  • Inability to sell cars & parts with this overpriced grind economy is just terrible.
  • Rally physics are terrible (always have been) but seem worse in this version.
    Still a fun & beautiful game, but let down horribly by these business decisions

Re: PS5 GTA 5 Officially Releases on 15th March, with Raytracing and More


I finished it on Xbox 360 & PS4, then started playing it on PC with all the mods.
After the trilogy remaster debacle & footage I’ve seen of the PS5 version already, I don’t think it comes anywhere near the state or quality of what the modern have done with Ray Tracing, real world models, lighting & textures

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Another PS5, PS4 Exclusive Using Tons of SSD Space


@Robinsad it’s less than GT Sport on the PS4. The PS5 has better optimised compression than the PS4 as well as the fast SSD drive, so they don’t have to duplicate assets around the disk. You can bet the PS4 version will be bigger.
Considering we’ll have more higher resolution textures than the previous gen, this is to be expected

Re: Ubisoft Pulls the Plug on Watch Dogs Legion PS5, PS4 Updates


I loved Watchdogs 2 (minus the vehicle handling) but just couldn’t be bothered finishing this one. The gameplay was there but the missions were all repetitive & the play as anyone gimmick got predictably boring fast.

I feel like Ubisoft is the equivalent of a pet food factory now - churning out crud designed by the marketing & accounting teams.

The ***** that comes out of them is passable as meat, but I wouldn’t eat it. Neither would my cat, it couldn’t afford the micro transactions

Re: Rainbow Six: Extraction (PS5) – Limited Time Event Turned Middling Co-Op Shooter


Why didn’t they just do a fleshed out Terrorist Hunt/single player campaign modes like they were initially going to do in the early Rainbow Six roadmap?

Are Ubisoft so lazy these days they don’t want to write any decent AI? (Hence aliens, drones & PVP modes).

I used to have a great time playing the old Terrorist Hunt modes on Rainbow Six Vegas with my mates. The Seige version was an afterthought & now it’s worse than when it released.

Re: Poll: How Long Should Games Be?


If it’s a Ubisoft game, then 60 hours less than whatever boring ***** they’ve padded it out with & a smaller, denser, well designed map than what they’re bragging about in their next game.

For other companies & game types 10-30 hours if it’s a quality experience.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Dazzles with Unedited Deep Forest Raceway PS5 Gameplay


Not sure if it’s me but the colours (especially on the trees) look way too over saturated in HDR. Could be YouTube I’m not sure.
Also to make it look less sterile, they need to add in some movement of the trees & crowd to give it some life.
Loving the camera movements & reflections but to me it looks like a small evolution over GT Sport - especially if there are still limits of 16 cars on the track & a binary clutch (c’mon Polyphony).

Fingers crossed the PSVR2 version is the full game & not held back by the previous gen limitations again.

Forza Horizon 5 has got my CarPG needs currently satisfied & Automobilista 2 has my VR & sim handling desires taken car of. I’m hoping GT 7 is the all in one solution!

Re: Marvel's Avengers Dumps Damaging XP Booster Microtransactions


I wanted to give this game a try but all the reviews said it got stale quickly & the gameplay wasn’t that deep or diverse between hero’s. The second I heard they engaged in scumbag behaviour by nerfing the levelling system then added microtransactions just makes me wish this game will die a horrible death & the execs that made this decision get booted far, far away from the gaming industry….as well as genital herpes.

Re: Samsung Designing New 980 Pro SSD Model Around PS5


@TooBarFoo I guess if the difference is 8 to 10 secs WHILE the game is streaming level data, textures etc then you don’t want to be getting pop in while playing a game.
Game load times - who cares.
I think it’s most likely only Sony first party games that will eventually take advantage of the IO in a couple of years as everyone’s too busy making sure the games are backwards compatible with previous gen consoles & majority of PC’s

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Dev Not at a State to Talk About PSVR Yet


@Royalblues GT Sport did a pretty good job on the PS Pro. That was more than capable, but was held back by Sony’s policy that PSVR games had to have feature parity with the original PS4. Remember that the OG PS4 is using 8 year old tech & the PSVR controllers are from the PS3!
I’ve also got the Quest 2 which does an amazing job as a standalone device, but PC VR is on the next level & the PS5 should be more than capable to keep up. At the very least, expect GT Sport visuals (flat screen) in VR for GT Sport.

Remember for VR the console has to render two screens (one for each eye) compared to a single screen & also target 90fps compared to 30-60fps of a normal game. So it’s doing more than twice as much work to get an image in VR