Comments 323

Re: Sony's Own First-Party Studios Championed PC Ports


I still don't understand how more people getting to play first party games on their terms (on PC) benefits console users at all. How exactly will it lead to better quality games? Microsoft have gone fully day 1 Xbox and PC since 2016 and have yet to produce anything so incredible that's leaps beyond when they were Xbox only.

If more people getting to experience the game is good then why has Microsoft withdrawn future Bethesda games from PlayStation? Surely they stand to make more money if those games released on PS5 as well? Or is there an obvious double standard at work here.

Re: Red Dead Online's Paltry PS4 Updates Continue to Frustrate Fans


I fear Rockstar are on a downward trajectory. First there was the departures of Dan Houser, Leslie Benzies and Lazlow Jones, arguably the 3 most influential people who shaped the games they made. Then there was the whole PS4 gen going by with them only releasing 1 new game in that timeframe. And just recently they put out the disaster that was GTA The Trilogy Definitive Edition.

All that and the complete focus on GTA online leaves me concerned that we're probably not going to see any non-GTA games for a long time if at all ever again. Unfortunately for the rest of us, GTA just prints too much money for them. I'd kill for a new Max Payne game.

Re: The Elder Scrolls 6 Isn't Coming to PS5, But It's Not About 'Punishing Other Platforms'


@Bleachedsmiles Don't you see the hypocrisy of his actions though? He was pushing for cross-play because he says he's all about inclusivity and breaking down gaming barriers but then comes out with some lame excuse for not allowing Bethesda to release games outside his own Xbox and Windows ecosystems.

Cross-play serves to benefit his ecosystems the most by giving their meagre online base a larger community without sacrificing players who would migrate from Xbox and Windows to PlayStation for the healthier online base. He didn't spearhead cross-play as some noble "pro consumer" cause, it was simply to strengthen his ecosystems using a shortcut by spouting phrases like "when everybody plays, we all win", well PlayStation owners certainly won't be playing new Bethesda games will they?

He doesn't practice what he preaches, he picks and chooses whenever it benefits his platforms. I just wish he would come clean about it and not hide under the "pro consumer" guise that his supporters have lapped up.

Also Sony rarely if at all listens to its install base, if they did there wouldn't be PC ports, price hikes to £70 and upgrade fees going from PS4 to PS5 (Horizon Forbidden West). The only thing they've heard and reacted to is to keep the PS3 store alive for a little longer.

Re: The Elder Scrolls 6 Isn't Coming to PS5, But It's Not About 'Punishing Other Platforms'


@Bleachedsmiles It absolutely was Phil Spencer who sparked the whole cross-play debacle with Sony when Minecraft got cross-play with Switch and he expressed his disappointment that Sony wouldn't play ball, I remember watching an interview from Giant Bomb's E3 coverage a few years back. When that happened PlayStation's social media would get completely hounded by people demanding cross-play until Sony finally relented.

Also I have no problem with cross-play among similar platforms that have paywalls, but when PC gets into the mix it raises questions why console owners still have to pay when PC players get the entire pool of console players for no cost. I have been vocal about that already.

Re: The Elder Scrolls 6 Isn't Coming to PS5, But It's Not About 'Punishing Other Platforms'


Phil "When everybody plays, we all win" Spencer.

I really hate how he spreads this duplicitous rhetoric acting all friendly and "pro consumer", first by guilting PlayStation and their owners into cross-play multiplayer that does nothing for PlayStation but bolster Xbox and PC's scarce online lobbies then proceeds to withhold long established multiplatform games for "reasons".

I fully understand why this game won't come to PlayStation but I would respect him more if he just dropped the act and said straight that for strategic business purposes all Bethesda games moving forward will remain Xbox and Windows exclusive and accept that he's fully responsible for that choice instead of this gibberish PR spin of not wanting to punish other platforms, trying to maintain his good-guy image.

Re: Japanese Publisher Implies PlayStation Audience Is Transitioning to PC


It's no surprise this is happening and it's only being accelerated by Sony themselves who are putting their own 1st party games on PC, discouraging people from buying the console in the first place.

For a hardcore gamer PlayStation is becoming more and more redundant as a platform worth owning when practically all major Japanese 3rd party games now come day and date on PC apart from certain games that Sony have made timed deals with like FFVII/FFXVI. Even Capcom recently said they're going to target PC as their primary platform moving forward. The "unique" features of the DualSense controller can't even be used as a selling point for choosing the PS5 version over the PC either when a lot of devs are implementing its supposed "unique" features there also.

I guess the leadership at PlayStation believes it can survive solely from its casual playerbase; those who annually buy FIFA, CoD, GTA and Fortnite MTX and they can afford to lose the former loyal hardcore gamers who supported them from the humble PS1 beginnings though to the turbulent PS3 launch.

Re: Sony Establishes PlayStation PC Label to Spearhead Porting Push


@art_of_the_kill Ironic how now the Xbox controller will be the base standard for Sony first party games going forward in order to accommodate PC players.

Andrew House was the last person who actually viewed the PC as a direct competitor as he was interviewed here:

Regarding the PlayStation 4 Pro, he suggested the Xbox wasn’t even being considered its main competition. Rather, it was the PC. “I saw some data that really influenced me,” he said. “It suggested that there’s a dip mid-console lifecycle where the players who want the very best graphical experience will start to migrate to PC, because that’s obviously where it’s to be had. We wanted to keep those people within our eco-system by giving them the very best and very highest [performance quality]. So the net result of those thoughts was PlayStation 4 Pro – and, by and large, a graphical approach to game improvement.”

Funny to see such a quick 180 turn after a leadership change.

Re: Sony Establishes PlayStation PC Label to Spearhead Porting Push


I feel bad for those who were deceived into getting a PS5 under Jim Ryan's lies of "believing in generations" only to find most games are cross-gen and now PC bound, which completely invalidate the claims that certain games were only made possible due to the custom SSD in the PS5.

I think it's past the point of no return now, Sony will have to cater to the PC audience in perpetuity to make up for the possible loss in PlayStation sales. This will only be accelerated by the Nixxes acquisition and leave a lot of PS5 owners feeling resentment that they're not the prime concern for the company anymore when ports start arriving much quicker than expected with extra graphical options and cheaper pricing.

Re: Rumour: Sackboy: A Big Adventure Is Making the Jump to PC


The strategy to chase the PC market is so short-sighted when it ultimately comes at the cost of your own platform and customers. It works for Microsoft because Windows is their own platform where they can shove Game Pass subscriptions down everybody's throats to recoup lost game sales on other storefronts, notably Steam. Sony doesn't have that luxury, they depend heavily on console owners to buy games and subscribe to PS+ on their platform. Them flirting with PC gamers rightly annoys longtime PlayStation gamers because it feels like PC players are getting the royal treatment with lower priced games, scalable graphics that far surpass the PS5's limits and no paywalls to play online.

Microsoft will reap the most from Sony's PC ports because it allows them to retain PC gamers on their Windows ecosystem much to Sony's chagrin who probably foolishly think they can convert them into buying PS consoles. This is only reinforced with the potential quick turnaround of ports like this game, which is barely coming to a year old.

These ports are actually having the opposite effect of what Sony probably intended, it's making people abandon PlayStation and go all in on PC gaming, where they'll not only receive every Xbox game but now even PlayStation games and playable at higher settings than what PS5s can offer.

Re: PS4 Exclusive God of War Releasing on PC in January


@naruball I don't understand what point you're trying to counter. People don't have to play online on PC either but they don't have to pay anything should they decide to. As for game prices, you can't really beat free can you? I know it's a taboo subject but the reality is that option is always going to be available and probably plays a large part in why PCs are so popular in less affluent places of the world.

Re: PS4 Exclusive God of War Releasing on PC in January


@Northern_munkey I think you're forgetting that PCs have graphical settings that can be toggled, so even a PC that's 2 years old will have little trouble running PS5 games on low settings. Sure they won't look as good as PS5 does but they'll still have the most future-proof version of the game that they can maximise should they choose to upgrade in future, unlike the PS5 version.

I agree that at the moment the latest consoles are great value for performance but that's primarily due to how screwed the GPU market is. When that market does eventually stabilise PCs will become a far more attractive choice than ever before especially now with Sony blessing it with ports. Although the initial cost of a PC seems high, the long-term savings can be made through not needing to pay for online multiplayer and the games costing significantly less (good luck getting PC gamers to pay £70 for games). Not to mention there's also the piracy avenue available for stingy people.

Re: PS4 Exclusive God of War Releasing on PC in January


@IonMagi Digital Foundry partially proved that when they tested R&C: Rift Apart with a slower speed SSD not on Sony's recommended list and found only negligible differences from the native PS5 SSD. Along with Sony's PS4-PS5 cross-gen commitment, PCs will have no problems running upcoming "PS5" games.

Re: PS4 Exclusive God of War Releasing on PC in January


@viktorcode If the people in charge of PlayStation were smart they would hold on to the current gen exclusives at least for the duration of the generation. However the Nvidia leaks prove otherwise and I predict we'll start to see some of them announced next year, certainly by the end of 2023 - it would align with their statements of an expected 2 year gap between platforms.

Re: PS4 Exclusive God of War Releasing on PC in January


I guess that Nvidia leak was accurate when it had listed God of War. Now I fully expect the PS5 games that were listed to come to PC too: Demon's Souls, Returnal, Horizon Forbidden West and Gran Turismo 7.

I'm curious to see if those rationalising these PS4 ports as simply old games will change their tune when PS5 games start getting ported quicker than anticipated.

Re: PS4 Exclusive God of War Releasing on PC in January


Honestly, I'm kind of relieved that this has been announced because as someone who still hasn't bought a PS5 I can readily admit I no longer have any interest in getting one now or any future Sony games on PlayStation anymore.

It seems Sony no longer sees exclusives as an incentive to buy their console anymore when tentpole titles like this make their way to competing platforms. When the official blog post is touting features like "true 4k resolution" and "unlocked framerates" on PC, they're simultaneously disparaging their own system's capabilities and the loyal fans who bought the game and console believing it was the optimal way to experience it.

People will say it's 4 years since release or whatever but for me it's the principle, I no longer desire to be taken advantage of paying premium prices for less than premium experiences which can now be had by simply being patient on PC along with a whole boatload of other benefits.

Re: PlayStation Boss Wants a Future Where Sony Games Aren't Gated from a Wider Audience


The balance between gaming platforms has become too lopsided in favour of PCs now, which ultimately benefits Microsoft.

Exclusives were the one thing PlayStation had that could draw people to its platform but their flirting around the ideas of going multiplatform to reach new gamers basically signals that exclusives were never going to be designed to fully utilise the bespoke console hardware in the first place.

Nintendo continues to thrive because people know their console is the only place to play their games and have a dedicated and loyal fanbase gladly willing to pay full price to experience them despite their price gouging and woefully underpowered hardware.

It's lucky for Sony that the PC GPU situation is a hot mess right now because I don't see how they will attract the enthusiast and hardcore gamers to their console if it has nothing unique to offer anymore.

Re: Tomb Raider, Marvel's Avengers Maker Now Co-Developer on Xbox Exclusive


Perfect Dark always struck me as a poor facsimile of GoldenEye 007 that Rare were forced to make after losing the James Bond license. I can't imagine many people at The Initiative were thrilled to be working on another studio's long dormant irrelevant property when they probably had ambitions of leaving their own mark on the industry with a home-grown property. I really don't see how Perfect Dark will be able to stand out in an already overcrowded FPS genre, especially now when there's a generation of people who have no attachment to the property.

Re: Free-to-Play PES Successor eFootball Has $40 Pre-Order Bundle


Anyone remember the PS1 days when there was an abundance of football games:

Actua Soccer
Adidas Power Soccer
This Is Football
World League Soccer

Then there were one-off releases like Three Lions, Onside, Puma Street Soccer etc.

Sure not all of them were good but at least there was variety. Now we have one series that practically has a monopoly and another that's desperately struggling to stay relevant.

Re: Rumour: Gigantic GeForce Leak Goes Nuclear, Hints at All Kinds of Unannounced Games, PS5 Titles Linked to PC


@Omnigameplayer Maybe this analogy will help:

Imagine you're a fan of a long-running ongoing TV show and you decide to collect the DVD releases from the beginning, which is the only format they were available in. Then a few seasons later they decide to release cheaper high-def Blu-Ray versions of the earlier seasons while continuing to only release DVDs of the latest seasons. Would you still be inclined to keep buying the (more expensive) DVDs or would you now only continue from the Blu-Ray releases even if they release later than DVDs for the superior quality?

Re: Rumour: Gigantic GeForce Leak Goes Nuclear, Hints at All Kinds of Unannounced Games, PS5 Titles Linked to PC


Just to recap here's what Hermen Hulst said about PC ports in 2020:

"And to maybe put a few minds at ease, releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn’t necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC. In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance. We don’t have plans for day and date [PC releases], and we remain 100% committed to dedicated hardware."

And this is what he said in 2021:

"But I want to emphasize that PlayStation will remain the best place to play our PlayStation Studios titles at launch. But we do value PC gamers, and we’ll continue to look at the right times to launch each game. Bend Studio just released the PC version of Days Gone on May 18. So that’s about two years after the PS4 release."

He's outright telling us that "each game" now will come to PC in "about two years" and PS owners will have the best version of their games "at launch", not in perpetuity. It's clear to me that they're just using PS5 to wring their fanbase dry while continuously courting the PC base, a base who'll never shell out £70 for new games or need to pay for PS+, much to the annoyance of PS owners.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's PS5, PS4 Campaign Requires an Online Connection


I was so looking forward to this game as a lapsed GT fan from the PS1 and PS2 days who truly thought this was shaping up to be a triumphant return to form but then they throw this spanner in the works.

I refuse to buy any game whose existence is completely reliant on an internet connection, hence why I have no interest in online multiplayer only games.

They need to come clean and tell us whether the single player mode can be fully playable offline without limitations, if not then I will sadly have to pass on this game out of principle.

Re: Talking Point: Did PlayStation Showcase 2021 Deliver on the Hype?


This was a weak showcase overall, they devoted too much to previously announced games and remasters when the last section should have been the primary focus. Alan Wake and GTA V are 2 gens removed from now and they hardly look any better.

Insomniac is really the only studio carrying the PS5 with news that both Wolverine and Spider-Man 2 are PS5 exclusives though I wish they showed in-engine footage to really see what more PS5-only games are capable of. Makes me think they're quite a long way off, esp Wolverine which has no year attached.

I was a little let down by both GT 7 and GoW Ragnarok. GT 7 looked visually downgraded to me from its initial reveal last year and GoW Ragnarok so far looks like an expansion rather than a full blown sequel with seemingly recycled locations, models and animations. I'm sure they'll both turn out great but can't help but wonder how incredible they would have been if they were made for PS5 only.

Re: Fans Want Sony to Reconsider Horizon Forbidden West's PS4 to PS5 Upgrade


This game really should have only been announced as a PS4 game. It's been revealed that it began development on PS4 so it's already bound by the limits of that console. If this released only as a PS4 game with free enhancement patches on PS5 for improved loading, resolution and frame rate, the backlash would have been minimal especially given the game price is lower on PS4 than would be on PS5.

Understandably people would be upset that there's no native PS5 version but this game from the beginning was never going to take full advantage of the console. They're simply slapping a PS5 label and releasing it on that console so they can justify increasing the price and guilting people into buying or re-buying that version for the "best" experience even though all game content will be exactly the same on both versions.

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


I have to applaud Microsoft for their handling of cross-gen titles. Their "Smart Delivery" approach is commendable; buy the game once at a single price-point and play the optimal version of the game whether you play it on a last-gen console or upgrade to current-gen without needing to worry about re-buying the game.

Meanwhile at PlayStation if you pick the last-gen version, be prepared to cough up again for the current-gen should you choose to upgrade or cope being saddled with a sub-optimal last-gen version on your current-generation hardware.

At least you could somewhat justify the price hike for the current-gen exclusives but this game will supposedly have the exact same content on both PS4 and PS5. The only demonstrable difference has been the resolution and frame rate. So we're being charged an extra £10 for what is essentially two toggle settings in an options menu.

This Ryan/Hulst era is squarely about making as much money as they can squeeze out of their loyal fanbase with little regard to actually listening to concerns and satisfying their dedicated long-time fans and customers. The PS4's success has led to a new level of arrogance that even manages to top the early PS3 days.

Re: Rumour: Uncharted PC Collection Is Probably Real, But Leaked Image Looks Fake


@BRUTALSAM This is utter nonsense, console sales are extremely important otherwise why even bother making the hardware at all? PlayStation's main revenue source is from the 3rd party games sold on its platform (retail or PSN) and PS+ subscriptions. More console sales = more customers, it's really that simple.

They make less money on PC ports because they have to share revenue with Valve and Epic and also contend with the rampant piracy; something that never was a concern on their own platform. Moves like this is jeopardising their business and actively discouraging people from joining PlayStation.

Re: Rumour: GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas Being Remastered for PS5, PS4 with 'New and Old Graphics'


The rumours suggest this is going to be digital only and also release on Switch and mobile so I would greatly temper expectations.

What I expect is a fairly low-effort remaster of the PS2 games with a bump in resolution and frame rate and possibly right stick camera control for GTA III and VC. I also fully expect the original soundtracks to be completely butchered and replaced with other songs.

Re: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Next-Gen Upgrade Skipping PS5


@MaikonCSGarcia I know Sony was forced by MLB to go cross-platform, my point is Sony went the extra mile to develop 2 new native Xbox versions; one current gen for Series X|S and one last gen for Xbox One when they could have just left it with the Xbox One version. Compare that with Microsoft who won't even offer PS5 upgrades to an OLD PS4 game and gives the bare minimum PS4 port to fulfil the cross-platform Psychonauts 2 agreement.

Re: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Next-Gen Upgrade Skipping PS5


People saying Sony would have done the same... You do know that Sony released a native Xbox Series version of MLB the Show 21 alongside a last gen Xbox One version right? They could have just left it with the Xbox One version to fulfil the MLB agreement.

Microsoft chose to intentionally withhold a PS5 upgrade for this game and doesn't even bother providing a PS5 native release of Psychonauts 2, despite the game being announced well before the MS purchase, they're only allowing the bare minimum (crippled) PS4 release as part of the agreement.

Re: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Next-Gen Upgrade Skipping PS5


I think it's quite petty to skip providing upgrades on already released games. I fully understand new games from the studio skipping PlayStation but this just leaves a sour taste to PS owners. It's not like this game is a selling point for MS anyway, the sequel is.

If MS was smart, they would have given the upgrade to PS5 owners and used it to lure them for the sequel.

Re: Sony Confirms Nixxes Purchase Will Aid Future PC Ports


I don't understand the logic behind people's belief that PC port sales will allow Sony to make better games? How has that worked out for Microsoft who went day and date on PC, I don't see any exciting world class games that push the envelope coming out from them.

If anything, this is only going to make Sony pivot faster towards GaaS model games because they'll want to extract as much money as they can from PC gamers, who are on a platform where they make no money from 3rd party sales. The console gamers who've traditionally enjoyed polished complete single player games will suffer as a result. Just look at the GaaS rumours of the upcoming games from Haven and Deviation Games.

Re: State of Play Livestream Confirmed for Thursday, Featuring Deathloop


Can someone explain what is the incentive for a PS5 owner to buy Deathloop at full retail price when we know in advance that any possible sequel will be locked to Xbox/Windows? And that's definitely going to happen; just look at Hellblade 2 for proof. At least the original Hellblade came out on PS4 before the MS buyout of Ninja Theory but with Deathloop we already know it's going to be the last release on PlayStation. It seems strange to dedicate an entire State of Play for a Microsoft game but I suppose agreements were probably made prior to the buyout but the optics here don't look great.

Re: Report: How PlayStation Is Failing Indie Developers


Isn't Shuhei Yoshida the head of Indies for PlayStation? Has he gotten maybe in over his head for this role?

I remember during the early PS4 days when Shahid Kamal Ahmad and Adam Boyes were in charge, indie devs like Jonathan Blow and Supergiant Games were flocking to PlayStation and had nothing but praise for the way there were being treated.

Re: Random: PlayStation Fans Start Petition to Cancel Hideo Kojima's Rumoured Xbox Game


Kojima has full autonomy and can do whatever he wants and PlayStation fans need to accept that third parties have no benefit being platform exclusive when they can make more money on multiple platforms, unless a platform holder is footing the bill for development thus obligated to remain exclusive. It's not like the PS1 and PS2 days when third parties could get away with only releasing games on PlayStation due to the sheer size of the playerbase alone being enough for returns. Remember the outrage when Devil May Cry 4 and Final Fantasy XIII went multiplatform? You can blame the PS3's low sales as the cause of this and it was from that point that all former third party exclusives would become multiplatform.

This is why first party games are more important than ever for a platform's success but unfortunately the current PlayStation administration seems to think otherwise.

Re: PS4 Exclusive Ghost of Tsushima Could Be Coming to PC as 'Only on PlayStation' Is Removed from Box


I have to hand it to Microsoft, they're single handedly responsible for baiting Sony into putting games on PC. If MS kept their exclusives on Xbox I'm certain they would have fared better in the console competition and wouldn't have become the embarrassment that Xbox One was. If games like Forza Horizon, Ori and Gears remained only playable on Xbox I certainly would have bought the console for those games and am sure many others would have too. But as soon as they went day one PC/Xbox their consoles became completely redundant.

Now MS has every advantage on PC, they have the default controller that works natively on all modern games and they have their own Windows platform to push Game Pass and take 100% revenue from. Meanwhile Sony has to split their sales revenue with Valve and Epic while conforming to Xbox controller standards so their games work on PC. MS has effectively benefitted the most from Sony's PC ports as it draws people away from PlayStation and gives MS a base to peddle Game Pass to. Sony only makes money from one time sales on PC and nothing from 3rd parties. Now Sony will be losing out a lot unless they start to implement microtransactions just like all the other major 3rd parties do on PC and their game design and philosophy will be changed irrecoverably going forward.

Re: PS4 Exclusive Ghost of Tsushima Could Be Coming to PC as 'Only on PlayStation' Is Removed from Box


PlayStation has completely alienated me as a long time fan of the brand, I see no reason to get a PS5 if this is the strategy moving forward. If 2 years is all it takes for games to get ported to PC then I'm just going to go all in on PC where I'll also get every Xbox game.

Their communication has been so poor, the least they could have done is reassure PlayStation owners that exclusives will remain at least for the duration of the whole generation but they couldn't even tell us that; says a lot about the confidence in their own products.

Re: Sony: We Support and Encourage Crossplay Across Consoles


I'm disappointed that there hasn't been an outcry over the paywall requirement for cross-play with PC players. I don't understand how console gamers can happily continue paying for PS+/Xbox Live/Nintendo Online to cross-play with PC players who don't have to pay anything and get access to the entire pool of console players. Not only that but PC players have every advantage: input device of their choice, maximum frame rates, increased FOV, ultrawide resolutions; it's completely unbalanced in their favour.

I know most of the popular cross-play games are free-to-play anyway, which is fine but what irks me is when retail games that have cross-play with PC still require an online paywall on console like Street Fighter V. These online subscriptions supposedly cover server and maintenance costs but then why do PC players not have to contribute at all? How is it fair that console players have to pay for the entire cost of cross-playing with PC players? Either the paywall for PC cross-play needs to be dropped or charge PC players for cross-play access to console players. We all know the latter will never happen though.

Re: PS4 Demon's Souls Discovered in PlayStation Database


Sony sure are going out of their way to convince me not to get a PS5 with all the moves they're pulling: cross-gen tent-pole titles, PC ports, MLB launching day one on Game Pass, and now PS5 exclusives potentially getting ported back a gen. This has to be the least committed I've ever seen Sony be to their latest hardware since the Vita. The PS5 is looking more and more like PS4 Pro 2 these days with the addition of a premium game price tag.

Re: Elden Ring Dated for January 2022 on PS5, PS4 in New Trailer


@Ear_wiG I'll remain cautiously optimistic but must admit the open world aspect is worrying especially because what I like about their other games is the interconnected level design. I fear the open world will just be a big field to traverse to different locations and probably fight enemies along the way.

Re: Elden Ring Dated for January 2022 on PS5, PS4 in New Trailer


How many more times do the Demon's Souls/Dark Souls themes need to be retread by From Software? Bloodborne was incredible because it was so distinctly different to their other games. This just looks like a more lore heavy open world Dark Souls and that formula is really starting to run thin.